Can we install django application without source code? - django

I have a requirement where I need to develop a Point of Sale system.
I want to know if it is possible to install that small point of sale app
on some machine without source code ?
Thanks for all suggestions.

I just thought I'd mention this for anybody that finds this question useful in the future.
There was a discussion about turning a Django webapp into a local app here:!topic/django-users/-VGqvHew35g
They provide some interesting solutions for converting the webapp into a local/desktop app.

Django is a web framework. There's no need to install any code on a client machine, since you would access it via a web browser.


Which is the best development/production environment for Django projects?

A bit of background
I work for a little company as Django developer. The previous developer left the company and I am the only developer (that is the reason they were looking for a Django developer). The company has a simple web application that needs to be mantained and scaled. It seems that the company is getting sales and incomes are increasing. There is a possibility to hire another developer in the short or mid-term. Right now I am analizing possible improvements. This is my first professional job as Django developer, but I achieved to deploy some little personal projects in the past. As you can imagine I am not an expert at all.
The issue
We use a Ubuntu VPS for development, using Django's integrated web server. And another Ubuntu VPS for production, using Nginx+Gunicorn. We use git for version control. The only user we use (for everything) in both VPS is root. I don't work locally in my computer, but connected via ssh to the servers. These are my insights about the structure:
Use of root is unsafe. No doubt about it and we should change this.
What if another developer is hired? Could we work together in the development server?
The question
As the title says, I want to know which would be the perfect working structure for a developers team. After googling a few hours my approach would be something like this:
Production server.
Testing server (replicating as much as possible the production server).
Development environment. Every developer should work and test their code locally in their computers before testing it in the Testing server.
Use of Git for version control.
Use of non-root users for both testing and production servers.
This is just my point of view and I haven't even tried it. I would appreciate you to share your knowledge and experiences.
Thanks in advance!

ImportError in Django Rest Framework with Google App Engine

I have develop a simple app to learn Django rest framework and then uploaded it into Google app engine. But each time I try to access my data it shows me "no module name rest_framework". it works ok if I dont use Google App engine and stop working if I use (both local install or deploy the codes). I am using django 1.4 and using Cloud SQL. Can anyone please tell me what might be the problem?
A bit late but might help someone else, I was also trying to get a solution for this error then I came across this link which has all the thirdparty apps, google app engine support. It doesn't have rest_framework.
So a as a solution you will have to copy the third-party library's pure-Python source code into your application's source code.
here is a solution in detail.
Hope that helps!

Idiots guide to getting a django project onto the web please

Help! I think i've gone in a bit over my head. I'm making a website for a friend who has already got a domain/hosting on the website 123reg. Keen to learn them i've been picking up python and django as i go, figured getting it online would be no problem because 123reg supports python (unspecified version).
So far i've been doing everything with the django test-server locally, i went to look into uploading it somewhere as a test and realised there's an awful lot i don't know and even with google its a bit overwhelming.
I found this link which will help me later i'm sure but right now, could someone help me understand What is Apache? I thought the server was the hardware a site was physically hosted on but i can't understand it at all now.. So i download Apache and then what? Can i just copy it into the root directory for the website on 123reg? Is their an installer? Will 123reg allow it to "run" or "serve" or whatever word's appropriate or will there be permissions issues?
And then once that's sorted there's mod_wsgi to look into, a cursory glance at the installation guide shows commands to be run, which confuses me further as i was not aware that a standard host like 123reg have any sort of inbuilt console window to be run on in which case how are you expected to execute these commands?
And another thing I didn't really think through, I'm using the built in sqlite database technology.. How will i be able to install it on my webspace? and then how will that effect my django configuration? or maybe i'll have to change to MySql v5 which 123reg says it supports?
I know these must be idiotic questions, I just wasn't sure where best to ask for help and SO has one of the most helpful and knowledgeable communities around. I did try having a google but everything was a bit overly technical for me.
You can't upload a Django site using FTP on a shared hosting provider and expect it to run. You'll need to configure it to run with their installed Apache, including configuration like mod_wsgi.
I very much doubt that 123-reg support this. You are unlikely to be able to run a Django site there. You should look for a more Django-friendly site - I recommend Webfaction.
Apache is the webserver software. It's already running on their machines. Don't try and install it lol, or they will certainly laugh at you.
To "run commands" you need to get a remote shell (console). This is typically done via Secure Shell (SSH). See this page regarding 123reg specifically: How do I connect using SSH (Putty)?
Django supports different databases, including SQLite and MySQL. SQLite is typically for small, simple databases, as the "database" is really just a local file that is manipulated by the SQLite engine. MySQL is the database of choice for many websites.

Modifying existing Django site

I am completely new to this Django world. I haven't tried it ever before.
Now the problem is as below;
One of my clients was hosting his site somewhere else that I don't know and they built the site using Django. The host company doesn't allow to make any changes on their server, instead they provided the zip file for all the files in the site to me; so that now I can host my client's site.
As I don't know anything about Django, can someone please shed a light where I should start from?
Thanks in advance.
First of all, install Django on the development machine. Start by trying to get the development server run on your machine.
Gather requirements: check the for installed apps against the default Django file. See if there are any popular django apps that site depends on. If there are any, then you probably will have to install them, too.
In which format was the database provided? Will you move to another more appropriate format? Python bindings for databases are required too.
Considering the fact that you have inherited this project and probably will need to make some changes, consider installing django-south, so you can easily make changes to the database schema.
If you get the site running properly on your own machine, consider deplyoment. Is there a lot of static content? (if so, consider nginx). Set up apache2 and install the mod_wsgi module. Deploy.
Work your way through the Django tutorial first. Then look into Django Book as has been mentioned. Django IRC channel (#django) on Freenode is also great for help.
Your best bet would be to learn about Django before trying to jump in head first - contains documentation as well as tutorials on creating Django apps.
Django is fairly easy to setup if you already have the code written. You'll need to install the chosen database and then simply follow the tutorial on the Django website
Django comes with a built-in server so it's very easy to run the website for development without needing Apache, nginx or much else.
I learned using the Django Book. Django is an easy-to-use framework, you should be fine.
Also, in the short-term there's a file called and separate folder containing templates. If you're familiar with MVC (MVT in Django) this contains the views for the site in function form. There's probably (but not always) a folder for templates which contains a lot of the HTML for the site. Just a good starting pointing for basic modifications.
You can perhaps start here.
First, find out the django version required by your client. Install that on a server (not a production one), setup apache and mod_wsgi. The zip files may go to a dir which can be included in the mod_wsgi configuration.
Find about the static files and setup apache or any other lightweight webserver to server it.
You may not be a developer, but have a try with the django book. It can give you a good idea how its structured.

Intranet opensource in Django?

I'm looking for some open source, free to change and use Intranet written on Python+Django.
Just want to find some foundation to build site on top of it.
If you're looking for a prebuilt site, have a look at Django-CMS, a Content Management System. If what you need is very simple, and you have a large amount of trust in your Users, you can probably get away using the admin contrib package that comes with Django.
For deployment, you're looking at setting up an Apache web server on an internal server somewhere, installing mod_wsgi, and deploying that way. There are many tutorials on how to do this.
Can you please what are features that are needed on your intranet. As Josh suggested, the Django-CMS will do good in most of the cases.