Proper way to seed routes for view spec - ruby-on-rails-4

I am testing my views with RSpec. Due to some changes, there is now a call to url_for in the view and all the spec that I wrote for show actions are failing:
No route matches {:controller=>"events", :action=>"show"}
The :id part is missing and because of that the call fails.
(I know that I can just stub that failing method call)
The only thing I found is pretty old and looks like a bad workaround. Also the RSpec documentation does not show something helpful.
Is there a proper way to tell RSpec that it should be on something like events/123?
Some more context:
In the view
I call a helper, something like this:
def some_helper_method
url_for(only_path: false)} + "something_else"
The call to that method fails with
Failure/Error: render
No route matches {:controller=>"events", :action=>"show"}
I'm currently fixing it by stubbing the call to that method view.stub(some_helper_method: 'SOME_URL')

Okay, I think I found your answer. I cloned your repo and debug a lot =P until I found that you need to infer the desired parameters in your view spec, since rspec-rails only provides the :controller parameter for the view being rendered. Well, in an attempt to understand better what the issue is, I found this explanation in the rspec-rails documentation:
View specs infer the controller name and path from the path to the view template. e.g. if the template is "events/index.html.erb" then:
controller.controller_path == "events"
controller.request.path_parameters[:controller] == "events"
This means that most of the time you don't need to set these values. When spec'ing a partial that is included across different controllers, you may need to override these values before rendering the view
In other words, the previous link that you posted still works and is still the solution for the parameters "issue" in your view spec. You can follow the discussion about the topic in this PullRequest thread.
So, the conclusion is that if you really don't want to stub out your call to url_for helper (or the helper that is calling it), you need to supply the desired :id parameter since there's no route for any show action without an :id param (as pointed out by you). Our final result (tested) is indeed:
controller.request.path_parameters[:id] =
If this a workaround ? I really don't think so, since rspec-rails itself is internally using this feature to provide the :controller param.
I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful before, but I think that this closes all of our main doubts.
My opinion ? If you really don't need to make any assertions based on the url_for behavior (or any helper behavior for that matter), just stub it, since it is expected to already have been tested in isolation. Otherwise, use the :id param, and don't worry about it. It is not a workaround.
Cheers friend !

If you will face the id problem the try this in your route.rb
get "events/show/:id", :to=> "events#show"


How to get a list of permitted params for a specific controller action

The title of the questions pretty much describes what I need to do. It is basically the same as this question, which never received an answer:
Rails 4: get list of permitted attributes (strong parameters) from a controller
Similar to the example provided in that question, it would be the equivalent to something like this, if it existed:
account_update_permitted_params = AccountController.permitted_params(:update)
You basically can't do that due to the nature of strong parameters.
What you define in some_resource_attributes is meant to filter parameters hash of the request. If you look at the method definition, you will see params.require(:some_resource).permit.. - it operates on the params object, which is only present during a request.
So having such method seems to be of very little use.
If you really want to programatically access your whitelisted attributes in the some_resource_attributes, you can go with:
class ResourceController < ApplicationController
LIST = %i(foo bar baz)
def resource_attributes
#=> [:foo, :bar, :baz]
But I dot see a point in this since you can just open controller's code and check it.

Ruby on Rails choosing wrong controller action

Today I came across some strange (and very inconvenient) Ruby on Rails behavior that even persistent combing of the net did not yield a satisfying answer to.
Note: I translated the method and route names to be easier to read in English, and hope I did not introduce any inconsistencies.
Ruby on Rails 4.2.0 executing under Ruby 2.0 (also tested under Ruby 2.2.0)
Relevant Code
consider a controller with these actions, among others:
class AssignmentsController < ApplicationController
def update
def takeover_confirmation
Since I use a lot of manually defined routes, I did not use resources in routes.rb. The routes in question are defined as follows:
post 'assignments/:id' => 'assignments#update', as: 'assignment'
post 'assignments/takeover_confirmation' => 'assignments#takeover_confirmation'
The relevant output of rake routes:
assignment POST /assignments/:id(.:format) assignments#update
assignments_takeover_confirmation POST /assignments/takeover_confirmation(.:format) assignments#takeover_confirmation
When I do a POST to the assignments_takeover_confirmation_path, rails routes it to the update method instead. Server log:
Started POST "/assignments/takeover_confirmation" for ::1 at ...
Processing by AssignmentsController#update as HTML
If I put the update route definition after the takeover_confirmation one, it works as intended (didn't check a POST to update though).
Furthermore, after writing all this I found out I used the wrong request type for the update method in routes.rb (POST instead of PATCH). Doing this in routes.rb does indeed solve my problem:
patch 'assignments/:id' => 'assignments#update', as: 'assignment'
However, even when defining it as POST, Rails should not direct a POST request to the existing path "/assignments/takeover_confirmation" to a completely different action, should it?
I fear the next time I use two POST routes for the same controller it will do the same thing again.
It seems I have a severe misconception of Rails routing, but cannot lay my finger on it...
Edit: Solution
As katafrakt explained, the above request to /assignments/takeover_confirmation matched the route assignments/:id because Rails interpreted the "takeover_confirmation" part as string and used it for the :id parameter. Thus, this is perfectly expected behavior.
Working Example
For the sake of completeness, here is a working (if minimalistic) route-definition that does as it should, inspired by Chris's comment:
resources :assignments do
collection do
post 'takeover_confirmation'
In this example, only my manually created route is explicitly defined. The routes for update, show, etc. (that I defined manually at first) are now implicitly defined by resources: :assignments.
Corresponding excerpt from rake routes:
takeover_confirmation_assignments POST /assignments/takeover_confirmation(.:format) assignments#takeover_confirmation
assignment GET /assignments/:id(.:format) assignments#show
PATCH /assignments/:id(.:format) assignments#update
PUT /assignments/:id(.:format) assignments#update
DELETE /assignments/:id(.:format) assignments#destroy
Thanks for the help!
However, even when defining it as POST, Rails should not direct a POST request to the existing path "/assignments/takeover_confirmation" to a completely different action, should it?
It should. Rails routing is matched in exact same order as defined in routes.rb file (from top to bottom). So if it matches a certain rule (and /assignments/takeover_confirmation matches assignments/:id rule) it stops processing the routing.
This behaviour is simple and efficient. I imagine that any kind of "smart" matching the best route would result in cumbersome and unexpected results.
BTW that's why catch-all route used to be defined at the very bottom of routing file.

