Difference between calling function and macro inside macro? - clojure

My puzzle is the following example:
(defmacro macro1 [x]
(println x))
(defn func1 [x]
(println x))
(defmacro macro2 [x]
`(macro1 ~x)
(func1 x))
(defmacro macro3 [x]
(func1 x)
`(macro1 ~x))
(println "macro2")
(macro2 hello)
(println "macro3")
(macro3 hello)
Surprisingly, the output is:
Why the output of macro2 and macro3 are different? In my understanding, all the calling of macro inside macro could be substituted with function (except for the reason of reuse). Anything wrong in my understanding?
Thanks Michael for clarifying. My general question is how to choose between using function or macro inside macro for the purpose of manipulating the s-expression. I wonder whether they can be used exchangeably except that they're evaled at different phases. Another example:
(defn manipulate-func [x]
(list + x 1))
(defmacro manipulate-macro [x]
(list + x 1))
(defmacro macro1 [x y]
[(manipulate-func x) `(manipulate-macro ~y)])
(println (clojure.walk/macroexpand-all '(macro1 (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))))
;; [(#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_#332b9f79> (+ 1 2) 1) (#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_#332b9f79> (+ 3 4) 1)]

macro2 doesn't call macro1. Look at its body:
`(macro1 ~x)
(func1 x)
The first line is syntax-quoted; its value is list structure of the form (user/macro1 x-value) (assuming macro1 is defined in the user namespace; x-value here is the literal argument provided to macro2) and it has no side effects. Because there are no side effects and the value is discarded, this line has no effect.
Responding to the edit:
Firstly, it is important to distinguish calling another macro inside a macros body from emitting a call to another macro:
(defmacro some-macro []
;; calls some-macro:
(defmacro example-1 []
;; emits a call to some-macro:
(defmacro example-2 []
Secondly, in the case of calling functions and macros inside a macro's body, one must keep in mind what the relevant notions of runtime and compile time are:
functions called by a macro will be called at the macro expander's runtime, which is compile time from the point of view of user code;
macros called by a macro will be expanded when the macro body is compiled.
If a macro emits a call to another macro, the notions of runtime and compile time relevant to the emitted macro call will be the same as those relevant to the original macro call. If a macro calls another macro, they are shifted one step back, as it were.
To illustrate, let's consider a macro that delegates all its work to a helper function:
(defn emit-abc [abc-name [a b c]]
`(def ~abc-name {:a ~a :b ~b :c ~c}))
(defmacro defabc [abc-name abc-vals]
(emit-abc abc-name abc-vals))
From the REPL:
user> (defabc foo [1 2 3])
user> foo
{:a 1, :c 3, :b 2}
If emit-abc were itself a macro, the above definition of defabc wouldn't even compile, because emit-abc would attempt to destructure the literal symbol abc-vals, throwing an UnsupportedOperationException.
Here's another example that makes it easier to explain what's happening:
(let [[a b c] [1 2 3]]
(defabc foo [a b c]))
defabc receives the vector of the three literal symbols a, b and c as the second argument; it has no access to the runtime values 1, 2 and 3. It passes this exact vector of symbols to the function emit-abc, which is then able to reach into this vector and extract the symbols to produce the map {:a a :b b :c c}. This map becomes the expansion of the defabc call. At runtime a, b and c turn out to be bound to the values 1, 2 and three, and so the map {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} is produced.
Suppose we tried to write emit-abc as a macro with the same body (just changing defn to defmacro in its definition). Then we couldn't usefully call it from defabc, because we wouldn't have any way of conveying to it the actual values of the arguments to defabc. We could write
(emit-abc abc-name [(abc-vals 0) (abc-vals 1) (abc-vals 2)])
to make defabc compile, but this would end up emitting abc-name as the name of the Var being defined and include code for the vector literal [a b c] three times in the generated code. We could however emit a call to it:
`(emit-abc ~abc-name ~abc-vals)
This works as expected.

