SAS macros to average between a range of dates with missing dates in the data - sas

I'm completely new to SAS and its macros. I have this dataset, named mydata:
1 A 20120128 5 6
2 B 20120128 10 7
3 C 20120128 20 9
4 D 20120128 6 10
5 E 20120128 9 20
My problem is to find this function:
Newi = ∑ j€[-10,-2] (x+y)i,j /N,
i = any random date(user defined)
-10 and -2(10 days or 2 days before i)
N= total number of days with data available for (x+y) between (-10,-2)
There can be missing dates in the available data.
Can anyone help me with the possible SAS macros for the following problem.
Thanks in Advance!!

I'm assuming your date data are stored as dates and can accept numeric calculations. I'm also assuming that you want to get average of X and Y for a particular date around d, where d is user defined. Last, I'm assuming that if you have two unique ids on the same day, you keep the first one at random. Obviously those assumptions might need to be tweaked a bit but, from what I believe you are asking (I confess I'm only mostly sure I understand your question), hopefully this is close enough to what you need that you can tweak the rest pretty easily.
BY date uniqueid;
%MACRO summarize( userdate );
DATA out;
SET in (where = (date >= &userdate -10 and date <= &userdate - 2);
BY date uniqueid;
xy = sum(x, y)
IF first.uniqueid;
OUTPUT OUT = Averages&userdate MEAN(xy) = ;
%MEND summarize;
What's going on here? Well, I sort the data first by date and uniqueid. I could use NODUPKEY, but I imagine you might want to control how duplicate uniqueids on a given date are handled. The dataset is throwing out the dups by keeping the first one that it comes across, but you could modify deduping logic (which is coming from the BY command in the DATA step and the IF first. command in the same).
You want a set of dates around a particular user-defined date, d. So get d and filter the dataset with WHERE. You could also do this in your PROC SORT step, and there might be reasons for doing so if your raw data will be updated frequently. If you don't need the run the sort every time a user defines a date range, keep it outside the macro and only run it when needed. Sorts can be slow.
In the data step, I'm getting sum(x,y) to account for the fact that either x or y might be missing, or both, or neither. x + y would return missing in those cases. I assume that's now what you want, but do keep in mind that we'll be averaging out sum(x,y) over N, where N is "either x or y is not missing." If you wanted to ignore those rows entirely, use x + y and add IF xy != . in your DATA step.
The last part, the sum, should be pretty self-explanatory.
Hope this helps.


Summing Multiple lags in SAS using LAG

I'm trying to make a data step that creates a column in my table that has the sum of ten, fifteen, twenty and fortyfive lagged variables. What I have below works, but it is not practicle to write this code for the twenty and fortyfive summed lags. I'm new to SAS and can't find a good way to write the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's what I have:
data averages;
set work.cuts;
sum_lag_ten = (lag10(col) + lag9(col) + lag8(col) + lag7(col) + lag6(col) + lag5(col) + lag4(col) + lag3(col) + lag2(col) + lag1(col));
Proc EXPAND allows the easy calculation for moving statistics.
Technically it requires a time component, but if you don't have one you can make one up, just make sure it's consecutive. A row number would work.
Given this, I'm not sure it's less code, but it's easier to read and type. And if you're calculating for multiple variables it's much more scalable.
Transformout specifies the transformation, In this case a moving sum with a window of 10 periods. Trimleft/right can be used to ensure that only records with a full 10 days are included.
You may need to tweak these depending on what exactly you want. The third example under PROC EXPAND has examples.
Data have;
Set have;
RowNum = _n_;
Proc EXPAND data=have out=want;
ID rownum;
Convert col=col_lag10 / transformout=(MOVSUM 10 trimleft 9);
Documentation(SAS/STAT 14.1)
If you must do this in the datastep (and if you do things like this regularly, SAS/ETS has better tools for sure), I would do it like this.
data want;
set sashelp.steel;
array lags[20];
retain lags1-lags20;
*move everything up one;
do _i = dim(lags) to 2 by -1;
lags[_i] = lags[_i-1];
*assign the current record value;
lags[1] = steel;
*now calculate sums;
*if you want only earlier records and NOT this record, then use lags2-lags11, or do the sum before the move everything up one step;
lag_sum_10 = sum(of lags1-lags10);
lag_sum_15 = sum(of lags1-lags15); *etc.;
Note - this is not the best solution (I think a hash table is better), but this is better for a more intermediate level programmer as it uses data step variables.
I don't use a temporary array because you need to use variable shortcuts to do the sum; with temporary array you don't get that, unfortunately (so no way to sum just 1-10, you have to sum [*] only).

