dropbox Unicode Encoding Conflict - python-2.7

I have a python script that queries customer and order information for a database, creates a latex template based on that data with jinja2, and finally calls
subprocess.call(['/usr/texbin/pdflatex', filename], shell = False)
with filename being the latex template.
The folder of the respective filename is named after the customer. I'm operating in Germany, so some of the filenames contain 'Umlaute' such as ö.
I have a folder structure like so:
└── invoices
├── customer_no_umlaut
├── invoice_no_umlaut_01
└── invoice_no_umlaut_02
└── cüstömer_with_ümläüt
├── invoice_with_ümlaut_01
└── invoice_with_ümlaut_02
This all works perfectly fine on my local computer.
Since I need to share these files, however, I want to have the pdfs in a Dropbox folder.
So in my code, I plug in the path to the Dropbox folder instead of the original local folder.
What I then get is the latex template in my Dropbox-folder with this text in parenthesis after the filename:
Unicode Encoding Conflict
as in
So it seems that Dropbox is not happy with my unicode charset.
What I find strange, though, is that this applies to the filename only. The python script is able to create folders in the Dropbox with the customer's name retrieved from the database with the same encoding.
Does someone have any thoughts on how to solve this?

I managed to resolve this by chance more or less.
In my desperation, I deleted the customer folders containing an umlaut in my Dropbox. I then reran the script described in the question again. From the respective customer data, the script creates the path of the target file folder. If the folder does not exist, it is being created.
As I had deleted the folders, they were now created anew. The latex templates where then placed inside and called with
subprocess.call(['/usr/texbin/pdflatex', filename], shell = False)
And everything works fine.
I guess the old versions of the folders must have been where the unicode conflict took place.


Where is settings.py supposed to be with Eve?

I keep getting an exception stating
DOMAIN dictionary missing or wrong.
My folder structure looks like this
├── app.py
├── app.wsgi
└── settings.py
So Eve is stating that Dictionary cannot be found, even though it's defined in the settings file. I'm running this app in a virtualenv and I have my apache virtual host pointed to the wsgi file.
Hit this too, and after a bit of rooting around this is the conclusion I've reached.
Eve has, to me, an unintuitive method of finding the settings file. You can see it in the code. It does the following:
Gets the name of the settings file from the environment variable 'EVE_SETTINGS' if set, otherwise from the string passed as the settings= key-word argument to the Eve() constructor, default 'settings.py'.
Looks in the directory of sys.argv[0] to see if the file is there. It seems odd to me that this is useful enough to be the first option.
Walks every directory in sys.path to try and find a settings file. Which means if any module you have installed in your environment has a file named settings.py anywhere in it, Eve will try to use that.
If Eve doesn't find one, then it doesn't use one.
So, my problem was that I was running Eve from a virtualenv that also had django installed. Django has (at least one) sample 'settings.py' file in it. So Eve was trying to use that. And it was crashing. Thanks Eve.
Also note that it doesn't look in the current directory for a settings file at all (unless it's in your PYTHONPATH). This seems a bit nuts to me.
I have raised an issue on Eve's github page.

Go build: "Cannot find package" (even though GOPATH is set)

