I have trouble grasping the concept of variable scope. What is acceptable and what is not acceptable? I am aware that I've left out all of the graphics related code, and I am aware that I have an infinite game loop, but bear with me:
#include "LList.h"
#include "Snake.h"
#undef main
int main()
float dt; // time since last update.
int start_time;
bool paused = false;
float originalTime = 1.0f;
float timer = originalTime;
Snake p1Snake(10, false);
// Start the 'stopwatch'
start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
// The 'game loop' //
while (!done)
// Update variables //
// Update the dt value (to be the time since the last update)
dt = (SDL_GetTicks() - start_time) / 1000.0f;
start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
//increment the movement timer
if(timer<=0) When timer hits zero the snake is moved north.
timer = originalTimer; //reset timer.
return 0;
Okay! So my question is about the variable 'originalTimer'. It is out of scope where the timer is reset, so what can I do differently? Sorry if this is an extremely elementary question.
You used different names. originalTime and originalTimer
#include "LList.h"
#include "Snake.h"
#undef main
int main()
float dt; // time since last update.
int start_time;
bool paused = false;
float originalTimer = 1.0f; //Changed to originalTimer
float timer = originalTimer; //Changed to originalTimer
Snake p1Snake(10, false);
// Start the 'stopwatch'
start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
// The 'game loop' //
while (!done)
// Update variables //
// Update the dt value (to be the time since the last update)
dt = (SDL_GetTicks() - start_time) / 1000.0f;
start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
//increment the movement timer
if(timer<=0) //When timer hits zero the snake is moved north.
timer = originalTimer; //reset timer.
return 0;
May be typo, but there are two different variables originalTime and originalTimer
Changing in code below should work for you..
timer = originalTime; //reset timer.
At the moment i have a function that moves my object based on FPS, if the frames have not passed it wont do anything.
It works fine if the computer can run it at that speed.
How would i use time based and move it based on the time?
Here is my code:
typedef unsigned __int64 u64;
auto toolbarGL::Slide() -> void
u64 freq = static_cast<u64>(li.QuadPart); // clock ticks per second
u64 period = 60; // fps
u64 delay = freq / period; // clock ticks between frame paints
u64 start = 0, now = 0;
start = static_cast<u64>(li.QuadPart);
while (true)
// Waits to be ready to slide
// Keeps looping till stopped then starts to wait again
now = static_cast<u64>(li.QuadPart);
if (now - start >= delay)
if (slideDir == SlideFlag::Right)
if (this->x < 0)
this->x += 5;
else if (slideDir == SlideFlag::Left)
if (this->x > -90)
this->x -= 5;
start = now;
You can update your objects by time difference. We need to have start timestamp and then count difference on each iteration of global loop. So global loop is very important too, it has to work all the time. My example shows just call update method for your objects. All your objects should depend on time not FPS. Fps shows different behavior on different computers and even same computer can show different fps because of others processes running in background.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <unistd.h>
//Function to update all objects
void Update( float dt )
//For example
//for( auto Object : VectorObjects )
// Object->Update(dt);
int main()
typedef std::chrono::duration<float> FloatSeconds;
auto OldMs = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
const uint32_t SleepMicroseconds = 100;
//Global loop
while (true)
auto CurMs = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
auto DeltaMs = CurMs - OldMs;
OldMs = CurMs;
//Cast delta time to float seconds
auto DeltaFloat = std::chrono::duration_cast<FloatSeconds>(DeltaMs);
std::cout << "Seconds passed since last update: " << DeltaFloat.count() << " seconds" << std::endl;
//Update all object by time as float value.
Update( DeltaFloat.count() );
// Sleep to give time for system interaction
// Any other actions to calculate can be here
return 0;
For this example in console you can see something like this:
Seconds passed since last update: 0.002685 seconds
Seconds passed since last update: 0.002711 seconds
Seconds passed since last update: 0.002619 seconds
Seconds passed since last update: 0.00253 seconds
Seconds passed since last update: 0.002509 seconds
Seconds passed since last update: 0.002757 seconds
Your time base logic seems to be incorrect, here's a sample code snippet. The speed of the object should be same irrespective of speed of the system. Instead of QueryPerformanceFrequency which is platform dependent, use std::chrono.
