Issues with connecting to ubuntu instance in amazon ec2 - amazon-web-services

I am having some issues with connecting to ubuntu instance in amazon. I can connect to the default instance with default AMI installation. But when I select ubuntu, I cannot ssh into it.
It says operation timeout. I have tried instantiating other instances rebooting changing key pairs etc.
ssh -i mykey.pem
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
The strange thing when I stop the instance, then only the ssh command connects and says the are you sure you want to verify the fingerprint thing.
I can easily log into the micro instance with the default AMI installation
I have added the ssh port in the security group as well

Have you tried connecting via Putty ,just use a ppk file and please check once
also you can add ICMP to your Security Group and check for ping resposnses


Cannot connect to EC2 Instance either SSH or EC2 Instance

I got stuck when connecting to my EC2 instance. I did try both SSH with .pem file or EC2 Instance Connect. Everything was ok in the first time. But after that, something went wrong.
I tried to terminate my instance and launch new one once. But the new instance get this error too. Too weird.
This is error text when connecting via EC2 Instance Connect.
And this is log when connecting via SSH with verbose
And this is the security rules for my instance
Does anyone know solution for this case? Thank in advance.
-- UPDATE 1--
Result after run Reachability Analyzer with source (gateway) and destination (instance)
yes, all problems in ssh is in the user name inside of the instance, So follow these steps to solve your problem:
go to ec2 dashboard and check what is the user name inside your
make new connect with instance and download new file ".pem" from
ec2 dashboard.
make new file and named it "config" in local machine with this
path :
write this code below in your config file
# Enter the alias of the ECS instance to connect to the instance by using an SSH key pair.
Host ec2
#Enter the public IP address of the instance.
HostName <public IP>
#Enter the port number. The default port number is 22.
Port 22
#Enter the logon account.
User <put the user name you found in your instance>
#Enter the address of the .pem private key file on your PC.
IdentityFile <~/Desktop/myservice.pem>
if you want to ssh it just do like this
ssh ec2

Connection failure using EC2 Instance Connect (browser-based SSH connection)

Launching an AWS EC2 instance seems quite straightforward although when it comes to connecting to the newly launched instance things get sticky. The process for connecting to an instance proposed by such a tech giant is very counter-intuitive.
As a short reminder I should add that an "instance" is technically a virtual machine running on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), for more info one could have a look at this link.
The ec2 instance referred to in this discussion is Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM).
The instruction for working with EC2 Linux instances is given here.
AWS EC2 proposes three different ways of connecting to an instance:
EC2 Instance connect (browser-based SSH connection),
Session Manager
SSH Client
Now with regard to connecting to the above-mentioned instance there are only certain connections that establish correctly and the rest of the proposed methods fail, here is the list of connection successes and failures :
Ubuntu instance, security group source "Custom=", Connection establishes using both EC2 Instance Connect (browser-based SSH connection) and SSH client.
Ubuntu instance, security group source "My IP=$IP", Connection establishes only using SSH client (terminal on Ubuntu and PuTTY on windows) and not using EC2 instance connect.
Both above cases have been tried on Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 as local machine and the problem remains similar on both machines. I went through most of the failure cases discussed in the troubleshooting documents proposed here and verified them on my instance. Yet the problem persists. I should also add that I never tried "session manager" connection method although opening its tab already would give some info about "not installed" agents and features.
Any idea regarding this problem? Somebody out there facing the same issue?
From Docs
(Amazon EC2 console browser-based client) We recommend that your instance allows inbound SSH traffic from the recommended IP block published for the service.
Reason for this -> EC2 Instance Connect works by making an HTTPS connection between your web browser and the backend EC2 Instance Connect service on aws. Then, EC2 Instance Connect establishes a "mostly normal" SSH connection to the target instance in other words the request is going from backend ec2 instance connect and not your browser that is why it needs IP address from accepted ranges of that region .
Browser based EC2 Instance Connect uses specific IP ranges for browser-based SSH connections to your instance. These IP ranges differ between AWS Regions. To find the AWS IP address range for EC2 Instance Connect in a specific Region, use the following( just replace your region with your region) ( for Linux required curl and jq as prerequisite)
curl -s| jq -r '.prefixes[] | select(.region=="Your region") | select(.service=="EC2_INSTANCE_CONNECT") | .ip_prefix'
whatever the value is returned just add up to your security rule and it will work.
Ubuntu instance, security group source "Custom=", Connection establishes using both EC2 Instance Connect (browser-based SSH connection) and SSH client.
this works because allows connection from all the IP ranges( which includes your region IP too).
for more details try reading this troubleshoot

AWS ec2 SSH timed out but still can ping it

My situation is that i can ping my EC2 instance using command shell of my PC but i cant connect to it using ssh (putty) ... i was able to do that this morning , was trying to send some files using scp , then i lost connection , i rebooted the instance many times but i still cant get access using ssh , i can still ping it tho .(i allowed all trafic in security group)
Thank you.
It seems when you rebooted, Your Server IP is changed. You copied new server IP in PING. Now For SSH you need to use same IP.
So Steps for SSH will be
Copy Public IP or use connect to instance option from EC2 Console.
Check which server you created(Ubuntu server username is ubuntu,while for amazon linux-ami is ec2-user)
Remember to launch your server in public subnet.
In case you have security group open to public, you should be able to SSH by above steps.

SSH Connect to AWS EC2 failed after using lets-encrypt update my website

Yesterday, I updated my Django website (on AWS EC2) to HTTPS by using lets-encrypt. Everything works well. The website has HTTPS green icon as expected.
Today when I try to connect my instance by using SSH. The connection keep hunging. Finally, It give some message like "ssh: connect to host port 22: Resource temporarily unavailable".
I thought it might be security group problem of this instance. So I double checked my security group setting of this instance, the SSH, HTTP and HTTPS port are all open correctly. I created another instance to test if there is any problem on my local. The new instance connected successfully. Then I apply the new instance to the security group that I made for the previous instance and It connected. Then I apply the previous instance to the new security that I made for the new instance, the connection got frozen again. I also tried to connect with putty and it was not working as well.
Now I am really confused. My local machine is Windows subsystem of Linux. My EC2 instance is Ubuntu 16. I am using Nginx as web server. My ssh command is "ssh -i blog_project.pem".
Here is my security group setup for the instance.
This is the result I command "ssh -vvv -i blog_project.pem"
BTW, Is there any way that I can login to my instance without ssh connection? Is there anything like console or shell inside the AWS that I can touch with my instance?
Check if the instance exists on AWS, maybe a new one was created with different Public DNS ( than the one you are using in your command.

Cannot ssh to newly-launched instance in AWS

Several months ago, my friend decided to stop one of his instances. Before stopping it, he created an image of its used to launch it again in the future.
Today, I launch the new instance again from that image, but I cannot ssh into that new instance while I can still ssh into the his old instance. I use the same key pair and security group as the old instance.
The error is: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
What are the possible causes and how can I fix them?
Connection refused indicates a network failure when trying to ssh. You shuold make sure your server contains a security group allowing your IP to connect to the server via port 22.
You can resolve the issue by adjusting the permissions of "/var/empty/sshd":
chown root:root /var/empty/sshd
chmod 711 /var/empty/sshd
If it does not solve your issue please share the output of telnet.