CreateFile() and CopyFile() share permissions - c++

I wrote a simple XOR crypter and need help with fixing the crypted file's sharing permissions.
Basically, the output file from Builder.exe has a state of Shared. I have to change the file's share permissions to Nobody before I can run it.
Is there something wrong with the way I'm using Windows API?
This is the code for the handle that I wrote:
Full source code on GitHub:
Error message:


Information on new Windows 10 error: ERROR_CLOUD_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED

Running into a new Windows 10 error code opening a file for reading with CreateFile(). We get error 395, but there is scant information available about what it means or how to resolve. The details of the error from the Windows 10 SDK are as follows
Error number 395
Error constant
OS error message "Access to the
cloud file is denied."
The machine in question is Windows 10 Professional. It is running OneDrive, but the file is not located under the OneDrive folder. We suspect OneDrive may be using it's Known Folder Move feature
The code used to open the file is:
HANDLE hnd = ::CreateFile(fname,
DWORD exitcode = ::GetLastError();
printf("%d\n", exitcode);
If anyone has encountered this issue, we'd appreciate any insight you can share.
After careful research, we discovered this was caused by a simple permission issue. The user process executing the CreateFile() call did not have permissions to access the file which was being stored in the cloud. OneDrive's Known File Move had without our realizing it caused the folder to be stored in the cloud.
Once we realized it was a cloud-permission-issue, it was a simple matter to fix the cloud permission to allow the user process to open the file.
In our particular case, we arranged to run our process as Administrator, which allowed our call to CreateFile() to succeed. If you are trying to access a file stored in a OneDrive share that is owned by another user, then you will not be able to use this solution. You will need to ask the file owner to grant you the access you are requesting.

Get modification time of locked folder with boost::filesystem::last_write_time

When I'm using
time_t t = last_write_time("C:\\System Volume Information");
I get the following exception:
boost::filesystem::last_write_time: Access denied: "C:\System Volume Information"
Nevertheless, Windows Explorer is able to get access to that information. It looks like Boost requires extra access to the folder, and that's the reason the code doesn't work.
Is it possible to make a workaround somehow?
Edit. Here's a citation from libs\filesystem\src\operations.cpp:1312:
handle_wrapper hw(
create_file_handle(p.c_str(), 0,
I don't see what's wrong with it yet.
That folder is off limits even to users with an Admin account, it contains restore points. Not that you couldn't change the ACL with such an account but that is of course not the correct solution. Trying to open a handle on the directory is too heavy-handed, use FindFirstFile() instead. Like this:
auto hdl = FindFirstFile(L"C:\\System Volume Information", &info);
if (hdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) throw win32_error(GetLastError());
FileTimeToSystemTime(&info.ftLastWriteTime, &time);
// etc..

How can I capture File directory from edit control(textbox)

so I am new to the whole c++ windows API. I'm creating a simple dialogbox in which the user types in a directory into a textbox for a time file which has already been created. the program will then read the file and display the time in another edit control. Im having a few problems making the directory entered the parameter for CreateFile(). If I hard code the directory in, the program will work correctly. But I cant figure out how to take the textbox data and plug it into the CreateFile() function. if this doesn't make sense i can try an explain differently. Ive searched an can't seem to find anything.
for example:
if the user types c:\test\time.txt into the text box I want "c:\test\time.txt" to be the put into CreateFile();
CHAR temp[20] = "";
GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_TEXTIN, temp, 20);//IDC_TEXTIN is name of edit control
//open file
hFile = CreateFile(
0, // no sharing
NULL, // no security
NULL // no template

CreateFile() Failed With GetLastError() = 5

I have written a sample application to read the file from the other file. When I run this application form virtual machine I am getting Access denied. Below is the code.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
WCHAR *wcsPath = L"\\\\\\share\\123.XML";
HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(wcsPath,
if (NULL == hFile)
printf("failed - %d", GetLastError());
return 0;
Please let me know any changes.
Error code 5 stands for "Access is Denied". You should check your user's access rights.
I believe the documentation for CreateFile holds the answer.
It may be that your dwShareMode is causing the problem. Using FILE_SHARE_READ there says, "allow other openers to open the file for READ access". If you do not specify FILE_SHARE_WRITE` , then other openers will not be able to open the file for writing - your call would prevent that.
But, CreateFile, I believe, also fails when the sharemode would be violated by prior openers. If this is true, then if another application already has the file open for write access, then your call to CreateFile will fail, if you specify dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ. Do you see? You may need to specify FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ for that dwShareMode parameter.
Try it.
The error output of CreateFileW() is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, not NULL. Now, NULL definitely sounds like a wrong value for a file handle too, but still.
Is the pasted code snippet exactly the content of your program, or a retelling?
EDIT: I see there's a VM involved. Can you open the file in Notepad from the virtual machine where the program is running and erroring out?

Executable reading itself

I need to read data added to the end of an executable from within that executable .
On win32 I have a problem that I cannot open the .exe for reading. I have tried CreateFile and std::ifstream.
Is there a way of specifying non-exclusive read access to a file that wasn't initially opened with sharing.
EDIT- Great thing about stackoverflow, you ask the wrong question and get the right answer.
Why not just use resources which are designed for this functionality. It won't be at the end, but it will be in the executable.
If you are adding to the .exe after it is built -- you don't have to add to the end, you can update resources on a built .exe
We do this in one of our projects. What's the problem with it? If the EXE is running, then it's already held open for reading, and you can continue to open it read-only multiple times. I just checked our code, we just use:
HANDLE file=CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
This works without problem on all versions of 32- and 64-bit Windows to date.
I have no problem opening the executable image of a process using either of these statements:
FILE* f = fopen( fname, "rb");
What's your code?