WAMP- localhost opening error - wamp

I am trying to install wamp server (following is the exact setup name) on windows 7, 64Bit OS. But it never starts, icon stays in green color meaning services start.but it is not working.

WAMP use port 80 : Is there any other process running which might use port 80. Skype use this port. Do you have skype ?
If the Wampmanager icon in the system tray is Orange then one of the services has not started.
Look at your MySQL error log and Windows Event Viewer, for error messages from MySQL, that should tell you what the problem is.
If you tried installing Apache and MySQL independantly before you installed WAMPServer make sure they are both properly uninstalled. Also check there is no my.ini file anywhere on your system except inside the C:\wamp folder structure.


Access GCP Debian VM in GUI mode

** I am not a Linux expert.
I have spun a Debian 10 VM in GCP which i need to access like in a GUI mode and be able to download and install some required applications for development and experiment purposes.
I think i have installed xrdp, display GUI packages, firefox, apache2 etc, but not able to land into GUI mode or browser mode.
1- I can't invoke/run firefox with "Display" error - Error: no DISPLAY environment variable specified
2- RDP from my local laptop also being refused with "connection refused" error.
Need some help.

Remote debugging .net core 2.0 console app over ssh

I am building a .net core 2.0 console app on windows 10 but I want to debug it on a remote linux server running debian 9.
I found this article:
but where I get stuck is selecting the SSH connection. My remote server has authentication and if I enter the user#ip:port it doesn't find anything.
I found some mention of using SSH tunnelling but as there is no dotnet process listening on the server (it's installed but it doesn't have any listening service running I can see) I am unsure exactly what port I'm meant to be tunnelling or even which direction to tunnel it.
What do I need to do to get my SSH connection visible in the debugger?
I just tried this and I found that the Find.. button doesn't do anything either.
First you enable SSH connections in your Linux host (in my case, Ubuntu, I had to run sudo ufw allow ssh). Test things out by opening cmd on Windows and doing ssh user#host.
Then, on Visual Studio, in the SSH attach to process window, make sure you hit "refresh" and check the "show processes from all users" box. You should see the "dotnet" process running.
EDIT: you should be prompted for the remote host's password at some point. Here's the dialog shown when I changed the password on the remote host and then attempted to debug.

Automatic restart of c++ process attached to a wamp server

I've been working on a computing server and I need to make sure it restart properly in case of crash. The computer restarts properly, so I'm trying to start my process.
Our server is a C++ executable attached to Apache on a wamp server, the whole thing on a Windows computer. So I need to find a way to :
Start Wamp when Windows restarts
Start my process when Wamp is ready
I found out how to start Wamp when Windows reboots but I'm stuck on how to get my process to start when Wamp is ready. How can I do that ?
I'm using NSSM to create windows services out of regular processes. It's painless and you can set another service as a dependency, ensuring your process won't start before it.

Wamp server error. could not execute run action

I am trying to start wamp serve which was totally running fine on my laptop two weeks ago, but now after two weeks I suddenly get this error:
could not execute menu item(internal error)[exception] could not execute run action: the directory name is invalid
When I click on wamp, then I go to apache, then I select service then test port 80 and this is what I see:
when I write localhost, it goes there but when I click on Localhost and phpMyAdmin, i get this error:
please tel me how I can fix this . thanks
WAMP is trying to open your browser, but the directory in the settings is not correct. It could be that your browser is now located somewhere else. To fix this:
Edit the file wampmanager.conf inside your wamp direcotry.
Replace the full file path under the [main] section for the navigator parameter
Save the file
Right-click on the wamp icon and select refresh
Try it now
Good luck!
The paths are incorrect in multiple ini files and the wampmanager conf file. Here are the ones I changed since my installed moved from g drive to e drive. I had to change all instances of g:/ to e:/ as well as my chrome.exe location
in the [main] section update the path of chrome.exe or ensure it is correct.
change all instances of g:/ to e:/ (or whatever your install drive letter is)
php.ini (under /wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/)
again, change all instances of g:/ to e:/ (change to your install letter)
Wampmanager started correctly once these changes were made.
I had a similar problem, and to get my WAMP server working again on my laptop I ran the executables for Apache and MySql independant of the WAMP system tray icon.
In Windows Explorer, I ran (elevated):
{wamp folder in my case C:\wamp}bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin\ApacheManager.exe
This put the apache manager system tray icon in.
then I used the apache system tray icon to start apache server
Then I ran (elevated):
This allowed me to use localhost\phpmyadmin, which to me demonstrates the php, mysql and apache are all working.
My web app was also back and running.
The age of my MySql version and apache version show how long this had been stable for.
I initially thought the problem may have been caused by a google chrome upgrade which included the notifications icon in the system tray, as the chrome upgrade was the only thing I recall changing. I unistalled chrome but this did not fix it - although this does not rule out Chrom Notifications being what broke it!
This appears to be an oversight on the WAMPSERVER developers. For some reason it does not translate the file path syntax from Linux to Windows, resulting in the following error message:
Aestan Tray Menu: Could not execute menu item (internal error)
[Exception] Could not execute run action: The directory name is invalid
To fix this, edit wampmanager.conf and replace the forward slashes in the file path with backslashes.
editor ="C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe"
editor ="C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe"
Save the file, then right click the tray icon and select "Refresh". You should now be able to edit your files with your selected editor without issue :)
i have met this problem and fixed by editing 4 files
- wampmanager.conf in root
- wampmanager.ini in root
- php.ini in (wamp64/bin/php/php5.5.12)
- httpd.conf in (wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\conf)

