Creating EC2 Amazon instance from AMI - amazon-web-services

I have a t1 (free) EC2 Amazon instance running for an year already.
I created an AMI from this instance and then tried to create another EC2 t1 instance from this AMI (using right button menu / Launch).
The instance was created, its state has changed to running, but each time I try to retrieve an initial Windows password, I am getting the "Your password is not ready" notification.
I know it may take some time, but it is now 20 hours already since I created an instance. Isn't it too long? Have somebody else experienced such a long delay?
Unfortunately, as I am working with free micro servers, Amazon support is not willing to help me.

You are NOT reading the complete message where it is telling you Your password is not ready.
The custom Windows AMI will inherit the password from the instance which it was created from. Read the message I pointed out above completely. You will find it yourself.


AWS EC2 keeps shutting down automatically

I am trying to create an API that runs on AWS EC2 t2.micro. The problem I'm having is that my instance keeps shut down automatically every ~3 hours, which could be because of the "session time" of my AWS Educate account (screenshot attached)
Is there any way to keep my instance running constantly (for days and even months)?
I am using "tmux", which does seem to keep my API and the EC2 instance running even after my ssh connection is terminated, but the EC2 instance itself still shuts down automatically.
EDIT: If it is not possible to keep an EC2 instance of an AWS Educate account running constantly. Is there a way to start a new session automatically when the old instance's session has expired?
(Maybe using a script/using some tools offered by AWS? I'm new to AWS so I don't know if this is possible)
Sadly you can't change that. It is explicitly stated in AWS educate docs:
When your session ends, your resources will be “stopped.” You will be required to re-start your resources when you start a new session.
Instead of Using AWS Educate you can Create Regular AWS account which provides some services for free for one year. It includes the EC2 instance as well so you don't have to pay anything and you can run for months and year it will never gone down until you manually stop it.

Why do Spot Instances(EC2) change from cancelled_terminating to cancelled?

I have been struggling with this since last 2 days - A. Trying to create AWS Spot Instance with Deep Learning AMI for Linux (free).
B. Upon launching EC2 Instance it says Spot Instance request successfully created but it fails to create the instance.
C. Using Spot Fleet role, and later have been trying to change it to provide Admin access to this role through Policies.
However, the instance is never created and in the History tab I see Event Type = fleetRequestChange goes from Submitted, active, cancelled_terminating within a minute and later cancelled.
I have been reading through its documentation but don't see a reason for it to fail. Verified the Region and AMI as well. Tried changing bid price and with default recommended option as well. But nothing seems to work.
This is the link I'm referring - AWS setup for Deep Learning
Please skip the initial portion of getting credits and you can directly jump to EC2 instance configuration setup.
Kindly help! I am unable to proceed for the past 2 days.
Thank you!
It worked perfectly fine for me.
Launched the Deep Learning AMI (ami-df77b6a7) in the Oregon region
Spot pricing as documented in the article you referenced
I could ssh into the instance after it launched
One thing you could check... Click the Limits link in your EC2 console to confirm that you can launch this type of instance.
Mine said:
Running On-Demand g2.2xlarge instances: 5

How to retrieve the password of an AWS custom AMI

I've recently made an AMI from an important server instance I had. Recently, I made an AMI out of that instance, and then deleted it in order to save space. Now, I'm trying to make an instance from that custom AMI, and in-order to connect to it I need the old password(For some reason that is what it requires). I still own the .pem keypair file needed to decode the password, however it wont let me get and de-crypt the key.
What should i do in order to get the password of the custom AMI?
Assuming that you are using a Windows instance, you can follow these directions in the Amazon EC2 documentation: Resetting an Administrator Password that's Lost or Expired.
The process uses another EC2 instance to access the disk to modify a configuration setting, allowing you to retrieve a new password.
Basically, the steps are:
Stop the "original" instance
Launch a "temporary" instance
Detach the boot volume (let's call it Volume A) from the original instance
Attach Volume A to the temporary instance
Modify a setting will which cause the EC2Config service to generate a new password
Detach Volume A from the temporary instance
Reattach Volume A to the original instance
Boot the original instance
Use the standard "Get Windows Password" process to retrieve the new password

What data will be lost if aws t1.micro instance is rebooted?

I currently have a t1.micro (free) instance running in aws, with Windows 2008 R2. I was taking a trial, getting a grasp of how to work with amazon aws service with this instance.
Now, I want to migrate it to a higher config instance say m1.large.
While I was trying to create AMI of the instance, it said that the instance is going to be rebooted, What data will I loose if the instance is rebooted ? Will the applications installed (MySql, Crystal Reports and some other apps) be deleted ?
How to migrate it without loosing any data.
If you have a standard t1.micro with a 8 GB root volume, nothing should be lost. You would only loose data if you use Instance Storage, but you are probably not using it, unless you added it yourself.
If you really don't want to take any risk, you can select the "No Reboot" option when creating an AMI. Then try launching a new, larger instance from that AMI (while leaving the other instance running) and see for yourself.

Server refused our key - Creating instance from Snapshot

I lost my private key on a server because my hard drive was fried and I didn't have the folder with the key in it backed up. Consequently after research I found that I can make a snapshot of the EC2 instance and launch a new instance with a different key using the snapshot. I was able to do so and setup the new instance with a new key/pair. However, now I still cannot log on to the server through the Amazon client or with Putty SSH. Is there a there a time-frame I have to wait before the instance is SSH ready (i.e. 1 - 2 hours) or did I set it up wrong?
Thanks for any help.
When you ssh using windows m/c, then .ppk key is used and from unix systems .pem key is used.
You can try it once more from an ami, create an ami from the instance and if any ebs volume is attached, consider that too. Use that ami to launch and instance and provide the key at the end as it asks for, if your using the aws web console. In your case create a new keypair to be used and then assign it.
Wait is generally 2-5 minutes for the instance to be up and then try to ssh. Right click on the newly launched instance and check for the log file output. In some cases it can give you the hint.
It is generally preferred to use ebs backed volumes to avoid situations like data loss.