Compile C++ in VS without requiring MSVCP120D.dll at runtime - c++

I'm trying to make a binary that can be run on any windows machine without the visual c++ stuff installed (I'm assuming that's what MSVCP120D.dll is however my searching was not very fruitful as to what this actually is). I made a game for an assignment and wanted to have other people (non-devs without VS stuff installed), help me test it but they kept getting errors saying that the above dll is missing. I'm not using any Visual C++ stuff and have the /Za flag set to ensure that it's just ANSI C++. Does Visual Studio support compiling ANSI C++ and if so how do I go about making it not use Visual C++ stuff, if it doesn't support this what compiler should I use?

As you can see here, the MSVCP DLL is the platform's implementation of the C++ Standard Library. In short what that means is you cannot distribute your application without needing the "stuff" that these libraries provide. All compilers regardless of platform would need some kind of implementation of the Standard Library. Typically this is distributed in the form of libraries.
However you can distribute your application so that the "stuff" is built in to your program directly, rather than being shipped in a separate DLL. In order to do this, you must statically link your application to the Standard Library.
There are a few ways to accomplish this. One way is in Project Settings. In "Project" > "Configuration Properties" > "C/C++ Code Generation" > "Runtime Library", choose "Multithreaded (/MT)" as opposed to "Mutithreaded (Static)".
By the way, the "D" in "MSVCP120D.dll" you mentioned above means "Debug." This means that you are trying to distribute a debug build of your program. You should (almost) never do this. Distribute release builds instead.

You have three options (in the order I'd recommend):
Don't statically link, instead get people that want to run your game install the visual studio re-distributable package. 32-bit VC 2010 version here:
Statically link the CRT (the dll you don't want to require at runtime) see here for details: How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?
Build an app that doesn't even use the CRT at all. Here you will have to implement your own operator new that calls HeapAlloc(), and operator delete that calls HeapFree(), its an interesting challenge ;). To do this you tell the linker to ignore all default libs.

Build with the static runtime libraries rather than the DLL versions.
Go to Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library and select /MTd or /MT rather than the /MDd and /MD options.

Configure your project to link against the runtime statically rather than dynamically.

First of all the D on the end of the name indicated a debug build. If you make a release build then it will need it without the D. This is important because microsoft do not allow the debug libraries to be distributed without visual studio.
The machine you are trying to run the program on may already have the release runtime installed as lots of programs use it. If not then install on the machine ( I think that's the right one but can't check at the moment)

You'll want static linking, that 'builds in' the external library calls into your binary. It does have the added affect of larger binary file, but in your case that doesn't sound like that big of a deal.
On a side note, MSVCP120D.dll is the Microsoft Visual C++ 12 debug DLL (dynamic link library) that contains all of debug C++ libaries (i.e. iostream, string, etc). That library is what you would be 'baking in' to your final binary.
Hope that helps.

I encountered this error when I tried to execute my exe on a different machine that had a newer version of Visual Studio on it. You need to change the project properties and re compile in order for this to go away.
To do this:
Open up solution that you are trying to run
Right click on the Project file - > Properties
In Configuration Properties and General, Ensure Platform Toolset is configured to be the correct compiler on your machine. If it is not correct, it should give a message next to it saying that it's not installed.
Build and run the code again and you should no longer get the issue.


