Collection of objects with different interface - c++

I'm writing a decision tree based algorithm (ID3). I use two classess to represent a node. ResultNode, and TestNode. ResultNode is kind of leaf. It simply contains a result with a method to aquire it. TestNode is simply not-leaf. It has an array of children, and test function.
The most basic approach is create more general class Node which would provide interface for both of them, however both test, and getResult are specific to it's classess. Having test function in ResultNode doesn't make any sense, as well as having getResult in TestNode. They should just return any value for opposite classess, and never be used.
class Node {
public: //I don't care about encapsulation in this example
bool is_leaf;
virtual int getResult() { return 0; } //int because, type isn't important here
virtual int test() { return 0; }
Then I must be aware to call only functions appropriate to object type (hence boolean variable). The only thing I can do to protect the code is inserting some ugly macro that throws warnings when original functions are called. But all this pattern look very ugly in my opinion.
Of course I can also move those functions to desired subclassess, but as all pointers are Node type I would need to use casting in order to call those methods, which is way more uglier. (even my supervisor says so)
Now I wonder, whether it would be any better if I had used a function that returns a reference of given type:
TestNode& getTestNode() {
return *nodePointer;
I am almost sure that there is a design pattern that use such technique, but I looks like a nasty hack to me.
After some research I found out that you can deal with casting problem from my second approach using a Visitor or Command design pattern.

In actual use it seems that the concept of a TestNode is that it ultimately allows getting a ResultNode - so Node can have a getResult method that for a TestNode walks down the tree and for a ResultNode returns this -- the test method is likely a private method of TestNode that is used to find the ResultNode.
Something like:
class ResultNode;
class Node
virtual ResultNode * getResult() = 0;
class TestNode : public Node
virtual ResultNode * getResult() {
/* does things to find next TestNode or ResultNode */
return found->getResult();
test() { ... }
Node * children; // dynamic array of Nodes (TestNode or ResultNode)
class ResultNode : public node
virtual ResultNode * getResult() { return this; }


Clever way to clean dirty flag in c++

I have this case where I am trying to expose a standard API for spatial search structures, where the input data for the various method of building the structure is the same, but the way the search structure is built is different.
I have setters for the data on the base class and a pure virtual Build() method that the derived classes need to implement to construct the search structure.
Below is sort of how my base class looks like
class SpatialSearch
void SetData(Data data_)
this->data = data_;
this->dirty = true;
virtual void Build() = 0;
int search(Vec3 point)
// Code to perform a search. I won't get into the
// nitty gritty of this, but this exists as a commom
// implementation on the base class for all the spatial
// search structures.
private :
Data data;
bool dirty;
So if you notice, every call to search has a check for the dirty flag.
And if the data has been changed after the last time, I rebuild the structure.
However, the Build method is implemented on the derived class, and I need a way to enforce a means of setting this flag to false after the Build method has been execute, and not just leave a guideline for the person writing the derived class to have dirty = false in their 'Build' method.
In short, I need a way to make sure the user has set dirty = false after every execution of the Build method.
A common way to do this is to have a vertical interface and a horizontal one (protected & public).
The "horizontal interface" is the one the users of the class see and the "vertical" one is the one that the derived class implementers override to add functionality.
class SpatialSearch
void SetData(Data data_)
this->data = data_;
this->dirty = true;
void Build() // no longer virtual
dirty = false;
int search(Vec3 point)
// Code to perform a search. I won't get into the
// nitty gritty of this, but this exists as a commom
// implementation on the base class for all the spatial
// search structures.
virtual void internal_build() = 0; // implementers override this
private :
Data data;
bool dirty;
class SpecialSpatialSearch
: public SpatialSearch
void internal_build() override
// do the build without caring or knowing of the
// existence of the dirty flag

