Unit test Angularjs file upload controller method - unit-testing

i'm trying to unit test a controllers method in Angularjs that is responsible for file upload:
$scope.uploadFile = function() {
var fd = new FormData();
for (var i in $scope.files) {
fd.append("uploadedFile", $scope.files[i]);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("load", $scope.uploadComplete, false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", uploadFailed, false);
xhr.open("POST", "/fileupload");
i tried to mock the xhr object like the following :
it("using $window ", inject(function($window) {
$window.XMLHttpRequest= angular.noop;
addEventListenerSpy = jasmine.createSpy("addEventListener");
openSpy = jasmine.createSpy("open");
sendSpy = jasmine.createSpy("send");
xhrObj = {
addEventListener: addEventListenerSpy
addEventListener: addEventListenerSpy,
open: openSpy,
send: sendSpy
spyOn($window, "XMLHttpRequest").andReturn(xhrObj);
when i run karma test config file i have the following error :
TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.
at workFn (/home/dre/trunk/app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:2107)
can anyone help me i'm new in unit testing with jasmine and karma

You should be using Angular dependency injection which greatly helps tests. You should also use Angular's $http or $resource service to perform XHR requests.
Having said that, I created a fiddle with your test.
Test implementation are missing in your question, e.g. controller creation.
I hope the full example gives you a clue as to the problem in your code.
it("using $window ", function () {
xhrObj = jasmine.createSpyObj('xhrObj',
['addEventListener', 'open', 'send']);
spyOn(window, "XMLHttpRequest").andReturn(xhrObj);
You can find the full example here.
But I urge you to use $http/$resource instead.


How to mock Fastify plugin

I am trying to write unit testing for fastify application which also has custom fastify plugin.
Is there a way we can mock fastify plugin? I tried mocking using Jest and Sinon without much success.
Giorgios link to the file is broken, the mocks folder is now absent from the master branch. I dug the commit history to something around the time of his answer and I found a commit with the folder still there. I leave it here for those who will come in the future!
This is what works for me
Setup your plugin according to Fastify docs https://www.fastify.io/docs/latest/Reference/Plugins/
// establishDbConnection.ts
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
import {FastifyInstance, FastifyPluginAsync} from 'fastify';
import { initDbConnection } from './myDbImpl';
const establishDbConnection: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify: FastifyInstance, opts) => {
fastify.addHook('onReady', async () => {
await initDbConnection()
export default fp(establishDbConnection);
mock the plugin with jest, make sure you wrap the mock function in fp() so that Fastify recognizes it as a plugin.
// myTest.ts
import fp from 'fastify-plugin';
const mockPlugin = fp(async () => jest.fn());
jest.mock('../../../fastifyPlugin/establishDbConnection', (() => {
return mockPlugin;
Your question is a bit generic but if you are using Jest it must be enough for mocking a fastify plugin. You can take a look in this repo and more specifically this file . This is a mock file of fastify and you add the registered plugins and in the specific example addCustomHealthCheck and then in your test files you can just call jest.mock('fastify').
You do not give a specific use case and there are lot of reasons you might want to mock a plugin. The nature of the plugin to be mocked is important to giving a good answer. Because I don't know that specific information I will show how to mock a plugin that creates a decorator that stores data that can be retrieved with fastify.decorator-name. This is a common use case for plugins that connect to databases or store other widely needed variables.
In the below case, the goal is to test a query function that queries a db; a plugin stores the connection information via a fastify decorator. So, in order to unit test the query we specifically need to mock the client data for the connection.
First create an instance of fastify. Next, set up a mock to return the desired fake response. Then, instead of registering the component with fastify (which you could also do), simply decorate the required variables directly with mock information.
Here is the function to be tested. We need to mock a plugin for a database which creates a fastify decorator called db. Specifically, in the below case the function to be tested uses db.client:
const fastify = require("fastify")({ //this is here to gather logs
logger: {
level: "debug",
file: "./logs/combined.log"
const allDataQuery = `
FROM todo_items
WHERE a."LOAD_DATE" > current_date - interval $1 hour
const queryAll = async (db) => {
return await sendQuery(db, allDataQuery, [HOURS_FROM_LOADDATE]);
//send query to db and receive data
const sendQuery = async (db, query, queryParams) => {
var res = {};
try {
const todo_items = await db.client.any(query, queryParams);
res = todo_items;
} catch (e) {
return res;
module.exports = {
Following is the test case. We will mock db.client from the db plugin:
const { queryAll } = require("../src/query");
const any = {
any: jest.fn(() => {
return "mock response";
describe("should return db query", () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
// set up fastify for test instance
fastify_test = require("fastify")({
logger: {
level: "debug",
file: "./logs/combined.log",
prettyPrint: true
test("test Query All", async () => {
// mock client
const clientPromise = {
client: any
fastify_test.decorate("db", clientPromise);
const qAll = await queryAll(fastify_test.db);
expect(qAll).toEqual("mock response");

