Permission denied error with phantomjs - ruby-on-rails-4

I am using Rails 4.0.2, Guard 2.2.4, guard-rspec 4.2.4, rspec-rails 2.14.0, Capybara 2.2.1 and Poltergeist 1.5.0 on Ruby 2.0.0-p353 and OSX Mavericks.
When I run bundle exec guard I got a lot of failure with this error message :
An error occurred in an after hook
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - /usr/local/Cellar/phantomjs
occurred at /Users/gillesmath/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open3.rb:211:in `spawn'
I checked the permission on /usr/local/Cellar/phantomjs and didn't notice anything unusual. I can run phantomjs without 'sudo'.
My spec_helper file look like this :
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", FILE)
require 'rspec/rails'
require 'rspec/autorun'
require "capybara/rspec"
require 'webmock/rspec'
require 'capybara/poltergeist'
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/*/.rb")].each { |f| require f }
ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! if defined?(ActiveRecord::Migration)
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:net_http_connect_on_start => true, :allow_localhost => true)
Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
I can't see what is wrong because the owner:group is the same for both the rails app and the /usr/local/Cellar/phantomjs dir and its content.
Thanks for your help

That error makes it look like it's trying to execute the /usr/local/Cellar/phantomjs directory instead of the executable inside it. I think Poltergeist scans your PATH for the first thing called phantomjs. Is /usr/local/Cellar in your PATH?
If so, I'd recommend taking it out, since executables should never appear in there directly.
If you can't, another option is to configure Poltergeist with an explicit path to phantomjs in your setup code:
It looks like someone has already opened a pull request with a fix to skip directories in the Cliver gem that Poltergeist uses, so hopefully that will be fixed soon!


Is dusk is mandatory to write phpunit test cases?how to write phpunit test cases in laravel 5.4?

I am newbie to laravel. I am using laravel 5.4 version, we have requirement of writing phpunit test cases for our application, So I have searched for writing phpunit testcases and also read the documentation in laravel website. I read about the 'dusk' feature for doing the browser tests. So, I have a doubt that is "Is the dusk is mandatory for writing the phpunit test cases in laravel 5.4? I also tried to install the 'dusk' package into our application but it is not getting installed after I run the command "composer require laravel/dusk".
below is the error that I am getting on command prompt:
c:\xampp\htdocs\ourappname>composer require laravel/dusk
using version ^1.1 for laravel/dusk
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 2 installs, 4 updates, 9 removals
- Removing maatwebsite/excel (2.1.17)
- Removing phpoffice/phpexcel (1.8.1)
- Removing jeremeamia/superclosure (2.3.0)
- Removing symfony/polyfill-php56 (v1.3.0)
- Removing symfony/polyfill-util (v1.3.0)
- Removing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.2.3)
- Removing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.4.2)
- Removing psr/http-message (1.0.1)
- Removing guzzlehttp/promises (v1.3.1)
- Updating psy/psysh (v0.8.3 => v0.8.5): Loading from cache
- Updating swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v5.4.7 => v5.4.8): Loading from cache
- Updating sebastian/diff (1.4.1 => 1.4.2): Loading from cache
- Updating laravel/framework (v5.4.21 => v5.4.23): Loading from cache
- Installing facebook/webdriver (1.4.1): Loading from cache
- Installing laravel/dusk (v1.1.0): Loading from cache
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
Class 'Maatwebsite\Excel\ExcelServiceProvider' not found
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with error code 1
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.
Anyone please tell me how to fix it? and also what is the process for writing the test cases in laravel 5.4? should we use 'dusk'? or any other way to do it? Thanks.
No, Dusk is not required to do unit testing. You can just use the basic tests.
Your error is related to when you installed the Excel package on your application; the Service Provider was added to your config/app.php, but now that you've removed the package from your application ("Removing maatwebsite/excel (2.1.17)") you also need to remove the Service Provider.

