Kendo datasource and templates, specifically for Scheduler widget - templates

I've noticed that the scheduler widget does things a bit differently from other widgets. In fact, I read in the documentation that the DS is a different one:
Anyways, on to my two questions.
when i was doing a template for the day cells, i noticed that if i used value called 'date' it would automatically use the correct date value for that day cell. But i never created this date variable, not did i include it in my datasource. So where did it come from? if its provided through framework, what other values similar to this one are available to me? where can i find some documentation on this?
For kendo widgets, when you apply a datasource and a template, it automatically maps each datasource item to one item in the widget (e.g. one row in the grid, one item in the list view etc.). its a one to one correlation. But this is not the case for the scheduler datasource since, like i stated above, it is a different type of datasource (its a schedulerdatasource). The scheduler datasource mandates that each item in the datasource have a start date and an end date so it can map it to the corresponding cell. hence, this destroys the one-to-one relationship of datasource item to day [template]. How can i revert to the behavior of the datasource with other widgets? do i have to somehow configure it to overwrite the schedulerdatasource to the original datasource? i want to preserve the correlation behavior of 1-to-1 between my datasource and my day template.
just to give a generic example of what i am trying to accomplish with this, imagine that instead of doing entrys with time slots, i want to instead have my scheduler display daily summaries of how many hours i worked out, how many calories i ate, amount of hours i slept etc. But i do not want to associate those amounts with hours in the day.
Sorry that was technically more than two questions.
But thanks in advance!

Straight to your questions:
The options available in the eventTemplate are listed in the documentation.
The SchedulerDataSource does one thing more than the regular DataSource - it expands recurring events. This means that for one event which says repeats two days the SchedulerDataSource creates two data items - one for each day. If you don't have any recurring events then you would have the one-to-one mapping. The scheduler can only be bound to a SchedulerDataSource instance (it will throw an exception otherwise).
It looks that the scheduler may not be the widget you are looking for. If you just want to display a list of items the ListView or Grid widgets may be a better fit.


Model Post and Topic through DynamoDB

Heres the relation I'm trying to model in DynamoDB:
My service contains posts and topics. A post may belong to multiple topics. A topic may have multiple posts. All posts have an interest value which would be adjusted based on a combination of likes and time since posted, interest measures the popularity of a post at the current moment. If a post gets too old, its interest value will be 0 and stay that way forever (archival).
The REST api end points work like this:
GET /posts/{id} returns a post-object containing title, text, author name and a link to the authors rest endpoint (doesn't matter for this example) and the number of likes (the interest value is not included)
GET /topics/{name} should return an object with both a list with the N newest posts of the topics as well as one for the N currently most interesting posts
POST /posts/ creates a new post where multiple topics can be specified
POST /topics/
creates a new topic
POST /likes/ creates a like for a specified post (does not actually create an object, just adds the user to the given post-object's list of likers, which is invisible to the users)
The problem now becomes, how do I create a relationship between topics and and posts in DynamoDB NoSql?
I thought about adding a list of copies of posts to tag entries in DynamboDB, where every tag has a list of both the newest and the most interesting Posts.
One way I could do this is by creating a cloudwatch job that would run every 10 minutes and loop through every topic object, finding both the most interesting and newest entries and then replacing the old lists of the topic.
Another job would also have to regularly update the "interest" value of every non archived post (keep in mind both likes and time have an effect on the interest value).
One problem with this is that a lot of posts in the Tag list would be out of date for 10 minutes in case the User makes a change or deletes the post. Likes will also not be properly tracked on the Tags post list. This could perhaps be solved with transactions, although dynamoDB is limited to 10 objects per transaction.
Another problem is that it would require the add-posts-to-tags job to load all the non archived posts into memory in order to manually sort them by both time and interest, split them up by tag and then adding the first N of both sets to the tag lists every 10 minutes.
I also had a another idea, by limiting the tags of a post that are allowed to 1, I could add the tag as a partition key, with the post-time as the sort key, and use a GSI to add Interest as a second sort key.
This does have several downsides though:
very popular tags may be limited to a single parition since all the posts share a single partition key
Tag limit is 1
A cloudwatch job to adjust the Interest value of posts may still be required
It would require use of a GSI which may lead to dangerous race conditions
But it would have the advantage that there are no replications of the post objects aside from the GSI. It would also allow basically infinite paging of all posts by date instead of being limited to just the N newest posts.
So what is a good approach here? It seams both of my solutions have horrible dealbreakers. Is this just one of those problems that NoSQL simply can't solve?
You are trying to model relational data using a non relational DB ,
to do this I would use 2 types of DB ,
I would store in dynamo the post information
in your example it would be :
GET /posts/{id}
POST /posts/
POST /likes/creates
For the topic related information I would use Elastic search (Amazon Elasticsearch Service)
GET /topics/{name} : the search index would stored the full topic info as well post id's that , and the relevant fields you want to search for (in your case update date to get the most recent posts)
what this will entail is background process (in dynamoDB this can be done via streams) that takes changes to the dynamoDB for new post's , update to like count etc.. and populates the search index.
Note: this can also be solved using graphDB but for scaling purposes better separate the source of the data (post's ) and the data relations (topic).