avoiding if statements on a static boolean for logic decision making

I have a class whose member itemType is only set once and never modified but it is used in many if-statements to decide which function to call.
Since itemType is only set once is there way to avoid the if statements else where in the class. This will simplify and clean the code and as a bonus will also save the overhead of if checks.
I was thinking about function a pointer taht I can initiatlize in the constructor based on the itemType value.
Is there any alternate and a better way of doing that?
Please note the original class and code base is large and I cant go around creating child classes based on itemtype.
enum ItemTypes
class ItemProcessing
//This function is called hundreds of times
void ProcessOrder(Order* order)
//This member itemType is set only once in the constructor and never modified again
//Is there a way to not check it all the time??
if (itemtype == ItemTypes::ItemTypeA )
else if (itemtype == ItemTypes::ItemTypeB )
ItemProcessing(ItemTypes itype)
itemtype = itype; //can I do something here like setting a function pointer so I dont have to check this property in ProcessOrder() and call the relevant function directly.
ItemTypes itemtype;
void ProcessTypeA(Order*);
void ProcessTypeB(Order*);
Use an array of function pointers, indexed by itemtype, like this:
typedef void(*ProcessType_func_t)(Order *);
ProcessType_func_t processType_f[] = {
Then you can do:
void ProcessOrder(Order *order) {
If you have lots of different functions that need to be dispatched like this, you can use a structure.
struct {
ProcessType_func_t processType_f,
OtherType_func_t otherType_f,
} dispatchTable[] = {
{ ProcessTypeA, OtherTypeA, ... },
{ ProcessTypeB, OtherTypeB, ... }
Then you would use it as:
Finally, you could do the fully object-oriented method, by defining new classes:
class Processor { // abstract base class
virtual void Process(Order *order) = 0;
class ProcessorA {
void Process(Order *order) {
class ProcessorB {
void Process(Order *order) {
Then you can have a member variable
Processor *processor;
and you initialize it when you set itemtype
ItemProcessing(ItemTypes itype)
itemtype = itype;
if (itemtype == ItemTypeA) {
processor = new ProcessorA;
} else {
processor = new ProcessorB;
Then you would use it as:
This is easily expanded to support more functions that need to dispatch on itemtype -- they all become methods in the classes.
I hope I got the syntax right, I don't actually do much C++ OO programming myself.
You can consider to use either a couple of pointers to member methods or the state pattern.
The former solution has probably higher performance, while the latter is more elegant and flexible (at least from my point of view).
For further details on the state pattern, see here. This pattern fits well with your problem, even though you have to refactor a bit your classes.
I guess the first suggestion is indeed quite clear and does not require further details.
In c++ pointer to function should be mimic with virtual function and inheritance. (Polymorphism)
Define a virtual class including a pure virtual methods
processOrder ( Order* ordre);
And define subclass for each value of your enum.
You can use abstract factory pattern to creat those object or either if needed.
I can write the code if wish.

C++ design choice

There is a class ActionSelection which has the following method:
ActionBase* SelectAction(Table* table, State* state);
ActionBase is an abstract class. Inside of the SelectAction method some action is fetched from the table considering the state if the table is not empty.
If the table is empty, a random action should be created and returned. However ActionBase is an abstract class, so can not be instantiated.
For different experiments/environments actions are different but have some common behavior (that's why there is an ActionBase class)
The problem is that this function (SelectAction) should return an experiment specific action, if the table is empty, however it does not know anything about the specific experiment. Are there any design workarounds of this?
It depends on whether empty tables...
Are expected to happen under normal circumstances
May happen under abnormal circumstances
Should never happen unless there is a bug in the program
Solution 1:
Include empty table handling into your control flow. As-is the function does not have enough information to react properly, so either :
Pass in a third parameter, containing a default action to return :
ActionBase *SelectAction(Table *table, State *state, ActionBase *defaultAction);
If you don't want to construct the default action unless it's needed, you can pass its type via a template parameter instead, optionally with additional parameters to construct it with :
template <class DefaultAction, class... DefActArgs>
ActionBase *SelectAction(Table *table, State *state, DefActArgs &&... args);
Let the caller handle it, by returning whether or not the operation was successful :
bool SelectAction(Table *table, State *state, ActionBase *&selectedAction);
Solution 2:
Throw an exception. It will bubble up to whoever can handle it. This is quite rarely used as a parameter check, since it should have been thrown by the object that should have produced a non-empty table in the first place.
ActionBase *SelectAction(Table *table, State *state) {
throw EmptyTableException();
// ...
Solution 3:
Setup an assertion. If your function received an empty table, something is broken, better halt the program and have a look at it with a debugger.
ActionBase *SelectAction(Table *table, State *state) {
// ...
Here is what I had in mind : It is not tested code but you get the idea.
class RandomActionBase : public ActionBase{
static RandomAction* selectRandomAction();
static RandomActionBase* _first;
RandomActionBase* _next;
void register(RandomActionBase* r);
RandomActionBase::_first = NULL;
if (_first==NULL) _first = this;
else _first->register(this);
void RandomActionBase::register(RandomActionBase* r)
if (_next==NULL) _next = r;
else _next->register(r);
RandomAction* RandomActionBase::selectRandomAction()
//count the number of randomactionbases
int count = 0;
RandomActionBase* p = _first;
p = p->_next;
//now that you know the count you can create a random number ranging from 0 to count, I 'll leave this up to you and assume the random number is simply 2,
unsigned int randomnbr = 2;
RandomActionBase* p = _first;
p= p->_next;
return p;
class SomeRandomAction : public RandomActionBase{
//implement the custom somerandomaction
static SomeRandomAction SomeRandomAction_l;
The idea of course is to create different implementations of SomeRandomAction or even to pass parameters to them via their constructor to make them all distinct. For each instance you create they will appear in the static list.
Extending the list with a new imlementation just means to derive from RandomActionBase , implement it and make sure to create an instance, the base class is never impacted by this which make it even a design according to OCP.
Open closed principle. The code is extendable while not having to change the code that is already in place. OCP is part of SOLID.
Another viable solution is to return a null object. It is quite similar as above but you always return the null object when the list is empty. Mind you a null object is not simply null. See
It is simply a dummy implementation of a class to avoid having to check for null pointers to make the design more elegant and less susceptible for null pointer dereferencing errors.

