Not understanding the error message I'm getting - c++

I doing a freind function program according to this book I have and I did a little of my own code to the program. I puzzle because I get this error message that the "room_num" is undeclared and intellisense identifier "room_num" is undefine. I need help in understanding why this is happen and how to fix it. Here is the code I have been working on for the passed three weeks.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class HotelRoom
friend int Transfer( HotelRoom&, int);
int room_num;
int transroom_num;
int room_cap;
int occup_stat;
double daily_rt;
HotelRoom(int room, int roomcap, int occup, int transroom, double rate = 89.00);
int Display_Number(); //Displays room number and add the method Display_Guest()
int Get_Capacity();
int Get_Status();
double Get_Rate();
int Change_Status(int);
double Change_Rate(double);
void Display_Guest();
cout << endl<<endl;
cout << "Guest in room "<<room_num << " has checked out." <<endl;
int HotelRoom::Display_Number()
return room_num;
int HotelRoom::Get_Capacity()
return room_cap;
int HotelRoom::Get_Status()
return occup_stat;
int HotelRoom::Change_Status(int occup)
occup_stat = occup;
if (occup > room_cap)
return -1;
return occup_stat;
double HotelRoom::Get_Rate()
return daily_rt;
double HotelRoom::Change_Rate(double rate)
daily_rt = rate;
return daily_rt;
int Transfer(HotelRoom& room_r1, int transroom)
//if guest transfers to different hotel room, room is vacant and transroom is now occupied
room_r1.room_num = room_r1.transroom_num;
return room_num;
int main()
cout<< setprecision(2)
int room = 0;
int roomcap = 4;
int transroom;
int occup;
double rate = 89.00;
cout<<"\nEnter the room number: "<<endl;
cout<<"\nEnter the amount of guest to occupy this room: "<<endl;
cout<<"\nThe guest has decided to transfer rooms"<<endl;
cout<<"\nEnter the room to transfer the guest to"<<endl;
HotelRoom room1(room,roomcap, occup, transroom, rate ); //initialize the object
if (room1.Change_Status(occup) == -1)
cout<<"You have exceeded the room capacity"<<endl;
cout <<"\nThe room number is ";
cout<<"\nThe name of the primary guest is ";
cout <<"."<<endl;
cout<<"\nThe number of guest in the room is "<<room1.Change_Status(occup)<<"." <<endl;
cout<<"\nThe daily rate for room "<<room<< " is "<<room1.Get_Rate()<<"."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"\nYou have tranferred the guest from room"<<room1.Display_Number()<<"to" <<Transfer(room1,transroom)<<endl;
cout<<"\nRoom ";
cout<<" is vacant."<<endl;
return 0;

The function Transfer is not a method of HotelRoom, still you are trying to access room_num in it as if it was. You need to specify which room_num of which HotelRoom instance you mean. Probably you meant return room_r1.room_num instead of return room_num.
Also in your Transfer function you never use the parameter transroom, instead you are using a transroom_num from room_r1. This is probably not what you want.
Finally you haven't implemented the constructor and DisplayRoom of HotelRoom. You should create a stubs, which do nothing or print warnings as long as you haven't implemented the methods properly, so you can at least compile and link the code.

Since you are a beginner I would just stick with member functions and class private variables until you get better at it.
As far as the error message, my guess is that inside the function you are using room_num does not have access to the private parts of the HotelRoom class. Notice I said guess, that's because you should copy and paste the text on the output window here so we can see what exactly is happening.

First, you have to identify that room_num is class member variable.
int Transfer(HotelRoom& room_r1, int transroom)
room_r1.room_num = room_r1.transroom_num;
//because room_num is not non class member variable, you have to write like below.
return room_r1.room_num;
//return room_num;
Secondly, you did not write definition HotelRoom::HotelRoom(int,int,int,int,double), HotelRoom::Display_Guest(void). So you have to write this constructor and function for avoiding error LNK2019.


