Linker error when compiling a program that uses spidermonkey - c++

I've been trying to learn spidermonkey and so have written the following code, adapted from this guide and while the program compiles properly, I get the following error during linking:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open linker script file symverscript: No such file or directory
I'm using 64-bit Ubuntu 13.10, and here is the code (seems irrelevant to the problem, but can't hurt)
#include <jsapi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string script = "var x = 10;x*x;";
jsval rval;
JSRuntime* runtime = 0;
JSContext* context = 0;
JSObject* globalob = 0;
if((!(runtime = JS_NewRuntime(1024L*1024L, JS_NO_HELPER_THREADS)))||
(!(context = JS_NewContext(runtime, 8192)))||
(!(globalob = JS_NewObject(context, NULL, NULL, NULL))))
return 1;
if(!JS_InitStandardClasses(context, globalob))
return 1;
return 1;
std::cout << JSVAL_TO_INT(rval) << "\n";
return 0;
compiled with the command
g++ main.cpp -o out $(js24-config --cflags --libs | tr "\n" " ")

Try to write this command instead,
g++ main.cpp -o main -I/usr/local/include/js/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -lmozjs1.8.5
regarding the path I wrote above, you must write your own path which include the library and JSAPI.h file included in,
And the last term is spidermonkey library, you will find it in lib folder, for me it exists in /usr/local/lib


fatal error: 'grpcpp/grpcpp.h' file not found C++

I have been working with C++ for about the past 5-6 months and I'm beginning to learn gRPC. I have followed many tutorials online to get started, but I want to build a client-server communication app from scratch. Probably a bit too much, but I'm doing my best to understand how to get it all to work from the ground up rather than downloading, typing 'make', and then having a working product that I don't know how to implement into my own projects.
Goal: Create and run a simple C++ gRPC client-server communication
Using VSCode IDE.
Protoc = libprotoc 3.17.3
gRPC = 1.41.1
make = 3.81
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "ex.grpc";
package mathtest;
// Defines the service
service MathTest {
// Function invoked to send the request
rpc sendRequest (MathRequest) returns (MathReply) {}
// The request message containing requested numbers
message MathRequest {
int32 a = 1;
int32 b = 2;
// The response message containing response
message MathReply {
int32 result = 1;
#include <string>
#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
#include "mathtest.grpc.pb.h"
using grpc::Server;
using grpc::ServerBuilder;
using grpc::ServerContext;
using grpc::Status;
using mathtest::MathTest;
using mathtest::MathRequest;
using mathtest::MathReply;
class MathServiceImplementation final : public MathTest::Service {
Status sendRequest(
ServerContext* context,
const MathRequest* request,
MathReply* reply
) override {
int a = request->a();
int b = request->b();
reply->set_result(a * b);
return Status::OK;
void Run() {
std::string address("");
MathServiceImplementation service;
ServerBuilder builder;
builder.AddListeningPort(address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials());
std::unique_ptr<Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart());
std::cout << "Server listening on port: " << address << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
#include <string>
#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
#include "mathtest.grpc.pb.h"
using grpc::Channel;
using grpc::ClientContext;
using grpc::Status;
using mathtest::MathTest;
using mathtest::MathRequest;
using mathtest::MathReply;
class MathTestClient {
MathTestClient(std::shared_ptr<Channel> channel) : stub_(MathTest::NewStub(channel)) {}
int sendRequest(int a, int b) {
MathRequest request;
MathReply reply;
ClientContext context;
Status status = stub_->sendRequest(&context, request, &reply);
return reply.result();
} else {
std::cout << status.error_code() << ": " << status.error_message() << std::endl;
return -1;
std::unique_ptr<MathTest::Stub> stub_;
void Run() {
std::string address("");
MathTestClient client(
int response;
int a = 5;
int b = 10;
response = client.sendRequest(a, b);
std::cout << "Answer received: " << a << " * " << b << " = " << response << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
return 0;
Steps taken for compilation
Use mathtest.proto to create the necessary files via 'protoc' (or protobuf) by executing these: protoc --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/opt/homebrew/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin mathtest.proto & protoc --cpp_out=. mathtest.proto
This creates the following files:
Compile client.cpp & server.cpp files to create executable binaries using these commands: g++ -std=c++17 client.cpp -o client 'pkg-config --libs protobuf grpc++' (NOTE: in this post, I use a single quote in the command line, but in the actual command I use a backtick; just wanted to make that clear)
As you may notice, I can't get to compiling the server because I can't get past the client compilation first. After executing the above command in step 2 of compilation, this is my output:
g++ -std=c++17 client.cpp -o client `pkg-config --libs protobuf grpc++`
client.cpp:4:10: fatal error: 'grpcpp/grpcpp.h' file not found
#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
1 error generated.
In file included from
./mathtest.pb.h:10:10: fatal error: 'google/protobuf/' file not found
#include <google/protobuf/>
1 error generated.
In file included from
./mathtest.pb.h:10:10: fatal error: 'google/protobuf/' file not found
#include <google/protobuf/>
1 error generated.
make: *** [client] Error 1
Here's my real confusion...
C++ intellisense has no issues finding these files. My $PATH variables point to these folders, and my VS Code include path also point to these folders. I'm unsure where I am going wrong here...
echo $PATH returns this:
The folders in question ('google' & 'grcpp') live within /opt/homebrew/include and they hold the necessary files as well...
What am I missing??
Change your compile command to
g++ -std=c++17 client.cpp -o client `pkg-config --libs --cflags protobuf grpc++`
The --cflags bit asks pkg-config to spit out the necessary parameters for setting the header search path (on my system -I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/grpc/1.41.1/include and others)