void animate(bool& stop)
static float speed = 1080/5; // = 1080px/ 5sec = 5sec to cross screen
static std::chrono::system_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
float fps;
int object_x = 1080;
//calculate factional time
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto diff = now - start;
auto lapse_milli = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(diff);
auto lapse_sec = lapse_milli.count()/1000;
//apply to object
int incr_x = speed * lapse_sec ;
object_x -= incr_x;
if( object_x <0) object_x = 1080;
// render object here
fps = lapse_milli.count()/1000;
//print fps
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); // change to achieve a desired fps rate
start = now;
I have read about an interpolation applied to game loops and tried to implement it myself. It looks almost same as I expected, but when the object ends its movement weird step back takes place. I decided to paste here full source, because this problem may be caused by everything.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <chrono>
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Interpolation");
sf::Event event;
int fps = 10; // set to 10 for testing purpose
std::chrono::nanoseconds timePerFrame = std::chrono::seconds(1);
std::chrono::nanoseconds accumulator;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start;
sf::RectangleShape shape1(sf::Vector2f(50, 50));
sf::RectangleShape shape2(sf::Vector2f(50, 50));
sf::Vector2f movement(0, 0);
sf::Vector2f position1(375, 100);
sf::Vector2f position2(375, 275);
void initialization();
void processInput();
void update();
void interpolate();
void render();
int main()
start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while(accumulator >= timePerFrame)
accumulator -= timePerFrame;
accumulator += std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
return 0;
void initialization()
timePerFrame /= fps;
void processInput()
if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close();
void update()
if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) movement = sf::Vector2f(-300, 0);
else if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) movement = sf::Vector2f(300, 0);
else movement = sf::Vector2f(0, 0);
position1.x += movement.x / fps;
position2.x += movement.x / fps;
void interpolate()
double interpolationFactor = (double) accumulator.count() / timePerFrame.count();
shape2.setPosition(position2.x + (movement.x / fps * interpolationFactor), position2.y);
void render()
I do not know what may cause that kind of problem. I'm looking forward your help.
Your interpolate function can count some parts of the time interval multiple times.
Since accumulator only resets every timePerFrame ticks, a fast loop rate can add smaller intervals multiple times. If the main loop runs in 0.01 seconds, the first call to interpolate uses that 0.01 in the interpolation factor. The next time, it uses 0.02 (for a total add of 0.03). This continues until there is enough time accumulated for update to update the position using 0.1 seconds (the time step). Since interpolate added in more time than that, the object jumps back.
interpolate should only add in the time of the current step, and not the fully accumulated time. (Also, rather than calling now to get the start time every loop, the previous loop's now value used for the end time should be used as the start time for the next loop. Otherwise you'll lose occasional clock ticks when it changes between the end of one loop and the start of the next.)
I basically need a while loop to only run at 30 "FPS".
I was told to do this:
"Inside your while loop, make a deltaT , and if that deltaT is lesser than 33 miliseconds use sleep(33-deltaT) ."
But I really wasn't quite sure how to initialize the delta/what to set this variable to. I also couldn't get a reply back from the person that suggested this.
I'm also not sure why the value in sleep is 33 instead of 30.
Does anyone know what I can do about this?
This is mainly for a game server to update players at 30FPS, but because I'm not doing any rendering on the server, I need a way to just have the code sleep to limit how many times it can run per second or else it will process the players too fast.
You basically need to do something like this:
int now = GetTimeInMilliseconds();
int lastFrame = GetTimeInMilliseconds();
now = GetTimeInMilliseconds();
int delta = now - lastFrame;
lastFrame = now;
if(delta < 33)
Sleep(33 - delta);
That way you calculate the amount of milliseconds passed between the current frame and last frame, and if it's smaller than 33 millisecods (1000/30, 1000 milliseconds in a second divided by 30 FPS = 33.333333....) then you sleep until 33 milliseconds has passed. Has for GetTimeInMilliseconds() and Sleep() function, it depends on the library that you're using and/or the platform.
c++11 provides a simple mechanism for that:
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
void doStuff(){
std::cout << "Loop executed" << std::endl;
int main() {
time_point<system_clock> t = system_clock::now();
while (1) {
t += milliseconds(33);
The only thing you have to be aware of though is that if one loop iteration takes longer than the 33ms, the next two iterations will be executed without a pause in between (until t has caught up with the real time), which may or may not be what you want.
Glenn Fiedler has written a nice article on this topic a few years ago. Hacking with sleep() is not very precise, instead you want to run your physics a fixed number of times per second, let your graphics run freely, and between frames, you do as many fixed timesteps as time has passed.
The code that follows looks intimidating at first, but once you get the idea, it becomes simple; it's best to read the article completely.