I think you're confused about the difference between macros and functions.
Macros are evaluated at compile time, and they take code as input and give code as output.
Functions evaluate their results at run time, taking run-time values as input and returning run-time values as output.
The result of a macro should pretty much always be an s-expression representing the source code resulting form applying the macro. This is why macros usually use the syntax quote functionality, since it makes it easy to generate source code with inserted parameterized values via the ~ and ~# escapes.
Defining a couple of functions might help you see how this works. Let's run the following code:
(defn testing-macro-2 [my-arg]
(macro2 my-arg))
(testing-macro-2 "macro 2 test")
(defn testing-macro-3 [my-arg]
(macro3 my-arg))
(testing-macro-3 "macro 3 test")
Here's what I get in my REPL:
(defn testing-macro-2 [my-arg]
(macro2 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-2 "macro 2 test")
(defn testing-macro-3 [my-arg]
(macro3 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-3 "macro 3 test")
As you can see, my-arg is printed when defining the functions where the macros are invoked, not when I call the functions. This is because the macros are evaluated when the Clojure compiler is generating code for the function, so that's when the call to println happens.
However, if you use the syntax-quote in macro1 to make it return code instead of calling println, which returns nil, then it all changes:
(defmacro macro1 [x]
`(println ~x))
(defn func1 [x]
(println x))
(defmacro macro2 [x]
`(macro1 ~x)
(func1 x))
(defmacro macro3 [x]
(func1 x)
`(macro1 ~x))
(defn testing-macro-2 [my-arg]
(macro2 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-2 "macro 2 test")
(defn testing-macro-3 [my-arg]
(macro3 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-3 "macro 3 test")
macro 3 test
user=> (macro2 hello)
user=> (macro3 hello)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: hello in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:107)
Each of the macros still prints the argument due to a println being called when the macro is evaluated, but since macro3 now actually returns source code it actually works like println.
Note that testing-macro-2 prints nothing because macro2 throws away the result of the intermediate calculation `(macro1 ~x) and simply returns nil (the result of println). In other words, using (macro2 foo) is the same as just putting a nil literal in your code, except that the compiler will print foo as a side-effect when it evaluates the macro.
Invoking (macro3 hello) results in a CompilerException because the macro substitution results in the code (println hello), but hello is not defined. If you do something like (def hello "Hello there!") then you won't get an error since it will find a binding for hello.

I'm not satisfied with the answers so far, so let me take a stab...
The issue is that defmacro returns data that is then used as code. Only the last expression in defmacro is returned and, in your example, is then evaluated as code.
So... in your call to macro2 the following steps occur
`(macro1 ~x) is syntax quoted so it evaluates to (macro1 hello) and is not evaluated further because of the syntax quote. This line effectively does nothing as a result.
(func1 x) executes inside the macro, prints the string, and the result nil is returned.
The result of calling (macro2 hello) is nil so nothing further occurs.
Later, you call macro3 and the following steps occur
(func1 x) executes, prints hello, returns nil. But since the macro is not finished this nil does nothing and the next expression is evaluated.
`(macro1 ~x) evaluates (just as before) to (macro1 hello) and is returned as code (it is not evaluated further, yet, because it is syntax quoted). This is the return value of calling macro3 since it is the last expression in the implicit do of defmacro.
The return value of calling macro3 from the previous step is now evaluated. It evaluates to (println hello), but this is not evaluated yet.
Finally the previous steps result is evaluated and a second hello is printed.
I believe the point to understand is that a macro returns code to be executed and only the last expression is returned. Perhaps also, remember that the syntax quote ` prevents the expression following it from being evaluated and instead creates a list in place that is not evaluated further (unless some other action is taken to evaluate the expression).
Yes there is a runtime/compile time difference between when code is evaluated, but for this question I don't think that is the key thing to notice. The key thing to notice is that with macro2 the result of calling macro1 is not returned, but in macro3 it is returned and is therefore evaluated further.