Compiler is throwing error in main that this is not declare before

using namespace std;
class customerNode{
int c_id;
int quantity;
string c_name;
string type;
customerNode* next_node;
class Queue{
customerNode* front=NULL;
customerNode* rear=NULL;
int getc_id();
string getc_name();
int getquantity();
int setc_id(int c_id);
string setc_name(string c_name);
int setquantity(int quantity);
void display();
void enqueue(int c_id,int quantity,string c_name);
void dequeue();
int nor_queue,exp_queue;
int Queue::getc_id(){
int c_id;
cout<<"enter customer id:"<<endl;
return c_id;
int Queue::getquantity(){
int quantity;
cout<<"enter quantity customer purchased:"<<endl;
return quantity;
string Queue::getc_name(){
string c_name;
cout<<"enter customer name:"<<endl;
return c_name;
int Queue::setc_id(int c_id){
return c_id;
int Queue::setquantity(int quantity){
return quantity;
string Queue::setc_name(string c_name){
return c_name;
void Queue:: enqueue(int c_id,int quantity,string c_name){
int exp_queue,nor_queue;
cout<<"enter customer information"<<endl;
customerNode* new_node=new customerNode;
cout<<"customer entered in express queue"<<endl;
cout<<"total customer in express queue="<<exp_queue<<endl;
cout<<"customer entered in normal queue"<<endl;
cout<<"total customer in normal queue="<<nor_queue<<endl;
void Queue::display(){
customerNode* ptr=front;
cout<<"normal queue customer information"<<endl;
cout<<"custumer name:"<<setc_name(ptr->c_name)<<endl;
cout<<"custumer id:"<<setc_id(ptr->c_id)<<endl;
cout<<"item puchased by custumer :"<<setquantity(ptr->quantity)<<endl;
cout<<"total customer in normal queue:"<<nor_queue<<endl;
cout<<"express queue customer information"<<endl;
cout<<"custumer name:"<<setc_name(ptr->c_name)<<endl;
cout<<"custumer id:"<<setc_id(ptr->c_id)<<endl;
cout<<"item puchased by custumer :"<<setquantity(ptr->quantity)<<endl;
cout<<"total customer in normal queue:"<<exp_queue<<endl;
Queue q;
char i;
q.enqueue(c_id,quantity,c_name );
cout<<"do you want to enter another customer?input y or Y for yes and n or N for no:";
in mian fuction i m getting error c_id,quantity,c_name is not declare before,when i use int c_id,int quantity,string c_name than it shows expected primary expression befor int and strinng..i dont know which expression is missing or how to resolve the error,
please help me to solve this i hve to submit assing as soon as possible.
A much simpler example with similar error is:
#include <iostream>
struct foo {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
void assign(int a, int b){
x = a;
y = b;
int main()
foo f;
The error is:
<source>: In function 'int main()':
<source>:14:14: error: 'x' was not declared in this scope
14 | f.assign(x,y);
| ^
<source>:14:16: error: 'y' was not declared in this scope
14 | f.assign(x,y);
| ^
x and y are declared in the scope of the class. Instances of foo have members of that name. To access those members you would write f.x or f.y.
c_id,quantity, and c_name are not declared in your main. I am not eniterly sure what you want to do and it is too much code to adress all its issues. Though, if you want to declare variables of that name in main then you need to do that:
int main(){ // main must return int
Queue q;
char i;
int c_id = 42;
int quantity = 0;
string c_name{"some fancy name"};
q.enqueue(c_id,quantity,c_name );
// ...
It is a little surprising that you write code with advanced stuff like pointers, classes and what not, but don't know about scope. Try to search for "scope" and read about it.
There are more issues in your code. For example int Queue::setquantity(int quantity){ return quantity;} does not set anything. Though, as I wrote before, this is just way too much code to adress all of them. I can only advise you to start with less code and only write more when you know the code you have already does compile and passes your tests. And thats not just an advise for a beginner, but anybody is making mistakes and you rather want to fix one problem then many at the same time.