Why do they say that in the Proto-type Pattern - be used to simply duplicate the original object whenever a new one is needed?

I am trying to learn the design pattern. I am a C++ programmer. Currently, I am juggling with the Proto-type pattern. I could co-relate Prototype with the factory type. However, there are a lot of differences between factory and prototype pattern. For example, in the prototype pattern each derived class registers its prototype with the base/super class.
However, looking at the wikipedia article - I couldn't understood the following points.
Rather than retrieving the data and re-parsing it each time a new object is created, the prototype pattern can be used to simply duplicate the original object whenever a new one is needed.
avoid the inherent cost of creating a new object in the standard way (e.g., using the 'new' keyword) when it is prohibitively expensive for a given application.
Here is the program, I created to demonstrate the prototype pattern in C++. However, I cannot find any benefit out of it. How come a prototype pattern will help in quickly creating the object here. I can see that the object has to call 'new' every time. Here is the entire program, please correct me if you think that I haven't implemented the prototype pattern correctly.
Sorry for the long program - but trust me it is quite simple.
Like a factory object - here is the prototype class
-- basically an abstract.
class Itransport
enum transportPacketType
static std::list<Itransport *> prototypesList;
virtual Itransport::transportPacketType getPacketType() = 0;
virtual Itransport* clone() = 0;
/** This will be called by the derived classes **/
static void registertoPrototypeList(Itransport *packet)
virtual void showMessage() = 0;
static Itransport* makeClone(Itransport::transportPacketType packType)
std::list<Itransport *>::iterator it;
for(it = prototypesList.begin(); it != prototypesList.end(); it++)
if( (*it)->getPacketType() == packType )
return (*it)->clone();
virtual ~Itransport() = 0;
std::cout<<"Itransport Destructor called"<<std::endl;
std::list<Itransport *> Itransport::prototypesList;
Here is the concrete type of the Itransport Packet -
class udpPacket: public Itransport
static udpPacket udpTransportPacket;
Itransport::transportPacketType getPacketType()
return Itransport::udp;
Itransport* clone()
return new udpPacket();
void showMessage()
std::cout<<"This is a UDP Packet"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"UDP Packet Constructed"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Destructor of udp called"<<std::endl;
static udpPacket udpTransportPacket;
Here is the client -
int main()
Itransport *udpPacket;
Itransport *udpPacket2;
udpPacket = Itransport::makeClone(Itransport::udp);
udpPacket2 = Itransport::makeClone(Itransport::udp);
delete udpPacket;
delete udpPacket2;
return 0;
I couldn't find any benefits related to 'new' here. Please throw some light on it.
I can have a go at explaining the first point:
Rather than retrieving the data and re-parsing it each time a new
object is created, the prototype pattern can be used to simply
duplicate the original object whenever a new one is needed.
Imagine a computer game that has to create a lot of monsters. Say all the different types of monster are not known at compile time but you construct a monster of a particular type from some input data that provides information about what color the monster is, etc:
class Monster {
Monster(InputDataHandle handle) {
// Retrieve input data...
// Parse input data...
void setPosition(Position);
Then every time you want to construct, say a red monster you have to retrieve the data and re-parse:
// Spawn a lot of red monsters
for (int i = 0; i != large_number; ++i) {
auto red = new Monster(red_monster_data); // Must retrieve data and re-parse!
Clearly that is inefficient. One way of solving it is using the Prototype Pattern. You create one "prototype" red monster and every time you want to create an instance of a red monster you simply copy the prototype and you don't have to retrieve and re-parse the input data:
auto prototype_red_monster = new Monster(red_monster_data);
for (int i = 0; i != large_number; ++i) {
auto red = prototype_red_monster->clone();
But how is the clone function implemented? This brings us to the second point which I don't really understand:
avoid the inherent cost of creating a new object in the standard way
(e.g., using the 'new' keyword) when it is prohibitively expensive for
a given application.
The clone function fundamentally has to allocate memory for the new object and copy data in from itself. I'm not sure I know what they are referring to when they talk about the "inherent cost of the new keyword". The examples are in Java and C# which have clone() and MemberwiseClone() respectively. In those languages you don't need to call new. I don't know how clone() and MemberwiseClone() are implemented but I don't see how they can "avoid the inherent cost of the new keyword".
In C++ we have to implement clone() ourselves and it will typically use new and use the copy constructor:
Monster* clone() {
return new Monster(*this);
In this case the copy constructor is much cheaper than creating the object from scratch. In your case it might not be.
The fact you cannot find any benefit from the Prototype Pattern in your case might mean it is the wrong pattern for your case and you will be better off with a different pattern like the Object Pool, Flyweight or Abstract Factory Pattern.

