Portability for Binary File in C++? - c++

I have a doubt regarding binary I/O for portability of the binary file.
Lets say the PC running my software uses 8 bytes for storing double variable.
The binary file generated will have 8 bytes for a double variable.
Now say the file is being opened in a PC which uses 6 bytes for a double variable (just assuming).
Then the application will read only 6 bytes from the file and store it in the double variable in memory.
Not only does this result in underflow/overflow of data but also the data read after the double will definitely be incorrect because of the 2 byte offset created due to under reading.
I want to support my application for not only 32/64 bit, but also Windows, Ubuntu PC's.
So how do you make sure that the data read from the same file in any PC would be the same?

In general, you should wrap data to be stored in binaries in your own data structures and implement platform independent read/write operations for those data structures - basically, size of binary data structure written to disk should be same for all platforms (max possible size of elementary data over all supported platforms).
When writing data on platform with smaller data size, data should be padded with extra 0 bytes to ensure size of recorded data stays same.
When reading, whole data can be read in fixed data blocks of known size, and conversion should be performed depending on platform it was written/it is being read on. This should take care of endianess too. You may want to include some header indicating sizes of data to distinguish between files recorded on different platforms when reading them.
this would give truly platform independent serialization for binary file.
Example for doubles
class CustomDouble
double val;
static const int DISK_SIZE;
void toFile(std::ofstream &file)
int bytesWritten(0);
file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&val),sizeof(val));
char byte(0);
const int CustomDouble::DISK_SIZE = 8;
This ensures you always write 8 bytes regarding of size of double on your platform. When you read the file, you always read those 8 bytes still as binary, and do conversions if necessary depending whioch platform it was written on/ is being read on (you will probably add some small header to the file to identify platform it was recorded on)
While custom conversion does add some overhead, it is way less then those of storing values as text, and normally you will only perform conversions for incompatible platforms, while for same platform there will be no overhead.

cstdint includes type definitions that are a fixed size, so int32_t will always be 4 bytes long. You can use these in place of regular types when the size of the type is important to you.

Use Google Protocol Buffers or any other cross-platform serialization library. You can also roll out your own solution, based on fact, that char is guaranteed to be 1 byte (i.e. serialize anything into char arrays).


Is there a portable Binary-serialisation schema in FlatBuffers/Protobuf that supports arbitrary 24bit signed integer definitions?

