Convert Set-Cookie string to record in F# way? - cookies

I have the following record of Cookie.
type Cookie = {
NameValue : string * string;
Domain : string option;
Path : string option;
Expires : string option;
MaxAge : string;
Secure : bool; // ? no associated value, anything better than bool
HttpOnly : bool; // ? no associated value, anything better than bool
And I need to convert a set-cookie string to CookieAttricute list.
let GetCookie str =
let (|ParseRegex|_|) regex str =
let m = Regex(regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(str)
if m.Success
then Some (List.tail [ for x in m.Groups -> x.Value ])
else None
match str with
| ParseRegex #"(.+?)(?:=(.+?))?(?:;|$|,(?!\s))" [name; value] ->
.... // How to construct a Cookie here?
| _ -> None
For example, given the following string.
"ObSSOCookie=93KRPo;secure; httponly; path=/;"
The function should return
{ NameValue = ("ObSSOCookie", "93KRPo");
Secure = true;
HttpOnly = true;
Path = Some("/");
Domain = Some("");
MaxAge = None;
Expires = None }

First, I would use String.Split instead of overcomplicating it with regexes. Then, I would build a Map<string, string> for the attributes. Something like this:
let GetCookie (str: string) =
let allkeyvalues =
str.Split ';'
|> (fun str ->
match str.Split '=' with
| [| key |] -> (key, "")
| [| key; value |] -> (key, value)
| _ -> (* there's more than one '='; the format is incorrect. *))
let namevalue = allkeyvalues.[0]
let attributes =
Seq.skip 1 allkeyvalues
|> (fun (key, value) ->
(key.ToLower(), value)) // attribute names are case-insensitive
|> Map.ofSeq
NameValue = namevalue
Secure = Map.containsKey "secure" attributes
Path = Map.tryFind "path" attributes
// etc...


F#: Fastest way to convert a seq<'A> to seq<'B>

I am using Marten as an Event Store, in particular to fetch a stream of events.
type AccountCreation = {
Owner: string
AccountId: Guid
CreatedAt: DateTimeOffset
StartingBalance: decimal
type AccountEvents =
| AccountCreated of AccountCreation
| AccountCredited of Transaction
| AccountDebited of Transaction
let settings = {
Host = "localhost"
DatabaseName = "postgres"
UserName = "root"
Password = "root"
EventTypes = eventTypes
use store = createDocumentStore settings
use session = store.LightweightSession()
let khalidId = Guid.NewGuid()
let billId = Guid.NewGuid()
let khalid = AccountEvents.AccountCreated({
Owner = "Khalid Abuhakmeh"
AccountId = khalidId
StartingBalance = 1000m
CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
let bill = {
Owner = "Bill Boga"
AccountId = billId
StartingBalance = 0m
CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
session.Events.Append(khalidId, khalid) |> ignore
session.Events.Append(billId, bill) |> ignore
let stream = session.Events.FetchStream()
stream being IReadOnlyList<IEvent> and IEvent defined as:
public interface IEvent
Guid Id { get; set; }
int Version { get; set; }
long Sequence { get; set; }
object Data { get; }
Guid StreamId { get; set; }
string StreamKey { get; set; }
DateTimeOffset Timestamp { get; set; }
string TenantId { get; set; }
void Apply<TAggregate>(TAggregate state, IAggregator<TAggregate> aggregator) where TAggregate : class, new();
I would like to convert each IEvent to AccountEvents, if the underlying type of the Data property is AccountEvents (if not the item is not yielded in the resulting sequence).
In C# I would simply use the keyword as to achieve that, but in F# I am not sure what is the fastest F#-ish way(in terms of performance) to get that.
I ended up on the following code:
let seqCastOption<'T> sequence =
|> x ->
match box x with
| :? 'T as value -> Some value
| _ -> None)
let fetchStream<'T> (session: IDocumentSession) (id: Guid) =
let stream = session.Events.FetchStream(id)
|> x -> x.Data)
|> seqCastOption<'T>
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.IsSome)
|> x -> x.Value)
But this seems quite "expensive", and I an wondering whether the step of converting .Data to the Option<AccountEvents> + filter the ones that IsSome can be done all at once.
The Seq.choose function mentioned in rmunn's answer is very useful to know for this kind of situation, but for this exact situation I would recommend using the built in .NET method Enumerable.OfType<'T>, which does exactly what you want and is probably quite optimised:
open System.Linq
let fetchStream<'T> (session: IDocumentSession) (id: Guid) =
let stream = session.Events.FetchStream(id)
|> x -> x.Data)
|> Enumerable.OfType<'T>
Seq.choose is the function you've been looking for. You give it a function that takes an 'A and returns a 'B option, and it yields the 'B value of the ones that were Some. For your usage scenario, it would look like this:
let castOption<'T> x =
match box x with
| :? 'T as value -> Some value
| _ -> None
let fetchStream<'T> (session: IDocumentSession) (id: Guid) =
let stream = session.Events.FetchStream(id)
|> x -> x.Data)
|> Seq.choose castOption<'T>

