Laravel Response::download() test - unit-testing

I have the following code in one of my routes:
return Response::download('cv.pdf');
Any idea how to test this? I've tried to use shouldReceive() but that doesn't seem to work ('shouldReceive() undefined function....').

$response->assertDownload() was added in Laravel 8.45.0:
Assert that the response is a "download". Typically, this means the invoked route that returned the response returned a Response::download response, BinaryFileResponse, or Storage::download response:
Learn More:

EDIT: As pointed by #DavidBarker in his comment to the OP question
The Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response class doesn't actually extend
Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade so doesnt have the shouldRecieve()
method. You need to test the response of this route after calling it
in a test.
So if you want to test your download functionality, you can try checking the response for errors with:
$this->assertTrue(preg_match('/(error|notice)/i', $response) === false);

You can assert that the status code is 200
$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 200);
because sometimes you might have some data returned that match "error" or "notice" and that would be misleading.
I additionally assert that there's an attachment in the response headers:
$this->assertContains('attachment', (string)$response);

You can use Mockery to mock the download method, for this you will need to mock ResponseFactory.
public function testDownloadCsv()
ResponseFactory::class, Mockery::mock(ResponseFactory::class, function ($mock) {
->andReturn(['header' => 'data']);
$response = $this->get('/dowload-csv');
$response->assertJson(['header' => 'data']); // Response


Testing Micronaut POST Request without hitting the URL - Mocking - Kotlin

I would like to Unit Test my Kotlin class, which makes a POST request using micronaut's RxHttpClient.
The code I want to test (simplified):
fun makePost() {
val httpRequest = HttpRequest.POST<Any>(uri, json).contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
.map { response ->
}.doOnError { error ->
I don't want it to hit the actual url of the post, I'm looking for a way to "mock" the response.
I already tried to use mock-server and mocking the HttpClient using mockito, without success.
Can someone help me, or give me any advice about what should I do?

Laravel 5 Cannot Mock View

I'm trying to write a really basic test for one of my controllers
* THIS IS MY CONTROLLER. $this->badge is a repository
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
return view('badges.index')->with([
'badges' => $badges = $this->badge->all()
I'm using repositories which return Eloquent collections. My basic test is as follows:
public function testItShowsAllBadges()
// Arrange
$this->badge->shouldReceive('all')->andReturn(new Illuminate\Support\Collection);
// Act
$response = $this->action('GET', 'BadgeController#index');
// Assert
$this->assertInstanceOf('Illuminate\Support\Collection', $response->original->getData()['badges']);
This test fails with a message 'trying to get property of non-object'. This is because I do Auth::user()->something in the view.
So I need to mock the view but I don't know how. Can someone advise?
Other SO answers do not seem to work and just result in Exceptions being thrown in the test about methods not existing on the Mock. I have tried for example:
Adding this before I call the route results in a 500 error 'Method Mockery_1_Illuminate_View_Factory::with() does not exist on this mock object'. I tried adding in
However this results in an Exception stating that getData() does not exist on this Mock Object. Even removing that assertion, assertViewHas('badges') fails saying the response was not a view.
Also I haven't understood if View::shouldReceive... is part of Arrange or Assert phase of the test?My understanding it is part of the arrange and should go before the $this->action(....)

