Looping through a string, more than one char gets output - c++

I am using C++ and SDL to make a game for fun.
I show the kill count on the screen by turning it into a surface using TTF_RenderText, which needs a const char*. There are gaps in between where I want the individual digits to be shown so I split up the string into individual chars.
This is the code I wrote to split up the string and render it on the screen:
SpareStream << Kills;
std::string KillsString = SpareStream.str();
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
if(i < KillsString.size())
std::string Cheat = KillsString.substr(i,i+1);
const char *KillsChar = Cheat.c_str();
Message = TTF_RenderText_Solid(EightBitLimit,KillsChar,White);
else Message = TTF_RenderText_Solid(EightBitLimit,"0",White);
ApplySurface(540 + (45 * i),(500 - HUD->h) + 24,Message,Screen);
However, when the kill count exceeds more than 100, this happens:
the tens and ones are shown where only the tens should be.
Why is this happening?

from my reference, std::string::substr is:
string substr (size_t pos = 0, size_t len = npos) const;
Thats a start/length pair, not start/end, so you need:
std::string Cheat = KillsString.substr(i,1);
btw, while start/length pairs are rarely use for containers in teh standard library, they were so universal for char* management in C that it does frequently turn up in the string classes.


strcpy to multi-dimensional array in C++

I've been having issues attempting to copy a word into a multi-dimensional array.
Here is the code I use to create the array:
char *word_buffer;
char *return_result[64];
int buffer_count = 0;
int word_start = 0;
int word_end = 0;
// Some extra, irreverent code.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
if (text[i] == delim) { // Delim is a value such as '\n'
word_end = i;
word_buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*64);
strncpy(word_buffer, text + word_start, word_end - word_start); // Copy the word into word_buffer
strcpy(*(return_result + buffer_count), word_buffer);
word_start = i + 1;
I believe my issue lies with the last line. I attempt to give strcpy a pointer to the address of the 2d array where I want the result of word_buffer to be place. However, this results in a Segmentation Fault.
The goal is to have an array of words returned. I.E.
char *result[10] = { "foo", "bar", "x", "y", "z" };
But to have this done dynamically with code. My code to split the words is working fine. Though, I don't know how to place the value into a 2d array.
Edit: User SHR recommended I try replacing the strcpy line with return_array[buffer_count]=word_buffer;. This does partially work but it crashes after a random amount of values in the array every time. I don't really see how this could be due to high memory usage. Tracking the memory usage of the binary shows nothing out of the ordinary.

Character pointers messed up in simple Boyer-Moore implementation

I am currently experimenting with a very simple Boyer-Moore variant.
In general my implementation works, but if I try to utilize it in a loop the character pointer containing the haystack gets messed up. And I mean that characters in it are altered, or mixed.
The result is consistent, i.e. running the same test multiple times yields the same screw up.
This is the looping code:
string src("This haystack contains a needle! needless to say that only 2 matches need to be found!");
string pat("needle");
const char* res = src.c_str();
while((res = boyerMoore(res, pat)))
This is my implementation of the string search algorithm (the above code calls a convenience wrapper which pulls the character pointer and length of the string):
unsigned char*
boyerMoore(const unsigned char* src, size_t srcLgth, const unsigned char* pat, size_t patLgth)
if(srcLgth < patLgth || !src || !pat)
return nullptr;
size_t skip[UCHAR_MAX]; //this is the skip table
for(int i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX; ++i)
skip[i] = patLgth; //initialize it with default value
for(size_t i = 0; i < patLgth; ++i)
skip[(int)pat[i]] = patLgth - i - 1; //set skip value of chars in pattern
std::cout<<src<<"\n"; //just to see what's going on here!
size_t srcI = patLgth - 1; //our first character to check
while(srcI < srcLgth)
size_t j = 0; //char match ct
while(j < patLgth)
if(src[srcI - j] == pat[patLgth - j - 1])
//since the number of characters to skip may be negative, I just increment in that case
size_t t = skip[(int)src[srcI - j]];
if(t > j)
srcI = srcI + t - j;
if(j == patLgth)
return (unsigned char*)&src[srcI + 1 - j];
return nullptr;
The loop produced this output (i.e. these are the haystacks the algorithm received):
This haystack contains a needle! needless to say that only 2 matches need to be found!
eedle! needless to say that only 2 matches need to be found!
eedless to say that eed 2 meed to beed to be found!
As you can see the input is completely messed up after the second run. What am I missing? I thought the contents could not be modified, since I'm passing const pointers.
Is the way of setting the pointer in the loop wrong, or is my string search screwing up?
Btw: This is the complete code, except for includes and the main function around the looping code.
The missing nullptr of the first return was due to a copy/paste error, in the source it is actually there.
For clarification, this is my wrapper function:
inline char* boyerMoore(const string &src, const string &pat)
return (const char*) boyerMoore((const unsigned char*) src.c_str(), src.size(),
(const unsigned char*) pat.c_str(), pat.size());
In your boyerMoore() function, the first return isn't returning a value (you have just return; rather than return nullptr;) GCC doesn't always warn about missing return values, and not returning anything is undefined behavior. That means that when you store the return value in res and call the function again, there's no telling what will print out. You can see a related discussion here.
Also, you have omitted your convenience function that calculates the length of the strings that you are passing in. I would recommend double checking that logic to make sure the sizes are correct - I'm assuming you are using strlen or similar.