scala code for regex pattern matching

I am new to scala. I am trying something on the regular expression pattern matching. I am following the example from here:
Given below is the code that I have written which works but is obviously not the best way.
Scenario: I have a regex pattern with me.
I have a string that defines what I am expecting for a given scenario. val param = "manufacturer/order/version"
Question: I don't want to pass hardcoded values in case pattern(manufacturer, order, version) but get the output in the variables manufacturer, order and version? One way is defining all the variables initially, but that would mean changing the code every time i need to change a string. Is there a way to do it dynamically or a better way of using regex in scala.
package com.testing
class DynamicFolder() {
def dynamicPath(fileName: String): Map[String, String] = {
println("File Name: " + fileName)
val param = "manufacturer/order/version"
var patternString = param.replaceAll("/", ", ")
val pattern = "([a-z0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([v|V][0-9]+)_(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2}).(xls|xlsx)".r
val paramMap: Map[String, String] = fileName match {
case pattern(manufacturer, order, version) => {
println(s"Manufacturer: $manufacturer, Order: $order, version: $version")
Map("manufacturer" -> manufacturer, "order" -> order, "version" -> version)
case pattern(manufacturer, order, version, yyyy, mm, dd, format) => {
println(s"Manufacturer: $manufacturer, Order: $order, version: $version")
Map("manufacturer" -> manufacturer, "order" -> order, "version" -> version)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException
object hello {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var dynamicFolder = new DynamicFolder
val fileName = "man1_18356_v1_20180202.xls"
val tgtParams = dynamicFolder.dynamicPath(fileName)
var tgtPath = ""
for ((k, v) <- tgtParams) {
printf("key: %s, value: %s\n", k, v)
tgtPath = tgtPath + "/" + tgtParams(k)
println ("Target path: "+tgtPath)
Output of the code:
File Name: man1_18356_v1_20180202.xls
manufacturer, version, order
Manufacturer: man1, Order: 18356, version: v1
key: manufacturer, value: man1
key: order, value: 18356
key: version, value: v1
Target path: /man1/18356/v1
This is how you can collect all groups and process them yourself:
val paramMap: Map[String, String] = fileName match {
case pattern(groups#_*) if groups.nonEmpty => {
// Access group with groups(0), groups(1) etc.
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException

Can't get key value as String from metadata

I'm grabbing metadata from an MPMediaItem like this:
let url = item.value(forProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL) as? NSURL
let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url! as URL, options: nil)
let metaArray = asset.metadata
for metadata in metaArray{
print("-----metadata.key:\(String(describing: metadata.key))")
However, when I get a block of metadata printed the "key" is printed as a numeric value instead of "pcst" as shown in the printout:
-----metadata:<AVMetadataItem: 0x1740153f0, identifier=itsk/pcst, keySpace=itsk, key class = __NSCFNumber, key=pcst, commonKey=(null), extendedLanguageTag=(null),, time={INVALID}, duration={INVALID}, startDate=(null), extras={
dataLength = 1;
dataType = 21;
dataTypeNamespace = "";
}, value=1>
This is happening for all of the metadata/keys (there are 29 in this particular media item).
Also note that this line of code:
let realString = NSString(string: metadata.key! as! String)
causes this error:
Could not cast value of type '__NSCFNumber' (0x1b80dcdf0) to 'NSString' (0x1b80edae8).
How can I get the string value for the key ("pcst") ?
May be what you are looking for is identifier property of AVMetadataItem.
for metadata in metaArray{
print(metadata.identifier ?? "DefaultValue")
In case others want to see the code I'm using:
func returnKeyString(_ inVal: String)->String{
// expecting the metadata for "identifier" as input - returns key value
// eg "itsk/ldes" -> "ldes"
// or "id3/%00WFD" etc. -> "wfd"
var sFinal:String = ""
if (inVal.contains("/")){
sFinal = (inVal.components(separatedBy: "/")[1])
if sFinal.contains("%"){
sFinal = sFinal.components(separatedBy: "%")[1]
let index1 = sFinal.index(sFinal.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
sFinal = sFinal.substring(from: index1)
return sFinal.lowercased()

