How to use Ember Adapter - ember.js

Why the 'Todos.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend();' replace to '
Todos.ApplicationAdapter = DS.LSAdapter.extend({
namespace: "todos-emberjs"
' can be achieved local stores?
what's the meaning of 'namespace: "todos-emberjs"'?
There are how much kinds of adapters? And I should how to use them? How to define an adapter?

(Check out the picture here to see where ADAPTER component fits in)
I just went through EmberJS tutorial recently and from what I understood:
1)What are EmberJS adapters?
The adapters are objects that take care of communication between your application and a server. Whenever your application asks the store for a record that it doesn't have cached, it will ask the adapter for it. If you change a record and save it, the store will hand the record to the adapter to send the appropriate data to your server and confirm that the save was successful.
2)What types of EmberJS adapters are available?
Right now I am only aware of DS.RESTAdapter which is used by default by the store (it communicates with an HTTP server by transmitting JSON via XHR), DS.FixtureAdapter(something like in-memory storage which is not persistent) and DS.LSAdapter(something like local-storage which is persistent).
3)Why LSAdapter instead of FixtureAdapter in Todos tutorial?
FixtureAdapter stores data in-memory and thus whenever you refresh your page, the data gets reassigned to initial values. But LSAdapter is available on github which uses persistent storage to store and retrieve data, hence enabling you to retain all the changes even after you refresh your page.
4)Why namespace: "todos-emberjs"?
If your JSON API lives somewhere other than on the host root, you can set a prefix that will be added to all requests. For example, if your JSON APIs are available at /todo-emberjs/ you would want it to be used as a prefix to all the URLs that you are going to call. In that case, set namespace property to todo-emberjs.
(Hope it helps, loving EmberJS btw !)


Does Django have a method of storage like HTML5's localStorage or sessionStorage?

Does Django have a method of storage like HTML5's localStorage or sessionStorage?
I want to use the Django/Django-Rest-Framework as the backend of my project.
but whether the Django has a convenient storage method to server my project? if in the HTML5 there are localStorage and sessionStorage, which is very useful.
I want to use a simple method to store my temporary data, such as, if there is a requirement to share the data.
such as I have 3 providers (a_provider, b_provider, c_provider), they can process a origin_data.
in a function,
def process_data():
a_provider(get_data()) # process a
b_provider(get_data()) # process b
c_provider(get_data()) # process c
the get_data() can get the shared data.
rather than every process to return the processed data as param to pass into other provider.
There are some 'Offline Solutions' you can check out here
However, If you are trying to completely run in local-storage Django probably isn't your choice. Some new development on this particular topic is being explored by the awesome team at BeeWare.
Hope this helps.

Ember : Render Template using cached model

I have a data object which i have stored from the response of the first request. If I go back to the old page, how do I render the template using the cached object without sending another request.
Assuming you're using ember-data v2...
Have a look at the shouldBackgroundReloadAll and shouldBackgroundReloadRecord methods on DS.Adapter.
If you override these methods in your adapter class to return false, then ember-data will not re-fetch records from the server if it already has the record cached.
More information here:
If you have records that you wish to store statically across requests, you should create a service and store it there. Services are singletons, which retain state between route transitions.

Making a Server Request Every Time an Ember Route is entered

When an ember route is entered with a dynamic path, ember data will load the object preloaded in the store if it exists and not make a server request. For example:
My app is such that I don't want to perform updating of depend models server side(I will for simple relationships but there are other I want to just pull updated records from the server). So I have been able to solve the problem by incorporating a server request in the afterModel hook:
What I can't figure out is how to check to see if the model hook is actually called, and in that case not make an additional wasteful afterModel call. I could set a property on the route that contains this information but I was hoping that Ember had a method to do this. Any suggestions?
No, there is no specific provision in Ember to handle the situation you describe.
In a similar situation I did exactly what you said you want to avoid, which is to set a property to remember if the model hook had been called. beforeModel is a useful place to initialize that property.
However, your implementation of this notion is flawed, and you're replicating too much Ember Data logic in your afterModel hook. Instead, you should simply consider using unload to remove the model instance from the local store when unnecessary and force a refresh next time you do a find on it, or do a reload at the appropriate point to force the reload.

Updating a hit counter when an image is accessed in Django

I am working on doing some simple analytics on a Django webstite (v1.4.1). Seeing as this data will be gathered on pretty much every server request, I figured the right way to do this would be with a piece of custom middleware.
One important metric for the site is how often given images are accessed. Since each image is its own object, I thought about using django-hitcount, but figured that was unnecessary for what I was trying to do. If it proves easier, I may use it though.
The current conundrum I face is that I don't want to query the database and look for a given object for every HttpRequest that occurs. Instead, I would like to wait until a successful response (indicated by an HttpResponse.status of 200 or whatever), and then query the server and update a hit field for the corresponding image. The reason the only way to access the path of the image is in process_request, while the only way to access the status code is in process_response.
So, what do I do? Is it as simple as creating a class variable that can hold the path and then lookup the file once the response code of 200 is returned, or should I just use django-hitcount?
Thanks for your help
Set up a cron task to parse your Apache/Nginx/whatever access logs on a regular basis, perhaps with something like pylogsparser.
You could use memcache to store the counters and then periodically persist them to the database. There are risks that memcache will evict the value before it's been persisted but this could be acceptable to you.
This article provides more information and highlights a risk arising when using hosted memcache with keys distributed over multiple servers.

Kohana 3.1 Web Services Bootstrapping Based on Environment and Stored Like A Session

We are building a n-tiered style application in Kohana 3.1 which distributes JSONP powered widgets to our partners based on a partner_id.
Each partner needs to be able to call a widget and specify an environment parameter: test OR production with the initial call, which will be used to select the appropriate database.
We need our bootstrap to watch for $_REQUEST['environment'] variable and then to maintain the state of that variable whenever the partner makes a call to the widget service.
The problem is, that all requests in the application use Bootstrap.php, but many of the requests are internal - i.e. they do not come with a partner_id or environment variable. We tried to use sessions to store these, but as these are server-to-server GET/POST calls, it does not seem possible to store and recall the session id in a cookie on the server (this is browser-less GET).
Does anyone have any suggestions? We realise we could pass the environment variable with every single call internal or external, but this does not seem very robust.
We have a config file which stores partner settings (indexed by partner_id), such as the width and height of the widget and we thought about storing the partner's environment in here, but not all calls to the server would be made by a partner, so we would still need another way to trigger the environment for other calls and select the correct DB.
We also thought of storing a flat file for the partner which maintains the last requested environment, but again, as we have many internal requests after the initial one, we don't always have a knowledge (i.e. we don't usually care) which partner_id is used in the initial call.
Hope this makes sense...!
The solution would be to call the models and methods that are needed to 'do stuff' from a single controller, keeping the partner_id only in the controller and sending the requested data back once all of the 'do stuff' methods have been run, as per the MVC model.
i.e., request from partner -> route -> controller -> calls models etc -> passes back to controller -> returns view to partner
That allows the partner_id to be kept by the controller and only passed to whatever models require it to 'do stuff', keeping within the MVC framework.
If you've not kept within the confines of MVC, then things will obviously get more complex and you'll need to store the variable somewhere.