Can't start test server on physical device

I installed calabash on a new machine, but tests that I ran on my old machine will not run.
As far as I can tell, both machines are set up the same way. They pull the project from the same repository, which includes a Gemfile with calabash-cucumber version 0.18.0. I set the same BUNDLE_ID, DEVICE_ENDPOINT, and DEVICE_TARGET values and use the same physical device.
When I try to run the tests in the console on the new machine, I get this:
$ bundle exec calabash-ios console
Running irb...
irb(main):001:0> start_test_server_in_background
ArgumentError: Could not find a device with a UDID or name matching ''
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/run_loop-2.1.1/lib/run_loop/device.rb:126:in `device_with_identifier'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/run_loop-2.1.1/lib/run_loop/device.rb:160:in `detect_device'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/run_loop-2.1.1/lib/run_loop/core.rb:71:in `run_with_options'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/run_loop-2.1.1/lib/run_loop.rb:134:in `run'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/calabash-cucumber-0.18.0/lib/calabash-cucumber/launcher.rb:718:in `block in new_run_loop'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/calabash-cucumber-0.18.0/lib/calabash-cucumber/launcher.rb:716:in `times'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/calabash-cucumber-0.18.0/lib/calabash-cucumber/launcher.rb:716:in `new_run_loop'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/calabash-cucumber-0.18.0/lib/calabash-cucumber/launcher.rb:584:in `relaunch'
from /Users/rjones/gambit/gemstubs/ruby/2.1.0/gems/calabash-cucumber-0.18.0/lib/calabash-cucumber/core.rb:943:in `start_test_server_in_background'
from (irb):1
from /Users/rjones/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
Any ideas why this isn't working?
Please update to 0.19.0.
Can you also paste the exact command you are using to start the
irb(main):001:0> start_test_server_in_background
ArgumentError: Could not find a device with a UDID or name matching
It looks like you set your DEVICE_TARGET to the bundle id? If not, then you have found a bug. It is possible that 0.18.0 is not compatible with run-loop 2.1.1. Downgrade to run_loop 2.0.9 if you want to verify that this is the problem.
I experienced the same issue, when updating cucumber gem from version 1.3.19 to version 2.3.3. I also run tests on physical devices
edit: Sorry, forgot to mention, that I updated run_loop too from version 2.0.6 to 2.1.3
So the versions:
run_loop (2.1.3)
calabash-cucumber (0.18.1)
I guess these are the two that could affect this part, and cucumber was not involved
I found a solution, by setting the variable DEVICE instead of DEVICE_TARGET
For example:
BUNDLE_ID=<bundle_id> DEVICE=<dev_udid> DEVICE_ENDPOINT=<dev_ip> cucumber
Instead of
BUNDLE_ID=<bundle_id> DEVICE_TARGET=<dev_udid> DEVICE_ENDPOINT=<dev_ip> cucumber

Listing files of webdirectory with rails 4

Ruby 2.0, Rails 4.
I made a site which serves static files.
I used
to list static files
Now I have to save the files outside the app because the slugsize in Heroku will be too big otherwise
For this reason, i would like a directory listing of a public web folder. (Served by apache server)
I tried:
gem 'net-ssh'
def index
require 'net/ssh'
ssh = Net::SSH.start( '', 'gast')
#files =ssh.exec!( 'ls . ').split("\n")
This raised the error:
Errno::ENOENT - No such file or directory - getaddrinfo:
net-ssh (2.7.0) lib/net/ssh/transport/session.rb:67:in `block in initialize'
/home/benutzer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/2.0.0/timeout.rb:52:in `timeout'
/home/benutzer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/2.0.0/timeout.rb:97:in `timeout'
net-ssh (2.7.0) lib/net/ssh/transport/session.rb:67:in `initialize'
net-ssh (2.7.0) lib/net/ssh.rb:200:in `start'
I never heard of a file called getaddrinfo
The answer on this thread `initialize': No such file or directory - getaddrinfo (Errno::ENOENT) when Rails new app (updating rvm) didnt solve the problem.
Additional info:
$gem -v bundler
$rvm - v
rvm 1.21.12 (stable)
$rvm - v
rvm 1.23.9 (master)
One of the big advantages of Ruby is, that it relies on just a couple of basic things to implement different functionalities. One of the things where this taken to an extreme is IO. Borrowed from the UNIX principle "everything is a file", in Ruby "everything is IO".
So the error Errno::ENOENT - No such file or directory - getaddrinfo: is just a generic IO error, telling you that the address could not be found. It would be even easier to spot this error if you had provided the line-numbers in your code, as they map 1 to 1 to the stack-trace you posted.
From what I know about SSH, it does not care about URLs. It cares about host and user, optionally about a password, but it's better to use key based authentication.
So if you look at the net/ssh example, you will see that you have to pass the host and not an URL. In your example this would translate to something like this:
require 'net/ssh'
Net::SSH.start('', 'gast') do |ssh|
ssh.exec!('ls path/to/directory')