We are sending data over UART Serial at a high data rate so data size is important. The most optimal format is Int24 for our data which may be simplified as a C bit-field struct (GCC compiler) under C/C++ to be perfectly optimal:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct Int24
int32_t value : 24;
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef std::array<Int24,32> ArrayOfInt24;
This data is packaged with other data and shared among devices and cloud infrastructures. Basically we need to have a binary serialization which is sent between devices of different architecture and programming languages. We would like to use a Schema based Binary serialisation such as ProtoBuffers or FlatBuffers to avoid the client codes needing to handle the respective bit-shifting and recovery of the twos-complement sign bit handling themselves. i.e. Reading the 24-bit value in a non-C language requires the following:
bool isSigned = (_b2 & (byte)0x80) != 0; // Sign extend negative quantities
int32_t value = _b0 | (_b1 << 8) | (_b2 << 16) | (isSigned ? 0xFF : 0x00) << 24;
If not already existing which (if any) existing Binary Serialisation library could be modified easily to extend support to this as we would be willing to add to any open-source project in this respect.
Depending on various things, you might like to look at ASN.1 and the unaligned Packed Encoding Rules (uPER). This is a binary serialisation that is widely used in telephony to easily minimise the number of transmitted bits. Tools are available for C, C++, C#, Java, Python (I think they cover uPER). A good starting point is Useful Old Technologies.
One of the reasons you might choose to use it is that uPER likely ends up doing better than anything else out there. Other benefits are contraints (on values and array sizes). You can express these in your schema, and the generated code will check data against them. This is something that can make a real difference to a project - automatic sanitisation of incoming data is a great way of resisting attacks - and is something that GPB doesn't do.
Reasons not to use it are that the very best tools are commercial, and quite pricey. Though there are some open source tools that are quite good but not necessarily implementing the entire ASN.1 standard (which is vast). It's also a learning curve, though (at a basic level) not so very different to Google Protocol Buffers. In fact, at the conference where Google announced GPB, someone asked "why not use ASN.1?". The Google bod hadn't heard of it; somewhat ironic, a search company not searching the web for binary serialisation technologies, went right ahead and invented their own...
Protocol Buffers use a dynamically sized integer encoding called varint, so you can just use uint32 or sint32, and the encoded value will be four bytes or less for all values and three bytes or less for any value < 2^21 (the actual size for an encoded integer is ⌈HB/7⌉ where HB is the highest bit set in the value).
Make sure not to use int32 as that uses a very inefficient fixed size encoding (10 bytes!) for negative values. For repeated values, just mark them as repeated, so multiple values will be sent efficiently packed.
syntax = "proto3";
message Test {
repeated sint32 data = 1;
FlatBuffers doesn't support 24-bit ints. The only way to represent it would be something like:
struct Int24 { a:ubyte; b:ubyte; c:ubyte; }
which obviously doesn't do the bit-shifting for you, but would still allow you to pack multiple Int24 together in a parent vector or struct efficiently. It would also save a byte when stored in a table, though there you'd probably be better off with just a 32-bit int, since the overhead is higher.
One particularly efficient use of protobuf's varint format is to use it as a sort of compression scheme, by writing the deltas between values.
In your case, if there is any correlation between consecutive values, you could have a repeated sint32 values field. Then as the first entry in the array, write the first value. For all further entries, write the difference from the previous value.
This way e.g. [100001, 100050, 100023, 95000] would get encoded as [100001, 49, -27, -5023]. As a packed varint array, the deltas would take 3, 1, 1 and 2 bytes, total of 7 bytes. Compared with a fixed 24-bit encoding taking 12 bytes or non-delta varint taking also 12 bytes.
Of course this also needs a bit of code on the receiving side to process. But adding up the previous value is easy enough to implement in any language.

c++ How can I change the size of a void* according to a file I want to process

I am currently trying to make a program that can read a .blend file. Well trying is the important part, since I am already stuck on reading the file block info.
Im gonna quickly explain my problem, please refer this page for context
So in the .blend header there is a char that determines wheter or not the pointer size, later used in the file info block (Or just fileBlock on the linked webpage) among other things, is 4 or 8 bytes long. From what I have read, in c++ the void pointer only changes size according to the target platform it was compiled for ( 8 bytes for 64 bit and 4 bytes for 32 bits ). However .blend files can have either one, regardless of the platform I presume.
Now since blender itself does also read its own files using c, there must be a way to change the pointer to match the required pointer size, according to the info in the header. However my best guess would be to dynamically allocate a void pointer array to either one or two pointers, which then makes actually using the data even more complicated.
Please help me find the intended way of handling the different pointer sizes!
Go back to the top of the wiki page and you will find the File Header structure. The header of a blend file starts with "BLENDER" which is followed by the pointer size for the file -
Size of a pointer
All pointers in the file are stored in this format
'_' (underscore) means 4 bytes or 32 bit
'-' (minus) means 8 bytes or 64 bits.
So by reading the eighth byte of the file you know the size of the pointers in the file.
if (file_bytes[7] == "_")
ptr_size = 4;
else if (file_bytes[7] == "-")
ptr_size = 8;
The copy of blender creating the file determines the sizes used for the file, so a 32bit build will save 32bit pointers in the file while a 64 bit build will save 64bit pointers.
You should also read the next byte, it tells you whether the file was saved as big or little endian, to see if you need to do any byte swapping. The use of blender on big endian machines might be getting smaller, but you may still come across big endian files.
Another important thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned, is that blend files can be compressed and often are. Reading a compressed blend file will mean using gzread() to read the file. A compressed file has the first two bytes set to 0x1f 0x8b
You will find the code that blender uses to read blend files in source/blender/blenloader.
Yup, that's painful. The solution is not to treat them as C++ at all. Instead, create your own class BlendPointer to abstract this away. Those would be read from a BlendFile, and that BlendFile would store whether its BlendPointers are 4 or 8 bytes on disk.