Why does my array element retrieval function return random value?

I am trying to make an own simple string implementation in C++. My implementation is not \0 delimited, but uses the first element in my character array (the data structure I have chosen to implement the string) as the length of the string.
In essence, I have this as my data structure: typedef char * arrayString; and I have got the following as the implementation of some primal string manipulating routines:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "new_string.h"
// Our string implementation will store the
// length of the string in the first byte of
// the string.
int getLength(const arrayString &s1) {
return s1[0] - '0';
void append_str(arrayString &s, char c) {
int length = getLength(s); // get the length of our current string
length++; // account for the new character
arrayString newString = new char[length]; // create a new heap allocated string
newString[0] = length;
// fill the string with the old contents
for (int counter = 1; counter < length; counter++) {
newString[counter] = s[counter];
// append the new character
newString[length - 1] = c;
delete[] s; // prevent a memory leak
s = newString;
void display(const arrayString &s1) {
int max = getLength(s1);
for (int counter = 1; counter <= max; counter++) {
std::cout << s1[counter];
void appendTest() {
arrayString a = new char[5];
a[0] = '5'; a[1] = 'f'; a[2] = 'o'; a[3] = 't'; a[4] = 'i';
append_str(a, 's');
My issue is with the implementation of my function getLength(). I have tried to debug my program inside Visual Studio, and all seems nice and well in the beginning.
The first time getLength() is called, inside the append_str() function, it returns the correct value for the string length (5). When it get's called inside the display(), my own custom string displaying function (to prevent a bug with std::cout), it reads the value (6) correctly, but returns -42? What's going on?
Ignore my comments in the code. It's purely educational and it's just me trying to see what level of commenting improves the code and what level reduces its quality.
In get_length(), I had to do first_element - '0' because otherwise, the function would return the ascii value of the arithmetic value inside. For instance, for decimal 6, it returned 54.
This is an educational endeavour, so if you see anything else worth commenting on, or fixing, by all means, let me know.
Since you are getting the length as return s1[0] - '0'; in getLength() you should set then length as newString[0] = length + '0'; instead of newString[0] = length;
As a side why are you storing the size of the string in the array? why not have some sort of integer member that you store the size in. A couple of bytes really isn't going to hurt and now you have a string that can be more than 256 characters long.
You are accessing your array out of bounds at couple of places.
In append_str
for (int counter = 1; counter < length; counter++) {
newString[counter] = s[counter];
In the example you presented, the starting string is "5foti" -- without the terminating null character. The maximum valid index is 4. In the above function, length has already been set to 6 and you are accessing s[5].
This can be fixed by changing the conditional in the for statement to counter < length-1;
And in display.
int max = getLength(s1);
for (int counter = 1; counter <= max; counter++) {
std::cout << s1[counter];
Here again, you are accessing the array out of bounds by using counter <= max in the loop.
This can be fixed by changing the conditional in the for statement to counter < max;
Here are some improvements, that should also cover your question:
Instead of a typedef, define a class for your string. The class should have an int for the length and a char* for the string data itself.
Use operator overloads in your class "string" so you can append them with + etc.
The - '0' gives me pain. You subtract the ASCII value of 42 from the length, but you do not add it as a character. Also, the length can be 127 at maximum, because char goes from -128 to +127. See point #1.
append_str changes the pointer of your object. That's very bad practice!
Ok, thank you everyone for helping me out.
The problem appeared to be inside the appendTest() function, where I was storing in the first element of the array the character code for the value I wanted to have as a size (i.e storing '5' instead of just 5). It seems that I didn't edit previous code that I had correctly, and that's what caused me the issues.
As an aside to what many of you are asking, why am I not using classes or better design, it's because I want to implement a basic string structure having many constraints, such as no classes, etc. I basically want to use only arrays, and the most I am affording myself is to make them dynamically allocated, i.e resizable.