Handlebars Asset not Compiling with ember-rails after Upgrade to Rails 4

I have a Rails app with Ember on the front-end. Today, I upgraded to Rails 4 and the only issue I cannot resolve is that my Handlebars templates are not being compiled or included as an asset (in development mode). I'm not getting any error messages.
I generated a brand new Rails 4 test app and installed Ember and it serves the Handlebars files just fine. All gems in the test app are present in my app. I tried running rake rails:upgrade, and that had no effect. I tried modifying the ember-rails source to output log messages and the messages and execution paths were the same for the test app and my app.
I'm requiring the templates the same way I always did:
require_tree ./templates
I tried using ember-rails 0.11.1 and from Github master, with no luck.
Related gem versions:
* ember-data-source (0.0.5)
* ember-rails (0.11.1 4dc902b)
* ember-source (1.0.0.rc2.0)
* sprockets (2.9.0)
* sprockets-rails (2.0.0.rc3)
* barber (0.4.1)
Templates are all in app/assets/javascripts/templates and all use the extension .handlebars. Although I tried .hbs and .js.hjs too.
From the Chrome console:
Object {}
I am able to manually compile assets from the Rails command line like this:
environment =
environment.append_path 'app/assets/javascripts'
a = environment['templates/test.handlebars']
a.to_s => "..compiled template.."
And the engine is registered:
=> {..".handlebars"=>Ember::Handlebars::Template..}
Rails.application.config.assets.paths includes the app/assets/javascripts folder, as it should.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
I've narrowed it down to the following block in ember-rail's engine.rb file. For my app, it is sending register_engine on Sprockets, not app.assets. On the fresh Rails 4 test app, it was also doing this. However, in my app when I force the execution to use app.assets, the handlebar templates are compiled.
I believe since my app was upgraded from Rails 3, somewhere some configuration is missing to properly use Sprockets. I'll post more when I know.
initializer "ember_rails.setup", :after => :append_assets_path, :group => :all do |app|
sprockets = if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4
Sprockets.respond_to?('register_engine') ? Sprockets : app.assets
sprockets.register_engine '.handlebars', Ember::Handlebars::Template
sprockets.register_engine '.hbs', Ember::Handlebars::Template
sprockets.register_engine '.hjs', Ember::Handlebars::Template
For me,changing the railties order in application.rb was enough to fix the problem. I believe some other engine was clearing the Sprockets config, so by loading the Ember::Rails engine later in the process, I was able to hack a way around that issue.
config.railties_order = [:main_app, :all, Ember::Rails::Engine]

Given a typical Rails 3 environment, why am I unable to execute any tests?