C++ Binary Writing/Reading on 32bit to/from 64bit

If you have a binary output stream, and write integers to a file on a 32-bit Windows computer. Would you then be able to read the same integers from that same file on a 64-bit Windows computer?
My guess would be no. Since an integer on a 32-bit computer is 4 bytes, where an integer on a 64-bit computer is 8 bytes.
So does the following code work, while the files have to be able to be read and written from and by both 64-bit and 32-bit computers, no matter the OS, computer architecture and data type. If not how would one be able to do that, while the files have to be in binary form.
std::ofstream ofs("example.bin", std::ios::binary);
int i = 128;
ofs.write((char*) (&i), sizeof(i));
std::ifstream ifs("example.bin", std::ios::binary);
int i = 0;
ifs.read((char*) (&i), sizeof(i));
While int is 4 bytes on almost all modern platforms (32bit and 64bit), there is no guarantee for its size. So for serializing data into a file or other binary streams, you should prefer fixed width integer types from the header <cstdint> which were introduced in C++11 (some compilers support it in C++03):
#include <cstdint>
int32_t i = 128;
ofs.write((char*)(&i), sizeof(i));
Another option is to enforce a certain type to have a certain size, e.g. int to have size 4. To make sure your program won't compile if this was not true, use static_assert:
int i = 128;
static_assert(sizeof(i) == 4, "Field i has to have size 4.");
ofs.write((char*)(&i), sizeof(i));
While this sounds stupid considering we have fixed width integers as above, this might be useful if you want to store a whole struct of which you made assumptions in a certain version of some library. Example: vec4 from glm is documented to contain four floats, so when serializing this struct, it's good to check this statically in order to catch future library changes (unlikely but possible).
Another very important thing to consider however is the endianess of integral types, which varies among platforms. Most compilers for modern x86 desktop platforms use little endian for integral types, so I'd prefer this for your binary file format; but if the platform uses big endian you need to convert it (reverse the byte order).
There's no guarantee for the size of an int in C++. All you know is that it will be at least as big as a short int and no larger than a long int. The compiler is free to choose an appropriate size within these constraints. While most will choose 32-bits as the size of an int, some won't.
If you know your type is always 32-bits then you can use the int32_t type.
include <stdint.h>
to get this type.

size of char being written to file as a binary value in C++

What I understood about char type from a few questions asked here is that it is always 1 byte in C++, but number of bits can vary from system to system.
sizeof() operator uses char as a unit so sizeof(char) is always 1 in bytes of C++.(which takes number of bits of smallest unit of address of local machine) If when using file functions of fstream() in binary mode, we directly read and write from/to an address of any variable in RAM, the size of variable as smallest unit of data written to file should be in size of the value read from RAM and for one read from file it is vice-versa. Then can we say that data may not be written 8 by 8 in bits if something like this is tried:
ofstream file;
char a[]="asdfghjkkll";
Unless char is always used in bytes existing standard 8 bits, what happens if a heap of data is written to file in a 16 bit machine and is read in a 32 bit machine? Or should I use OS-dependent text mode? If not, and I misunderstood what is truth?
Edit : I have corrected my mistake.
Thanks for warning.
Edit2: My system is 64 bit but I get number of bits of char type as 8.What is wrong? Is the way I get the result of 8false?
I got a 00000... by shifting a char variable more than possible size of it with bitwise operators.After guaranteeing that all bits of the variable is zero, I got a 111... by inverting it. And shifted until it become zero.If we shift it its size time, we get a zero, so we can get number of bits from indice of the loop terminated below.
char zero,test;
zero<<=64; //hoping that system is not more than 64 bit(most likely)
test=~zero; //we have a 111...
int i;
for(i=0; test!=zero; i++)
Value of variable of i after the loop is number of bits in char type.According to this, the result is 8.
My last question is:
Are filesystem byte and char type different data types because how computer adresses pointers in file stream is different from standart char type which is at least 8 bits?
So, exactly what is going on the background?
Edit3: Why these minuses? What is my mistake? Isn't the question clear enough? Maybe my question is stupid but why there is no any response related to my question?
A language standard can't really specify what the filesystem does - it can only specify how the language interacts with it. The C and C++ standards also don't address anything to do with interoperability or communication between different implementations. In other words, there isn't a general answer to this question except to say that:
the VAST majority of systems use 8-bit bytes
the C and C++ standard require that char is at least 8 bits
it is very likely that greater-than-8-bit systems have mechanisms in place to somehow utilize (or at least transcode) 8-bit files.