Even though I have GOPATH properly set, I still can't get "go build" or "go run" to find my own packages. What am I doing wrong?
$ echo $GOROOT
$ echo $GOPATH
$ cat ~/main.go
package main
import "foobar"
func main() { }
$ cat /home/mitchell/go/src/foobar.go
package foobar
$ go build main.go
main.go:3:8: import "foobar": cannot find package
It does not work because your foobar.go source file is not in a directory called foobar. go build and go install try to match directories, not source files.
Set $GOPATH to a valid directory, e.g. export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
Move foobar.go to $GOPATH/src/foobar/foobar.go and building should work just fine.
Additional recommended steps:
Add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH by: PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
Move main.go to a subfolder of $GOPATH/src, e.g. $GOPATH/src/test
go install test should now create an executable in $GOPATH/bin that can be called by typing test into your terminal.
Although the accepted answer is still correct about needing to match directories with package names, you really need to migrate to using Go modules instead of using GOPATH. New users who encounter this problem may be confused about the mentions of using GOPATH (as was I), which are now outdated. So, I will try to clear up this issue and provide guidance associated with preventing this issue when using Go modules.
If you're already familiar with Go modules and are experiencing this issue, skip down to my more specific sections below that cover some of the Go conventions that are easy to overlook or forget.
This guide teaches about Go modules: https://golang.org/doc/code.html
Project organization with Go modules
Once you migrate to Go modules, as mentioned in that article, organize the project code as described:
A repository contains one or more modules. A module is a collection of
related Go packages that are released together. A Go repository
typically contains only one module, located at the root of the
repository. A file named go.mod there declares the module path: the
import path prefix for all packages within the module. The module
contains the packages in the directory containing its go.mod file as
well as subdirectories of that directory, up to the next subdirectory
containing another go.mod file (if any).
Each module's path not only serves as an import path prefix for its
packages, but also indicates where the go command should look to
download it. For example, in order to download the module
golang.org/x/tools, the go command would consult the repository
indicated by https://golang.org/x/tools (described more here).
An import path is a string used to import a package. A package's
import path is its module path joined with its subdirectory within the
module. For example, the module github.com/google/go-cmp contains a
package in the directory cmp/. That package's import path is
github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp. Packages in the standard library do not
have a module path prefix.
You can initialize your module like this:
$ go mod init github.com/mitchell/foo-app
Your code doesn't need to be located on github.com for it to build. However, it's a best practice to structure your modules as if they will eventually be published.
Understanding what happens when trying to get a package
There's a great article here that talks about what happens when you try to get a package or module: https://medium.com/rungo/anatomy-of-modules-in-go-c8274d215c16
It discusses where the package is stored and will help you understand why you might be getting this error if you're already using Go modules.
Ensure the imported function has been exported
Note that if you're having trouble accessing a function from another file, you need to ensure that you've exported your function. As described in the first link I provided, a function must begin with an upper-case letter to be exported and made available for importing into other packages.
Names of directories
Another critical detail (as was mentioned in the accepted answer) is that names of directories are what define the names of your packages. (Your package names need to match their directory names.) You can see examples of this here: https://medium.com/rungo/everything-you-need-to-know-about-packages-in-go-b8bac62b74cc
With that said, the file containing your main method (i.e., the entry point of your application) is sort of exempt from this requirement.
As an example, I had problems with my imports when using a structure like this:
├── go.mod
├── /src
├── main.go
└── /utils
└── utils.go
I was unable to import the code in utils into my main package.
However, once I put main.go into its own subdirectory, as shown below, my imports worked just fine:
├── go.mod
├── /src
├── /app
| └── main.go
└── /utils
└── utils.go
In that example, my go.mod file looks like this:
module git.mydomain.com/path/to/repo/my-app
go 1.14
When I saved main.go after adding a reference to utils.MyFunction(), my IDE automatically pulled in the reference to my package like this:
import "git.mydomain.com/path/to/repo/my-app/src/my-app"
(I'm using VS Code with the Golang extension.)
Notice that the import path included the subdirectory to the package.
Dealing with a private repo
If the code is part of a private repo, you need to run a git command to enable access. Otherwise, you can encounter other errors This article mentions how to do that for private Github, BitBucket, and GitLab repos: https://medium.com/cloud-native-the-gathering/go-modules-with-private-git-repositories-dfe795068db4
This issue is also discussed here: What's the proper way to "go get" a private repository?
I solved this problem by set my go env GO111MODULE to off
go env -w GO111MODULE=off
Note: setting GO111MODULE=off will turn off the latest GO Modules feature.
Reference: Why is GO111MODULE everywhere, and everything about Go Modules (updated with Go 1.17)
GO111MODULE with Go 1.16
As of Go 1.16, the default behavior is GO111MODULE=on, meaning that if