New SAS variable conditional on observations

(first time posting)
I have a data set where I need to create a new variable (in SAS), based on meeting a condition related to another variable. So, the data contains three variables from a survey: Site, IDnumb (person), and Date. There can be multiple responses from different people but at the same site (see person 1 and 3 from site A).
Site IDnumb Date
a 1 6/12
b 2 3/4
c 4 5/1
a 3 .
d 5 .
I want to create a new variable called Complete, but it can't contain duplicates. So, when I go to proc freq, I want site A to be counted once, using the 6/12 Date of the Completed Survey. So basically, if a site is represented twice and contains a Date in one, I want to only count that one and ignore the duplicate site without a date.
N %
Complete 3 75%
Last Month 1 25%
My question may be around the NODUP and NODUPKEY possibilities. If I do a Proc Sort (nodupkey) by Site and Date, would that eliminate obs "a 3 ."?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the jumbled "table", as this is my first post (hints on making that better are also welcomed).
You can do this a number of ways.
First off, you need a complete/not complete binary variable. If you're in the datastep anyway, might as well just do it all there.
proc sort data=yourdata;
by site date descending;
data yourdata_want;
set yourdata;
by site date descending;
if then do;
comp = ifn(date>0,1,0);
proc freq data=yourdata_want;
tables comp;
If you used NODUPKEY, you'd first sort it by SITE DATE DESCENDING, then by SITE with NODUPKEY. That way the latest date is up top. You also could format COMP to have the text labels you list rather than just 1/0.
You can also do it with a format on DATE, so you can skip the data step (still need the sort/sort nodupkey). Format all nonmissing values of DATE to "Complete" and missing value of date to "Last Month", then include the missing option in your proc freq.
Finally, you could do the table in SQL (though getting two rows like that is a bit harder, you have to UNION two queries together).

SAS: backward looking data step to compute the average

Sorry for the "not really informative" title of this post.
I have the following data set in SAS:
time Add time_delete
5 3.00 5
5 3.15 11
5 3.11 11
8 4.21 8
8 3.42 8
8 4.20 11
11 3.12 .
Where the time correspond to a new added (Add) price in an auction at every 3minute. This price can get delete within the same time interval or later as shown in time_delete. My objective is to compute the average price from the Add field standing at every time. For instance, my average price at time=5 is (3.15+3.11)/2 since the 3.00 gets deleted within the interval. Then the average price standing at time=8 is (4.20+3.15+3.11)/3. As you can see, I have to look at the current time where I am standing and look back and see which price is still valid standing at time=8. Also, I would like to have a field where for every time I know the highest price available that was not deleted.
Any help?
You have a variant of a rolling sum here. There's no one straightforward solution (especially as you undoubtedly have a few complications not mentioned); but here are a few pointers.
First, you may want to change the format of your data. This is actually a relatively easy problem to solve if you have one row for each possible timepoint rather than just a single row.
data have;
input time Add time_delete;
5 3.00 5
5 3.15 11
5 3.11 11
8 4.21 8
8 3.42 8
8 4.20 11
11 3.12 .
data want;
set have;
if time=time_delete then delete;
else do time=time to time_delete-1;
keep time add;
proc means data=want mean max n;
class time;
var add;
You could output the proc means to a dataset and have your maximum value plus the average value, and then either put that back on the main dataset or whatever you need.
The main downside to this is it's a much larger dataset, so if you're looking at hundreds of thousands of data points, this is not your best option likely.
You can also perform this in SQL without the extra rows, although this is where those "other complications" would potentially throw a wrench in things.
proc sql;
select H.time, mean(V.add), max(V.add) from (
select distinct H.time from have H
left join
(select * from have) V
on V.time le H.time
and V.time_delete gt H.time )
group by 1;
Fairly straightforward and quick query, except that if you have a lot of time values it might take some time to execute the join.
Other options:
Read the data into an array, with a second array tracking the delete points. This can get a bit complex as you probably need to sort your array by delete point - so rather than just adding a new record into the end, you need to move a bunch of records down. SAS isn't quite as friendly to this sort of operation as a c-type language would be.
Use a hash table solution. Somewhat less messy than an array, particularly as you can sort a hash table more easily than two separate arrays.
Use IML and vectors. Similar to the array solution but with more powerful manipulation techniques available.

