wxWidgets - cannot bring frame to top - c++

This question isn't about briging a window to the front of EVERYTHING, just for my specifc application. I'd like the frame they were interacting with to be behind the new frame. Much like a dialog, except that it is not a dialog. I don't think this is bad practice, something was summoned (in this case via a menu) I expect it to be infront of the window I used to summon it.
I just read How can I ensure that a wxFrame is brought to the foreground? and that didn't work either.
SetFocus(); makes the window want my attention (it flashes in my task bar in the case of my platform, GTK and MATE task bar if that matters)
Raise(); does.... nothing
Show(); shows it, obviously, but despite it's newly created status nothing happens.
Weirdly clicking the window doesn't bring it to the front until after I have done something in the parent despite showing as the thing I am interacting with in the task bar. I am using all the 3 of the above (Show, SetFocus then Raise).
I've read Raise's documentation ( http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_window.html#a54808c933f22a891c5db646f6209fa4d ) Raise and Lower are "z-order functions" - this suggests that it's supposed to do this. I have never really had much success with it though. I'd be really really nice if the starting frame came to the foreground whenever I run for example, but given the amount of times I press run and the project is built compared to the amount of time spent writing code and the fact creating a new folder even is more frequent, I've put up with it.
It'd be nice to get it fixed!
Using Lower on the parent hasn't worked. There will be 64 less a few obvious ways to try this, I really want to avoid stumbling about.

I believe ravenspoint, and this is not a good user interface trick, but, if you don't mind a little bit of flashing... and stealing of focus, regardless of where you may be typing, etc, etc, just kinda bad...
ParentWindow->Iconize(false); // restore the window if minimized
ParentWindow->SetFocus(); // focus on my window
ParentWindow->Raise(); // bring window to front
ParentWindow->Show(true); // show the window
And before you do, think about another critical application running with
"Enter the counter measure launch code, impact in 12 seconds: "
and half way through typing, your window decides to pop to the top.


Properly Handling Alt-Enter / Alt-Tab Fullscreen Resolution

The MSDN page on DXGI gives instructions on how to handle fullscreen resolutions different from the desktop resolution. It says to call IDXGISwapChain::ResizeTargets() before calling IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState() to prevent flickering, among other things.
It does not say how to handle Alt-Enter, which calls IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState() before the program is given a chance to make its own call to IDXGISwapChain::ResizeTargets(). If the latter method is called upon a WM_SIZE message, another WM_SIZE message will be sent, possibly causing an infinite loop. How can I ensure that the latter will be called before the former when alt-enter or alt-tab are pressed, and that mode switching occurs painlessly in general?
This is going to be really tricky ... the right way how this is supposed to be handled is IDXGIFactory::MakeWindowAssociation, which, as far as I know, nobody has managed to use successfully. You may want to try it anyway.
The "right" answer is to manually handle Alt+Enter. So, disable Alt+Enter using MakeWindowAssociation and get your hands dirty. First, there is no need to capture WM_SIZE. Instead, listen on WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE, WM_CAPTURECHANGED, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED and WM_EXITSIZEMOVE. This will prevent you from having to deal with WM_SIZE and still get all relevant window resizing events. (When doing this, read this question as well: WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE / WM_EXITSIZEMOVE - when using menu, not always paired)
Ok, so assuming everything went fine, for Alt+Enter, you have to do the following: You set your swap chain to full screen using IDXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState and then resize your swap chain (IDXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers). By default, you'll get a swap chain which is as close as possible to the current resolution of your window before resizing. The way you do this properly is to enumerate the full screen resolutions first, and upon going fullscreen, forcing the resolution you want to have. This sounds ugly, but it seems to be the most robust way to solve the problem.
In general, real, exclusive fullscreen mode is not worth the trouble, as you will always get flickering when someone goes Alt+Tab (you can't avoid it if a mode switch happens, as the screen itself will have to readjust.) A much better solution is to use a fullscreen borderless window. You simply create a window class without any decoration, make it full-screen, place it such that it covers the whole screen and be done with it. Then you don't have to worry about Alt+Enter and Alt+Tab at all. It also allows people to continue working on a second screen without flickering. Performance wise, this is pretty ok'ish (most new games support this as "borderless fullscreen".)
There might be a silver bullet which solves all of this correctly, but I haven't seen it yet. If there is a cleaner/nicer solution, I'd be really curious to hear it. "Borderless fullscreen" seems to be the current standard though, IIRC, Unity 5 will only allow "borderless fullscreen" for Direct3D 11.
I just want to add an update on this issue - I've written a small windowing library that I believe handles DXGI pretty well - no debug messages, no error messages, and everything behaves as intended, at least on my Windows environment. The full solution to this problem is much too complex to explain in a single answer, since it requires a lot of precisely placed method calls (DXGI is really, really rigid as it turns out), but I have my code up on github if anyone wants to take a look at it. Specifically, this file and this file are the ones you want to look at - the latter being an aggregate object of the former.
Note that I have disabled ALT+ENTER in favor of F11, but the functionality is exactly the same.
If you want to use that library, by the way, I am releasing it as free software and will provide documentation soon.