Converting objects of base class to derived class

I asked a couple days ago some clarifications on inheritance, a concept I am still trying to understand. Here is the follow up question, since I am still facing problems.
In my project I have 2 types of objects, Hand and Face, both inheriting from the base class BodyPart. BodyPart is something like this:
class BodyPart
typedef boost::shared_ptr<BodyPart> BodyPartPtr;
virtual ~BodyPart();
int commonMember1;
double commonMember2;
int commonMethod1();
int CommonMethod2();
while Hand is something like this:
class Hand : public BodyPart
int numFingers;
double otherVar;
int getNumFingers();
void printInfo();
I also have a vector of BodyPart elements
std::vector<BodyPart::BodyPartPtr> cBodyParts;
composed of Hand or Head objects. In the previous question I was told that this approach makes sense, I just had to cast from the base class to the derived using boost static_pointer_cast
Now, the problem now is that for some of the objects in the vector I don't know whether they are Hand or Head, so at some point in my code I can have in cBodyParts some Hand elements, some Head elements as well as some BodyPart elements. After some further analysis I am able to correctly classify the latter as either Hand or Head and modify accordingly the elements in the vector, but I have no idea on how to make it. Shall I just delete the case class element and create a derived one with the same property? Shall I just avoid inheritance in case like this?
Thanks in advance for the help
EDIT: I have augmented the examples to make them clearer.
Relaying on casts is usually a sign of a bad design. Casts have their place, but this does not look to be it.
You need to ask yourself what do you want to do with the objects stored in cBodyParts. For sure, you will be doing different things with a Hand or with a Head, but you can probably abstract them somehow: this is what virtual functions do. So, in addition to what you have already written for your classes, you would just need an additional virtual function in them:
class BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() = 0; // Pure virtual: each body part must say how to process itself
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {} // Override it only if the body part includes joints
class Head : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Head
// Since a Head has no joints, we don't override the CalibrateJoints() method
class Hand : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Hand
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knuckles in the hand
And then you no longer need any casts. For instance:
for (BodyPart::BodyPartPtr part : cBodyParts) {
part->CalibrateJoints(); // This will do nothing for Heads
As you can see, no casts at all and everything will work fine. This scheme is extensible; if you later decide that you need additional classes inheriting from BodyPart, just write them and your old code will work correctly:
class Torso : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Torso
// The Torso has no joints, so no override here for CalibrateJoints()
// Add everything else the class needs
class Leg : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Leg
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knee
// Add everything else the class needs
Now you don't need to change the code you wrote previously: the for loop above will work correctly with and Torso or Leg it finds with no need for an update.
The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone...
I take it you have some composite of all the body parts, maybe a Body class.
What do you want the body to do?
Render itself
Ouput its volume, or bounding box, or some other metric
Re-orient itself in response to input
Respond to an inverse-kinematic physical model
The list could probably go on. If you know exactly what you want the Body to do you can put that function in the BodyPart base class, and have Body iterate over the composite hierarchical structure of all the connected body parts, calling render, for example.
An alternative is to use a Visitor, which is effectively a way of dynamically adding methods to a static inheritance hierarchy.
As Kerrek SB pointed out this is not feasible at all, but for the sake of answering the actual question, dynamic_cast is what you are looking for.
Use virtual functions, they will simplify a lot your problem.
Else, you can add some methods to distinguish between different types. However, do it only if you cannot do it another way, ie if you cannot do it via virtual functions.
Example 1:
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual bool isHand() const { return false; }
virtual bool isHead() const { return false; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
bool isHand() const { return true; }
// How to use:
BodyPart::pointer ptr = humanBodyVector[42]; // one item from the array
processHand(/*cast to hand*/)
else if(ptr->isHead())
// ...
Example 2: let the derived classes handle the cast
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual Hand* toHand() const { return 0; }
virtual Head* toHead() const { return 0; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
Hand* toHand() const { return this; }