Unable to initialise sdl2

Im trying to check if sdl is properly installed on my Ubuntu 20.04 and its not.
Running all on 64bit type.
This is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_timer.h>
bool initSDL()
std::cout << "Failed to init sdl: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
std::cout << "Failed to init sdl_image: " << IMG_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::cout << "Code Starting..." << std::endl;
int winX = 900, winY = 600;
std::cout << "Code Exited Properly." << std::endl;
return 0;
And this is my output:
Code Starting...
Failed to init sdl: No available video device
Code Exited Properly.
Im running my code with this commands:
gcc -c src/*.cpp -I include -m64 -lstdc++ -std=c++11
gcc *.o -o out/main -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image -m64 -lstdc++ -std=c++11
My code strucure is this way:
Main directory 'sdl_hello_world'
->src -> contains 'main.cpp'
->out -> contains compiled 'main'
Some methods i tried was:
export DISPLAY=:0
So how do i fix this ?
EDIT: I also followed this tutorial (, and still it gave the same error. So i guess the problem is in some computer setting.
i followed almost all tutorials and fix methods on the internet to solve my issue which uses gcc in linux. Some solutions on stack overflow seemed to prefer to compile the source code on their own computer WHICH WORKED.
So im pretty sure the way ubuntu installs it on my computer/ idk im new to using sdl. Updating this as might come handy to anyone else.
Still curious, is there a chance i did something wrong, or could this be considered a bug ?
EDIT: followed this btw

g++ linker can not find library

I want to use this library in my c++/test.cpp file.
#include "omp/HandEvaluator.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace omp;
int main()
HandEvaluator eval;
Hand h = Hand::empty(); // Final hand must include empty() exactly once!
h += Hand(51) + Hand(48) + Hand(0) + Hand(1) + Hand(2); // AdAs2s2h2c
std::cout << eval.evaluate(h) << std::endl; // 28684 = 7 * 4096 + 12
I downloaded the source code from github and placed into the OMPEval folder. After make the ompeval.a library appeared.
Here is the folder structure:
Now I try to build it:
projects/c++$ g++ -Wall -g -L /home/a/projects/c++/OMPEval/lib/ -l ompeval -I /home/a/projects/c++/OMPEval/ test.cpp -v
but the linker has error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lompeval
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Here is the whole build log:

Compiling & building CPP using LLVM (Clang) on Windows10

I installed LLVM on a clear Windows 10 machine, without anything else. I installed the ARMCompiler6.14.1. I have a simple cpp for testing:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main(void) {
int counter = 0;
printf("counter: %d", counter);
std::cout << std::endl;
printf("c++14 output");
std::cout << std::endl;
std::vector<int> vect{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (auto & el : vect)
std::cout << "-" << el << std::endl;
return counter;
When I compile this with following line I get errors:
"C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang++.exe" -MD -x c++ "C:\Test\test.cpp" -target armv7a-none-eabi "-IC:\Program Files\ARMCompiler.6.14.1\include"
The error is:
test.cpp 2:10:fatal error: 'iostream' file not found
When I compile this with following line I get an windows executable which runs:
"C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang++.exe" -MD -x c++ "C:\Test\test.cpp"
Since I checked that in the LLVM\bin is anything from the package (ARMcompiler 6.14.1), I think that I should get an a.out for ARM, but I do not. When I checked the generated object file with:
"C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\llvm-objdump.exe" -f test.o
I get following:
test.o file format elf32-littlearm
arhitecture: arm
start adress: 0x00000000
which means the object file is correctly generated for ARM, but I did not get an executable a.out for ARM.
What am I missing? How should I compile a simple test program to get it cross-compiled for ARM? Should I get the binutil from GCC for the Clang to create ARM executables?

Difference of usage between shared and static library

I have a very simple sample of code :
#include "libMPSSE_spi.h"
int main() {
uint32 channels = 0;
std::cout << "erreur = " << SPI_GetNumChannels(&channels) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of available SPI channels = " << (int)channels << std::endl;
return 0;
That works fine when I link the static libMPSSE, but has an issue with the shared library.
My two commands to build the file are :
g++ test.cpp -o test.o -I../../libs/MPSSE -I../../libs/FTDI/linux -L../../libs/MPSSE/linux/x64 -lMPSSE
g++ test.cpp -o test.o -I../../libs/MPSSE -I../../libs/FTDI/linux ../../libs/MPSSE/linux/x64/libMPSSE.a -ldl
Both compilation works, but the execution output is not the same. With static linking the library works fine, and with dynamic linking it returns "other error".
Note : I have built both library myself with the provided makefile (object are built before the same way for both libraries):
$(CC) -o -shared $(OBJECTS) -L /MinGW/lib -ldl
$(AR) rcs libMPSSE.a $(OBJECTS)
What could explain the different behavior of both libraries?
Note : in the example they provide with their library, they use the shared library with dlopen but if I have the library and header at link time, I shouldnt have to do that?
Note2 : they both use and I use this command to run the executable (dynamic and static)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/WS/Qt/main/LC4/main/libs/FTDI/linux/x64:~/WS/Qt/main/LC4/main/libs/MPSSE/linux/x64 ./test.o
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/WS/Qt/main/LC4/main/libs/FTDI/linux/x64 ./test.o
Edit : code that work with shared library (from their example)
#include <iostream>
#include "libMPSSE_spi.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main() {
typedef FT_STATUS (*pfunc_SPI_GetNumChannels)(uint32 *numChannels);
pfunc_SPI_GetNumChannels p_SPI_GetNumChannels;
void *h_libMPSSE;
h_libMPSSE = dlopen("../../libs/MPSSE/linux/x64/",RTLD_LAZY);
std::cout <<"Failed loading Please check if the file exists in ";
std::cout << "the shared library folder(/usr/lib or /usr/lib64)" << std::endl;
return 1;
p_SPI_GetNumChannels = (pfunc_SPI_GetNumChannels)dlsym(h_libMPSSE, "SPI_GetNumChannels");
uint32 channels = 0;
std::cout << "erreur = " << p_SPI_GetNumChannels(&channels) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of available SPI channels = " << (int)channels << std::endl;
return 0;
As your program is loaded and initialized the operating system searches for the required shared libraries in the appropriate directories (e.g. /usr/lib or %WINDIR%\system32)*.
If that library is not present in those directories the application will not run, as the dependency isn't met. Your example probably advises you to use dlopen to load the shared library from the same directory your application is in - you might no be able to copy your shared library into the default paths without administrator rights.
* usually you can add more paths to be searched but those are the default ones