Strange Control Display Corruption in MFC App

I have a strange issue I've been unable to diagnose and am hoping someone can at least point me in the right direction. I have a C++ MFC application that collects data from various sources and displays it on the screen. After a random interval (typically around 5-10 minutes), however, the display gets "corrupted" in a way I've never seen or have been able to track down as shown in the image below (left is normal, right is corrupt):
The basic symptoms are:
Up/down arrow images turn into "5"s and "6"s.
Opening a combo box list results in just the item text displayed (list border and scroll bar is not shown).
Background colours on some controls don't update or display correctly.
Z-order is broken and the app controls "leak" through other windows placed on top.
Pressing Print-Screen with the app in focus no longer captures the window to the clipboard.
Closing and reopening the window does nothing.
Restarting the application gets things back to normal.
Things I've tried to eliminate as a possible cause include:
Operating System & Computer: The same issue is present on a variety of systems from Windows 7-64 bit to Windows Xp-32 bit.
Multi-threading: I added a mutex to prevent the display updates from occurring at the same time but it had no effect (as expected).
Memory Corruption: This has been my assumption all along but there are no signs of memory corruption at all. The base display code has been used for years with no similar issue as well as the base networking message library.
Specific Code: I have narrowed down the issue to one specific dialog among a variety of others that show no issue. They all use the same base code which would seem to indicate the issue lies in the specific display code for the dialog. Exactly how or why the issue occurs has eluded me so far.
Any ideas on what the cause might be or how to narrow it down would be great.
Update 1:
Doing some more timing/repeatable tests and it looks like leaving this one dialog running for a short while causes the issue. The amount time is consistently between 300-400 seconds before the issue shows up.
It sounds like your application could be leaking GDI objects. To check if that is the case, open your task manager and enable the GDI Objects column. Observe the number for your process and see if it's increasing continuously.
If that is actually the case, you should read Detect and Plug GDI Leaks in Your Code with Two Powerful Tools for Windows XP. That MSDN article also offers a tool named GDILeaks.exe that should help you identify your GDI Leaks.
In the case where these symptoms surface within a short time, it should be something that is drawn repeatedly that isn't freeing GDI resources properly. Possibly in (or called within) the windows procedure (OnPaint for example).
If I'm not mistaken Windows' GUI uses a ttf(?) font for those little icons, and it looks like the font gets destroyed somehow (DeleteObject being called with font's handle?)

How to make a loading/intro animation popup while waiting for program to start up clutter/GTK+

My program takes a few seconds to start up. I am using clutter for the GUI, and I decided to try and make something pop up to indicate that the program is starting up. I wanted to just have a logo pop up and rotate, then disappear when the program starts.
So in clutter, I figured I could just make a new stage (window) add an actor to it, make the and actor spin, in the first section of the main function. The window will pop up right away, but with no content, but the content wont show until you launch the clutter main loop.
So I was just wondering how I might be able to achieve this using clutter or GTK+.
If you are familar with reaper 4, the audio recording program, this program does something similar to what I want to mine to do.
What you want is called a splash screen. I'm unfamiliar with clutter, but I found this GTK splash screen example.
However, I think you're taking the problem the wrong way. Splash screens are a bad idea because you just add overhead. What you need is improving your startup performance, by doing some CPU and/or IO profiling. Loading stuff on-demand, and not all at once will help.
Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with Clutter. But I'm pretty sure it will be difficult to render an animation without a main loop running in any high level library.
I'd try to put the code that causes the delay into a separate thread and inform the main loop when the startup is done.
Something like this is what i use:
string splashfile = path_templ + "/splashimg.png";
GtkWidget *image=gtk_image_new_from_file(splashfile.c_str());
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(SplashWindow), image);
//Cycle through all iterations (refresh everything in the GUI)
while (gtk_events_pending()){
(... rest of code ...)
gtk_main ();
gdk_threads_leave ();
Especially that last part of while events pending is the key