Designing an Oracle APEX DB for an Application - Mental Road Block

I need some help getting past a road block I've come across in creating my application in APEX.
This application will be to track financial disbursements from a company. It will utilize a one to many relationship. One associate to many different transaction details.
Using Quick SQL in APEX 19.2 I have created a couple tables. DISB and DISB_DTLS
Assignor vc
Processor vc
RCVD_DA date
PROC_DA date
ACT_NO number
AMT number
The problem I'm having is that I want to have the primary table DISB be for the associate. Hence "One Associate to Many Disbursements. However, we have so many details that it would make the interactive grid APEX uses way to big and squished when doing a Master Detail form. Yet the only way to modify two tables or a view would be a master detail form. That's why I put some disbursement info in the primary table DISB and not the DTLS table.
I know there are some creative applications out there, and need some help discovering what I can do in regards to updating multiple tables from one form, if possible. Or alternatives. I want to make this process easy for the associates. This was all in one spreadsheet at one point.
I recommend you don't compromise Database design over the UI.
What you can do in this case is filter segmentation.
Complete your Master-Detail as initially thought.
Some detail columns can be logically grouped so I would put some filters somewhere on the page which the users selects a Logical group of columns to be displayed. That way you hide/show the columns to ensure they fit on the screen. Think of Filters as radio buttons or even checkboxes, let the user choose what shows on the screen.

Oracle APEX - Reusable Pages?

We have some tables in our database that all have the same attributes but the table is named differently for each. I'm not sure of the Architect's original intent in creating them in this way, but this is what I have to work with.
My question for all the expert Oracle APEX developers: is there away to create a reusable page that I can pass the table name to and that table name would be used in the reporting region and DML processing of that page?
I've read up on templates and plugins and don't see a path forward with those options. Of course, I'm new to webdevelopment, so forgive my ignorance.
We are using version 18.2.
For reporting purposes, you could use a source which is a function that returns a query (i.e. a SELECT statement). Doing so, you'd dynamically decide which table to select from.
However, DML isn't that simple. Instead of default row processing, you should write your own process(es) so that you'd insert/update/delete rows in the right table. I've never done that, but I'd say that it is possible. Basically, you'd keep all logic in the database (for example, a package) and call those procedures from your Apex application.
You could have multiple regions on one page; one region per table. Then use dynamic actions to show/hide the regions and run the select query based on a table name selected by the user.
Select table name from a dropdown or list
Show the region that matches the table name (dynamic action)
Hide the any other regions that are visible (dynamic action)
Refresh the selected region so the data loads (dynamic action)
If that idea works let me know and I can provide a bit more guidance.
I never tried it with reports, but would it work to put all three reports in a single page, and set them via an Item to have Server-Side Conditions that decide what gets shown in the page? You'd likely need separate items with a determined value for the page to recognize and display.
I know I did that to set buttons such as Delete, Save and Create dynamically, rather than creating two or more separate pages for handling editing of certain information. In this case it regarded which buttons to shown based on a reports' primary key being sent to said "Edit" page. If the value was empty, it meant you wanted to create a new record (also because the create button/link sent no PK). If said PK was sent (via a edit button/link), then you'd have the page recognize it and hide the create button and rather show the edit button.

Making a Row Read Only in a tabular form based on table value

I have a tabular form which is updated throughout the year and i wanted to prevent users from editing certain rows. Currently the 'row type' is hard coded however I want the application admin to control which 'row types' are readable / write at certain times. My answered question, click here.
Currently a dynamic action is fired which prevents the rows that contain the type 'manager figure' and 'sales_target' being edited.
I have created a table with the three row types against each customer. Each status is set by a number: 0 to 3 (These i will decode into something meaningful for users).
0 - Row with that row type is read only.
1 - Users can enter into the row with that row type.
2 - row is read only with that row type.
3 - row is complete and set to read only.
I have created a new form (new tab) for the admin user to maintain each status.
Currently for Customer 'Big Toy Store' rows should be set as follows:
Manager Figure row should be read only (since set to 2)
Sales should be readable (since set to 0)
Sales target should be writable (since set to 1)
Please can i be pointed in the right direction, ive looked into jquery but struggling to work out how to pass the output of an sql query to it, so it can be used to determine which rows should be read only.
workspace: apps2
user: developer.user
password: DynamicAction
application name: Application 71656 Read only Rows for Tabular Form
I'm not sure that a tabular form is a good format to work out this idea. As you can see, you require quite a bit of javascript to produce the results you want. Not only that, but this is all client side too, and thus there are some security risks to take into account. After all, I could just run some Firebug and disable or revert all things you did, and even change the numbers. Especially with sales figures, which is something you most definitely do want altered by everybody and is also the nature of your question, security is important.
There are more elegant ways here for you to control this, and not in the least to reduce the amount of highly customized javascript code. For example, you could do away with the tabular form, and instead implement a modal popup from an interactive report. Since the modal popup would be an iframe and thus a different page, you can create a form page. On a form page you have a lot more control over what happens to certain elements. You can specify conditions, read-only conditions, or use authorization schemes. All things you can not evidently use in a tabular form.
I'd think you'd do yourself a service by thinking this over again, and explore a different option. How much of a dealbreaker is using a tabular form actually?
You need the user. You need to know what group he belongs to, and then this has to be checked against the different statusses and rows have to be en/disabled. Do you really want this to happen on the client side?
I'm not saying it can't be done in a tabular form and javascript. It can, I'm just really doubting this is the correct approach!

