How to access single channel matrix in OpenCV - c++

I want to ask if it is possible to access single channel matrix using<T>(y, x) instead using img.ptr<T>(y, x)[0]
In the example below, I create a simple program to copy an image to another
cv::Mat inpImg = cv::imread("test.png");
cv::Mat img;
inpImg.convertTo(img, CV_8UC1); // single channel image
cv::Mat outImg(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC1);
for(int a = 0; a < img.cols; a++)
for(int b = 0; b < img.rows; b++)<uchar>(b, a) =<uchar>(b, a); // This is wrong
cv::imshow("Test", outImg);
The shown result was wrong, but if I change it to
outImg.ptr<uchar>(b, a)[0] = img.ptr<uchar>(b, a)[0];
The result was correct.
I'm quite puzzled since using<T>(y, x) should also be okay. I also tried with 32FC1 and float, the result is similar.

Although I know you already found it, the real reason - buried nicely in the documentation - is that cv::convertTo ignores the number of channels implied by the output type, so when you do this:
inpImg.convertTo(img, CV_8UC1);
And, assuming your input image has three channels, you actually end up with a CV_8UC3 format, which explains why your initial workaround was successful - effectively, you only took a single channel by doing this:
outImg.ptr<uchar>(b, a)[0] // takes the first channel of a CV_8UC3
This only worked by accident as the pixel should have been accessed like this:
outImg.ptr<Vec3b>(b, a)[0] // takes the blue channel of a CV_8UC3
As the data is still packed uchar in both cases, the effective reinterpretation happened to work.
As you noted, you can either convert to greyscale on loading:
cv::imread("test.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
Or, you can convert explicitly:
cv::cvtColor(inpImg, inpImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);


Attempting to display image using pixel values in OpenCV. Only 1/3rd of Image shows

I'm attempting to read the pixels in an image and convert them into another format by iterating through the pixels.
After my conversion I only seem to be getting 1/3rd of the image and I'm certain it's because of the way I'm accessing the pixels using the .at() function.
I'm reading in the following image:
Mat image = imread("cameraman.jpg");
I then iterate through the images rows and columns:
for (int i = 0; i < image.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < image.cols; j++)
placeGrayValue((double)<uchar>(i, j));
Note: placedGrayValue() is just a placeholder here so that I can share only the code that is relevant.
The resulting image is only the first third of the image:
You're loading your image with cv::imread, which with default value (cv::IMREAD_COLOR) will load it as a 3 channel image of type CV_8UC3 (aka cv::Mat3b).
If your original image is grayscale, when loading as a 3 channel image you have the same intensity value for each channel.
So when you scan the image you should access pixels with .at<cv::Vec3b>(...).
If you want to copy only the first channel to the placeGrayValue matrix you should do it as:
placeGrayValue((double)<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[0]);
^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
3 channel first channel
If your input is not a grayscale image, then you shouldn't just copy the first channel, since the grayscale value is a linear combination of the three R,G,B channels.
So it's better to first convert to grayscale, and then copy:
cv::Mat grayscale;
cv::cvtColor(image, grayscale, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
placeGrayValue((double)<uchar>(i, j));
1 channel
Or you can load the image already as a grayscale image:
Mat grayscale = imread("cameraman.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
At the end, you want to have placeGrayValue with the grayscale values as double.
You should not scan the image for this kind of easy operations. You can just:
cv::Mat placeGrayValue;
grayscale.convertTo(placeGrayValue, CV_64F);
to double type
Summing up:
cv::Mat grayscale = cv::imread("cameraman.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat placeGrayValue;
grayscale.convertTo(placeGrayValue, CV_64F);
I'll post what ended up working as an answer, though it makes little sense to me and I'd still like to understand why.
The image has 3 channels. When iterate through an image using a for loop and extract pixel data with (double)<uchar>(i, j) it goes through each channel as if they were individual pixels.
The solution (at least with this grayscale image) is to iterate and multiply by 3. In other words, (double)<uchar>(i*3, j) ended up giving me the full image.