Getting wrong output. Garbage value

Problem is, on execution, the value of roundCost I'm getting is
something like -1220673834. I post the entire program because I'm not
sure where I'm going wrong.
Note: I was asked to take all variables as double type and later,
roundCost should be of type int. So I used type conversion there.
using namespace std;
class Restaurant{
double tip, tax,totalCost,mealCost, tipPercent, taxPercent;
int roundCost;
int tipCalc(double)
return tip;
int taxCalc(double)
return tax;
int totalCost1()
return totalCost;
int roundCost1(double)
return roundCost;
}; // class ends
int main()
double mealCost, tipPercent, taxPercent, totalCost;
int roundCost;
Restaurant ob1;
cout<<"\n Enter mealCost \n";
cout<<"\n Enter mealtipPercent \n";
cout<<"\n Enter mealtaxPercent \n";
cout<<"\n Round of cost is "<<roundCost<<endl;
return 0;
One thing you seem to be missing is that variables in your class have a different scope then variables in your main. You set the mealcost in your main from cin but you never passed this variable to the class. I changed this to be done using a constructor that sets the meal cost on creation. In every class you make you should always add a constructor. Also, you should be naming the variables your passing to functions and then using the same name in the function. For example in the tax percent function i pass double t, t is the percent, we then use t in the calculation. Your round cost variable was also private so you needed to output it via a function.
Also int functions will return a value, if you are using this type of function you should be assigning the return variable to something, but since you are just setting things in your class you can use void functions for most. The only time you use a value in the main is in the roundcost so this one is good to have it return a value. As it is int (which i assumed you wanted) it will get no decimal points and it will simply cut off any decimals in the total cost (ie 75.75 would become 75).
using namespace std;
class Restaurant{
double tip, tax,totalCost,mealCost;
int roundCost;
Restaurant (double m)
mealCost = m;
void tipCalc(double t)
void taxCalc(double t)
void totalCost1()
int roundCost1()
return roundCost;
}; // class ends
int main()
double mealCost, tipPercent, taxPercent, totalCost;
int roundCost;
cout<<"\n Enter mealCost \n";
Restaurant ob1(mealCost);
cout<<"\n Enter mealtipPercent \n";
cout<<"\n Enter mealtaxPercent \n";
cout<<"\n Round of cost is "<<ob1.roundCost1()<<endl;
return 0;
Try to do a bit more research next time by using a debugger, outputting cout statements regularly and searching for the errors you find but this will give you a working code this time.

trouble with friend function [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
so my program is that i want the user to enter information about a board so everything is working except the part where i need the user to enter the value of attitude then add another number to increase that attitude so I'm stuck at this. As you can see I declared this function as a friend but when I enter the number that I need to increase it to the value of attitude) it stays the same! I hope I made clear the problem I'm facing! and I'd appreciate some help
#ifndef BOARD_H
#define BOARD_H
class Board {
friend void incAttitude(Board &);
friend void incAttitude(Board &);
static int boardcount;
Board(int=5,int=3,double=1.5,char* ='\0');
Board &setBoard(int,int,double,char*);
char getLocation();
Board &print();
double surface();
const int length;
int width;
double attitude;
char location[30];
using namespace std;
#include "Board.h"
int Board::boardcount=0;
Board::Board(int l,int w,double a,char* lo)
: length(l)
Board &Board::setBoard(int l,int w,double a,char* lo)
width=(w>=2 && w<=5)?w:3;
attitude=(a>=1.5 && a<=2.8)?a:1.5;
return *this;
char Board::getLocation(){
return *location;
double Board::surface(){
return length*width;
void incAttitude(Board &h)
double incAttitude;
cout<<"enter to increase attitude "<<endl;
cout<<"the attitude of the board after the increase : "<<h.attitude<<endl;
Board &Board::print(){
cout<<"the length of the boarad : "<<length<<endl;
cout<<"the width of the board : "<<width<<endl;
cout<<"the height of the board : "<<attitude<<endl;
cout<<"the location of the board : "<<location<<endl;
cout<<"the surface of the board : "<<surface()<<endl;
return *this;
int main(){
Board hh;
Board *boardptr;
int count,len,wid;
double att;
char locat[30];
cout<<"how many boards do you need to create ? "<<endl;
boardptr = new Board[count];
for (int i=0; i<count; i++){
cout << "Enter the length: ";
cin >>len;
cout << "Enter the width: ";
cin >> wid;
cout << "Enter the attitude: ";
cin >> att;
cout<<"Enter the location: ";
cin >>locat;
if (strcmp("NewYork",locat) == 0)
delete [] boardptr;
return 0;
You have an array of Boards, which is called boardptr. But then what is hh? A single board. What does it do? Nothing! But you are using it in incAttitude(hh);! It does increase the altitude, but not on the board boardptr[i] (that you are using), rather on hh.
Secondly, you are never setting att, which means the altitude is always 1.5 (that's the default value). So incAttitude adds the number to 1.5. You could pass att to incAttitude for example.
Then if your comparison condition, why do you set the board again? It resets every value the user chose. You don't need to, because you already call setBoard a few lines early. The data you set with setBoard is saved in that array, so you don't need to override the data with the exact same data. Just use boardptr[i].print().
char arrays, strcmp, raw pointers and fixed size arrays are from C, you should consider the alternatives:
Char arrays -> std::string
strcmp -> if (str == "foo")
Raw pointers -> Smart pointers (or in your case (because they are used as arrays) std::array or std::vector - std::vector for dynamic size arrays)
Fixed size arrays -> std::array

