Winsock select function returning different values - c++

I am working on project having client server architecture. select function returns different value in different scenarios Followings are the details
Scenario 1:
When i install my server at my machine, stop all the corresponding services, my client goes to DC state and now return value of select is 1 and read_mask.fd_count is also 1.
Scenario 2:
When i connect to remote server ( and disconnect my wireless connection. in this case the same function returns 0 also read_mask.fd_count is 0. i tried changing timeout variable value from ten ms to 50 sec. cant figure out the problem.
Any help will be appreciated

When you shot down the server you cause the network stack to shutdown the connection. Furtehr connection request are refused. The select indicates that there's something and the the recv() returns 0 to indicate forcibly closed.
When you pull the wireless cable out of the plug then the client gets neither the shutdown nor the connection request. You wait for any timeout to detect the not available server.
In a real world application you should implement a kind of heartbeat in you protocol that allows to detect the "disconnected state" in the second scenario.
Edit: If your Winsock implementation supports SO_KEEPALIVE_VALS, you can also configure this to detect the lost connectivity. See also: SO_KEEPALIVE.


How to detect a connection failure in Indy TCP Client

I have made a client and a server using Indy TIdTCPClient and TIdTCPServer in C++Builder 11 Alexandria.
I can start the server and connect the client to it correctly, but if I set the server MaxConnections to a value N and I try to connect to it with the N+1 client, the connection does not fail, apparently.
For example: I set MaxConnections=1 in the server, the first client connects to it and the server OnConnect event is raised, while in the client OnStatus event I get two messages:
message 1: Connecting to
message 2: Connected.
I try to connect the second client: the server OnConnect event is NOT raised (and this is what I expect) but in the client OnStatus event I get the same two messages (and this is not what I expect):
message 1: Connecting to
message 2: Connected.
Then, the first client can exchange data with the server, and the second client can't (this seems right).
I don't understand why the second client connection does not fail explicitly, am I doing something wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong. This is normal behavior for TIdTCPServer.
There is no cross-platform socket API at the OS level 1 to limit the number of active/accepted connections on a TCP server socket, only to limit the number of pending connections in the server's backlog. That limit is handled by the TIdTCPServer::ListenQueue property, which is 15 by default (but this is more of a suggestion than a hard limit, the underlying socket stack can override this, if it wants to).
As such, the TIdTCPServer::MaxConnections property is implemented by simply accepting any client from the backlog that attempts to connect, and then immediately disconnects that client if the MaxConnections limit is exceeded.
So, if you try to connect more clients to TIdTCPServer than MaxConnections allows, those extra clients will not see any failure in connecting (unless the backlog fills up), but the server will not fire the OnConnect event for them. From the clients' perspectives, they actually did connect successfully, they were fully accepted by the server's underlying socket stack (the TCP 3way handshake is complete). However, they simply will not process the disconnect until they try to actually communicate with the server, then they will detect the disconnect, usually in the form of an EIdConnClosedGracefully exception (but that is not guaranteed).
1: on Windows only, there is a WSAAccept() function which has a callback that can reject pending connections before they leave the backlog queue. But Indy does not make use of this callback at this time.
Different TCP stacks exhibit different behavior. Your description is consistent with a TCP stack that simply ignores SYNs to a socket that has reached the maximum configured limit of pending and/or accepted connections: the SYN packet is simply dropped on the floor and not acknowledged.
The nature of TCP is that it's supposed to handle network drops. The sender does not immediately bail out, but will keep trying to connect, for some period of time. This part is consistent with all TCP implementations.
If you want your client to quickly fail a connection that does not get established within some set period of time you'll need to implement a manual timeout yourself.

