DB Structure for a shopping cart - specification-pattern

I like to develop a shopping cart website with multiple products.
(ex.: mobile phone, furniture etc.,)
here mobile phone specification will cover
size of display
operating system
camera etc.,
but for furniture - its specification is entirely different from above electronic product.
type of wood
glass or mat finish etc.,
My question is: how to handle a common database-table for product specification ?
each & every category of product & its spec will be differ - so how to have a common
table ProductSpecificationTable ?
I searched many site including google.. but cant able to get the perfect soultion.
Please help me to move to next step.

Ask yourself the question: How can I accomplish this kind of database? First of all you need products.. Every product has to be in some kind of category and every category has to have his own properties. So, you've to create a product table with unique id and every product needs a category id. At this moment it is time to link from your property table to your category table(by id) and to set the values you need a 'property_value' table.
**table:** **id**
product --> category id
property --> category_id
property_value --> property_id
I hope you will understand my explanation otherwise just ask :)

You can add 1 more table to accomplish that. Table that contains cat_id, product_id and the property. That is a many to many relationship. I believe this way you can accomplish thst.

You can achieve this with a single table within a database but that will complicate the CRUD operations over the table. So I will recommend you to create one database like ‘Inventory’ which can have multiple tables (one table for each of the Product Type).
First Table could be list of Product Types you have (mobile phones, accessories, furniture):
You can use this table to populate your list of items available. Here the column _table_name will contain the actual name of the Tables.
Then for each of the product you can have different tables with different number of columns:
Table for Product Type Mobile Phones:
Table for Product Type Furniture:
I hope this will help.


GSI vs redundancy dynamoDB

I have this scenario:
I have to save in dynamoDB table a lot of shops. Every shop has a ID string and its PK.
Every shop has a field "category" that is a string that indicates its category (food,tatoo ...).
So far everything is ok.
I have this use-case: "given in a category get all the stores of that category".
To accomplish this, two options came to my mind:
create a GSI that has like PK the "category id" and like field "shop ID".
In this way with the id of the category I get all the IDs of the stores of that category and then for each store id I query the main table to get all the info of each single store (name, address, etc.).
I create in the main table a PK called type "category_$id" (where $id is the category id) and as field the id of the store. This, as in the case of GSI, given a category ID, I have the set of IDs of the shops and then for each ID I execute the query on the same table to get all the info of that shop.
I wanted to know what the difference between these two options is in terms of cost / benefit and which is the best.
They seem to me substantially the same thing (the only difference is that the first uses another table, i.e. the index, while the second uses the same table), but I await the opinion of someone more experienced than me
One benefit of GSI is that it will result in less management. Lets say you delete/add a record from/to a main table. This will be automatically be reflected in your GSI.
In contrast, if you have two independent tables, you have to manage the synchronization between them yourself.

How to implement Dependent dropdown for postal code and city in drupal8?

We have a form in that we need two postcode and two city. I have created as entity reference field (Taxonomy). Created a taxonomy as with hierarchical order postcode as first level and cities mapped under postcode. I have totally 18k terms in single taxonomy. when i try to access the page i am getting Memory Limit error. In which i need to implement dependent dropdown. based on postcode selection cities need to be populated in city drop down field. Used Heirrchical select module. which is not suppported for large taxonomy. Any help.
You can do it by creating AJAX callback functions on form

Database Design: Same entity different relations

I'm working on an e-commerce platform build using Django and Postgresql. In my platform I have an entity called "Category" and an entity called "Attribute". A category can have multiple attributes, but an attribute can only belong to one category.
For example, the "digital camera" category can have lens, image quality, etc. as its attributes.
I have come to realize that some attributes can belong to all categories. For example: packaging, shipping, customer service, etc.
In addition to these general attributes, in the future I may end up having attributes that belong to multiple categories. For example battery can belong to all categories in the Electronics department (categories belong to a department). But I'm not sure if this is a good idea as it may make things unnecessarily complex.
What's the best way to approach this? Please note that I need to be able to query the general attributes often. I have thought of the following solutions:
Make a default category and assign those attributes to that category. In the code write a special logic that will always look at these categories.
Allow a nullable foreign key in the attributes table. So an attribute can belong to no specific category indicating that it belongs to all categories.
Make another table for general attributes.
Store the category-attribute relationship in a third table. But then my question is how can I query for attributes that don't belong to any specific category?
I appreciate your help in advance.
Not sure if this is the best solution, but I took the easy route and ended up making nullable m2m relationship between attribute and the other models. Thank you all for your help.

Postgresql + Django: What is better between same strings or a many to many relationship?

I'm currently designing my data base using postgresql with Django and I was wondering: What is best practice - having several instances of the same model with the same value or a many to many relation ship?
Let me elaborate. Let's say I'm designing a store. The store sells items. Items can have one or many statuses (e.g. ordered, shipped, delivered, paid, pre-ordered etc.).
What would be a better practice:
Relating the items to their status via a many-to-many relationship, which will lead to one status having hundreds of thousand and later millions of relations? Will so many relations become problematic?
Or is it better for each item to have a foreignkey to their statuses? So that each status only has one item. And if I would like to query all the items that have the same status (e.g. shipped), I would have to iterate over all statuses with a common name.
What would be better, especially for the long term?
I would recommend going with a many-to-many relationship.
Hundreds of thousands or even millions of relations should not be a problem. The many-to-many relationship is stored as a table with id, item_id, status_id. SQL will be performant at querying the table either by status_id or item_id even if the table gets big. This is exactly the kind of thing it was built to handle.
Let me elaborate. Let's say I'm designing a store. The store sells
items. Items can have one or many statuses (e.g. ordered, shipped,
delivered, paid, pre-ordered etc.).
If many people will have this many itens you should use manytomany relations, better let django handle with this "third table", since this table just hold ids you can interate over them using reverse lookup, i do prefer using many to many instad of simple foreignkeys.
In your case, who you will handle when your User will hold many itens? like what if my User buy one potato and 2 bananas? you will duplicate the tuple in your User Table to tell "here he have the potato and in this second one he have the banana"? so you will be slave of Disctinct attribute while you still dirtying your main table User
class Item(models.Model):
class User(models.Model):
items = models.ManyToMany(Item)
So when i query my Item and my User will only bring attributes related to them... while if you use item inside of User Model you will have multiple instances of same user.
So instead of use User.items.all() you will use User.objects.filter(id=id)and them items = [user.item for user in User.objects.filter(id=id)]
Look how complex this get and makeing your database so dirty

Model objects versions in Django

I'm building an e-commerce website.
I have a Product and Order models.
It's possible that a customer order a product and then the admin change its price
or other fields before the customer actually get it.
A possible solution is to add a 'version' field to the Product model.
When the admin update a product field I'll add a timestamp and create a new object
instead of updating the old one.
An Order will have a reference to a specific product version.
Does this make sense?
Will overriding the Product Save method be sufficient to make it work?
I do it this way:
Make a duplicate of the relevant product columns in the order table.
When you add a product to the order, copy everything from Product to Order (include a FK too if you want). That way the admin can do whatever they want (change product name/price/category/etc.), but the product price / name / etc. will always remain the same.
You could do a version column in product as you suggested, but that's a lot more complicated.