Map BGR OpenCV Mat to Eigen Tensor

I'm trying to convert an OpenCV 3-channel Mat to a 3D Eigen Tensor.
So far, I can convert 1-channel grayscale Mat by:
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("/image/path.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Eigen::MatrixXd myMatrix;
cv::cv2eigen(mat, myMatrix);
My attempt to convert a BGR mat to a Tensor have been:
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("/image/path.png", cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
Eigen::MatrixXd temp;
cv::cv2eigen(mat, temp);
Eigen::Tensor<double, 3> myTensor = Eigen::TensorMap<Eigen::Tensor<double, 3>>(, 3, mat.rows, mat.cols);
However, I'm getting the following error :
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type cv::Exception: OpenCV(4.1.0) /tmp/opencv-20190505-12101-14vk1fh/opencv-4.1.0/modules/core/src/matrix_wrap.cpp:1195:
error: (-215:Assertion failed) !fixedType() || ((Mat*)obj)->type() == mtype in function 'create'
in the line: cv::cv2eigen(mat, temp);
Any help is appreciated!
The answer might be disappointing for you.
After going through 12 pages, My conclusion is you have to separate the RGB to individual channel MAT and then convert to eigenmatrix. Or create your own Eigen type and opencv convert function
In OpenCV it is tested like this. It only allows a single channel greyscale image
And in OpenCV it is implemented like this. Which dont give you much option for custom type aka cv::scalar to eigen std::vector
And according to this post,
I think Eigen was not meant to be used in this way (with vectors as
"scalar" types).
they also have the difficulting in dealing with RGB image in eigen.
Take note that Opencv Scalar and eigen Scalar has a different meaning
It is possible to do so if and only if you use your own datatype aka matrix
So you either choose to store the 3 channel info in 3 eigen matrix and you can use default eigen and opencv routing.
Mat src = imread("img.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); //load image
Mat bgr[3]; //destination array
split(src,bgr);//split source
//Note: OpenCV uses BGR color order
imshow("blue.png",bgr[0]); //blue channel
imshow("green.png",bgr[1]); //green channel
imshow("red.png",bgr[2]); //red channel
Eigen::MatrixXd bm,gm,rm;
cv::cv2eigen(bgr[0], bm);
cv::cv2eigen(bgr[1], gm);
cv::cv2eigen(bgr[2], rm);
Or you can define your own type and write you own version of the opencv cv2eigen function
custom eigen type follow this. and it wont be pretty
Rewrite your own cv2eigen_custom function similar to this
So good luck.
Since you need tensor. forget about cv function
Mat image;
image = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
Tensor<float, 3> t_3d(image.rows, image.cols, 3);
// t_3d(i, j, k) where i is row j is column and k is channel.
for (int i = 0; i < image.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < image.cols; j++)
t_3d(i, j, 0) = (float)<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0];
t_3d(i, j, 1) = (float)<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[1];
t_3d(i, j, 2) = (float)<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[2];
//cv ref<data_Type>(row_num, col_num)
watch out for i,j as em not sure about the order. I only write the code based on reference. didnt compile for it.
Also watch out for image type to tensor type cast problem. Some times you might not get what you wanted.
this code should in principle solve your problem
Edit number 2
following the example of this
int storage[128]; // 2 x 4 x 2 x 8 = 128
TensorMap<Tensor<int, 4>> t_4d(storage, 2, 4, 2, 8);
Applied to your case is
cv::Mat frame=imread('myimg.ppm');
TensorMap<Tensor<float, 3>> t_3d(, image.rows, image.cols, 3);
problem is I'm not sure this will work or not. Even it works, you still have to figure out how the inside data is being organized so that you can get the shape correctly. Good luck
Updated answer - OpenCV now has conversion functions for Eigen::Tensor which will solve your problem. I needed this same functionality too so I made a contribution back to the project for everyone to use. See the documentation here:
Note: if you want RGB order, you will still need to reorder the channels in OpenCV before converting to Eigen::Tensor

OpenCV - RGB Channels in Float Data Type and Intensity Range within 0-255

How can I achieve the values of the RGB channels as
Float data type
Intensity range within 0-255
I used CV_32FC4 as the matrix type since I'll perform floating-point mathematical operations to implement Daltonization. I was expecting that the intensity range is the same with the intensity range of the RGB Channels in CV_8UC3, just having a different data type. But when I printed the matrix I noticed that the intensities of the channels are not within 0-255. I realized that it due to the range of the float matrix type.
Mat mFrame(height, width, CV_32FC4, (unsigned char *)pNV21FrameData);
for(int y = 0 ; y < height ; y++){
for(int x = 0 ; x < width ; x++){
Vec4f BGRA =<Vec4f>(y,x);
// Algorithm Implementation<Vec4f>(y,x) = BGRA;
Mat mResult;
mFrame.convertTo(mResult, CV_8UC4, 1.0/255.0);
I need to manipulate the pixels like BGRA[0] = BGRA[0] * n; then assign it back to the matrix.
By your comments and the link in it I see that the data comes in BGRA. The data is in uchar.
I assume this from this line:
Mat mResult(height, width, CV_8UC4, (unsigned char *)poutPixels);
To solve this you can create the matrix and then convert it to float.
Mat mFrame(height, width, CV_8UC4, (unsigned char *)pNV21FrameData);
Mat mFloatFrame;
mFrame.convertTo(mFloatFrame, CV_32FC4);
Notice that this will keep the current ranges (0-255) if you need another one (like 0-1) you may put the scaling factor.
Finally you can convert back, but beware that this function does saturate_cast. If you have an specific way you want to manage the overflow or the decimals, you will have to do it before converting it.
Mat mResult;
mFloatFrame.convertTo(mResult, CV_8UC4);
Note that 1.0/255.0 is not there, since the data is already in the range of 0-255 (at least before the operations).
One final comment, the link in your comments use IplImage and other old C (deprecated) versions of OpenCv. If you are working in c++, stick to the c++ versions like Mat. This is not in the code you show here, but in the you linked. This comment is more for you to avoid future headaches.