I'm working on writing simple unit tests for a Rails 3 project, but I'm unable to actually execute any tests.
Case in point, attempting to run the test auto-generated by Rails fails:
require 'test_helper'
class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
# Replace this with your real tests.
test "the truth" do
assert true
Results in the following error:
<internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require': no such file to load --
test_helper (LoadError)
from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require'
from user_test.rb:1:in `<main>'
Commenting out the require 'test_helper' line and attempting to run the test results in this error:
user_test.rb:3:in `<main>': uninitialized constant Object::ActiveSupport (NameError)
The action pack gems appear to be properly installed and up to date:
actionmailer (3.0.3, 2.3.5)
actionpack (3.0.3, 2.3.5)
activemodel (3.0.3)
activerecord (3.0.3, 2.3.5)
activeresource (3.0.3, 2.3.5)
activesupport (3.0.3, 2.3.5)
Ruby is at 1.9.2p0 and Rails is at 3.0.3.
The sample dump of my test directory is as follows:
-- /helpers
-- user_helper_test.rb
-- user_test.rb
I've never seen this problem before - I've run the typical rake tasks for preparing the test environment. I have nothing out of the ordinary in my application or environment configuration files, nor have I installed any unusual gems that would interfere with the test environment.
Edit March 9th
Xavier Holt's suggestion, explicitly specifying the path to the test_helper worked; however, this revealed an issue with ActiveSupport.
Now when I attempt to run the test, I receive the following error message (as also listed above):
user_test.rb:3:in `<main>': uninitialized constant Object::ActiveSupport (NameError)
But as you can see above, Action Pack is all installed and update to date.
Edit March 13th
When attempting to run tests using rake test:units the following stack trace is dumped to the console:
test/unit/bookmark_test.rb:3:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Objec
t::ActiveSupport (NameError)
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:5:in `load'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:5:in `block in <main>'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:5:in `each'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb:5:in `<main>'
rake aborted!
So looking into the file listed above, I see the following:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Load the test files from the command line.
ARGV.each { |f| load f unless f =~ /^-/ }
To my knowledge, everything looks as expected.
Your test/test_helper file should have been created when you generated the application. It contains this valuable content:
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
require 'rails/test_help'
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
# Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.(yml|csv) for all tests in alphabetical order.
# Note: You'll currently still have to declare fixtures explicitly in integration tests
# -- they do not yet inherit this setting
fixtures :all
# Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here...
The second line here is the most important: it requires the config/environment.rb file at the root of your application, which in turn requires a lot of other things, including the valuable (I like that word today, ok?) ActiveSupport constant.
When you generate a controller, model or scaffold it'll also generate tests for those. I just ran rails g scaffold ticket in my app and it generated test/unit/ticket_test.rb which contains this:
require 'test_helper'
class TicketTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
# Replace this with your real tests.
test "the truth" do
assert true
The first line of this file will require the test/test_helper.rb file that we jut saw. This will load ActiveSupport and the TestCase class within it, thereby making this test feasible. Everything else just flows on from there.
With all that explanation out of the way (even though it's something that you already know), I'm placing a large wager on it's something that's masscaring your LOAD_PATH, causing the test directory to be removed from it.
What's really unusual is that when you do specify the full path to the test/test_helper.rb you're saying it loads it, but ActiveSupport is still undefined. Well, that should be loaded as-per the description above. Is it actually loading config/environment.rb? Can you put something such as:
At the top of your config/environment.rb file and then run the tests again? It should be output. Very unusual.
Continuing on the thread about LOAD_PATH... Got a dirty little secret you're not telling us about?
Actually, Dan Cheail makes a good point. You could be running the tests using ruby test/unit/ticket_test.rb in which case test_helper wouldn't be available, but still that still doesn't explain why when you specify the full path you're still getting an undefined constant ActiveSupport.
If you want to run a single test you should be doing this:
ruby -Itest test/unit/ticket_test.rb
That -I option there adds the test directory to the load path, meaning the test_helper file will be available through a straight require 'test_helper'. If it still errors after this, I reckon your test/test_helper.rb is either empty or broken.
The problem you're having is the way you're executing tests. Simply calling ruby test/unit/user_test.rb doesn't set up the load path, which explains the problems you've been having.
rake test:units is what you want and should work straight away.
Sorry about the post here, but I am unable to comment on questions yet.
what environment are you running, Win (has an issue with a .gemspec file) Linux, Mac?
Are you using RVM?
Test-Unit is installed by default with Rails, if you installed the gem Test-Unit you will get a conflict between the 2. try uninstalling the gem and your tests should start working.
If running on windows I would gem uninstall "autotest", then navigate to the following dir
In here you will find .gemspec files. Ensure that you dont have 2 autotest.gemspec files or any, for that matter. if so remove(delete) them, then download and gem install the autotest gem again. Grab the latest by using version switch.
You should be able to run your autotests. I did come across this once before, so to fix I simply removed the view and helper test files and wrote everything in the standard test file. Other than that I know running on windows autotest had issues, because of the ruby installer and bundler not clearing out things correctly and forgetting files.
I will find the link for you, to better explain.