working with antlr in python - python-2.7

I am trying to use and in python , but it has error in this code :
import antlr3
import antlr3.tree
import traceback
from test22Lexer import test22Lexer
from test22Parser import test22Parser
char_stream = antlr3.ANTLRStringStream("input.txt")
lexer = test22Lexer(char_stream)
tokens = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = test22Parser(tokens)
and the error is :
class block_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
NameError: name 'ParserRuleReturnScope' is not defined
I need help :D
parser :
class block_return(ParserRuleReturnScope):
def __init__(self):
super(test22Parser.block_return, self).__init__()
self.tree = None

I just had the exact same problem. I went through the egg looking for the class (ParserRuleReturnScope), and it did not appear to exist. This was using version 3.0.1. I was then able to find the 3.1.3 runtime, and the associated version of the ANTLR generator JAR file. Once I generated using 3.1.3, the problem went away. So, I would recommend installing 3.1.3, here are the relevant links I used:
ANTLR generator:
Download the .jar file, and then run:
java -jar path/to/jar/file myGrammar.g
Once your parser/lexer are generated using 3.1.3, use the same version runtime:
You can install that, e.g. with easy_install.
Now the module loads (syntax is correct), but I'm still working through runtime errors. Progress!

Honestly, I know nothing of ANTLR, but you should have more faith in Python's error message:
NameError: name 'ParserRuleReturnScope' is not defined
It clearly indicates that it's not defined, so you forgot to include it. As you can see in Python ANTLR page, they suggest including it with a wildcard, like:
from antlr3 import *
which would make it work because, if I'm not mistaken, ParserRuleReturnScope is defined in the antlr3 package. If you don't want to import everything in antlr, you could import it as you do and prefix all objec by the package, like: altlr3.ParserRuleReturnScope.
As I wrote, I know nothing of ANTLR, sorry if it doesn't work, I tried to help :)


import Qt ui to Maya2020

Last week I started learning Python for Maya, following the 'CGCircuit - Learn Python Inside Maya'.
Now I'm trying to make a simple UI for Maya2020 using Qt. The tutorial itself is pretty outdated, a lot has changed since Maya2015.
I checked a lot of forums and it seems I’m not the only one having problems. This is what I learned so far:
Qt designer is not a part of Maya anymore, so I downloaded Qt Creator 4.14.0 (Community)
I used pip to install: shiboken2-5.15.2-5.15.2-cp35.cp36.cp37.cp38.cp39-none-win_amd64.whl
If I'm correct, Maya2020 has Pyside2 pr-installed, but I also Installed Pyside2 on Windows10
QtGui.QDialog is replaced by QWidget
Currently I ‘m using Python 2.7.17 on my Windows system, but I also have Python3.8 available in my Environment Variable
When I call the py script inside Maya, like this:
import geomGenerator
I get this error:
Error: NameError: file C:/Users/12213119/Documents/maya/2020/scripts\ line 12: global name 'shiboken2' is not defined #
Not sure what this means or how I can solve it. I looked all over the internet, please let me know what I'm doing wrong. Thx in regard.
from PySide2 import QtGui, QtCore, QtUiTools, QtWidgets
from shiboken2 import wrapInstance
import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui
def getMayaWindow():
""" pointer to the maya main window
ptr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
if ptr is not None:
return shiboken2.wrapInstance2(long(ptr), QtWidgets.QWidget)
def run():
""" builds our UI
global win
win = GeometryGenerator(parent=getMayaWindow())
class GeometryGenerator(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
I guess you need to run you script with python that comes with Maya, and use pip that comes with maya to install packages.

Django-Bleach or Just Bleach?

I've recently tried to implement Django-Bleach into my project, but I'm having an issue with an import library. I am currently running Python 3.6.2 and Django 1.11. When I try to define a django_bleach form in my, with the following statement:
from django_bleach.forms import BleachField
I am receiving the following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django.utils.importlib'
I spent the better part of this afternoon researching this error and I have come to understand that the django.utils.importlib statement was deprecated in 1.9. However, I can't seem to determine a workaround for this problem. I did try the suggestion outlined in this issue but it didn't seem to make a difference. I still receive the error. Cannot import importlib
I'm also wondering if I should be using bleach instead of django-bleach as django-bleach doesn't seem to be updated since 2014. Thanks in advance for your suggestions and help.
Package you are trying to use doesen't seem to be maintained.
Error you are facing is related to the line 7
from django.utils.importlib import import_module
If you are really into the following wrapper package you could fork/fix it and install your forked version instead
Ultimately wound up incorporating just bleach into my django installation. It appears django-bleach is no longer supported for Python 3. Using Bleach and incorporating it according to the documentation allowed me resolve this issue.