Wamp server icon will not turn green

I read many similar questions about it but the solutions are not working for me.
The icon says WAMP Server online but it stays orange.
when I test port 80 under Apache/services/Test port 80 it says that port 80 is actually used by: Server: Apache/2.2.8 PHP/5.2.6
Shouldn't that be a good thing? As there are no other programs using port 80, despite that when I type local host I get a weird page instead of the normal one, it has pink bars
The AppServ Open Project - 2.5.10 for Windows
phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version 2.10.3
PHP Information Version 5.2.6
About AppServ Version 2.5.10 for Windows
AppServ is a merging open source software installer package for Windows includes :
Apache Web Server Version 2.2.8
PHP Script Language Version 5.2.6
MySQL Database Version 5.0.51b
phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version 2.10.3
Official Site : http://www.AppServNetwork.com
Hosting support by : http://www.AppServHosting.com
Change Language :
Easy way to build Webserver, Database Server with AppServ :-)
I really need to start working in this project but this is preventing me from even starting.
I have solution...
Click WampServer icon in tray icons -> Apache -> Service -> Install service
(same for mysql -> Service -> Install service )
Then, Apache -> Service -> Start service (same for MySql -> Service -> Start service)
done! Enjoy :-)
If you are running Skype, stop it since it uses port80 which is needed by WAMP
You can also switch the port needed for Wamp.
Follow this article
How to change port number for apache in WAMP
Unless you really know what you are doing you should only have ONE Apache on your system.
Basically WAMPServer and APPServ are the same thing, that is they are installers for the WAMP Stack i.e. Apache, MySQL and PHP.
You only need one of them so uninstall the other, of course remember to backup anything you may want to move over to the other before you uninstall one of them.
Check if MySQL is running or not
Click on Wamp icon in icon tray then
if Start/Resume Service is visible and clickable it means your MySQL service is not running that's why it is giving you problem.
It's possible that you have installed some other application that installed and running MySQL - so already having one MySQL running is what conflicting with wamp's MySQL.
How to stop other MySQL from running?
Simply go to My Computer and search for file name "my.ini" (without quotes)
There should be at-least two my.ini files on your computer delete all other my.ini except the one in wamp directory
Restart your computer and start the wamp server it should solve your problem
As of WampServer 2.5 (64bit), these are the things I had to do to get it to go green:
In your my.ini
Change [wampmysqld] to [wampmysqld64]. Now when you start/stop wamp you should get information in your mysql log file (and errors if you have any).
I uncommented all the innodb lines under where it says Uncomment the following if you are using InnoDB tables (except for innodb_log_arch_dir and innodb_additional_mem_pool_size).
Make sure the innodb_data_home_dir is set properly, like innodb_data_home_dir = C:/wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.6.17/data/. Do the same for innodb_log_group_home_dir.
Change the locale line to read lc-messages=en_US for English.
You can confirm mysql is up and running with Wamp Icon > Mysql > Service (Start/Resume service should be greyed out)
Install and start apache:
Wamp Icon > Apache > Service > Install Service.
Wamp Icon > Apache > Service > Start. (you can click on "test port 80" to see if something was blocking it like others have mentioned, such as skype, sql reports, etc.)
During the starting of WAMP server, the Apache service should be started as well. In case, it doesn’t start; WAMP server won’t perform as it should be.
To fix this issue, navigate to the WAMP server icon in the system tray > Apache > Service administration ‘wampapache64’ > Install Service.
it will open the Command Prompt on your screen. After closing the Command Prompt, go to the same path and click on Start/Resume Service.
The WAMP server icon should turn to green right away.
In case you can have all these but still, the icon is displaying orange color, you need to click on Restart Service button.