convert bgr to hsv in opencv, C++

I'm trying to have a webcam take a picture of someone's face in BGR, convert the picture into HSV, and analyze these HSV values that will later be used in a skin detection algorithm. Unfortunately, the picture seems to be analyzed in BGR, even after I try to convert it using cvtColor().
I use the code below to test whether or not I'm using the right color space. Note the part where I try to set saturation and value to 0:
Mat faceROI = findFace(first); //basic Mat, region of interest for face (code not included)
Mat temp;
faceROI.convertTo(temp, CV_8UC3); //making sure this has right no. of channels and such
CvScalar s;
IplImage face_ipl = temp; //new header
IplImage* aNew = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(&face_ipl), face_ipl.depth, 3);
cvCvtColor(&face_ipl, aNew, CV_BGR2HSV);
for(int x = 0; x < faceROI.cols; x++){
for (int y = 0; y < faceROI.rows; y++){
s = cvGet2D(aNew, x, y);
s.val[1] = 0; //should be saturation
s.val[2] = 0; //should be value
cvSet2D(aNew, x, y, s);
Mat again(aNew); //<--- is this where something is set back to BGR?
imshow("white", again);
This produces a completely blue picture of my face, so it seems likes I'm editing the G and R channels of a BGR image, instead of the S and V channels of an HSV image. (I'd post the image, but this is my first post so I don't have enough reputation yet.)
Does anybody know why this is happening? Any and all thoughts are appreciated.
You're mixing up the C++ Mat style with the old C IplImage*, this makes it confusing to see what exactly is going on. Here is the code to turn inputImage into HSV:
Mat fullImageHSV;
cvtColor(inputImage, fullImageHSV, CV_BGR2HSV);
Be aware that the OpenCV HSV values are H from 0-180 while S and V are from 0-255 while other programs tend to use different values. ALso note that OpenCV is unable to show HSV images normally, this distorts the color because they are being interpreted as RGB.

Using Mat::at(i,j) in opencv for a 2-D Mat object

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and OpenCV 2
I have written the following code :
IplImage* img =0;
img = cvLoadImage("nature.jpg");
if(img != 0)
Mat Img_mat(img);
std::vector<Mat> RGB;
split(Img_mat, RGB);
int data = (RGB[0]).at<int>(i,j)); /*Where i, j are inside the bounds of the matrix size .. i have checked this*/
The problem is I am getting negative values and very large values in the data variable. I think I have made some mistake somewhere. Can you please point it out.
I have been reading the documentation (I have not finished it fully.. it is quite large. ) But from what I have read, this should work. But it isnt. What is going wrong here?
Img_mat is a 3 channeled image. Each channel consists of pixel values uchar in data type.
So with split(Img_mat, BGR) the Img_mat is split into 3 planes of blue, green and red which are collectively stored in a vector BGR. So BGR[0] is the first (blue) plane with uchar data type pixels...hence it will be
int dataB = (int)BGR[0].at<uchar>(i,j);
int dataG = (int)BGR[1].at<uchar>(i,j);
so on...
You have to specify the correct type for cv::Mat::at(i,j). You are accessing the pixel as int, while it should be a vector of uchar. Your code should look something like this:
IplImage* img = 0;
img = cvLoadImage("nature.jpg");
if(img != 0)
Mat Img_mat(img);
std::vector<Mat> BGR;
split(Img_mat, BGR);
Vec3b data = BGR[0].at<Vec3b>(i,j);
// data[0] -> blue
// data[1] -> green
// data[2] -> red
Why are you loading an IplImage first? You are mixing the C and C++ interfaces.
Loading a cv::Mat with imread directly would be more straight-forward.
This way you can also specify the type and use the according type in your at call.