Fix Your Timestep
double t = 0.0;
double dt = 0.01;
double currentTime = hires_time_in_seconds();
double accumulator = 0.0;
State previous;
State current;
while ( !quit )
double newTime = hires_time_in_seconds();
double frameTime = newTime - currentTime;
if ( frameTime > 0.25 )
frameTime = 0.25;
currentTime = newTime;
accumulator += frameTime;
while ( accumulator >= dt )
previousState = currentState;
integrate( currentState, t, dt );
t += dt;
accumulator -= dt;
const double alpha = accumulator / dt;
State state = currentState * alpha +
previousState * ( 1.0 - alpha );
render( state );
If it goes offline, there should be several backups available; however, I remember Gaffer on Games for many years already.
I am making a small game with C++ OpenGL. update() is normally called once every time the program runs through the code. I am trying to limit this to 60 times per second (I want the game to update at the same speed on different speed computers).
The code included below runs a timer and should call update() once the timer is >= than 0.0166666666666667 (60 times per second). However the statement if((seconds - lastTime) >= 0.0166666666666667) seems only to be tripped once per second. Does anyone know why?
Thanks in advance for your help.
//Global Timer variables
double secondsS;
double lastTime;
time_t timer;
struct tm y2k;
double seconds;
void init()
glClearColor(0,0,0,0.0); // Sets the clear colour to white.
// glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) in the display function
//Init viewport
viewportX = 0;
viewportY = 0;
lastTime = 0;
time_t timerS;
struct tm y2k;
y2k.tm_hour = 0; y2k.tm_min = 0; y2k.tm_sec = 0;
y2k.tm_year = 100; y2k.tm_mon = 0; y2k.tm_mday = 1;
time(&timerS); /* get current time; same as: timer = time(NULL) */
secondsS = difftime(timerS,mktime(&y2k));
printf ("%.f seconds since January 1, 2000 in the current timezone \n", secondsS);
void timeKeeper()
y2k.tm_hour = 0; y2k.tm_min = 0; y2k.tm_sec = 0;
y2k.tm_year = 100; y2k.tm_mon = 0; y2k.tm_mday = 1;
time(&timer); /* get current time; same as: timer = time(NULL) */
seconds = difftime(timer,mktime(&y2k));
seconds -= secondsS;
//Run 60 times a second. This limits updates to a constant standard.
if((seconds - lastTime) >= 0.0166666666666667)
lastTime = seconds;
//printf ("%.f seconds since beginning program \n", seconds);
timeKeeper() is called in int WINAPI WinMain, while the program is !done
Thanks to those who helped, you pointed me on the right track. As mentioned in the answer below <ctime> does not have ms accuracy. I have therefore implemented the following code that has the correct accuracy:
double GetSystemTimeSample()
FILETIME ft1, ft2;
// assume little endian and that ULONGLONG has same alignment as FILETIME
ULONGLONG &t1 = *reinterpret_cast<ULONGLONG*>(&ft1),
&t2 = *reinterpret_cast<ULONGLONG*>(&ft2);
} while (t1 == t2);
return (t2 - t1) / 10000.0;
void timeKeeper()
thisTime += GetSystemTimeSample();
cout << thisTime << endl;
//Run 60 times a second. This limits updates to a constant standard.
if(thisTime >= 16.666666666666699825) //Compare to a value in milliseconds
thisTime = seconds;
Calculates the difference in seconds between beginning and end
So, you get a value in seconds. So, even if your value is double, you will get an integer.
So, you only get a difference between a value and the previous one when that difference is at least of 1 second.
What is a good way to get an accurate framerate (frames per second) in native windows opengl c++?
Here's a timer class I used to use back in the day, in an ATL project. Haven't done C++ or opengl for awhile, but maybe this will give you some ideas:
// Put this in your class somewhere
CTimer m_timer;
// Initialize the timer using
// Call this everytime you call draw your scene
// Call this to get the frames/sec
Timer Class
// Timer.h: Timer class used for determining elapsed time and
// frames per second.
