Collision detection between layers - cocos2d-iphone

I have a few layers, which holds CCSprites .
I have a main CCScene that is adding these layers at the start.
I have to check collision between sprites from different layers .
I know how to check a simple collision with CGRectContains , my problem is , that i need some kind of a class that holds all the sprites positions from all layers ,and to check each tick for collision.
Question: what is the right way to create such a class,that save/check sprites from all layers on the scene ?
THanks .

If you don't care about empty space, then you can just set self.contentSize for every layer. You can do it like this:
CGRect rect = CGRectNull;
for (CCNode *node in self.children) {
rect = CGRectUnion(rect, node.boundingBox);
self.contentSize = rect.size;
But if you care about empty space, then you need to use something like this:
// put it somewhere outside class implementation
static inline BOOL CCLayerIntersectsCCLayer(CCLayer l1, CCLayer l2) {
for (CCNode *n1 in l1.children) {
for (CCNode *n2 in l2.children) {
CGRect r1 = n1.boundingBox;
CGRect r2 = n2.boundingBox;
r1.origin = [l1.parent convertToNodeSpace:r1.origin];
r2.origin = [l2.parent convertToNodeSpace:r2.origin];
if (CGRectIntersectsCGRect(r1, r2)) {
return YES;
return NO;
But you must understand, that all sprites (even circles) are actually rectangles. So if you need very precise collision detection, then you should use box2d in your project. If you are interesting in this, here are some links to read:
Intro to Box2D with Cocos2D 2.X Tutorial: Bouncing Balls
Box2D Tutorial for iOS: How To Use Box2D For Just Collision Detection with Cocos2D iPhone


How to remove a sprite permanently in Cocos2d-x

I am developing a game using cocos2d-x. I want to remove sprites permanently. I have two sprites & making collision between the sprites. When collision happens, i want to remove those sprites permanently. I am using the following code to making collision & remove sprites.
CCARRAY_FOREACH(_sprrand24, stwentyfour)
CCSize size=sprrand24->getContentSize();
CCSprite *sprrand24 = dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(stwentyfour);
CCRect sprrand24Rect = CCRectMake(
sprrand24->getPosition().x - (size.width/2),
sprrand24->getPosition().y - (size.height/2),
CCARRAY_FOREACH(_sprrand25, stwentyfive)
CCSize size=sprrand25->getContentSize();
CCSprite *sprrand25 = dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(stwentyfive);
CCRect sprrand25Rect = CCRectMake(
sprrand25->getPosition().x - (size.width/2),
sprrand25->getPosition().y - (size.height/2),
if (sprrand24Rect.intersectsRect(sprrand25Rect))
this->removeChild(sprrand24, true);
this->removeChild(sprrand25, true);
To remove the sprite you can use
if you assign each of your Sprites a tag, you can then do removeChildByTag(tag);
sprite->setTag(99); // i made this up

Can I make CCFollow follow more naturally?

I want to build a platform game with cocos2d/Box2D. I use CCFollow to follow the player sprite but CCFollow constantly puts it in the center of the screen. I want CCFollow to follow more naturally, like a human turning a camcorder with an acceptable lag, a small overshoot ...etc.
Here is a method of mine that didn't work: I attached (via a distance joint) a small physics body to the player that doesn't collide with anything, represented by a transparent sprite. I CCFollow'ed the transparent sprite. I was hoping this ghost body would act like a balloon attached to the player, hence a smooth shift in view. The problem is distance joint breaks with too heavy - too light objects. The balloon moves around randomly, and of course, it pulls the player back a little no matter how light it is.
What is a better way of following a moving sprite smoothly?
Try add this to CCActions in cocos2d libs.
-(void) step:(ccTime) dt
#define CLAMP(x,y,z) MIN(MAX(x,y),z)
CGPoint pos;
// whole map fits inside a single screen, no need to modify the position - unless map boundaries are increased
if(boundaryFullyCovered) return;
CGPoint tempPos = ccpSub(halfScreenSize, followedNode_.position);
pos = ccp(CLAMP(tempPos.x,leftBoundary,rightBoundary), CLAMP(tempPos.y,bottomBoundary,topBoundary));
else {
// pos = ccpSub( halfScreenSize, followedNode_.position );
CCNode *n = (CCNode*)target_;
float s = n.scale;
pos = ccpSub( halfScreenSize, followedNode_.position );
pos.x *= s;
pos.y *= s;
CGPoint moveVect;
CGPoint oldPos = [target_ position];
double dist = ccpDistance(pos, oldPos);
if (dist > 1){
moveVect = ccpMult(ccpSub(pos,oldPos),0.05); //0.05 is the smooth constant.
oldPos = ccpAdd(oldPos, moveVect);
[target_ setPosition:oldPos];
#undef CLAMP
i get this from cocos2d forums.
Perhaps this can help you get an "acceleration" effect with CCFollow.

