Clojure modify LazySeq - clojure

I inherited some Java code that does the following:
1) it receives from Clojure a LazySeq object (which is made up of a number of PersistentHashMap objects)
2) it then passes this same LazySeq object (unchanged) back to a Clojure script where it is converted into a String and passed back to Java
The issue is that inside the Java code after step (1) and before step (2), I need to modify some of the PersistentHashMap objects inside the LazySeq and then proceed to step (2). Something like:
LazySeq seq = clojureFunctionReturningLazySeq();
//update the elements of the sequence
String result = clojureFunctionReceivingLazySeq(seq);
I cannot modify the Clojure script itself and the updating of the LazySeq has to happen inside the Java code. I checked the LazySeq API and I cannot find a method to modify (or add) an element.
Thank you,

Short answer: You can't. LazySeq and PersistentHashMap in Clojure are immutable.
Longer answer: Generally, Clojure code makes very few assumptions about the exact kind of list object it's receiving - Most things work against ISeq which, if you don't want to bother with the other Clojure types, is rather trivial to implement.
So, you'd need to create a class that implements ISeq and returns transformed PersistentHashMap's as it runs through its parent LazySeq. Instantiate that class and pass it to clojureFunctionReceivingLazySeq(seq) instead.


Should agents only hold immutable values

In Clojure Programming (OReilly) there is an example where both a, and a is put inside an agent (one agent for each). These are then written to inside the agent action. The book says that it is safe to perform io in an agent action. As I understand it all side effecting operations are ok inside an agent action. This is because agent actions inside commits are only run if the commit is succesful. And agent actions inside other agent actions are only run after the outer agent action completes successfully. Agent actions in general are guaranteed to be applied serially.
The Clojure documentation says this: "The state of an Agent should be itself immutable...".
As I understand it, the reason that atoms and refs must hold immutable values is so that clojure can roll back and retry commits several times.
What I don't understand is:
1: If Clojure makes sure that agent actions are only run once, why must agent values be immutable.
(for example if I hold a java array in an agent, and add to it in an agent action, this should be fine because the action will only run once. This is very similar to adding lines to a BufferedWriter)
2: Is considered immutable? I understand that you could have a stable reference to one, but if the agent action is performing io on it, should it still be considered immutable?
3: If BufferedWriter is considered immutable, how do I decide if other similar java classes are immutable?
As I see it:
Values held by agents should be 'effectively immutable' (term borrowed from JCIP), in that they should always be conceptually equal to themselves.
This means, if I .clone() an object and compare both copies, original.equals(copy) should be true, no matter of what I do (and when).
In this sense, an instance of the typical Employee class full of getters/setters can not be guaranteed to equal to itself, in face of mutability: equals() will be defined as a field-by-field comparison, so the test can fail.
A BufferedWriter though, does not represent a value - its equality is defined in terms of being exactly the same object in memory. So it has a 'sound' mutability -unlike Employee's- which makes it apt for wrapping it in an agent.
I believe that you are right in that from the STM point of view, agent-value mutability wouldn't hurt a lot. But it would in that it'd break Clojure's time model, in which you 'cannot change the past', etc.
On deciding whether a Java class is immutable: impossible without diving into the implementation. You don't have to care about this too much though.
I'd make the following taxonomy of types in Java-land:
Mutable objects which (badly) represent values - Employee, etc. Never wrap them in a Clojure reference type.
Immutable objects which represent values - their immutability is reflected in the doc, or in naming conventions ("EmployeeBuilder"). Safe to wrap in any Clojure reference.
Unmanaged collection types - ArrayList, etc. Avoid except for interop purposes.
Managed reference/collection types - AtomicReference, blocking queues... They play fine with Clojure, dubious to wrap them in Clojure references though.
'IO' types - BufferedWriter, Swing stuff... you don't care about their mutability because they don't represent values at all - you just want them for their side effects. It might make sense to guard them in agents to guarantee access serialization.
The agent value should be immutable because someone can do this:
(def my-agent (agent (BufferedWriter.)))
(.write #my-agent "Hello world")
Which is basically modifying the agent value (in this case the writer) without going through agent control mechanism.
Yes, BufferedWriter is mutable because by writing to it you can change its internal state. It is like a pointer or reference and not a value.