Clojure functions and thread macro

I am pretty new with Clojure language.
While reading about Clojure functions, I find the example #([%]). So I try to use it as follows:
(def test1 #([%]))
(test1 5)
As a result, I get the following error:
ArityException Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentVector clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity (AFn.java:429)
which seems to be that it is trying to invoke the array I wanted to return.
After digging a while, I find a solution as follows:
(def test1 #(-> [%]))
(test1 5)
I would have some questions:
Why doesn't the #([%]) work? What did I do with the expression #([x])?
In the correct example I am using the thread-first macro. Based on its documentation, it is used to pass an argument to the next function, e.g. (-> x (+ 1)). In this case I do not even have a function to pass to; *what is the next function in this context? I can not realize why it solved my issue
Question 1
The syntax #([%]) translates into: "Create a function that when called will evaluate the expression ([%]) with % being the first (and only) argument passed to the function". This expression has the syntax of a function call with [%] being the function to be called. You can see what goes on using a macroexpand:
(macroexpand '#([%]))
;; => (fn* [p1__6926#] ([p1__6926#]))
The class of persistent vectors in clojure is clojure.lang.PersistentVector. They implement the IFn interface for arity 1, so that you can treat the vector as a function mapping an index to an element. But they do not implement arity 0, which is what you are trying to call. In other words, your code does not work:
(def test1 #([%]))
(test1 5) ;; ERROR
However, if you would pass the argument 0 to your function [%], you would get back the element:
(def test1 #([%] 0))
(test1 5)
;; => 5
Do you see what happens? However, for the thing you are trying to do, there is a better way: The [a b c] syntax is just sugar for calling (vector a b c). So to get something that works, you can just do
(def test1 vector)
(test1 5)
;; => [5]
Question 2
The thread-first macros has the syntax of (-> x f0 f1 f2 ...) where x is the initial value and f0, f1 and so on are function calls with their first argument left out to be replaced by the value that is being piped through. Again we can use macroexpand to understand:
(macroexpand '(-> x f0 f1 f2))
;; => (f2 (f1 (f0 x)))
But in your case, the function calls are left out. To analyze your second example, we need to use clojure.walk/macroexpand-all for a full expansion, because we have nested macros:
(clojure.walk/macroexpand-all '#(-> [%]))
;; => (fn* [p1__6995#] [p1__6995#])
although, we can also look at it one step at a time:
(macroexpand '#(-> [%]))
;; => (fn* [p1__7000#] (-> [p1__7000#]))
(macroexpand '(-> [p1__7000#]))
;; => [p1__7000#]
So to answer your question: There is no next function in (-> [%]). The number of next functions can be any non-negative number, including zero, which is the case with (-> [%]).
#Rulle gives an exhaustive explanation of the details.
May I point out the most important part? Your reference from Clojure.org says:
So, don't do that! It is a silly trick that will only cause confusion & pain. Why would you want that???

How to write an Clojure macro to get var's value?

user=> (def v-1 "this is v1")
user=> (def v-2 "this is v2")
user=> (defmacro m [v] (symbol (str "v-" v)))
user=> (m 1)
"this is v1"
user=> (m 2)
"this is v2"
user=> (let [i 2] (m i))
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: v-i in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:73:12)
Can I write a macro let both
(m 2)
(let [i 2] (m i))
get "this is v2" ?
This is possible without a macro:
(defn m [v] (var-get (resolve (symbol (str "v-" v)))))
(m 1) ;; => "This is v1"
(let [i 2] (m i)) ;; => "This is v2"
You can use a macro too if you want:
(defmacro m [v] `#(resolve (symbol (str "v-" ~v))))
A plain function seems much more likely to be what you want.
First, though, to address the original question, if you wanted to insist on using a macro, macros are regular functions that happen to be called at compile time, so you can look up a Var using its symbolic name and obtain its value using deref just like you could at (your application's, as opposed to your macro's) runtime:
(defmacro var-value [vsym] #(resolve vsym))
(def foo 1)
(var-value foo)
;= 1
(macroexpand-1 '(var-value foo))
;= 1
Note that the above 1 is the actual macroexpansion here. This is different to
(defmacro var-value [vsym] `#(resolve ~vsym))
in that the latter expands to a call to resolve, and so the lookup given that implementation is postponed to your app's runtime.
(macroexpand-1 '(var-value foo))
;= (clojure.core/deref (clojure.core/resolve foo))
So this code will just be inlined wherever you call the macro.
Of course the macro could also expand to a symbol – e.g.
(defmacro prefixed-var [suffix]
`(symbol (str "v-" ssuffix)))
will produce expansions like v-1 (for (prefixed-var 1)) etc.
Going back to the subject of the suitability of macros here, however, if you use a macro, all the information that you need to produce your expansion must be available at compile time, and so in general you cannot use the values of let / loop locals or function arguments in your expansion for the fundamental reason that they don't have any fixed value at compile time.1
Thus the cleanest approach would probably be to wrap a resolve call in defn and call the resulting function – although of course to know for sure, we'd need to know what problem you were trying to solve by introducing a macro that performs a Var lookup.
1 Except if statically assigned constant values, as in the example given in the question text; I'm assuming you're thinking of using runtime values of locals in general, not just those that whose initialization expressions are constant literals.