Mocking an Eloquent collection response from another mocked class

I Have looked at many questions along the same line of thought here on stack overflow, and else where but unable to find a solution to this particular issue.
I'm fairly new to Unit Testing in general, so the mistake may be (hopefully) obvious to someone with more experience.
Here's the issue:
I have a ResourceController that injects a class into the constructor using Depedency Injection.
public function __construct(ResourceAPIInterface $api)
$this->api = $api;
When that API is called in the controller, the class that was injected does some business logic and returns an Eloquent Collection.
public function index($resource, $version)
$input = Input::all();
//Populate Data
$data = $this->api->fetchAll($input);
//Format response
//Format response
$response = Response::make(" ", 204);
}else {
//Format response
$response = Response::make($data, 200);
//Set content-type in header
$response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
$response->header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=3600');
return $response;
As you can see from the code above, I need the response to be an eloquent response so i can test to see if it's empty. The method FetchAll literally just returns a Eloquent collation of all records in the table. When I do the test, i'm able to mock the API without issue. However when i'm mocking the response, i really want the response to be an eloquent collection, and having difficulty getting that to work. Here's an example of the test:
$course = Mockery::mock(new API\Entity\v1\Test);
// Act...
$response = $this->action('GET', 'ResourceController#show');
// Assert...
The above works, but when i want to do the same test against the show method and mock the eloquent response for ->first() I'm getting errors.
1) ResourceControllerTest::testshow
BadMethodCallException: Method Mockery_1_API_Entity_v1_Test_API_Entity_v1_Test::first() does not exist on this mock object
I've tried to test the model by doing:
$course = Mockery::mock('Eloquent', 'API\Entity\v1\Test');
$response = $course->mock->shouldReceive('find')->with(1)->once()->andReturn((object)array('id'=>1, 'name'=>'Widget-name','description'=>'Widget description'));
However when I run that in the Test I get the following error:
1) ResourceControllerTest::testIndex
BadMethodCallException: Method Mockery_1_API_Entity_v1_Test::getAttribute() does not exist on this mock object
Any Ideas on how to resolve this issue? Also, if there's a better way to test if the eloquent collection is empty that might resolve some of the complexity that I'm running into is also welcome.
Ok, I figured out how to make this work:
public function testIndex($resource="course", $version="v1")
// Arrange...
$course = Mockery::mock('Eloquent', 'API\Entity\v1\Page')->makePartial();
// Act...
$response = $this->action('GET', 'ResourceController#index');
// Assert...
I was able to do the PartialMock to get around the getAttribute() Error. Once I did that, I started getting the error:
Call to undefined method stdClass::isEmpty()
So I decided to mock that as well, and pass the whole mocked object into the expected response for the all command.
Then in the mock for the API class $this->mock-> i had it return The mocked eloquent collection with the ->all() method.
This is also working for the other test i had for find($id). That one however didn't require an isEmpty() check so was easier to mock.

PHPunit mock - call a function in a returned mock

I'm pretty new to phpunit and mocking, and I want to test a Listener in my symfony2 project, what is a kernel exception listener.
This is the class I want to test:
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
$code = $event->getException()->getCode();
if($code == 403)
$request = $event->getRequest();
$session = $request->getSession();
$session->getFlashBag()->add('notice', 'message');
$session->set('hardRedirect', $request->getUri());
And first I just wanted to test, so nothing happens if the code is 404, this is the test I wrote:
public function testWrongStatusCode()
$exceptionMock = $this->getMock('Exception')
$eventMock = $this->getMockBuilder('Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseForExceptionEvent')
//here call the listener
but PHPunit say, getCode function was never called.
You can't use "chaining" as you've tried. The reason is that methods getMock and will return different objects. That's why you lose your real mock object. Try this instead:
$exceptionMock = $this->getMock('\Exception');
Ok. The problem is you cannot mock getCode method because it's final and it's impossible to mock final and private methods with PHPUnit.
My suggestion is: just prepare an exception object you want, and pass it as returned value to event mock:
$exception = new \Exception("", 404);
This is how I mock the getCode() function. It actually gets called from the ResponseInterface::getStatusCode() function, so that is what you need to mock:
->andThrows(new ClientException(
Mockery::mock(ResponseInterface::class, [
'getStatusCode' => 404,
You can use mockery library with PHPUnit, which is great tool and makes life easier.
$exceptionMock = \Mockery::mock('GetResponseForExceptionEvent');
Check out documentation for more... and I hope you will love it.

test of angularjs controller: unsatistifed post request

I'm testing an angularjs controller, using also mocks, but it raises the error 'Error: Unsatisfied requests: POST /myurl
My file for test contains a beforeEach method like this
.respond( 200,obj1 );
scope = $rootScope.$new();
MainCtrl = $controller('MyCtrl', {
and my test case is:
it('scope.mymethod should work fine', function(){
// verify size of array before calling the method
// call the method
// verify size of array after calling the method
The method saveNewPage looks like:
function saveNewPage(p){
$'/myurl', {
e:p.e, url:p.url,
}).then(function (response) {
otherMethod(new Page(
}, handleError);
Note that console.log('Hello') is never executed (in karma console it's never printed).
In the meanwhile I'm studying the doc about httpBackend, I tried to change the position of httpBackend.flush(). Basically, i'm executing a first flush(), to initialize data in the scope, then I execute the method, and then I execute an other flush() for the pending request. Specifically, in this situation the test case look like:
it('scope.saveNewPage should work fine', function(){
var p=new Object(pages[0])
existingPage:new Object(pages[0]),
But now it raises Error: No response defined !, like if I didn't specified the mock for that url
I solved in this way:
I put the calls of whenPOST and expectPOST before calling the method to test
I put httpBackend.flush() after calling the method to test, such that, invoking the method it generates pending request, and by httpBackend.flush() it satisfies the pending requests
I adjusted the parameter of respond method. Basically it didn't need to associate the response to a data key of the response
Assuming the POST is supposed to come from saveNewPage, you will need to call httpBackend.flush() between saveNewPage and the line where you inspect the result. flush only flushes the responses that have already been requested by your code.
it('scope.mymethod should work fine', function(){