Extracting sub-data from a SAS dataset & applying to a different dataset

I have written a macro to use proc univariate to calculate custom quantiles for variables in a dataset (say dsn1) %cust_quants(dsn= , varlist= , quant_list= ). The output is a summary dataset (say dsn2)that looks something like the following:
q_1 q_2.5 q_50 q_80 q_97.5 q_99 var_name
1 2.5 50 80 97.5 99 ex_var_1_100
-2 10 25 150 500 20000 ex_var_pos_skew
-20000 -500 -150 0 10 50 ex_var_neg_skew
What I would like to do is to use the summary dataset to cap/floor extreme values in the original dataset. My idea is to extract the column of interest (say q_99) and put it into a vector of macro-variables (say q_99_1, q_99_2, ..., q_99_n). I can then do something like the following:
/* create summary of dsn1 as above example */
%cust_quants(dsn= dsn1, varlist= ex_var_1_100 ex_var_pos_skew ex_var_neg_skew,
quant_list= 1 2.5 50 80 97.5 99);
/* cap dsn1 var's at 99th percentile */
data dsn1_cap;
set dsn1;
if ex_var_1_100 > &q_99_1 then ex_var_1_100 = &q_99_1;
if ex_var_pos_skew > &q_99_2 then ex_var_pos_skew = &q_99_2;
/* don't cap neg skew */
In R, it is very easy to do this. One can extract sub-data from a data-frame using matrix like indexing and assign this sub-data to an object. This second object can then be referenced later. R example--extracting b from data-frame a:
> a <-,2,3), c(4,5,6)))
> print(a)
V1 V2
1 1 4
2 2 5
3 3 6
> a[, 2]
[1] 4 5 6
> b <- a[, 2]
> b[1]
[1] 4
Is it possible to do the same thing in SAS? I want to be able to assign a column(s) of sub-data to a macro variable / array, such that I can then use the macro / array within a 2nd data step. One thought is proc sql into::
proc sql noprint;
select v2 into :v2_macro separated by " "
from a;
However, this creates a single string variable when what I really want is a vector of variables (or array--no vectors in SAS). Another thought is to add %scan (assuming this is inside a macro):
proc sql noprint;
select v2 into :v2_macro separated by " "
from a;
%let i = 1;
%do %until(%scan(&v2_macro, &i) = "");
%let var_&i = %scan(&v2_macro, &i);
%let &i = %eval(&i + 1);
This seems inefficient and takes a lot of code. It also requires the programmer to remember which var_&i corresponds to each future purpose. Is there a simpler / cleaner way to do this?
**Please let me know in the comments if this is enough background / example. I'm happy to give a more complete description of why I'm doing what I'm attempting if needed.
First off, I assume you are talking about SAS/Base not SAS/IML; SAS/IML is essentially similar to R and has the same kind of operations available in the same manner.
SAS/Base is more similar to a database language than a matrix language (though has some elements of both, and some elements of an OOP language, as well as being a full-featured functional programming language).
As a result, you do things somewhat differently in order to achieve the same goal. Additionally, because of the cost of moving data in a large data table, you are given multiple methods to achieve the same result; you can choose the appropriate method for the required situation.
To begin with, you generally should not store data in a macro variable in the manner you suggest. It is bad programming practice, and it is inefficient (as you have already noticed). SAS Datasets exist to store data; SAS macro variables exist to help simplify your programming tasks and drive the code.
Creating the dataset "b" as above is trivial in Base SAS:
data b;
set a;
keep v2;
That creates a new dataset with the same rows as A, but only the second column. KEEP and DROP allow you to control which columns are in the dataset.
However, there would be very little point in this dataset, unless you were planning on modifying the data; after all, it contains the same information as A, just less. So for example, if you wanted to merge V2 into another dataset, rather than creating b, you could simply use a dataset option with A:
data c;
merge z a(keep=v2);
by id;
(Note: I presuppose an ID variable of some form to combine A and Z.)
This merge combines the v2 column onto z, in a new dataset, c. This is equivalent to vertically concatenating two matrices (although a straight-up concatenation would remove the 'by id;' requirement, in databases you do not typically do that, as order is not guaranteed to be what you expect).
If you plan on using b to do something else, how you create and/or use it depends on that usage. You can create a format, which is a mapping of values [ie, 1='Hello' 2='Goodbye'] and thus allows you to convert one value to another with a single programming statement. You can load it into a hash table. You can transpose it into a row (proc transpose). Supply more detail and a more specific answer can be provided.