Reading Superblock into a C Structure

I have a disk image which contains a standard image using fuse. The Superblock contains the following, and I have a function read_superblock(*buf) that returns the following raw data:
Bytes 0-3: Magic Number (0xC0000112)
4-7: Block Size (1024)
8-11: Total file system size (in blocks)
12-15: FAT length (in blocks)
16-19: Root Directory (block number)
20-1023: NOT USED
I am very new to C and to get me started on this project I am curious what is a simple way to read this into a structure or some variables and simply print them out to the screen using printf for debugging.
I was initially thinking of doing something like the following thinking I could see the raw data, but I think this is not the case. There is also no structure and I am trying to read it in as a string which also seems terribly wrong. for me to grab data out of. Is there a way for me to specify the structure and define the number of bytes in each variable?
char *buf;
printf("%s", buf);
Yes, I think you'd be better off reading this into a structure. The fields containing useful data are all 32-bit integers, so you could define a structure that looks like this (using the types defined in the standard header file stdint.h):
typedef struct SuperBlock_Struct {
uint32_t magic_number;
uint32_t block_size;
uint32_t fs_size;
uint32_t fat_length;
uint32_t root_dir;
} SuperBlock_t;
You can cast the structure to a char* when calling read_superblock, like this:
SuperBlock_t sb;
read_superblock((char*) &sb);
Now to print out your data, you can make a call like the following:
printf("%d %d %d %d\n",
Note that you need to be aware of your platform's endianness when using a technique like this, since you're reading integer data (i.e., you may need to swap bytes when reading your data). You should be able to determine that quickly using the magic number in the first field.
Note that it's usually preferable to pass a structure like this without casting it; this allows you to take advantage of the compiler's type-checking and eliminates potential problems that casting may hide. However, that would entail changing your implementation of read_superblock to read data directly into a structure. This is not difficult and can be done using the standard C runtime function fread (assuming your data is in a file, as hinted at in your question), like so:
fread(&sb.magic_number, sizeof(sb.magic_number), 1, fp);
fread(&sb.block_size, sizeof(sb.block_size), 1, fp);
Two things to add here:
It's a good idea, when pulling raw data into a struct, to set the struct to have zero padding, even if it's entirely composed of 32-bit unsigned integers. In gcc you do this with #pragma pack(0) before the struct definition and #pragma pack() after it.
For dealing with potential endianness issues, two calls to look at are ntohs() and ntohl(), for 16- and 32-bit values respectively. Note that these swap from network byte order to host byte order; if these are the same (which they aren't on x86-based platforms), they do nothing. You go from host to network byte order with htons() and htonl(). However, since this data is coming from your filesystem and not the network, I don't know if endianness is an issue. It should be easy enough to figure out by comparing the values you expect (e.g. the block size) with the values you get, in hex.
It's not difficult to print the data after you successfully copied data into a structure Emerick proposed. Suppose the instance of the structure you use to hold data is named SuperBlock_t_Instance.
Then you can print its fields like this:
printf("Magic Number:\t%u\nBlock Size:\t%u\n etc",