you want to keep using the old GOPATH way, you will have to force Go
not to use the Go Modules feature:
export GO111MODULE=off
In the recent go versions from 1.14 onwards, we have to do go mod vendor before building or running, since by default go appends -mod=vendor to the go commands.
So after doing go mod vendor, if we try to build, we won't face this issue.
Edit: since you meant GOPATH, see fasmat's answer (upvoted)
As mentioned in "How do I make go find my package?", you need to put a package xxx in a directory xxx.
See the Go language spec:
package math
A set of files sharing the same PackageName form the implementation of a package.
An implementation may require that all source files for a package inhabit the same directory.
The Code organization mentions:
When building a program that imports the package "widget" the go command looks for src/pkg/widget inside the Go root, and then—if the package source isn't found there—it searches for src/widget inside each workspace in order.
(a "workspace" is a path entry in your GOPATH: that variable can reference multiple paths for your 'src, bin, pkg' to be)
(Original answer)
You also should set GOPATH to ~/go, not GOROOT, as illustrated in "How to Write Go Code".
The Go path is used to resolve import statements. It is implemented by and documented in the go/build package.
The GOPATH environment variable lists places to look for Go code.
On Unix, the value is a colon-separated string.
On Windows, the value is a semicolon-separated string.
On Plan 9, the value is a list.
That is different from GOROOT:
The Go binary distributions assume they will be installed in /usr/local/go (or c:\Go under Windows), but it is possible to install them in a different location.
If you do this, you will need to set the GOROOT environment variable to that directory when using the Go tools.
TL;DR: Follow Go conventions! (lesson learned the hard way), check for old go versions and remove them. Install latest.
For me the solution was different. I worked on a shared Linux server and after verifying my GOPATH and other environment variables several times it still didn't work. I encountered several errors including 'Cannot find package' and 'unrecognized import path'. After trying to reinstall with this solution by the instructions on golang.org (including the uninstall part) still encountered problems.
Took me some time to realize that there's still an old version that hasn't been uninstalled (running go version then which go again... DAHH) which got me to this question and finally solved.
Running go env -w GO111MODULE=auto worked for me
Without editing GOPATH or anything, in my case just worked the following:
├── main.go
├── /utils
└── utils.go
Import packages where needed. This can be unintuitive, because it isn't relative to the app path. You need to add the app in the package path too:
package main
Being in app directory, run:
go mod init app
go get <package/xxx>
go build main.go / go run main.go
You should be good to go.
GOPATH = /home/go
appPath = /home/projects/app
Create a proper go.mod and go.sum with go mod init app (delete old before)
After that resolve all dependencies like missing packages with go get github.com/example/package.
In simple words you can solve the import problem even with GO111MODULE=on with the following syntax for import:
import <your_module_name>/<package_name>
your_module_name -> module name which can be found in the go.mod file of the module as the first line.
example: github.com/nikhilg-hub/todo/ToDoBackend
package_name -> Path to your package within module.
example: orm
So the import statement would look like:
import "github.com/nikhilg-hub/todo/ToDoBackend/orm"
According to me we need to specify the module name + package name because we may need a same package name in two or more different modules.
Note: If you are importing a package from same module still you need to specify the full import path like above.
If you have a valid $GOROOT and $GOPATH but are developing outside of them, you might get this error if the package (yours or someone else's) hasn't been downloaded.
If that's the case, try go get -d (-d flag prevents installation) to ensure the package is downloaded before you run, build or install.
GOROOT should be set to your installation directory (/usr/local/go).
GOPATH should be set to your working directory (something like /home/username/project_folder).
GOPATH should not be set to GOROOT as your own project may need to install packages, and it's not recommended to have those packages in the Go installation folder. Check out this link for more.
For me none of the above solutions worked. But my go version was not the latest one. I have downloaded the latest version and replaced the older version in my mac os after that it worked perfectly.
I had a similar problem when building a docker file:
[1/3] STEP 9/9: RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o manager main.go
api/v1alpha1/XXX.go:5:2: cannot find package "." in:
This only appeared when building the Dockerfile, building locally worked fine.
The problem turned out to be a missing statement in my Dockerfile:
COPY client/ client/
I do not understand why this happens, we must be able to import from wherever our file is in its nest, since I have discovered that if we have more than one nest this will throw an error.
package main
import (
"indexer/source/testPackage3" // this will be show a GOROOT error.
func main() {
fmt.Println("Agile content indexer -")
├── testPackage2
│ ├── entry2.go
│ └── source
│ └── entry3.go
To conclude, I just want to tell you, the entry3.go file will not work when imported into my main file, which in this case is (main.go), I do not understand why, therefore, I have simply chosen to use a depth folder in the packages I need to export.
entry.go, entry2.go will work perfectly when imported, but entry3.go will not work..
In addition, both the directory and the name of the package must be the same so that they work properly when importing them.
Have you tried adding the absolute directory of go to your 'path'?
export PATH=$PATH:/directory/to/go/