Do I need more space?

I have code that is supposed to separate a string into 3 length sections:
However, I have an extremely long string and I keep getting the
terminate called without an active exception
When I cut the length of the string down, it seems to work. Do I need more space? I thought when using a string I didn't have to worry about space.
int main ()
string code, default_Code, start_C;
start_C = "AUG";
code = default_Code;
for (double j = 0; j < code.length(); j++) { //insert spacing here
code.insert(j += 3, 1, ' ');
cout << code;
return 0;
Think about the case when code.length() == 2. You're inserting a space somewhere over the string. I'm not sure but it would be okay if for(int j=0; j+3 < code.length(); j++).
This is some fairly confusing code. You are looping through a string and looping until you reach the end of the string. However, inside the loop you are not only modifying the string you are looping through, but you also change the loop variable when you say j += 3.
It happens to work for any string with a multiple of 3 letters, but you are not correctly handling other cases.
Here is a working example of the for loop that is a bit more clear it what it's doing:
// We skip 4 each time because we added a space.
for (int j = 3; j < code.length(); j += 4)
code.insert(j, 1, ' ');
You are using an extremely inefficient method to do such an operation. Every time you insert a space you are moving all the remaining part of the string forward and this means that the total number of operations you will need is in the order of o(n**2).
You can instead do this transormation with a single o(n) pass by using a read-write approach:
// input string is assumed to be non-empty
std::string new_string((old_string.size()*4-1)/3);
int writeptr = 0, count = 0;
for (int readptr=0,n=old_string.size(); readptr<n; readptr++) {
new_string[writeptr++] = old_string[readptr];
if (++count == 3) {
count = 0;
new_string[writeptr++] = ' ';
A similar algorithm can be written also to work "inplace" instead of creating a new string, simply you have to first enlarge the string and then work backward.
Note also that while it's true that for a string you don't need to care about allocation and deallocation still there are limits about the size of a string object (even if probably you are not hitting them... your version is so slow that it would take forever to get to that point on a modern computer).

How can I transform a string into an abbreviated form?