Can't load Python module by its path - __import__ says ImportError: Import by filename is not supported

I'm far from Python expert, so please bear with me.
I'm using Slack python bot library, which utilizes module loading to execute users code.
I noticed a weird thing - when I launch my script, it says ImportError: Import by filename is not supported on a line self.module = __import__(name) (where name is relative path to the Python file). I don't quite understand the problem, because the owners of the library test their code with both 2.x and 3.x Python, and it DOES work on TravisCI.
I'm using Python 2.7.8 on Windows 7.
How do I fix the problem? I suspect something on my system is wrong. I read similar questions on SO and worked around the issue by using imp.load_source, but I would like to get to the bottom of it.
P.S. It also works if I upload it to Heroku, which by default runs 2.7.12

Importing Numpy in embedded Python c++ application

I would like to have a script invoke numpy from a c++ embedded python runtime by setting the runtime path to know about the numpy module located within site-packages.
However I get the error:
cannot import name 'multiarray'
from \Lib\site-packages\numpy\ on the line
from . import multiarrray
I have tried to set the os.path to be xxx\numpy\core but it still cannot seem to find the multiarray.pyd file during the import statement
I have read through similar questions posed but none of the answers seem relevant to my case.
I am using Python 3.4.4 (32 bit) and have installed Numpy 1.11.1 using the wheel
python -m pip install numpy-1.11.1-cp34-none-win32.whl
Completed without any errors.
Seems like the failure message maybe more general than just an incomplete PYTHONPATH?
Also think it might be broader than Numpy in that ANY .pyd based package that is imported from the embedded environment will have this problem?
Any help appreciated.
Did you ensure all your NumPy includes: \numpy\core\include\numpy\ were present during the build? That's the only time I get those types of errors was if the build couldn't find all the NumPy includes... although during embedding I found that the numpy entire directory (already built on your build machine) has to be inside a directory under Py_SetPath(python35.lib;importlibs); assuming importlibs is a directory with NumPy inside and anything else you want to bundle.
Seems like the answer was to install python 3.4.1 to match the python34.dll version of 3.4.1.

py2exe can't find msvcp90.dll

I'm working on converting a simple GUI script written with Python 2.7 and Pyqt4 into a standalone executable using py2exe. I keep getting "no such file exists" errors, and I've managed to fix a few, though this one seems stubborn. It can't find msvcp90.dll, and returns an error message with a short traceback to distutils and then back to my py2exe script, which isn't very enlightening.
I've installed the MS C++ redistributable runtime, as recommended in
py2exe fails to generate an executable
but my script still can't locate the .dll. Below is my py2exe script, with the name of my script blocked out:
from distutils.core import setup
from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe
import sys, os, zmq
os.environ["PATH"] = \
os.environ["PATH"] + \
os.path.pathsep + os.path.split(zmq.__file__)[0]
options = {'py2exe':{'bundle_files':1,"includes":["zmq.utils",
console = [{'script':""}],
zipfile = None
I've already fixed an issue with zmq (which isn't ever used by my script, or my GUI, for that matter, as far as I know). What am I doing wrong?
Right, I've managed to get my app to build, and although the question is now moderately old, it's my hope this is eventually of use to someone.
Firstly, py2exe is probably the wrong tool. It's old and AFAICT unmaintained. Consider PyInstaller instead. Using PyInstaller is literally as simple as installing it, installing PyWin32, and then going python %path_to_pyinstaller%/ --onefile --windowed PyInstaller deals with all the mess of side by side assemblies and so on without you having to do anything.
In short, use PyInstaller.
However, to answer your question, this worked for me:
The question you've linked to - in particular this answer is the right start. Find the right DLLs and copy them to C:\Python27\DLLs
Ditch your existing file. If you're not using zmq, there's no reason to import it. Also, for a windowed application you want windows= not console=. My file goes (for packaging
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
(This is pinched off