CRT library type

I'm trying to get a better grasp on the CRT library options in Visual Studio 2013 (C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Libary) and how to know which option to select (and when to change the default).
From MSDN:
A reusable library and all of its users should use the same CRT library types and therefore the same compiler switch.
So, my understanding is that if you are linking with a third party library, you should use the same CRT version that was used to build the library. Whoever built the library should specify what CRT option was used in the build.
Is there a way to determine which CRT version was used just by looking at the .lib file?
More importantly, how would you decide which option to use if you aren't linking with any third-party libraries? When would you consider changing the default?
Short answer:
So, my understanding is that if you are linking with a third party
library, you should use the same CRT version that was used to build
the library. Whoever built the library should specify what CRT option
was used in the build.
That is the least error-prone option. It is possible to mix runtimes, but you can run into unexpected bugs if you do so.
Is there a way to determine which CRT version was used just by looking
at the .lib file?
I don't know about the .lib on its own, but if the third party code has a DLL or EXE, you can see what CRT DLL(s) it depends on using the Windows Dependency Walker tool.
If it's a static library, and your code's CRT choice is mismatched, you'll see warnings when you build.
More importantly, how would you decide which option to use if you
aren't linking with any third-party libraries? When would you consider
changing the default?
For the simplest possible deployment, statically linking is best; you can just ship the executable on its own and it will run. For larger projects, where you have multiple EXEs and DLLs, your code size will be bigger if you statically-link. It would also be preferable to be sharing the same CRT code if you have multiple modules (EXE plus 1 or more of your own DLLs) in the same process.
More detail (based on blog post I wrote previously):
The Library Variants
There are four variants of C/C++ runtime library you can build your code against:
Multi-threaded Debug DLL
Multi-threaded DLL
Multi-threaded Debug
You can select which library you’re using by right-clicking on your project in Visual Studio and selecting Properties, clicking the Code Generation option under C/C++ on the dialog that pops up, and going to the Runtime Library property.
Remember that this setting is per-configuration, as you’ll want to choose a Debug runtime library for a Debug configuration, and Release runtime library for a Release configuration.
What’s the difference?
The DLL runtime library options mean that you link dynamically against the C/C++ runtime, and for your program to run, that DLL will need to be somewhere your program can find it (more on that later).
The options not mentioning DLL (Multi-threaded Debug and Multi-threaded Release) cause your program to be statically-linked against the runtime. This means that you don’t need an external DLL for the program to be run, but your program will be bigger because of the extra code, and there are other reasons why you might not want to choose it.
By default, when you create a new project in Visual Studio, it will use the DLL runtime.
The multi-threaded in the runtime names is a legacy of when there used to be both non-thread-safe and multi-threaded C/C++ runtimes. You’ll always be using a multi-threaded runtime with modern Visual Studio, even if your own application is single-threaded.
Deploying DLL Runtimes
If you’re linking against the DLL runtimes, then you’ll have to think about how to deploy them when releasing your program (to Test, and to your customers).
If you deliver Debug builds to your Test team, make sure you provide the Debug variant of the DLL runtimes too.
Also, don’t forget to get the right architecture (e.g. x86 vs x64).
Redistributable Installers
Microsoft provide redistributable packages that install the Release (but not the Debug) DLLs. These can be found easily enough by searching for something like Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 (substituting the Visual Studio version for what you need). You can also go straight to Latest Supported Visual C++ Downloads on Microsoft’s website.
These redistributables packages are executables, and you can call them from your program’s installer (or you could run them manually for setting up a test environment). Note that there are separate redistributables for x86 and x64.
Merge Modules
If you’re building an MSI installer, you can merge the Merge Module for the C/C++ runtime you’re using into your installer package. These merge modules are typically found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules. For example, the x86 C/C++ runtime’s merge module for Visual Studio 2013 is called Microsoft_VC120_CRT_x86.msm.