Testing function with document.location

I need help with testing action which using document.location.
I'm running react/redux + sinon/mocha.
Here is my action:
export function importFile(file) {
return (dispatch) => {
return jQuery.post('/api/import/', {file}).done((data) => {
window.location = `/edit/${data.id}`;
}).fail((err) => {
return dispatch(importFileError(err));
If u run my test in command line - i can not check if there was a redirect to page after done, but if i run my test in browser i had redirect and all other tests was dropped.
Here is my test:
it('should create an action to upload import file', (done) => {
const id = '123';
const file = 'testname';
const server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
const expectedActions = [
{type: actions.IMPORT_FILE}
const store = mockStore({}, expectedActions, done);
server.respondWith([201, { 'Content-Type':'application/json' }, `{"id":"${id}","version":12}`]);
window.XMLHttpRequest = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest();
What is the best way to test functions like this? Prevent redirect or use a wrapper for redirect function?
I have a fairly complex piece of code I test with Mocha, in order to isolate it from Mocha I run it in an iframe. This prevents my application from messing up the Mocha tests. It should work also to prevent assignments to window.location from stopping the tests as window.location is local to the frame. (The Window object in the frame is a different object from the one in the page that contains the frame.)

Test Angular controller with Protractor

This is example of my code:
describe('myCtrl functionality', function() {
var driver;
var ptor;
beforeEach(function() {
ptor = protractor.getInstance();
ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;
browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
driver = ptor.driver;
it('should login', function() {
describe('myCtrl testing', function() {
var $scope;
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$controller('dashStoresCtrl', {$scope: $scope});
it('should create "stores" model', function() {
var containerStores = element(by.css('.dashboardStores'));
containerStores.findElements(by.css('.store-item-holder')).then(function(elems) {
And the problem is when i run tests i get TypeError: object is not a function.
That is for the line beforeEach(module('myApp'));
I made research and find out that i need to include angular-mocks.js file in my project and in index.html.
I did it but still get TypeError: object is not a function.
Anyone who can help with this?
Protractor tests are end-to-end tests, where NodeJS executes tests that connect to your browser and use it like a numan being would do.
You're trying, in such a protractor test, to use the angularJS API and modules to unit-test a controller. That doesn't make much sense.
Unit tests are typically executed by Karma, inside your browser, and end-to-end protractor tests are typically executed using protractor, inside NodeJS. You shouldn't have a unit test and a protractor test in the same file.