Issue With My School Assignment on Classes

So I have an assignment due in my C++ class on classes, and I'm having some trouble. Here is the description of the assignment:
Programming Challenge 7 on page 499 of your text asks you to design and Inventory Class that can hold information for an item in a retail store's inventory. You are given the code for the creation of the class along with code for the implementation of the functions. Demonstrate the class by writing a simple program that uses it. This program should demonstrate that each function works correctly. Submit your .cpp file using the link provided.
And here are the contents of the file sent (it's quite lengthy):
// Chapter 7---Files for Programming Challenge 13---Inventory Class
// This is the inventory.h file.
// It contains the Inventory class declaration.
class Inventory
int itemNumber;
int quantity;
double cost;
double totalCost;
// Default constructor
{ itemNumber = quantity = cost = totalCost = 0; }
// Overloaded constructor
Inventory(int, int, double); // Defined in Inventory.cpp
// Mutators (i.e., "set" functions) defined in Inventory.cpp
void setItemNumber(int);
void setQuantity(int);
void setCost(double);
// setTotalCost calculates the total cost
// and stores the result in the totalCost member
void setTotalCost()
{ totalCost = cost * quantity; }
// Accessors (i.e., "get" functions)
int getItemNumber()
{ return itemNumber; }
int getQuantity()
{ return quantity; }
double getCost()
{ return cost; }
double getTotalCost()
{ return totalCost; }
// Input validation functions
bool validInt(int);
bool validFloat(double);
// This is the inventory.cpp file.
// It contains the Inventory class function definitions.
#include <iostream>
#include "Inventory.h"
using namespace std;
// Overloaded constructor
// Accepts arguments to be stored in each member variable.
Inventory::Inventory(int in, int q, double c)
// setItemNumber accepts an argument to be stored in item number.
void Inventory::setItemNumber(int in)
while (!validInt(in))
cout << "Item Number must be positive. Please re-enter: ";
cin >> in;
itemNumber = in;
// setQuantity accepts an argument to be stored in quantity.
void Inventory::setQuantity(int q)
while (!validInt(q))
cout << "Quantity must be positive. Please re-enter: ";
cin >> q;
quantity = q;
// setCost accepts an argument to be stored in cost.
void Inventory::setCost(double c)
while (!validInt(c))
cout << "Cost must be positive. Please re-enter: ";
cin >> c;
cost = c;
// The validInt member tests its integer argument to see
// if it is negative. If the argument is negative, the function
// returns false. Otherwise, the function returns true.
bool Inventory::validInt(int value)
if (value < 0) // the value is negative so it is NOT valid
return false;
else // the integer value is valid
return true;
// The validFloat member tests its floating-point argument to see
// if it is negative. If the argument is negative, the function
// returns false. Otherwise, the function returns true.
bool Inventory::validFloat(double value)
if (value < 0) // the value is negative so it is NOT valid
return false;
else // the floating-point value is valid
return true;
I'm just not sure how to use this information to make a program that demonstrates the class, and it could be as simple as me not saving the file the correct way
Just write a main function which instantiates an Inventory object and calls each of its methods in a meaningful way. This isn't a puzzle, just find a way to call the functions that makes sense to you.