luabind : Accessing an invalidated c++ object from lua results in access violation

Is it possible that luabind checks, if a member function call to an exported class (object) is for a valid object?
lets assume that i have a Class called Actor exposed using luabind to lua. Im calling a lua function from C++ with an actor object as parameter. Now before the function finishes, a script write would put the actor object in a global lua reference to be accessed later.
Later on, the actor object is deleted from the C++ site, another function is called which tries to access the invalidated actor object (any method from it) - and obviously since it has been deleted, it results in a crash (access violation)
local myObjRef = nil
function doSomethingWithActor(actor)
-- save, still valid object
myObjRef = actor
function calledAfterActorWasDeleted()
--- will crash if the c++ object has been deleted meanwhile, works fine if it still exists
A NIL check doesnt help here, is this something that can be checked on luabinds site? The functions are executed using lua_pcall(....) and the stacktrace shows the error at luabinds call.hpp results = maybe_yield(L, lua_gettop(L) - arguments, (Policies*)0);
If not, is there another solution how to make sure somebody who writes a script cannot create these issues?
Now before the function finishes, a script write would put the actor object in a global lua reference to be accessed later.
That right there is where your problem is coming from. If you want Lua code to own the object (that is, preserve the existence of this object), then you need to use Luabind mechanics to tell Luabind that you want to do that. Otherwise, if you pass a pointer to some Lua function, Luabind will assume that the function will not be trying to gain ownership of it.
If you want ownership to be shared between Lua and Luabind, then you should wrap your objects in a boost::shared_ptr, and use Luabind's smart pointer mechanisms to do this.
You could also simply segregate your scripts better. If you have some script that operates on a particular actor, then that script and any functions it contains should be destroyed (ie: lose all references to it) along with the object. This requires proper coding discipline on the C++ side. It will also require that you use Lua environments to properly encapsulate each instance of a script, so that they can't sneak things out via globals. Lastly, you will need to have C++ maintain total control over when scripts are called and when they aren't.
Otherwise, ownership is something your scripters are simply going to have to know about and be careful of. They can't treat C++ parameters like any old Lua value.
If exercising disciplined programming practice is not possible or practical for you, then you will simply have to not pass Lua the actual C++ object. Instead, you need to pass Lua some proxy object, which is a reference to the original. boost::weak_ptr is a good example of such an object (though you wouldn't pass it exactly to Lua). The proxy would forward calls to the actual object. If the object has been deleted, the proxy would detect this and fail or do nothing or whatever.
I solved my issue the following way:
When im about to delete an object, i iterate through all lua functions from C++ (i have them in a list, they are bound to specific actor objects each). Then i inspect each upvalue (global/local vars accessable to a function) - then i compare the userdata pointer with my object im about to delete - if they match (and their classes) and NIL the upvalue. Optionally, i could just remove that offending function because it would not work well anymore anyway.
So the next the time the function is called, im just getting a soft lua error "trying to access xxx a nil value..." - no more access violations.
I know people would say "dont use lua_getupvalue/lua_setupvalue - they are only for debugging!" - but there is actually no documented or spoken side effect - and in my case its perfectly safe and works well - also there isnt the issue with left over proxy objects i could not delete.

Why does django ORM's `save` method not return the saved object?