Moving Box2d Bodies Like CCSprite Objects

In cocos2d, you can ease in CCSprites and move them around in all kinds of ways. Most importantly - they can have easing in/out. For most games this is desirable for smooth movement etc.
id action = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:dur position:pos];
move = [CCEaseInOut actionWithAction:action rate:2];
[self runAction: move];
When moving a box2d body, the sprite attached to it is updated after the box2d step(). Moving the sprite and then updating the body is not an option here, as it entirely defeats the purpose of the physics framework.
So the other option, which I have successfully implemented, is to calculate the displacement, velocity and acceleration of a sprite by treating it as a mechanics entity in its own right. Each time I call my update() on the sprite so the character can decide where to move etc, my superclass also stores the previous position and velocity. These are stored as box2d compliant values by dividing by the PTM_RATIO.
In the subclass of CCSprite, called FMSprite:
-(CGPoint) displacement {
return ccpSub(self.position, lastPos);
-(b2Vec2) getSpriteVelocity:(ccTime)dt {
return b2Vec2(self.displacement.x / dt / PTM_RATIO,
self.displacement.y / dt / PTM_RATIO);
-(b2Vec2) getSpriteAccel:(ccTime)dt {
b2Vec2 currVel = [self getSpriteVelocity:dt];
if (dt == 0) {
return b2Vec2(0,0);
} else {
float accelX = (currVel.x - lastVel.x)/dt;
float accelY = (currVel.y - lastVel.y)/dt;
return b2Vec2(accelX, accelY);
// This is called each update()
-(void) updateLast:(ccTime)dt {
// MUST store lastVel before lastPos is updated since it uses displacement
lastVel = [self getSpriteVelocity:dt];
lastPos = ccp(self.X, self.Y);
// Leave this method untouched in subclasses
-(void) update:(ccTime)dt {
[self updateObject:dt];
// Store previous update values
[self updateLast:dt];
// Override this method in subclasses for custom functionality
-(void) updateObject:(ccTime)dt {
I have then subclassed "FMSprite" into "FMObject", which stores a b2Body etc.
In order to move the body, I must first move a sprite and track its acceleration, through which I can find the required force (using the mass) needed to follow the sprite's motion. Since I can't move the object's sprite (which is synchronized to the body), I make another sprite called a "beacon", add it as a child to the object, and move it around. All we need to do then is to have a function to synchronize the position of the box2d body with this beacon sprite using the forces I mentioned before.
-(void) followBeaconWithDelta:(ccTime)dt {
float forceX = [beacon getSpriteAccel:dt].x * self.mass;
float forceY = [beacon getSpriteAccel:dt].y * self.mass;
[self addForce:b2Vec2(forceX, forceY)];
The result is brilliant, a smooth easing motion of the b2body moving where ever you want it to, without playing around with any of its own forces, but rather copying that of a CCSprite and replicating its motion. Since it's all forces, it won't cause jittering and distortions when colliding with other b2Body objects. If anyone has any other methods to do this, please post an answer. Thanks!
What I do is different from yours, but can also Moving Box2d Bodies Like CCSprite Objects and even use the CCAction.
The most important thing is to create an object that contain ccSprite and b2body.
#interface RigidBody : CCNode {
b2Body *m_Body;
CCSprite *m_Sprite;
And then, rewrite the setPosition method.
CGPoint currentPosition = position_;
b2Transform transform = self.body->GetTransform();
b2Vec2 p = transform.p;
float32 angle = self.body->GetAngle();
p += [CCMethod toMeter:ccpSub(position, currentPosition)];
self.body->SetTransform(p, angle);
position_ = position;
The setPosition method calculate how much the position change,and set it to the b2body.
I hope I have understanding your question and the answer is helpful for you...

specific body shape in cocos2d

I have sprites(which have bodies) that can fall down into a box, in a b2world.
I wonder in what way should I define that box body, so only when another body hit it from upside, it looks like he went inside that box, and I don't see it anymore ..
should I just put it in another z layer?
how can I define a body to be open in its upside only ?
I have created the body like this:
-(void)basket //TAG5
//define sprite
basket=[CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"basket.png"];
b2BodyDef spriteBodyDef;
spriteBodyDef.type = b2_staticBody;
spriteBodyDef.userData = basket;
basket1Body = world->CreateBody(&spriteBodyDef);
b2PolygonShape spriteShape; //b2polygon-for box shape
spriteShape.SetAsBox(basket.contentSize.width/PTM_RATIO/2,basket.contentSize.height/PTM_RATIO/2); //for b2polygon
b2FixtureDef spriteShapeDef;
spriteShapeDef.shape = &spriteShape;
spriteShapeDef.density = 10.0;
spriteShapeDef.isSensor = false;
[self addChild:basket];
I am using cocos2d and box2d.
any explanation of a simple way of doing this will be appreciate .
To make the box you could use three polygons (left and right walls, and bottom), or edge shapes. Then yes, just draw something over the top so that the objects are hidden when they go into that area.