Aggregation using C++

I am trying to make one class work with another class. It is supposed to decrement the member of the other class.
my first class is
class Bike
int miles;
Speedometer speedom;
static int fuelCount;
Bike(int, Speedometer*); //Problem occurs here
int getMiles();
int getFuelCount();
void incrementMiles();
int Bike::fuelCount = 0;
miles = 0;
Bike::Bike(int m, Speedometer * spm) //This is where I am having problems
miles = m;
speedom = &spm;
cout << "The Bike's destructor is running." << endl;
int Bike::getMiles()
return miles;
int Bike::getFuelCount()
return fuelCount;
void Bike::incrementMiles()
if (miles == 999999)
miles = 0;
The other class which is supposed to be included in the first is:
Class Speedometer
int fuel;
int getFuel();
void incrementFuel();
void decrementFuel();
fuel = 0;
Speedometer::Speedometer(int f)
fuel = f;
int Speedometer::getFuel()
return fuel;
void Speedometer::incrementFuel()
if (fuel <= 15)
void Speedometer::decrementFuel()
if (fuel > 0)
They are supposed to work together. Bike is to be able to work with speedometer object. It should decrease the speedometers current amount of fuel by one gallon for every 24 miles traveled.
This is supposed to be a aggregate relationship not composition.
Please help me just understand how to make that relationship and how its supposed to be called.
Thank you in advance.
here is my main function
btw - i have all the right #includes i just have not listed them here
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Speedometer a(999970, spd);
for(int count = 0; count <=24; count++)
while (a.getFuel() > 0)
cout<< "Miles:" << a.getMiles() << endl;
cout<< "Fuel:" << a.getFuel() << endl;
return 0;
You have a large number of issues here.
First of all, in your main(), you construct your Speedometer object with a constructor you have not implemented. The only constructors you have defined are the default constructor and Speedometer(int). You then call Speedometer(int, ???), the ??? being spd because you do not declare spd anywhere in the code you have provided, so we have no idea what it is.
It's really impossible to say what's wrong with your code in its current state.
As written, you've made a composition; Speedometer is part of Bike since it is a field. To make it an aggregation, make Bike hold a pointer to Speedometer. Note that as a consequence, you'll probably need Bike to create or obtain an initial Speedometer (could be NULL to begin with, or pass one in the constructor), and you might want to add accessor methods to Bike in order to add/remove/change the Speedometer.
[edit] Bike might also need to know how to dispose of the Speedometer properly in order to avoid leaking it.
[edit 2] Also as #cjm571 pointed out, your main function is creating and operating directly upon a "disembodied" Speedometer. Shouldn't it be on a Bike? :)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Bike
int miles;
static int fuelCount;
// Speedometer speedom;
Bike(int); // Speedometer *); check comment on line 82
int getMiles();
int getFuelCount();
void incrementMiles();
int Bike::fuelCount = 0;
miles = 0;
Bike::Bike(int m)//Speedometer (*spm) I don't see the purpose of this in the current state of the program, I may not be seing the whole picture
miles = m;
/* speedom = spm; remember, there must be a parent and a child class, at the current state you'r trying
to call a child from parent, the child class has not been defined, so i switched them and now Bike is a chiled. */
cout << "The Bike's destructor is running." << endl;
int Bike::getMiles()
return miles;
int Bike::getFuelCount()
return fuelCount;
void Bike::incrementMiles()
if (miles == 999)
miles = 0;
class Speedometer
int fuel;
Speedometer(int f);
int getFuel();
Bike theBike; // This is what you needed in order to make incrementMiles to work.
void incrementFuel();
void decrementFuel();
fuel = 0;
Speedometer::Speedometer(int f)
fuel = f;
int Speedometer::getFuel()
return fuel;
void Speedometer::incrementFuel()
if (fuel <= 15)
void Speedometer::decrementFuel()
if (fuel > 0)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Speedometer a(999); //You never declared this, did you mean spm???
for(int count = 0; count <=24; count++)
while (a.getFuel() > 0)
cout<< "Miles:" << a.theBike.getMiles() << endl;
cout<< "Fuel:" << a.getFuel() << endl;
return 0;
} //There is no break declared (that i can see at least) so the program runs an infinite loop
// Don't want to add too many things to it, I don't know what your plan is.
// Hoping to have made it clearer.