Jasmine Tests in a Durandal App

I am in the process of writing a number of jasmine tests for a Durandal based app that I am in the process of writing. The Durandal documentation suggests that the way to write tests is like
function (ko, router, unitofwork, logger, errorhandler, config) {
var uow = unitofwork.create();
var searchTerm = ko.observable();
var results = ko.observableArray([]);
var search = function () {
uow.myySearch(searchTerm).then(function (data) {
logger.log(data.length + ' records found', '', 'myViewModel', true);
var vm = {
search : search,
searchTerm : searchTerm,
results : results
define(['viewmodels/myViewModel'], function (myViewModel) {
describe('Stuff im testing', function(){
it('returns true', function () {
and for most of my tests this works great.
How do I mock/stub/fake a module that has been passed into ViewModel. For instance the UnitOfWork module so that it always returns a standard set of data.
For unit testing check out https://github.com/iammerrick/Squire.js/ a dependency mocker for requirejs. Another technique using require context is described in How can I mock dependencies for unit testing in RequireJS?.
For integration testing you might look into something like http://saucelabs.com (selenium based).
For some grunt tasks that helps setting up unit tests in phantomjs|browser see https://github.com/RainerAtSpirit/HTMLStarterKitPro (Disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of the repo). I'd love to see some mockup integration, so send a pull request if you feel inclined.
Check this out
this is a library that I'm working on, in a few days will have the ability to test widgets too.

AngularJS - Unit testing file uploads

As you know, inside unit tests it's built-in angularjs feature to mock XHR requests with $httpBackend - this is nice and helpful while writing unit tests.
Recently, I met with need of mocking XHR in case of file upload and discovered some problems.
Consider following code:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", uploadProgress(event), false);
xhr.addEventListener("load", uploadComplete(event), false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", uploadError(event), false);
xhr.addEventListener("abort", uploadAbort(event), false);
xhr.open("POST", 'some url');
What I want to do is to do unit testing of such a code with mocking of XHR requests, but it's not possible do it because there is no $http service used here.
I tried this (and it's working and could be mocked with $httpBackend):
method: 'POST',
url: 'some url',
data: someData,
headers: {'Content-Type': undefined},
transformRequest: angular.identity})
.then(successCallback, errorCallback);
But in this case I don't know how to implement 'progress' callback and 'abort' callback (they are essential and required in case I am working on now).
I've seen information that latest Angular supports progress callback for promises (not sure though whether it's integrated with $http service), but what about abort callback?
Any ideas or maybe your met with something similar before?
If the $http service doesn't give you everything you need, you can still unit test the first block of code. First of all, change your code to use Angular's $window service. This is just a wrapper service, but it allows you to mock the object in your tests. So, you'll want to do this:
var xhr = new $window.XMLHttpRequest();
Then in your tests, just mock it and use spies.
$window.XMLHttpRequest= angular.noop;
addEventListenerSpy = jasmine.createSpy("addEventListener");
openSpy = jasmine.createSpy("open");
sendSpy = jasmine.createSpy("send");
xhrObj = {
addEventListener: addEventListenerSpy
addEventListener: addEventListenerSpy,
open: openSpy,
send: sendSpy
spyOn($window, "XMLHttpRequest").andReturn(xhrObj);
From there, you can make the different spies return whatever you want for the different tests.
You should mock $http and control any deferred, as you want more control over your test. Basically, mock $http provider and serve a custom implementation that exposes its deferred, then play with it.
You should not worry whether $http is working right or not, because it is supposed to, and is already tested. So you have to mock it and only worry testing your part of the code.
You should go something like this:
describe('Testing a Hello World controller', function() {
beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
$provide.provider('$http', function() {
this.$get = function($q) {
return function() {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
promise = deferred.promise;
promise.$$deferred = deferred;
return promise;
it('should answer to fail callback', inject(function(yourService, $rootScope) {
var spyOk = jasmine.createSpy('okListener'),
spyAbort = jasmine.createSpy('abortListener'),
spyProgress = jasmine.createSpy('progressListener');
var promise = yourService.upload('a-file');
promise.then(spyOk, spyAbort, spyProgress);
promise.$$deferred.reject('something went wrong');
expect(spyAbort).toHaveBeenCalledWith('something went wrong');
And your service is simply:
app.service('yourService', function($http) {
return {
upload: function(file) {
// do something and
return $http({...});
Just note that promises notification is only available in the latest RC release. So, if you can't use it, just elaborate a little more the example and mock the XHR events and so.
Also note that you should preferably have one test case for each of the callbacks (fail, success and progress), in order to follow KISS principle.