Get object of case class from regex match

i'm working on scraping data from a webpage with scala regex-es, but i encountered problem with parsing result to object of some case class-es.
In following snippet i managed to scrape all the data, but i have no clue how to parse 3 elements from an iterator. I thought about something like:
val a :: b :: c :: _ =
Any ideas what can i do?
import model.FuneralSchedule
import play.api.libs.json.Json
var date = "2015-05-05"
val source = Source.fromURL("" + date).mkString
val regex = "(?s)<table>.+?(Cmentarz.+?)<.+?</table>".r
var thing: List[FuneralSchedule] = List()
var jsonFeed: List[Funeral] = List()
val regMatcher = "("
case class Funeral(hour: String, who: String, age: String) {
override def toString: String = {
//implicit val format = Json.format[Funeral]
val out = regex.findAllIn(source).matchData foreach { table =>
thing ::= FuneralSchedule(, clearStrings(
"""<tr\s?>.+?</\s?tr>""".r.findAllIn(clearStrings( foreach { tr =>
//TODO: Naprawic bo szlak trafia wydajnosc
val temp = """<td\s?>.+?</\s?td>""".r.findAllIn( {
elem => println(elem)
println("Koniec tabeli")
println(removeMarkers("<td > <td> Marian Debil </ td>"))
def removeMarkers(s: String) = {
s.replaceAll( """(</?\s?td\s?>)""", "")
def clearStrings(s: String) = {
val regex = "((class=\".+?\")|(id=\".+?\")|(style=\".+?\")|(\\n))"
s.replaceAll(regex, "")
One way of doing it would be converting it to a Stream and matching it using stream's operators like this:
val a #:: b #:: c #:: _ = """([a-z]){1}""".r.findAllIn("a b c").toStream
then a, b and c is what you're looking for

Scala - replaceAllIn

First off, I'm new to Scala.
I'm trying to make a template parser in Scala (similar to Smarty (PHP)). It needs to search through the document, replacing anything inside "{{ }}" tags, with anything provided in the HashMap.
I'm currently stuck here:
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
class Template(filename: String, vars: HashMap[Symbol, Any]) {
def parse() = {
var contents = Source.fromFile(filename, "ASCII").mkString
var rule = """\{\{(.*)\}\}""".r
//for(rule(v) <- rule findAllIn contents) {
// yield v
//rule.replaceAllIn(contents, )
var t = new Template("FILENAME", new HashMap[Symbol, Any])
The part's that I've commented are things that I've thought about doing.
I've come a little further...
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.util.regex.Matcher
class Template(filename: String, vars: HashMap[Symbol, Any]) {
def findAndReplace(m: Matcher)(callback: String => String):String = {
val sb = new StringBuffer
while (m.find) {
m.appendReplacement(sb, callback(
def parse() = {
var contents = Source.fromFile(filename, "ASCII").mkString
val m = Pattern.compile("""\{\{(.*)\}\}""").matcher(contents)
findAndReplace(m){ x => x }
var t = new Template("FILENAME.html", new HashMap[Symbol, Any])
At the moment it just currently adds whatever was inside of the tag, back into the document. I'm wondering if there is an easier way of doing a find-and-replace style regexp in Scala?
I'd do it like this (String as key instead of Symbol):
var s : String = input // line, whatever
val regexp = """pattern""".r
while(regexp findFirstIn s != None) {
s = regexp replaceFirstIn (s, vars(regexp.findFirstIn(s).get))
If you prefer not using var, go recursive instead of using while. And, of course, a stringbuilder would be more efficient. In that case, I might do the following:
val regexp = """^(.*?)(?:{{(pattern)}})?""".r
for(subs <- regexp findAllIn s)
subs match {
case regexp(prefix, var) => sb.append(prefix); if (var != null) sb.append("{{"+vars(var)+"}}")
case _ => error("Shouldn't happen")
That way you keep appending the non-changing part, followed by the next part to be replaced.
There is a flavor of replaceAllIn in util.matching.Regex that accepts a replacer callback. A short example:
import util.matching.Regex
def replaceVars(r: Regex)(getVar: String => String) = {
def replacement(m: Regex.Match) = {
import java.util.regex.Matcher
require(m.groupCount == 1)
Matcher.quoteReplacement( getVar(m group 1) )
(s: String) => r.replaceAllIn(s, replacement _)
This is how we would use it:
val r = """\{\{([^{}]+)\}\}""".r
val m = Map("FILENAME" -> "aaa.txt",
"ENCODING" -> "UTF-8")
val template = replaceVars(r)( m.withDefaultValue("UNKNOWN") )
println( template("""whatever input contains {{FILENAME}} and
unknown key {{NOVAL}} and {{FILENAME}} again,
and {{ENCODING}}""") )
Note Matcher.quoteReplacement escapes $ characters in the replacement string. Otherwise you may get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference, replaceAll and dollar signs. See the blog post on why this may happen.
Here is also interesting way how to do the same using functions compose:
val Regexp = """\{\{([^{}]+)\}\}""".r
val map = Map("VARIABLE1" -> "VALUE1", "VARIABLE2" -> "VALUE2", "VARIABLE3" -> "VALUE3")
val incomingData = "I'm {{VARIABLE1}}. I'm {{VARIABLE2}}. And I'm {{VARIABLE3}}. And also {{VARIABLE1}}"
def replace(incoming: String) = {
def replace(what: String, `with`: String)(where: String) = where.replace(what, `with`)
val composedReplace = Regexp.findAllMatchIn(incoming).map { m => replace(m.matched, map( }.reduceLeftOption((lf, rf) => lf compose rf).getOrElse(identity[String](_))
//OUTPUT: I'm VALUE1. I'm VALUE2. And I'm VALUE3. And also VALUE1