Note that the version numbers in these merge module names are not the year-based product versions, but the internal version numbers. This table on Wikipedia shows the mapping between the version numbers for avoidance of confusion.
Unlike the stand-alone executable redistributable installers above, the merge modules also come in Debug variants.
Some versions of Visual Studio have support for a Visual Studio Installer project type (under the Setup and Deployment category in Other Project Types), and if you include the output from your program’s projects in one of these installers, the merge modules for the runtime will be included automatically. You can also use this as a trick to get an installer that will install the Debug runtimes for internal testing purposes (any dummy C/C++ project will do, it doesn’t have to actually install your program).
Copy From Redist Folder
You can also just copy the DLLs from the redist folder in your Visual C++ installation into where your program is installed. For example, for Visual Studio 2013, you’ll find the x64 C/C++ runtime libraries somewhere like C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\.
The debug variants can be found somewhere like C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist.
(Adjust paths as appropriate for your Visual Studio version and installation location).
Mixing C/C++ Runtimes
In an ideal world, you would use the same C/C++ runtime library variant (Debug vs Release, DLL vs statically-linked), and all from the same version of Visual Studio, for all libraries being linked into your program.
If you do mix runtimes, you may get linker errors, your program may simply fail to run at all, or worse still, it may seem to be working but crash or give the wrong result only in some cases.
Ignoring Default Libraries
A common scenario is that you only have the Release version of some third-party library, but you still want to be able to build the Debug variant of your own code using this library. Another scenario is that you have a library that uses the static C/C++ runtime and you want the DLL version in your program, or the reverse.
If the third-party library is C code then you’ll probably be able to get away with this and have it actually work, using the /NODEFAULTLIB linker option.
If the library is C++ code, you are probably out of luck as too much of the generated code is tied to symbols in a particular runtime.
These are the different library names:
LIBCMT.LIB: Statically-linked Release runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded)
LIBCMTD.LIB: Statically-linked Debug runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded Debug)
MSVCRT.LIB: Dynamically-linked Release runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded DLL)
MSVCRTD.LIB: Dynamically-linked Debug runtime (a.k.a. Multi-threaded Debug DLL)
Remember, the runtime libraries you want to ignore are the ones that the third-party code is using, i.e. it will be different from the library that your own program is using. If you look at your build output you will be prompted to choose the right one anyway, e.g.:
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
You can specify the library to ignore by right-clicking on your project, selecting Properties, clicking the Input entry under Linker and adding the runtime library name into the entry.
Crossing Module Boundaries
You can also run into C/C++ runtime mismatch problems in more subtle ways across module boundaries (between an EXE and a DLL it loads for example).
For example, data structures in the C library may be defined differently by different runtimes. I’ve seen this cause crashes in programs that used a DLL that made use of a FILE* in its API. A file is opened in one module using one C runtime, and interacted with by another module which has a different, incompatible implementation. Safer options would include passing Windows API HANDLE objects for things like this, or else wrapping up the file interactions in a way that is runtime-agnostic.
Different runtimes also use their own memory heap for allocations. If an object is allocated in one module on one heap, but deallocated in another module, a crash is likely to occur if the C/C++ runtimes are mismatched. This only applies of course to allocations using the C or C++ runtime such as malloc or new. If the default Windows process heap is being used everywhere, for example, everything is fine.
Note that if the modules statically link against the C/C++ runtime, they will have this problem even if it was the same variant of the runtime they linked against, because there will still be two different runtimes with their own memory heaps in play. Therefore, you will want to use the DLL C/C++ runtime in such circumstances.
It would also be wise to use the (same version of) DLL runtimes in each module if runtime-implemented functionality like exceptions or classes with vtables cross the module boundaries, though some combinations of mismatch may work in practice.

