FreeBSD on Google Compute Engine - google-cloud-platform

The Google Compute Engine announcement mentions support for RHEL, SUSE, and FreeBSD. On VM creation only Debian and CentOS are available. Is FreeBSD support still being worked on or do I need to create my own disk image to start with?

FreeBSD is now supported by the service, but images are not provided by Google. Paul Rashidi has posted detailed steps for creating a FreeBSD image.
Later in the same thread, Dave Cottlehuber shares a tool he created to make installation easier.
For RHEL and SUSE, there is a signup link in the Premium Operating Systems documentation.
update: On June 9th, we published a video walking through the details of How to build a custom image for Compute Engine.

I've been working on a script to build images for FreeBSD on Google Compute Engine, see:
for more details.

Anther option for building images can be found here:


How to download quickstart VM 5.x for virtual box for windows 10?

How to download quickstart VM 5.x for virtual box for windows 10? I have installed oracle virtual box. But for cloudera qickstart VM I am not getting any source. I have searched a lot in google and youtube but the link or site all are referring is no more there. Can anyone please help?
The first thing to realize, is that a VM which can be run on any operating system by leveraging tools like VMware and Virtual Box.
Cloudera in fact no longer provides a quickstart VM for the legacy CDH 5 platform, this can be seen here as you get redirected to CDP datacenter.
However be aware that CDH 5 relates to a very old distribution. I believe CDH 5 goes end of life this year. Even CDH 6 is not recommended for new clusters, as CDP 7 is already GA for a while. CDP, the Cloudera Data Platform is the successor to both CDH and HDP.
If you want to check out the latest version, there is a trial which should serve for most purposes that you may wanted to use the quickstart. This can be downloaded here.
Full disclosure: I am an employee of Cloudera, the company behind both CDH and CDP.

OS image provided by GCE are maintained version or archived versions of OS?

I am a new user of GCE. According to this documentation here:
To install Docker Engine - Community, you need a maintained version of CentOS 7. Archived versions aren’t supported or tested. Are all the OS versions offered by the GCP maintained or archived?
Public images are provided and maintained by Google, open-source communities, and third-party vendors.
Community-supported images are not directly supported by Compute Engine. It is up to the project community to ensure that images work with Compute Engine features and that security updates are maintained. Community-supported images are provided as-is by the project communities that build and maintain them.
So, yes if it is a public image you want to use, it is maintained. If you want to use a custom image they are not directly supported.
To check the Public images offered by Google Cloud Platform you can go in Compute Engine > Images.

How can I use Manjaro in google compute engine with GUI

I want to use Manjaro in GCP compute engine with GUI but there isn't any image available in compute engine
You need to install Manjaro in your own machine first using something like VirtualBox. Then you can upload the local boot disk to GCS and use that.
See details here:
Seems Manjaro is based on Arch but GCP only supports CentOS/Debian/Red Hat/Ubuntu
Don't if it will work.
For GUI, you need to install X and VNC server then use vnc client to connect.
Besides what Cloud Ace already mentions, there's another resource I believe you might find of interest.
There is actually an ArchLinux dedicated repo in the official GCP GitHub page, which contains some instructions as per how to install ArchLinux into a GCE instance by either using a preconfigured image in the available public images in GCP or building yourself your own custom image. I believe the process of building an image could be attempted with Manjaro, given the fact that it is originally intended for ArchLinux. It has potential to work.
In the end, if the custom image building does not work out with Manjaro, you can always use the Arch Linux public image mentioned in the GitHub I shared (which is the minimal base Arch Linux image), and install the desktop environment you like.
Hope this helps.

User Provided OS on Google Cloud?

I want to use Google Cloud as IaaS, mainly because they accept debt card not credit card,I'm trying to automate some tasks but mainly on windows because my apps crash with wine.
Would you guide me with the below?
What is the user provided OS on google cloud IaaS?
Where can I find tutorial about it or how to do it?
Can I provide a windows DVD?
Kindly check the link below.
Compute Engine does not currently support uploading custom Windows images.

xenserver vm import: what arguments pass to xe vm-import command in remote-config=

I wants to import vm from vmware to xenserver using xenserver conversion manager using xe command"
xe vm-import filename='' force=true host-password=<> host-username=<> preserve=false remote-config= ? sr-uuid=<> type=ESXServer
you can also see the command using xe help vm-import.
But I don't know what arguments pass in remote-config=
I hope the following two options directly answer your question as they are the shortest paths.
From VMWare, export your desired VM to a shared disk (or your desktop) -- making sure the output is in OVF format. From XenCenter, use the import utility: browsing to your shared disk and selecting the OVF file in question.
Depending on your version of XenServer there exists a virtual appliance to assist with pulling in VMs from VMware/VSphere. These are licensed options for the record, so opensource XenServer will not facilitate the functions of these solutions.
I will focus on XenServer 6.5, which download resources can be found at:
You will want to browse to the bottom of the page for "Optional Components" and download the XenServer Conversion Manager VPX 6.5.0 and/or Console tool for batch conversion.
After importing the appliance, the documentation on using it can be found in the Administration Guide.
From VMware, the VM should be exported to OVF form