SAS: How do I point to a specific observation of a value?

I'm very new to SAS and I'm trying to figure out some basic things available in other languages.
I have a table
ID Number
-- ------
1 2
2 5
3 6
4 1
I would like to create a new variable where I sum the value of one observation of Number to each other observations, like
Number2 = Number + Number[3]
ID Number Number2
-- ------ ------
1 2 8
2 5 11
3 6 12
4 1 7
How to I get the value of third observation of Number and add this to each observation of Number in a new variable?
There are several ways to do this; here is one using the SAS POINT= option:
data have;
input ID Number;
1 2
2 5
3 6
4 1
data want;
retain adder;
drop adder;
if _n_=1 then do;
adder = 3;
set have point=adder;
adder = number;
set have;
number = number + adder;
The RETAIN and DROP statements define a temp variable to hold the value you want to add. RETAIN means the value is not to be re-initialized to missing each time through the data step and DROP means you do not want to include that variable in the output data set.
The POINT= option allows one to read a specific observation from a SAS data set. The _n_=1 part is a control mechanism to only execute that bit of code once, assigning the variable adder to the value of the third observation.
The next section reads the data set one observation at a time and adds applies your change.
Note that the same data set is read twice; a handy SAS feature.
I'll start by suggesting that Base SAS doesn't really work this way, normally; it's not that it can't, but normally you can solve most problems without pointing to a specific row.
So while this answer will solve your explicit problem, it's probably not something useful in a real world scenario; usually in the real world you'd have a match key or some other element other than 'row number' to combine with, and if you did then you could do it much more efficiently. You also likely could rearrange your data structure in a way that made this operation more convenient.
That said, the specific example you give is trivial:
data have;
input ID Number;
1 2
2 5
3 6
4 1
data want;
set have;
_t = 3;
set have(rename=number=number3 keep=number) point=_t ;
If you have SAS/IML (SAS's matrix language), which is somewhat similar to R, then this is a very different story both in your likelihood to perform this operation and in how you'd do it.
proc iml;
a= {1 2, 2 5, 3 6, 4 1}; *create initial matrix;
b = a[,2] + a[3,2]; *create a new matrix which is the 2nd column of a added
elementwise to the value in the third row second column;
c = a||b; *append new matrix to a - could be done in same step of course;
print b c;
To do this with the First observation, it's a lot easier.
data want;
set have;
retain _firstpoint; *prevents _firstpoint from being set to missing each iteration;
if _n_ = 1 then _firstpoint=number; *on the first iteration (usually first row) set to number's value;
number = number - _firstpoint; *now subtract that from number to get relative value;
I'll elaborate a little more on this. SAS works on a record-by-record level, where each record is independently processed in the DATA step. (PROCs on the other hand may not behave this way, though many do at some level). SAS, like SQl and similar databases, doesn't truly acknowledge that any row is "first" or "second" or "nth"; however, unlike SQL, it does let you pretend that it is, based on the current sort. The POINT= random access method is one way to go about doing that.
Most of the time, though, you're going to be using something in the data to determine what you want to do rather than some related to the ordering of the data. Here's a way you could do the same thing as the POINT= method, but using the value of ID:
data want;
if n = 1 then set have(where=(ID=3) rename=number=number3);
set have;
That in the first iteration of the data step (_N_=1) takes the row from HAVE where Id=3, and then takes the lines from have in order (really it does this:)
*check to see if _n_=1; it is; so take row id=3;
*take first row (id=1);
*check to see if _n_=1; it is not;
*take second row (id=2);
... continue ...
Variables that are in a SET statement are automatically retained, so NUMBER3 is automatically retained (yay!) and not set to missing between iterations of the data step loop. As long as you don't modify the value, it will stay for each iteration.