Regex to Match the first 6 digits of a phone number - regex

ok guys I have a list of Phone Numbers like:
and the list goes on an on
what I am trying to do is loop thru the list returning the first 6 digits of each number
May somebody help me figure out that it the correct regex for that?

To get the first 6 digits you just have to do ^\d{6} for each line. This is for python so your syntax may change based on your language.

If all that you want is to get the first 6 digits, then do not use regex for that, depending on the language, you can extract the first 6 characters easily from a string, using one of the string manipulation functions. Or if the language stores the string as an array of characters, it is even easier. I presume that the first 6 characters are always digits.
Which language are you working with?

^ = start, \d = number, {6} = 6 times.

What you want is something like this /^(\d{6})\d+/ and you can then use $1 as your replacement.
See regular expressions: match x times OR y times which is a similar but more complex issue.


Regex extract first portion of four numbers starting from specific position

How do i extract four numbers starting after the 8th number which is dynamic from the following strings using regex.
From first string i want 1717
From second string i want 1417
I have tried to write regex queries in i.e.
I have tried ^\d{8}([0-9]{4})$ but not working.
Drop the $. It forces the expression to look for the end of the string after your 4 digits, which it is not. The answer will be in the first subgroup capture. Note you can use \d for the second [0-9] as well.
If your language supports look-behinds, you can capture your digits as the main capture, instead of a subgroup:
This is really not a problem for a regular expression though - getting the substring indexed from index 4 to index 7 including (0 indexed) is basic and faster in any language.

Verifying that a string starts with a number (easy) OR exactly 3 letters?

I'm trying to make a RegEx expression to verify that a field starts with either the number 3 - the easy part - or starts with three letters, then continues to be numbers
My expression so far is
The expression stops you from doing anything BELOW 3, but it still lets you go over...
I've done some searching and can't find a topic that relates to the issue of having an exact amount of characters
And I'm having trouble with limiting it to exactly 3 letter characters. Unfortunately what I'm working with, it HAS to be RegEx and not another language.
verifies, that your string starts with either 3 or 3 letters and then is only followed by numbers (at least one) until the end of the string
See for some positive and negative examples
This regex should do exactly what you want:
Please note that this regex can only cope with the ASCII alphabet.

Regular expression starting at least with 2

I am trying to get/make a regular expression but i can't figure it out. I am searching for an expression so that a user, who is filling a form, can't type 0 ore 1. So it has to start at least with 2. What is the expression for it?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks. But this is not 100% waterproof. As a user you can't fill 0 or 1 but you can't fill 10 or 11 or 101 either. So everything with a 0 or a 1 at the beginning. Is there a solution?
Thanks again.
here, this should accept any numbers starting with 2 or more:
if you are matching whole lines.
I understand you mean it begins with a digit from 2 to 9, but you should tell if it can contain else later.
for pure numbers:
this forces the content be numeric ans start with a digit > 1.
if more than one number is mandatory,
This works as exact match, if you are doing a non-exact match use anchoring:
if after the initial digit different character can happen use an appropriate pattern e.g:
matches anything after the first digit:
matches a alfanumeric pattern etc...
If you mean to accept any string that is an integer number bigger than 1:
the first half ([1][0-9]+) will match a number starting by 1 followed by at least another digit, the second will match the numbers 2-9 or a number starting with a digit 2-9 and more figures ([2-9][0-9]*).
Note that this does not accept potentially good integers written with a leading 0, like 0123. If you want to include that as well use:
Also note that a pattern like:
is not supported by all RE engines.
I reckon something like this would be useful for you:
It's mean that only words starting with "2" math the expression.
If you wanna try regular expressiona easely, i like the web
It has a good interface to test expressions directly onto the web.

Regex : Find a number between space

I am trying to extract a zip code of six numbers starting with the number 4 from a string. Right now I am using [4][0-9]{5}, but it is also matching starting from other numbers, like 020-25468811 and it's returning 468811. I don't want it to search in the middle of a number, only full numbers.
Try to use the following:
I.e. find 6-digit number starting with 4 and not preceded or followed by digit.
Your expression right now tries to match any six numbers consisting of a 4 with five numbers between 0 and 9. To fix this behavior you should add word boundaries as per Jon's suggestion.
More on word boundaries here:
You could simply add a space to the beginning of your regular expression " 4[0-9]{5}". If you need a more universal way of finding the beginning of the number (could it maybe be also be tabulator, a newline, etc?) you should have look at the predefined character class \s. Also have a look at boundary matchers. I dont know which language you are using, but regex work very similar in most languages. Check this Java regex documentation.
There is a start of line character in regex: ^
You could do:
If the numbers are not always in the beginning of a line, you can more generally use:
To match only whole words.
Both examples work with egrep.

RegEx failing for strings with less than 3 characters

I am using a RegEx to test if a string is valid. The string must start and end with a number ([0-9]), but can contain comma's within.
I came up with this example, but it fails for strings less than 3 characters (for example 1 or 15 are as valid as 1,8). Presumably this is because I am specifically testing for a first and last character, but I don't know any other way of doing this.
How can I change this RegEx to match my requirements. Thanks.
Use this:
the ,[0-9] part will be optional
if you want allow for multiple comma-number groups... then replace the ? with *.
if you want to allow groups of numbers after the comma (which didn't seem to be the case in your example), then you should put + after that number group as well.
if both of the above mentioned are desired, your final regex could look like this:
should work.
Always have one or more digits at the start, optionally followed by any number of comma-separated other groups of one or more digits.
If you allow commas next to each other, then the second + should be a *, I think.
I would say the regex
Should satisfy for 1 or more digits that can be separated by only one comma. Note, 1,,2 fails