Visual Studio 2010 MSVCR dependency removal?

I've tried Googleing this but I could not find a solution. I am trying to learn some basic C++. I wrote a simple hello world:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("hello, world\n");
return 0;
It compiled perfectly and everything! Great I thought, so I loaded up my virtual machine with XP and no service packs installed, then tried to run it. It told me I needed the MSVCR dll. Is there any way I can completely remove this dependency? I don't want to stuff the program with the dll. I want it to be gone, completely. Is it possible to make and run a program that will run in XP and up? Thanks.
It is technically possible to remove this dependency in C, but I'm not sure it is even possible in C++. And in either case, I would not recommend it. You lose a lot of stuff that the CRT does for you behind the scenes, most of which you don't want to have to reinvent yourself in an inferior fashion. For starters, it's the runtime library that actually calls your main function as well as calling the constructors and destructors for global and static C++ objects.
The best and simplest solution is probably to change how your application links to the runtime libraries. You have two different options: dynamically and statically. Dynamic linking is more memory-efficient and means that your application will take advantage of any bug fixes that are made to the library. It relies on the runtime DLL being present in order for your app to start. Static linking actually embeds the runtime library code into your application during the link phase of the build. This means that you can run without distributing the DLL, but there are important caveats.
For simple apps, it's unlikely that these caveats are relevant. Change the link style in use in your project's options:
Right-click on your project name in the Solution Explorer.
Expand the "C/C++" option in the left-hand treeview, and select the "Code Generation" item.
In the "Runtime Library" property combobox, choose one of the "Multi-threaded" options.
Debug builds should use "Multi-threaded Debug", while Release builds should use "Multi-threaded".
Do note that since you're using VS 2010, you can still choose to dynamically link to the runtime and gain all of the advantages of doing so without having to run the CRT installer on the target machines. All you need is the redistributable DLL(s) placed into the same folder as your application's executable. This makes deploying (and even testing) very simple and straightforward. You'll find these libraries as part of your Visual Studio installation:
\Program Files\Visual Studio x.0\VC\redist\
And of course, the debug versions of the CRT are never redistributable. Since you should not distribute debug versions of your application, this is not a problem. Make sure that you've compiled a "Release" build (using the drop-down combobox in the top toolbar), for which you will require only the redistributable libraries found in the above directory.
Can't I use the runtime that comes with XP?
There is no C runtime for you to use that comes with any version of Windows. Windows itself indeed depends on a C runtime library, but it deploys a private version of that library for its own use. Applications are not intended to link to it or make use of it in any way. You're on your own for deploying all necessary dependencies, and as you've noticed, you cannot assume that the target machines will already have the correct version(s) installed.
You can link the MS runtime statically, Project Options -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Multithreaded (or Multithreaded Debug for debugging configuration). No DLL should be needed then.
you can remove the annoying run-time library, do this:
project properties > linker > input > ignore all default libraries> yes
this will give you quiet a few issues you need to deal with, for example, floating
point numbers won't work, stack memory is very small (about 3k), there's no built in help against buffer overflows and such, and you can't use the standard library without copy pasting it in your project.
this will also decrease the size of the .exe nearly equivalent to as if it was hand made
in assembly.

Standalone VS 2010 C++ Program

it's been a long while since I've used VS 2010 and C++, and as I'm getting back to using it, I'm running into the same problems that plagued me last year: the exe's that I compile do not run well on older machines that do not have the correct C++ runtimes. I do not even know what link to give them, and I told them to install this after they had an error that said "The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try Reinstalling the program to fix this problem. Click OK to close the application."). So I went in and set the code generation to /MT and disabled quite a few options, and tried messing around with lots of options, but still the same result.
My question is: Is there a list of complete VS 2010 C++ distributables that I can just give and tell them to install so all of the C++ programs I compile on my VS 2010 will work on Windows XP, or even better, a way to general a standalone exe that contains all it needs to work, and does not rely on DLLs? I'm thinking like linking to a library that has everything the exe references. If it helps, I'm building for both x64 and x86.
P.S. What's up with the manifest file, should I include it or not?
The easiest thing to do is to just install the VC++ Redistributable Package. It has both x86 and x64 versions.
Firstly, before I actually give you the detail:
If you do this, things will be bad for two reasons:
If there are security or other bugs in the MSVC runtimes, and you take this approach, they're baked into your app which means you need to re-distribute. DLLs are preferred because theoretically people use system update which means any errors get fixed.
Everything else you compile into your exe also needs to do this. If you don't, you end up with two versions of the code and whatever you're using won't link.
One possible solution is to bake the MSVC runtime into your application, by using the cl.exe option (C/C++ compiler settings) /MT which means multi-threaded version of the C/C++ runtime linked statically. As I said, if you try to link against something that is linked itself dynamically to the runtime, you're going to end up in a mess. Also, as I said, this represents an additional security risk factor, so bear that in mind.
The other options are to write an installer that can either download the appropriate runtime, or include the DLL needed.
If you're using some feature of the runtime that exceeds a certain version of Windows (generic statement, but it does happen) then you should be able to use the Windows SDK to target various versions of Windows using appropriate C runtimes.
google text: visual studio c++ redist
Do not statically link to the runtime; specifically don't do so if you're using any kind of dll for other purposes. It introduces all kinds of bogus problems wrt heap management that you probably don't want to mess with.
Open the properties dialog for your project and select Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Code Generation. The default setting is Multi-threaded DLL. Change that to Multi-threaded and you'll be building and .EXE with the run-time statically linked in. Don't forget to do the same for the debug version.
If you're using MFC or ATL, you will need to navigate to Configuration Properties | General and set "Use of MFC" or "Use of ATL" to link statically as well.
NB: If you link the runtime statically, you must make sure that any other library you're linking in also links it in statically. Otherwise you'll wind up with two copies of the runtime in memory, each with its own heap and bad things will happen when code using one runtime tries to free an object allocated by the other runtime.
This previous answer should hold true for VS2010. I still build with VS2005, but all my apps use the static CRT for the sole reason of being able to run across old and newer machines alike.