Idiomatic way to use __container__.lookupFactory in Ember.js

In the notes of this commit, the Ember team have made it very clear that App.__container__.lookup() is not the way to get at controllers. Instead we should use the needs property.
I understand the rationale behind this, and the idiomatic way to access singleton controllers.
However, in my app, I have some cases where I need instance controllers. In that case, I am using App.__container__.lookupFactory() to get at the prototype which I can then create() or extend()
Is there a better way to do this (without using __container__?
Here is an example use case.
App.MyContainerView = Ember.ContainerView.extend
addChildView: ->
The above example will push a new view onto the stack (allowing views to be dynamically created)
However, these views will (may?) not have the right container (and other properties?) set due to being created using App.MyChildView.create(). This is especially true in cases where we are doing a partial integration of Ember into an existing app.
The way to create these views would instead be:
In which case everything would be ok.
Additional use cases exist, for creating instance controllers outside the context of the router.. but the idea is the same.
I don't know if you're still looking for an answer. I am also struggling with how to do things "the Ember way".
This answer put me on the right track, and should be relevant to your question:
"Please ensure this controller was instantiated with a container"
As for me, I had the same problem as in the above question: when I manually instantiated my App.AnyOtherController with App.AnyOtherController.create(...), then inside this controller, I could not access dependency injections (such as a session object that I make available to all my controllers and routes).
Instantiating the same controller this way solves the problem by giving the controller a container:
You should be able to access this.container from any view, and I guess, any controller, as long as they have been given a container.
You can Ember.String.decamelize('AnyOther') to convert the CamelCase controller name to a suitable string.
More on containers here:
If it doesn't help you, I still hope this helps someone out there, as this container stuff is a bit tricky at first...

Emberjs - unable to redefine named, explicitly compiled Handlebars template

As part of an attempt to port a fairly large/complex existing application to the Ember world, I'm generating and compiling named Handlebars templates dynamically, and associating views with them, using the technique:
var template = Ember.Handlebars.compile("some handlebars stuff");
Ember.TEMPLATES["myTemplate"] = template;
var view = Ember.View.create({
templateName: "myTemplate"
One of the things I'd like to do is be able to recompile new/different Handlebars template markup which overwrites the template named "myTemplate" and have it be accessible to views at that name.
I'm getting unexpected results trying to do this - a couple fiddles that illustrate the problems:
First fiddle - Shows what happens if you wait before rendering a view after the named template contents have changed.
Second fiddle - Shows what happens if there's no delay before rendering a view after the named template contents have changed.
There's obviously some magic under the hood that I'm not understanding. Can anyone shed some light on this?
I went through the source code for Ember.View and the container module, and came to realize that I could solve the problem in the First fiddle by overriding the "template" computed property in a way that skips the container cache lookup. I've put up another fiddle here to demonstrate the solution I found.
This seems to be working the way I'd like it to - but - it feels like I might be fighting with the framework and "unhooking" from the container in a way that might bite me later. Is there a better, more Ember-esque way to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Will the hack I found break things?
I've also discovered that it's also possible to simply call
before appending view2 in the First fiddle. Seems cleaner/safer, but is it "legal"? I've updated the First fiddle to illustrate this.
(in the second fiddle, both views show the second template)
This is because view1.appendTo($("#target")); just schedules the append, actual view rendering does not happen until end of the run loop. Before that happens, you've set Ember.TEMPLATES["myTemplate"] = template2;
(in the first fiddle, both views show the first template)
Pretty sure this is because ember container caches template fx, but not 100% on that. Checking...
I'm going to call this one answered. As I mentioned in my second comment, I'm using the solution shown in this fiddle in my project, along these lines:
There's some discussion about the container not being intended to be used as an API here: , but there doesn't seem to be any mention of using the container from Views for other use cases.
Also, a View's container can be accessed directly (at ".container") - meaning the devs haven't made it "hard" to get to the way they have for an Application's ".__ container __". This might suggest something about how they intend it to be used.
Since a View having the ability to clear its cache whenever it wants to doesn't seem to me to be unreasonable or a bad practice, I'm using the above mentioned least until someone sets me straight with a better idea (or a cache API).

Play framework testing controller method

I have a controller method that fetches data to render(fetched data) a HTML view of the same. I wanted to write a test to ensure the jpa model is queried correctly. However I am not finding a way to intercept what is being passed into render().
Can someone please let me know if there is a way to get what is passed into render from a test case. If not should I move this code/line into a different class that I can test easily.
I know it's not exactly what you want but you could just write some selenium tests that will confirm whether the controller is rendering the correct data in the template. (see:
Also writing a Functional Test may help (see:
Could you see if the Play Response object i.e. the out contains your expected value?