gRPC C++ client blocking when attempting to connect channel on unreachable IP

I'm trying to enhance some client C++ code using gRPC to support failover between 2 LAN connections.
I'm unsure if I found a bug in gRPC, or more likely that I'm doing something wrong.
Both the server and client machines are on the same network with dual LAN connections, I'll call LAN-A and LAN-B.
The server is listening on, so accepts connections on both LANs.
I tried creating the channel on the client with both IPs, and using various load balancing options, ex:
string all_endpoints = "ipv4:,";
grpc::ChannelArguments args;
_chan = grpc::CreateCustomChannel(all_endpoints,
_stub = std::move(Service::NewStub(_chan));
When I startup the client and server with all LAN connections functioning, everything works perfectly. However, if I kill one of the connections or startup the client with one of the connections down, gRPC seems to be blocking forever on that subchannel. I would expect it to use the subchannel that is still functioning.
As an experiment, I implemented some code to only try to connect on 1 channel (the non-functioning one in this case), and then wait 5 seconds for a connection. If the deadline is exceeded, then we create a new channel and stub.
if(!_chan->WaitForConnected(std::chrono::system_clock::now() +
The stub is a unique_ptr so should be destroyed, the channel is a shared_ptr. What I see is that I can successfully connect on my new channel but when my code returns, gRPC ends up taking over and indefinitely blocking on what appears to be trying to connect on the old channel. I would expect gRPC would be closing/deleting this no longer used channel. I don't see any functions available in the cpp version that I can call on the channel or globally that would for the shutdown/closure of the channel.
I'm at a loss on how to get gRPC to stop trying to connect on failed channels, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is some grpc debug output I see when I startup with the first load balancing implementation I mention, and 1 of the 2 LANs is not functioning (blocking forever):
You can enable keepaliaves. Example usage:
Just wanted to let anyone know the problem wasn't with gRCP, but the way our systems were configured with a SAN that was being written too. A SAN was mounted through the LAN connection I was using the test failover through and the process was actually blocking because it was trying to access that SAN. The stack trace was misleading because it showed the gRPC thread.

Client doesn't detect Server disconnection

In my application (c++) I have a service exposed as:
grpc foo(stream Request) returns (Reply) { }
The issue is that when the server goes down (CTRL-C) the stream on the client side keeps going indeed the
doesn't return false. I can confirm that using netstat I don't see any connection between the client and the server (apart a TIME_WAIT one that after a while goes away) and the client keeps calling that Write without errors.
Is there a way to see if the underlying connection is still up instead to rely on the Write return value ? I use grpc version 1.12
I discovered that the underlying channel goes in status IDLE but still the ClientWriter::Write doesn't report the error, I don't know if this is intended. During the streaming I'm trying now to reestablish a connection with the server every time the channel status is not GRPC_CHANNEL_READY
This could happen in a few scenarios but the most common element is a connection issue. We have KEEPALIVE support in gRPC to tackle exactly this issue. For C++, please refer to on how to set this up. Essentially, endpoints would send pings at certain intervals and expect a reply within a certain timeframe.

Detect when Remote Desktop Connection is starting?

Is there any way to detect when a Remote Desktop Connection is starting on a Windows machine?
For example, I'd like to have a c++ application print "WARNING: RDC Connection incoming" as soon as Windodws detects that a RDC connection has been initialized.
Is there some sort of system event that is called when RDC connects?
you can create a thread that will keep asking if a remote connection is opened right now every 500 ms,you can find how to do it right here.
you still might not caught it in time so you can check which TCP ports get open every small interval of time, you can use GetTcpTable2 for this look at
specificly you should check the state of the port.
since the first thing that happen in a remote connection is the port changing is state you should catch it in time.
The RDP port is 3389.

how server socket know network cable in unplugged in windows using c++

i am developing client server application in windows using c++ and winsock lib it work fine but if it is on network and once server listening started and if i remove network cable then server doesn't shows any error in any thread so where server socket knows network cable is unplugged.
if any body knows please help me.
While it should be possible to detect that the network cable is unplugged on the host, you will still have the same problem if the network is disrupted somewhere else between your server and the clients.
One common (if not the most common) way to solve this is to have a "keep-alive" message being sent. If no reply to that message is received within some timeout you simply close the connection and release all resources associated with it.
A "keep-alive" message is like using the "ping" command to see if a remote machine can be reached. It is simply a message that is sent, either by the server or the client (it doesn't matter who initiate it) to see if the other end of the connection is alive and can be reached.
It can be as simple as sending the string "Are you there?" and expecting a reply containing "Yes I am". If you send it once every minute, and don't get a reply withing (for example) one minute, you can consider the connection being dead. The other end, that receives the "Are you there?", knows it will get the message once every minute. If it hasn't arrived for two minutes then the sender is no longer reachable.
If the protocol can't be modified to add such messages, then see if some other message can be used instead.
Also, remember that the best and some cases only way to know if something is wrong with a connection is to attempt to read from the socket.
You can unplug a network and then plug it back in, or your Wi-Fi laptop can lose reception for a second and then pick it back up. It would be frustrating if such resumable cases were treated as an error in all the programs we use.
From this Winsock "newbie" FAQ:
The previous question deals with detecting when a protocol connection is dropped normally, but what if you want to detect other problems, like unplugged network cables or crashed workstations? In these cases, the failure prevents notifying the remote peer that something is wrong. My feeling is that this is usually a feature, because the broken component might get fixed before anyone notices, so why demand that the connection be reestablished?
If you feel you have a "special needs" situation you can be aggressive with timeouts. But I wouldn't do that unless there was a really good reason.