Why doesn't work : "First argument to defn must be a symbol"

Why do I get the error:
IllegalArgumentException First argument to defn must be a symbol clojure.core/defn (core.clj:277)
When I try to define a function like this:
(defn (symbol "f[]") 1)
Or like this:
(defn (symbol "f") [] 1)
Why aren't those the equivalent of straight forward example below ?
(defn f [] 1)
This is esoteric I know: but it just occurred to me that I might want to name a function dynamically at some point. (No real use case here - just trying to understand Clojure's mind...)
When you pass arguments to a macro, they are not evaluated beforehand. Since defn is a macro, what you're passing it in those two cases are not equivalent.
You are mixing code and data. It is a very common mistake to do. Eg.
(+ 4 5) ; ==> 9
('+ 4 5) ; ==> Error
'+ evaluates to a symbol. It is not the same as the variable + that is code and evaluates for a function. It's easy to check by evaluating them:
+ ; ==> #<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_#312aa7c>
'+ ; ==> +
defn is a macro that expands to def so your beef is with def. The reason (def (symbol "x") 5) doesn't work is because def happens at compile time. The first arguments is never evaluated, but used for all references to the same identifiers within the same namespace. An expression like (symbol "x") won't work pretty much because of the same reason + and '+ cannot be mixed. You can do this in compile time though:
(defmacro make-fun [name expression]
`(defn ~(symbol name) [] ~expression))
(macroexpand-1 '(make-fun "f" 1))
; ==> (clojure.core/defn f [] 1)
(make-fun "f" 1)
; ==> #'user/f
(f) ; ==> 1
So what is happening is that before the code runs (make-fun "f" 1) gets replaced with (clojure.core/defn f [] 1) and the runtime never ever sees where it came from. While this seems useful you still cannot use a binding or input to make your function:
(def fun-name "f")
(def fun-value 1)
(macroexpand-1 '(make-fun fun-name fun-value))
; ==> (clojure.core/defn fun-name [] fun-value)
Macros are just a way to simplify and abstract on syntax. If you always write a pattern that looks like (defn name [& args] (let ...) you can make the parts that differ bindings in a macro and shorten every place you use the abstraction with the new macro. It is a code translation service. In compile time the arguments are just the literal code that it is suppsoed to replace and you never have the luxury to see if a variable or expression has a certain value since you only knows about the code and never what they actually represent. Thus the errors usually arises in when the code in the end result runs.
In the end you can do anything in runtime with eval. I've seen eval being used in a sensible manner twice in my 19 year run as a professional programmer. You could do:
(defn make-fun [name value]
(eval `(defn ~(symbol name) [] ~value)))
(make-fun fun-name fun-value)
; #'user/f
; ==> 1
Now while this works you shouldn't do it unless this is some sort of tool to test or do something with code rather than it being a part of the code to be run as a service with the string coming in from a unsafe source. I would have opted for using dictionaries instead such that you do not update your own environment. Imagine if the input was make-fun or some other part of your code that would give the client control over your software.
The answer is what Josh said (defn is a macro; if it was a function then your code really would work in this way). You can define your own defn variation macro that would do what you want or just use eval:
(eval `(defn ~(symbol "f") [] 1))
; => #'user/f
; => 1
You really don't need to use eval.
You have hit the problem known as "turtles all the way down". Once you try to treat a macro like a function (perhaps passing it to map, for example), you find you cannot do it without writing another macro. The same applies to macro #2, etc.
Thus, you can't compose macros as well as you can compose functions. This is the genesis of the general advice, "Never use a macro when you can use a function."
In this case, defn is a macro, so you have no choice but to write another macro (def behaves the same way, even though it is a special form instead of a macro). Our new macro dyn-defn dynamically creates the function name from a list of strings:
(defn fun-1 [] 1)
(def fun-2 (fn [] 2))
; (def (symbol (str "fun" "-3")) (fn [] 3))
; => Exception: First argument to def must be a Symbol
(defmacro dyn-defn
"Construct a function named dynamically from the supplied strings"
[name-strs & forms]
(let [name-sym (symbol (str/join name-strs)) ]
(spyx name-sym)
`(defn ~name-sym ~#forms)))
(dyn-defn ["fun" "-3"]
with result:
*************** Running tests ***************
:reloading (tst.demo.core)
name-sym => fun-3 ; NOTE: this is evaluated at compile-time
Testing _bootstrap
Clojure 1.9.0 Java 1.8.0_161
Testing demo.core
Testing tst.demo.core
(fun-1) => 1 ; NOTE: these are all evaluated at run-time
(fun-2) => 2
(fun-3) => 3
Note that the function name is an argument to the defn macro, and must be a symbol, not a function call.
Correct, you can't tell by looking at it if a form is "calling" a function or a macro. In fact, many "build-in" features of Clojure are constructed from more fundamental parts of the language, whether macros like when (source code) or functions like into (source code).