Alternatives to including MS C runtime distro?

I use MSVS 2010 and MSVC++E 2010 to build my applications in C++ and I've notice a lot of my friends (who test my apps on their PCs) don't have the Microsoft C++ runtime library installed on their computers. I've started including the Microsoft C++ redistributable package with my apps, but this seems unnecessary. Would I be able to instead include the libraries in my executable directory? I know that one of the libraries used is msvcr100.dll, but are there also others I need to include? Or is the redistro my best option?
in your project options, for code generation, you can choose the STATICally linked libraries instead of the DLL versions. That eliminates the need for an external dependency like this, at the cost of a larger EXE.
You don't necessarily need to HAVE to have the runtime library within your executable directory, you may use a Manifest File that has a relative path which points to runtime if you wish. But yes, you can include the libraries within the install of your application.
I think we lug around the msvcr as well as the msvcrt and the msvcp DLLs which now that I'm writing that out, might be a bit overkill.
When you build your application to a static runtime, you don't need to distribute the runtime dlls.
Otherwise you have to include the Microsoft runtime.
Links to runtime installers for Visual Studio 2010
Compiling your project with /MT solves the distribution problem. Be careful though, it can get you in trouble when you use DLLs. They will have their own memory allocator. If they export a function that exposes a pointer or a C++ object that needs to be released by the client code then you'll have a very hard to diagnose memory leak on your hands. Very easy to do, just return an std::string for example.
Anyhoo, the setting is found by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer window, Properties, C/C++, Code generation, Runtime Library setting.
Also note that VS2010 supports local deployment. Just put the msvcr100.dll file in the same directory as your EXE. You also need msvcp100.dll if you use STL or iostreams.

Static Runtime Library Linking for Visual C++ Express 2008

How do you tell Visual C++ Express 2008 to statically link runtime libraries instead of dynamically? My exes do not currently run on computers w/o some sort of VS installed and I would love to change that. :)
Sorry, I do not have VC++ Express to test, but in Standard edition I use Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library. Dll and Dll Debug are for dynamic linking.
Are you 100% sure that you want to do this? Please consider that if you do and there is a security vulnerability found in the runtime library, Microsoft will not be able to patch your application via Windows Update.
Another solution is to package the Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable with your application. It installs very fast and does not require Visual Studio. It is also important to note that you should not distribute code linked against the debug runtime libraries as those do require Visual Studio. See this blog post for more information on packaging the redistributable.
EDIT: With that said, it's up to you. My point is simply that you should not disregard dynamic linking based solely on the idea that users must have "some sort of VS installed", which is not true.
See the answer to this question: How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005 ?. It's for VS2005 Express but the answer still holds.
For the C-runtime go to the project
settings, choose C/C++ then 'Code
Generation'. Change the 'runtime
library' setting to 'multithreaded'
instead of 'multithreaded dll'.
If you are using any other libraries
you may need to tell the linker to
ignore the dynamically linked CRT
You can install the C runtime redist on the target machine and you're executable would run there as well with dynamically linked C runtime.
(Oh sorry, that had already been mentioned).