I want to fit strings into a specific width. Example, "Hello world" -> "...world", "Hello...", "He...rld". Do you know where I can find code for that? It's a neat trick, very useful for representing information, and I'd like to add it in my applications (of course).
Edit: Sorry, I forgot to mention the Font part. Not just for fixed width strings but according to the font face.
It's a pretty simple algorithm to write yourself if you can't find it anywhere - the pseudocode would be something like:
if theString.Length > desiredWidth:
theString = theString.Left(desiredWidth-3) + "...";
or if you want the ellipsis at the start of the string, that second line would be:
theString = "..." + theString.Right(desiredWidth-3);
or if you want it in the middle:
theString = theString.Left((desiredWidth-3)/2) + "..." + theString.Right((desiredWidth-3)/2 + ((desiredWidth-3) mod 2))
I'll assume you're using MFC. Since you're wanting it with fonts, you could use the CDC::GetOutputTextExtent function. Try:
CString fullString
CSize size = pDC->GetOutputTextExtent(fullString);
bool isTooWide = size.cx > desiredWidth;
If that's too big, then you can then do a search to try and find the longest string you can fit; and it could be as clever a search as you want - for instance, you could just try "Hello Worl..." and then "Hello Wor..." and then "Hello Wo..."; removing one character until you find it fits. Alternatively, you could do a binary search - try "Hello Worl..." - if that doesn't work, then just use half the characters of the original text: "Hello..." - if that fits, try halfway between it and : "Hello Wo..." until you find the longest that does still fit. Or you could try some estimating heuristic (divide the total length by the desired length, proportionately estimate the required number of characters, and search from there.
The simple solution is something like:
unsigned int numberOfCharsToUse = fullString.GetLength();
bool isTooWide = true;
CString ellipsis = "...";
while (isTooWide)
CString string = fullString.Left(numberOfCharsToUse) + ellipsis;
CSize size = pDC->GetOutputTextExtent(string);
isTooWide = size.cx > desiredWidth;
It's really pretty trivial; I don't think you'll find specific code unless you have something more structured in mind.
You basically want:
to get the length of the string you have, and the window width.
figure out how many charaters you can take from the original string, which will basically be window width-3. Call that k.
Depending on whether you want to put the ellipsis in the middle or at the right hand end, either take the first floor(k/2) characters from one end, concatenated with "...", then concatenated with the last floor(k/2) characters (with possibly one more character needed because of the division); or take the first k characters, ollowed by "...".
I think Smashery's answer is a good start. One way to get to the end result would be to write some test code with some test inputs and desired outputs. Once you have a good set of tests setup, you can implement your string manipulation code until you get all of your tests to pass.
Calculate the width of the text (
based on the font)
In case you are using MFC the API GetOutputTextExtent will get you the value.
if the width exceeds the given
specific width, calculate the ellipse width first:
ellipseWidth = calculate the width of (...)
Remove the string part with width ellipseWidth from the end and append ellipse.
something like: Hello...
For those who are interested for a complete routine, this is my answer :
* Returns a string abbreviation
* example: "hello world" -> "...orld" or "hell..." or "he...rd" or "h...rld"
* style:
0: clip left
1: clip right
2: clip middle
3: pretty middle
CDC* pdc,
const char* s,
const int area_width,
int style )
if ( !pdc || !s || !*s ) return new CString;
int len = strlen(s);
if ( pdc->GetTextExtent(s, len).cx <= area_width ) return new CString(s);
int dots_width = pdc->GetTextExtent("...", 3).cx;
if ( dots_width >= area_width ) return new CString;
// My algorithm uses 'left' and 'right' parts of the string, by turns.
int n = len;
int m = 1;
int n_width = 0;
int m_width = 0;
int tmpwidth;
// fromleft indicates where the clip is done so I can 'get' chars from the other part
bool fromleft = (style == 3 && n % 2 == 0)? false : (style > 0);
while ( TRUE ) {
if ( n_width + m_width + dots_width > area_width ) break;
if ( n <= m ) break; // keep my sanity check (WTF), it should never happen 'cause of the above line
// Here are extra 'swap turn' conditions
if ( style == 3 && (!(n & 1)) )
fromleft = (!fromleft);
else if ( style < 2 )
fromleft = (!fromleft); // (1)'disables' turn swapping for styles 0, 1
if ( fromleft ) {
pdc->GetCharWidth(*(s+n-1), *(s+n-1), &tmpwidth);
n_width += tmpwidth;
else {
pdc->GetCharWidth(*(s+m-1), *(s+m-1), &tmpwidth);
m_width += tmpwidth;
fromleft = (!fromleft); // (1)
if ( fromleft ) m--; else n++;
// Final steps
// 1. CString version
CString* abbr = new CString;
abbr->Format("%*.*s...%*.*s", m-1, m-1, s, len-n, len-n, s + n);
return abbr;
/* 2. char* version, if you dont want to use CString (efficiency), replace CString with char*,
new CString with _strdup("") and use this code for the final steps:
char* abbr = (char*)malloc(m + (len-n) + 3 +1);
strncpy(abbr, s, m-1);
strcpy(abbr + (m-1), "...");
strncpy(abbr+ (m-1) + 3, s + n, len-n);
abbr[(m-1) + (len-n) + 3] = 0;
return abbr;
If you just want the "standard" ellipsis format, ("Hello...") you can use the
DrawText (or the equivalient MFC function) function passing DT_END_ELLIPSIS.
Check out also DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS (it truncates any word that does not fit in the rectangle and adds ellipses) or DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS (what Explorer does to display long paths).