My test script is not finding items in dynamic web list control - list in code not updated with current info

I am having a problem in QTP with selection of a web list box and I have exhausted what I know to do to resolve it. I am hoping someone can help.
There are 5 controls in a container, 2 webedit controls and 3 weblist controls. Together, they allow entry of accounts associated with a customer, and there can be 16 accounts for any customer. There are only ever five controls active at any time, whether editing or entering information for an account. When the information for an account is entered and accepted, it changes to a read-only table row and a new set of controls appears below it for entry of the next account.
The information entered in these controls is the account number, type, description, designation, and status. The status value is contingent on the designation, and the items in the list change dynamically depending on what the user specifies for the designation. The status list is not enabled until the designation is specified.
After some experimenting with timing, I was able to get past an issue where the status list for the first account was seen by QTP as disabled even though it was clearly enabled. I was then able to advance to entry of the second account.
I change the designation on the second account and try to select an appropriate item (specified in a data table) in the status list. My specification from the data table is never found. I figured it was a problem with verbiage differences and also that I should probably anticipate that and address it now, so I wrote a function to accept three parameters, the list and up to two search items. My function searches the listbox passed to it and looks for a match (full or partial) on the search items it receives. Here is where I encountered a significant problem.
The list of the control my function received was from the previous iteration of the test, corresponding to the designation of that account. This is why my function was not finding the selection item. The list on the screen shows the appropriate items, which suggests that I am looking at the wrong object. I also get the ‘object is disabled’ message when I put my data table value directly into the list with the select statement.
The active controls are displayed below the readonly presentation of the previously entered accounts. I am very new to QTP, but I also read documentation. My only theory at this point is that ATP is not passing the right list to my function… that perhaps that how it was learned included the position, which will change each time. However, the spy identifies the screen control as the same item I processed for the preceding account, which makes my theory suspect. In addition, the other four controls, which are not dynamically changing, do not present the same problem. I can put the information in them consistently.
I apologize for the length of this question, but I wanted to be as thorough and clear as possible. Can anyone help me get past this obstacle.
There are many possiblities why it is exposing this behaviour, so let's start with something simple:
Did you try a myWebList.Refresh call before you do something with the listbox? Refresh re-identifies the object.
Have you put a break point (red dot) inside the custom function. Just see what is happening there. With the debug viewer you can enter a realtime command in the scope of that function like msgbox myWebList.exist(0) or myWebList.Highlight
Can you see how the disabled property is propagated to the webpage? If you can 'Object Spy' it as TO property, you can add it in the GUI Map description.
A more sophisticated aproach is to create a Description with the weblist properties. If you can read the disabled property as an RO property from the 'Object Spy', you can use it as an identifier like "attribute/customDisabledProperty:=false".
If you cannot correctly read the disabled property, you can create a description object and do a count on the amount of items that match that description on that page with numberOfLists = Browser("my browser").Page("my page").ChildObjects(myDescription).Count and get the last list with Set lastList = Browser("my browser").Page("my page").ChildObjects(myDescription)(numberOfLists-1)
Keep us informed. Depending on how this works out, we can work into a direction for a solution.
I figured this out early this morning. There are 4 different list boxes used, each made visible or enabled dependent on the selection of the previous list. This is why the spy found the one listed when I was using it and also why the items in the list were not appropriate to what I had selected and also why it appeared disabled to QTP but enabled to me.
I was selecting the same designation when trying to spy it. It was intuitive that the controls were all the same. I am also a windows programmer and I would have populated the same list each time with the appropriate list items, and I presumed that was what the web developer was doing. It was not and it took some time to figure that out. Now that I figured it out, everything is working fine, and I came back to report that. This was a significant, time-intensive lesson.
Thank you very much for your input. It is still useful because I am very new to QTP and every thing I learn is of value.