Custom Location of the Main Menu of Windows Dialog

There are a lot of articles related to customizing main menu of the dialog window on, including "custom-drawn" menus. But none of them seem to answer my question.
I have a (borderless) window that has a custom-drawn by hand title bar:
I need to display somehow a main menu under this "fat" title bar. How could I do this, using MFC? By default "native" menus seem to be able to be located only in the top of the client area of the dialog window (or am I wrong here?). Is there any solution for my problem?
If someone could give some links related to my issue, I'd greatly appreciate this! I've seen a lot of products that implement this, for example Ontrack comes on mind, but never met any explanation on how this was achieved.
Thank you!
I need to display somehow a main menu under this "fat" title bar.
That's precisely where it is being drawn, according to the image you posted.
By default "native" menus seem to be able to be located only in the top of the client area of the dialog window (or am I wrong here?).
No, that's correct. The menu will be automatically drawn where menu bars belong: at the top of the window, just below the title bar.
You've decided to mess up the defaults and throw usability of your application to hell by reimplementing the non-client area. That means you can't rely on Windows to draw these elements for you. Instead, you'll need to take responsibility for drawing all of these things yourself, which requires you to write code to do so. I don't know what "Ontrack" is, but any application that does this is owner-drawing its menus.
Another popular option (used by Internet Explorer for a while) is to create your own menu-like object using a rebar control. This has the advantage of integrating into an existing toolbar control and allowing the user to rearrange items as desired. It, like writing your own menu control, has the disadvantage of not conforming to standard platform conventions and user expectations (although it's probably a lot better than whatever you can come up with yourself). There's a how-to article here on MSDN.
I suspect that in undertaking this project you've probably bitten off more than you can chew. Keep in mind that there's hardly ever (if even that) a reason to draw your own title bar. As you're seeing, conforming to your platform's standard expectations is often easier on the programmer and far better received by your users.

How to mix C++ and external buttons on seperate window?

I want to make a C++ button on Start>Run i.e but when I do it will not do signalled event?
Im sorry I have seen that you do not get the question.
Ok basically when you create a button with CreateWindowEx(); I want to do that but put on a different window with SetPArent which I have already done now the button does not work so I need my program to someone get when it is clicked from the Run window as example!
And yes you have it, but it's not making the button is the problem it's getting when it's clicked with my program since it does not belong to it anymore!
You need to apply the ancient but still-supported technique known in Windows as subclassing; it is well explained here (15-years-old article, but still quite valid;-). As this article puts it,
Subclassing is a technique that allows
an application to intercept messages
destined for another window. An
application can augment, monitor, or
modify the default behavior of a
window by intercepting messages meant
for another window.
You'll want "instance subclassing", since you're interested only in a single window (either your new button, or, the one you've SetParented your new button to); if you decide to subclass a window belonging to another process, you'll also need to use the injection techniques explained in the article, such as, injecting your DLL into system processes and watching over events with a WH_CBT hook, and the like. But I think you could keep the button in your own process even though you're SetParenting it to a window belonging to a different process, in which case you can do your instance subclassing entirely within your own process, which is much simpler if feasible.
"Superclassing" is an alternative to "subclassing", also explained in the article, but doesn't seem to offer that many advantages when compared to instance subclassing (though it may compared with global subclassing... but, that's not what you need here anyway).
You'll find other interesting articles on such topics here, here, and here (developing a big, rich C++ library for subclassing -- but, also showing a simpler approach based on hooks which you might prefer). Each article has a pretty difference stance and code examples, so I think that having many to look at may help you find the right mindset and code for your specific needs!
OK, I'll do my very best - as I understand you, you're trying to inject a button into some existing window. That meaning: Your tool creates a button in some window that does not belong to your application. Now, you want to be notified when that button is pressed. Am I correct so far?
To be notified about the button being pressed, you need to get the respective window message, which will only work if you also "inject" a different WndProc into the window. Actually I have no idea how that should work, but I faintly remember functions like GetWindowLong and SetWindowLong. Maybe they will help?
I've searched MSDN a little: While you can get the address of a window's WndProc using GetWindowLong, you can not set the WndProc using SetWindowLong on Windows NT/2000/XP (and up I suppose). See here (MSDN).
So what you could do is install a global message hook that intercepts all window messages, filter those for the window you've injected the button into and then find your message. If you have trouble with this, however, I'm the wrong person to ask, because it's been years ago since I've done anything like that, but it would be stuff for a new question.
Please see Alex Martinellis answer for how to define the hook. I think he's describing the technique I was referring to when I talked about defining global message hooks to intercept the window messages for the window you injected your button into.