Alternative Clojure Threading Macro

I'm having a little trouble with a threading macro I'm trying to write. I've posted a stripped down version to show what problem I'm having.
(defmacro <->
[v & fs]
(-> ~v ~#fs)
The macro is equivalent to the thread first -> macro, but instead of returning the result of the threading operation, it returns the original value it was passed.
The trouble, I'm having is that when I do something like:
(<-> 1
(<-> println)
(<-> println))
I would expect the output to be
=> 1
but because the macro evaluates outside in, the macroexpand looks like:
(println 1)
(println 1)
1)) 1)
and the result is
=> 1
I can see why this is happening since the macro is evaluated from outside in, but I'm not sure how to fix it so the macro actually works as expected (i.e. evaluating the value v before threading it to the next form).
Your macro expands to a form in which its v argument is evaluated twice. You need to evaluate v only once, and let-bind the result so you can refer to that value later.
(defmacro <-> [v & fs]
(let [$v (gensym "$v_")]
`(let [~$v ~v]
(-> ~$v ~#fs)
Note the use of gensym to generate a fresh symbol.

In Clojure, how to define a variable named by a string?

Given a list of names for variables, I want to set those variables to an expression.
I tried this:
(doall (for [x ["a" "b" "c"]] (def (symbol x) 666)))
...but this yields the error
java.lang.Exception: First argument to def must be a Symbol
Can anyone show me the right way to accomplish this, please?
Clojure's "intern" function is for this purpose:
(doseq [x ["a" "b" "c"]]
(intern *ns* (symbol x) 666))
(doall (for [x ["a" "b" "c"]] (eval `(def ~(symbol x) 666))))
In response to your comment:
There are no macros involved here. eval is a function that takes a list and returns the result of executing that list as code. ` and ~ are shortcuts to create a partially-quoted list.
` means the contents of the following lists shall be quoted unless preceded by a ~
~ the following list is a function call that shall be executed, not quoted.
So ``(def ~(symbol x) 666)is the list containing the symboldef, followed by the result of executingsymbol xfollowed by the number of the beast. I could as well have written(eval (list 'def (symbol x) 666))` to achieve the same effect.
Updated to take Stuart Sierra's comment (mentioning clojure.core/intern) into account.
Using eval here is fine, but it may be interesting to know that it is not necessary, regardless of whether the Vars are known to exist already. In fact, if they are known to exist, then I think the alter-var-root solution below is cleaner; if they might not exist, then I wouldn't insist on my alternative proposition being much cleaner, but it seems to make for the shortest code (if we disregard the overhead of three lines for a function definition), so I'll just post it for your consideration.
If the Var is known to exist:
(alter-var-root (resolve (symbol "foo")) (constantly new-value))
So you could do
(map #(-> %1 symbol resolve (alter-var-root %2))
["x" "y" "z"]
[value-for-x value-for-y value-for z]))
(If the same value was to be used for all Vars, you could use (repeat value) for the final argument to map or just put it in the anonymous function.)
If the Vars might need to be created, then you can actually write a function to do this (once again, I wouldn't necessarily claim this to be cleaner than eval, but anyway -- just for the interest of it):
(defn create-var
;; I used clojure.lang.Var/intern in the original answer,
;; but as Stuart Sierra has pointed out in a comment,
;; a Clojure built-in is available to accomplish the same
;; thing
([sym] (intern *ns* sym))
([sym val] (intern *ns* sym val)))
Note that if a Var turns out to have already been interned with the given name in the given namespace, then this changes nothing in the single argument case or just resets the Var to the given new value in the two argument case. With this, you can solve the original problem like so:
(dorun (map #(create-var (symbol %) 666) ["x" "y" "z"]))
Some additional examples:
user> (create-var 'bar (fn [_] :bar))
user> (bar :foo)
user> (create-var 'baz)
user> baz
; Evaluation aborted. ; java.lang.IllegalStateException:
; Var user/baz is unbound.
; It does exist, though!
;; if you really wanted to do things like this, you'd
;; actually use the clojure.contrib.with-ns/with-ns macro
user> (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'quux)]
(create-var 'foobar 5))
user> quux/foobar
Evaluation rules for normal function calls are to evaluate all the items of the list, and call the first item in the list as a function with the rest of the items in the list as parameters.
But you can't make any assumptions about the evaluation rules for special forms or macros. A special form or the code produced by a macro call could evaluate all the arguments, or never evaluate them, or evaluate them multiple times, or evaluate some arguments and not others. def is a special form, and it doesn't evaluate its first argument. If it did, it couldn't work. Evaluating the foo in (def foo 123) would result in a "no such var 'foo'" error most of the time (if foo was already defined, you probably wouldn't be defining it yourself).
I'm not sure what you're using this for, but it doesn't seem very idiomatic. Using def anywhere but at the toplevel of your program usually means you're doing something wrong.
(Note: doall + for = doseq.)