Any insight into the reasoning behind this design decision? It seems to me that having return something, has only benefits (like method chaining) and no drawbacks.
It's generally considered good practice in Python to have functions that primarily affect existing objects not return themselves. For instance, sorted(yourlist) returns a sorted list but yourlist.sort() sorts the list in-place and does not return anything.
Performing multiple operations with side-effects (as opposed to no-side-effect functions where the focus is on the return value) on a single line is not really good practice. The code will be more compact in terms of number of lines, but it will be harder to read because important side-effects may be buried in the middle of a chain. If you want to use method chaining, use functions with no side effects in the beginning of the chain and then have a single function with a side effect like .save() at the end.
To put it another way, in a method chain, the beginning of the chain is the input, the middle of the chain transforms the input (navigating down a tree, sorting the input, changing case of a string etc) and the end of the chain is the functional part that does work with side-effects. If you bury methods with side-effects in the middle of the chain then it will be unclear what your method chain actually does.
This reminds me of the general principle that Greg Ward espoused at Pycon2015 recently, not to confuse functions with procedures. Every function should return a value or have a side-effect, but not both.
Basically the same question is asked of dict.update().
Since this is the first result that I get when searching for "django return saved object", to compliment Andrew's answer, if you still want to return the saved object, instead of using:
which returns None, you'd use:
saved_instance = ExampleModel.objects.create(title=title)
And this works because ExampleModel.objects is a Model Manager rather than an instance of the class, so it's not returning itself.

when do luabind free created objects?

I'm having problems with luabind. I define a std::map to allocate objects created in lua. I publish this map as a global object in lua in this way:
luabind::globals(L)["g_SceneManager2D"] = this;
After that, this object is used into a function into lua, where many objects are created and inserted into this map. The problem comes when lua function ends and luabind returns the control to C++ side program, because automatically all contents of the map are lost.
I was looking for the error. I keep the lua context alive, so this object must exists.
Could you helpme??
Many thanks :)
I suggest use a shared_ptr<>(this) rather than raw this. boost::shared_from_this might help. Make sure your class is registered using Luabind too, and that the class_ is specified as held by a shared_ptr.
Another fun idea might be to make your Lua function just generate the "map" as a Lua table, return it, and you can iterate over it in C++ to build your std::map.
If I understand your problem correctly, it seems you are creating objects in Lua, which you then insert into the map (either through Lua or C++) and subsequently lose. Without some more code, it's hard to tell exactly what the problem is. However, I would first look to make sure that those objects are indeed being created (double check it) and then I would check to see that Lua isn't garbage collecting them. If Lua is indeed garbage collecting those objects, then you won't see them on the C++ side because they're, well, gone.
If it helps, I'm finishing up a project which does something similar. I had to create and retrieve C++ objects from Lua, but instead of creating the objects in Lua, I just called C++ functions to do it for me, sending any necessary data in the Lua call (bound by Luabind). Those (C++) functions indexed the objects by IDs into hash tables and the IDs were returned to Lua in case it needed to retrieve the object script-side for operations. This setup makes it easier (and safer) to handle memory stuff correctly and prevents Lua from garbage collecting your objects.

Trouble understanding :state in Clojure

I understand what :state /does/. It creates a field, like in Java, in your class. What I don't understand is what is the point of this? It seems like I only see it done with Clojure-generated classes that extend other classes. being one example. I don't know Java, and I'm not very well versed in Object Oriented Programming. Can someone explain the point of :state to me, and where it all fits in with Java interop?
Thanks a lot!
NOTE: When I say :state, I am referring to (:gen-class :state)
:state is simply a way of sharing some data between the functions generated as part of gen-class. Think of it as being exactly the same as the instance data of an object.
More infomation on the state and how to initialize it can be found the article gen-class – how it works and how to use it
From the article:
:state defines a method which will return the object's state.
:init defines the name of the initialiser. This is a function which has to return a vector. The first element is again a vector of arguments to the super class constructor. In our case this is just the empty vector. The second element is the object's state.
In summary, init returns the state of the object and is called when the object is instantiated. state is a method on the class, as opposed to a function, that will return the same value returned as the second element in the vector returned by init.
The article then goes on to show how to use an atom to be able to change the state of the object, if needed.
I talked it over with hiredman on the #Clojure IRC channel, and he told me that the main point of it is a state per instance. That makes sense.