Is object remain fixed when scrolling background in cocos2d

I have one question when infinite background scrolling is done, is the object remain fixed(like doodle in doodle jump, papy in papi jump) or these object really moves.Is only background move or both (background and object )move.plz someone help me.I am searching for this solution for 4/5 days,but can't get the solution.So plz someone help me. And if object does not move how to create such a illusion of object moving.
If you add the object to the same layer as the scrolling background, then it will scroll as the background scrolls.
If your looking for an effect like the hero in doodle jump, you may want to look at having two or more layers in a scene.
Layer 1: Scrolling Background Layer
Layer 2: Sprite layer
CCLayer *backgroundLayer = [[CCLayer alloc] init];
CCLayer *spriteLayer= [[CCLayer alloc] init];
[self addChild:backgroundLayer z:0];
[self addChild:spriteLayer z:1];
//Hero stays in one spot regardless of background scrolling.
CCSprite *squidHero = [[CCSprite alloc] initWithFile:#"squid.png"];
[spriteLayer addChild:squidHero];
If you want objects to scroll with the background add it to the background layer:
//Platform moves with background.
CCSprite *bouncePlatform= [[CCSprite alloc] initWithFile:#"bouncePlatform.png"];
[backgroundLayer addChild:bouncePlatform];
Another alternative is to use a CCFollow action. You would code as if the background is static (which it will be) and the player is moving (which it will be), but add a CCFollow action to the player. This essentially moves the camera so that it tracks your player.
You can also modify the classes so that you can get the CCFollow action to follow with an offset (i.e., so the player is not in the middle of the screen) as well as to have a smoothing effect to it, so that when the player moves, the follow action is not jerky. See the below code:
*NOTE I am using cocos2d-x, the c++ port. The methods are similar in cocos2d, and you should be able to modify these to fit the cocos2d syntax. Or search around -- I found these for cocos2d and then ported to c++.
//defines the action to constantly follow the player (in my case, "runner.p_sprite is the sprite pointing to the player)
FollowWithOffset* followAction = FollowWithOffset::create(runner.p_sprite, CCRectZero);
And separately, I have copied the class definition for CCFollow to create my own class, CCFollowWithAction. This also has a smoothing effect (you can look this up more online) so that when the player moves, the actions are not jerky. I modified "initWithTarget," to take into account an offset, and "step," to add a smoothing action. You can see the modifications in the comments below.
bool FollowWithOffset::initWithTarget(CCNode *pFollowedNode, const CCRect& rect/* = CCRectZero*/)
CCAssert(pFollowedNode != NULL, "");
m_pobFollowedNode = pFollowedNode;
if (rect.equals(CCRectZero))
m_bBoundarySet = false;
m_bBoundarySet = true;
m_bBoundaryFullyCovered = false;
CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
m_obFullScreenSize = CCPointMake(winSize.width, winSize.height);
//m_obHalfScreenSize = ccpMult(m_obFullScreenSize, 0.5f);
m_obHalfScreenSize = CCPointMake(m_obFullScreenSize.x/2 + RUNNER_FOLLOW_OFFSET_X,
m_obFullScreenSize.y/2 + RUNNER_FOLLOW_OFFSET_Y);
if (m_bBoundarySet)
m_fLeftBoundary = -((rect.origin.x+rect.size.width) - m_obFullScreenSize.x);
m_fRightBoundary = -rect.origin.x ;
m_fTopBoundary = -rect.origin.y;
m_fBottomBoundary = -((rect.origin.y+rect.size.height) - m_obFullScreenSize.y);
if(m_fRightBoundary < m_fLeftBoundary)
// screen width is larger than world's boundary width
//set both in the middle of the world
m_fRightBoundary = m_fLeftBoundary = (m_fLeftBoundary + m_fRightBoundary) / 2;
if(m_fTopBoundary < m_fBottomBoundary)
// screen width is larger than world's boundary width
//set both in the middle of the world
m_fTopBoundary = m_fBottomBoundary = (m_fTopBoundary + m_fBottomBoundary) / 2;
if( (m_fTopBoundary == m_fBottomBoundary) && (m_fLeftBoundary == m_fRightBoundary) )
m_bBoundaryFullyCovered = true;
return true;
void FollowWithOffset::step(float dt)
// whole map fits inside a single screen, no need to modify the position - unless map boundaries are increased
CCPoint tempPos = ccpSub( m_obHalfScreenSize, m_pobFollowedNode->getPosition());
m_pTarget->setPosition(ccp(clampf(tempPos.x, m_fLeftBoundary, m_fRightBoundary),
clampf(tempPos.y, m_fBottomBoundary, m_fTopBoundary)));
//custom written code to add in support for a smooth ccfollow action
CCPoint tempPos = ccpSub( m_obHalfScreenSize, m_pobFollowedNode->getPosition());
CCPoint moveVect = ccpMult(ccpSub(tempPos,m_pTarget->getPosition()),0.25); //0.25 is the smooth constant.
CCPoint newPos = ccpAdd(m_pTarget->getPosition(), moveVect);