#ifndef _E_TIMER_H
#define _E_TIMER_H
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
class CTimer
//performance timer variables
__int64 m_i64PerformanceTimerStart;
__int64 m_i64PerformanceTimerElapsed;
//multimedia timer variables
unsigned long m_ulMMTimerElapsed;
unsigned long m_ulMMTimerStart;
//general timer variables
__int64 m_i64Frequency;
float m_fResolution;
bool m_bPerformanceTimer;
//FPS variables
float m_fTime1;
float m_fTime2;
float m_fDiffTime;
float m_fFPS;
int m_iFramesElapsed;
// Name: CTimer::CTimer
// Desc: Default constructor
// Args: None
// Rets: None
CTimer( void )
: m_fFPS(0.0f), m_fTime1(0.0f), m_fTime2(0.0f), m_fDiffTime(0.0f), m_iFramesElapsed(0)
{ }
// Name: CTimer::CTimer
// Desc: Default destructor
// Args: None
// Rets: None
virtual ~CTimer( void )
{ }
// Name: CTimer::Init - public
// Desc: Initiate the timer for the program
// Args: None
// Rets: bool: -true: using performance timer
// -false: using multimedia timer
bool Init( void )
//check to see if we are going to be using the performance counter
if( QueryPerformanceFrequency( ( LARGE_INTEGER* )&m_i64Frequency ) )
//we are able to use the performance timer
m_bPerformanceTimer= true;
//get the current time and store it in m_i64PerformanceTimerStart
QueryPerformanceCounter( ( LARGE_INTEGER* )&m_i64PerformanceTimerStart );
//calculate the timer resolution
m_fResolution= ( float )( ( ( double )1.0f )/( ( double )m_i64Frequency ) );
//initialize the elapsed time variable
m_i64PerformanceTimerElapsed= m_i64PerformanceTimerStart;
//we cannot use the performence counter, so we'll use the multimedia counter
//we're using the multimedia counter
m_bPerformanceTimer= false;
m_ulMMTimerStart = timeGetTime( ); //record the time the program started
m_ulMMTimerElapsed = m_ulMMTimerStart; //initialize the elapsed time variable
m_fResolution = 1.0f/1000.0f;
m_i64Frequency = 1000;
return m_bPerformanceTimer;
// Name: CTimer::Update - public
// Desc: Update the timer (perform FPS counter calculations)
// Args: None
// Rets: None
void Update( void )
//increase the number of frames that have passed
if ( m_iFramesElapsed % 5 == 1 )
m_fTime1 = GetTime( )/1000;
else if ( m_iFramesElapsed % 5 == 0 )
m_fTime1 = m_fTime2;
m_fTime2 = GetTime( )/1000;
m_fDiffTime= ( float )fabs( m_fTime2-m_fTime1 );
m_fFPS= 5/( m_fDiffTime );
/*m_fTime2 = GetTime( )/1000;
m_fDiffTime= ( float )fabs( m_fTime2-m_fTime1 );
if (m_fDiffTime > 1.0f)
m_fTime1 = m_fTime2;
m_fFPS= m_iFramesElapsed / ( m_fDiffTime );
m_iFramesElapsed = 0;
// Name: CTimer::GetTime - public
// Desc: Get the current time since the program started
// Args: None
// Rets: float: The time elapsed since the program started.
float GetTime( void )
__int64 i64Time;
//check to see if we are using the performance counter
if( m_bPerformanceTimer )
//get the current performance time
QueryPerformanceCounter( ( LARGE_INTEGER* )&i64Time );
//return the time since the program started
return ( ( float )( i64Time - m_i64PerformanceTimerStart )*m_fResolution )*1000.0f;
//we are using the multimedia counter
//return the time since the program started
return ( ( float )( timeGetTime( ) - m_ulMMTimerStart )*m_fResolution )*1000.0f;
// Name: CTimer::GetElapsedSeconds - public
// Desc: Get the elapsed seconds since the last frame was drawn.
// Args: elapsedFrames:
// Rets: float: The time elapsed since the program started.
float GetElapsedSeconds(unsigned long elapsedFrames = 1)
{ return m_fDiffTime; }
// Name: CTimer::GetFPS - public
// Desc: Get the current number of frames per second
// Args: None
// Rets: float: the number of frames per second
inline float GetFPS( void )
{ return m_fFPS; }
#endif // _E_TIMER_H
in c++, my favorite timer is the same as Steve suggests.
there may also be the issue of disabling vsync in your opengl app, for me it has always been on by default and you have to load some function to disable it.
as for a maybe more platform independent solution,
use time.h
I can't remember the function :( but it returns how long your app has been running in seconds, in that case just count the number of frames that have passed between seconds and that’s your fps (hypothetical function GetTime() )
// in your loop:
static int lastTime = GetTime();
static int framesDone = 0;
int currentTime = GetTime();
if(currentTime > lastTime)
int fps = framesDone;
framesDone = 0;
lastTime = currentTime;
but yeah, for windows the first answer is the best.
if you need help disabling vsync, let us know.