Issues with multiple languages (django.po file)

I am using the concept of multiple languages in my app and for that I have done all those things which are written in the doc.
But when I creates a locale file inside my project and then the respective language folder "es" and thus a by default django.po file is created which contains all the lines which I can edit .
#: customer_reg/my_new_env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/conf/global_settings.py:48
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr ""
But this django.po file does not contain my app templates files which I can edit.
As i said I have created this locale file inside my project parallel to my app,I don't know why it happens.
So I have to create this inside my app parallel to my models and views ?? OR there is any another problem ??
Create the locale directory in your app, at the same level where your settings.py file exists.
Now from the previous level i.e. where you created the locale directory, type the cmd to generate a source file[.po].
cmd like ./manage.py makemessages -l [language code]
Check the language code from http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/l10n/pluralforms
this should work for you, will incude your app templates.
Let me know if this doesnt work for u.

Which Django internationalization files are being used?

I can switch languages in my Django application by changing LANGUAGE_CODE in the Settings.py file for the application.
But I'm not sure where the actual text is coming from.
In path-to-django/contrib/auth/locale/, there are directories for many languages containing the translations of the text I'm displaying. But if I move an .mo file for a particular language to a new name, I still see text for that language -- even after I restart Django. So where does the text actually come from?
Also, for the 'en' locale, the translated text is always "" (empty string). Does ugettext_lazy just return its input string in that case? If not, where does the English text come from?
It is a difference, if you speak of translation in the django admin or within your application. The path you mentioned .../contrib/auth/locale refers to translations in the django admin.
For special translation within your application you should have a locale/ folder in your project. This folder is created when you run the django special script named "django-admin.py makemessages".
The script runs over your project source tree or your application
source tree and pulls out all strings marked for translation. It
creates (or updates) a message file in the directory
locale/LANG/LC_MESSAGES. In the de example, the file will be
For detailed explanation, please look at django i18n documentation
After you have created your message files (*.po) and after you have written your own translations in the message files, don't forget to compile them:
Compiling message files
After you create your message file -- and each
time you make changes to it -- you'll need to compile it into a more
efficient form, for use by gettext. Do this with the django-admin.py
compilemessages utility.
This tool runs over all available .po files and creates .mo files,
which are binary files optimized for use by gettext. In the same
directory from which you ran django-admin.py makemessages, run
django-admin.py compilemessages like this:
django-admin.py compilemessages
That's it. Your translations are ready for use.
It turns out there was a system-wide Django installation that was being used, rather than my local installation.
By creating a locale directory within my app, I'm able to override the strings used in the system-wide installation. I just modify the .po file there, and compile it.

How do I make django translate certain files?

I'm running django-admin.py makemessages -l es from within my app directory to create trnaslation strings. The result includes only those texts that are located in my app directory. My templates directory to that app is located outside the app's directory. How do I ask django to translate my template files too?
I didn't want to run the above command from within the project's dir, because my project contains certain folders that I do not want to translate.
Never mind, I found the answer. You have to create symlinks to the folders you want to get translated (i.e. templaets) and copy those symlinks to you apps directory and run the above command with --symlinks included.
If i understand correctly you'll need to use django's trans and blocktrans
template tags to translate certain strings of text.