Unable to receive data from serial port - c++

Currently I try to write a serial port communication in VC++ to transfer data from PC and robot via XBee transmitter. But after I wrote some commands to poll data from robot, I didn't receive anything from the robot (the output of filesize is 0 in the code.). Because my MATLAB interface works, so the problem should happen in the code not the hardware or communication. Would you please give me help?
01/03/2014 Updated: I have updated my codes. It still can not receive any data from my robot (the output of read is 0). When I use "cout<<&read" in the while loop, I obtain "0041F01C1". I also don't know how to define the size of buffer, because I don't know the size of data I will receive. In the codes, I just give it a random size like 103. Please help me.
// This is the main DLL file.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <iostream>
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //for GetCommState command
#include "Windows.h"
#include <WinBase.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char init[]="";
HANDLE serialHandle;
// Open serial port
// Do some basic settings
DCB serialParams;
DWORD read, written;
serialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(serialParams);
if((GetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams)==0))
printf("Get configuration port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
GetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams);
serialParams.BaudRate = CBR_57600;
serialParams.ByteSize = 8;
serialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
serialParams.Parity = NOPARITY;
//set flow control="hardware"
if (!SetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams))
printf("Set configuration port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
GetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams);
// Set timeouts
COMMTIMEOUTS timeout = { 0 };
timeout.ReadIntervalTimeout = 30;
timeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 30;
timeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 30;
timeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 30;
timeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 30;
SetCommTimeouts(serialHandle, &timeout);
if (!SetCommTimeouts(serialHandle, &timeout))
printf("Set configuration port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
//write packet to poll data from robot
//check whether the data can be received
char buffer[103];
do {
ReadFile (serialHandle,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&read,NULL);
cout << read;
} while (read!=0);
return 0;

GetFileSize is documented not to be valid when used with a serial port handle. Use the ReadFile function to receive serial port data.

You should use strlen instead of sizeof here:
You would be even better off creating a function like this:
function write_to_robot (const char * msg)
DWORD written;
BOOL ok = WriteFile(serialHandle, msg, strlen(msg), &written, NULL)
&& (written == strlen(msg));
if (!ok) printf ("Could not send message '%s' to robot\n", msg);
But that's only the appetizer. The main trouble is, as MDN says:
You cannot use the GetFileSize function with a handle of a nonseeking device such as a pipe or a communications device.
If you want to read from the port, you can simply use ReadFile until it returns zero bytes.
If you already know the max size of your robot's response, try reading that many characters.
Continue reading until the read reports an actual number of bytes read inferior to the size of the buffer. For instance:
#define MAX_ROBOT_ANSWER_LENGTH 1000 /* bytes */
const char * read_robot_response ()
static char buffer[MAX_ROBOT_ANSWER_LENGTH];
DWORD read;
if (!ReadFile (serialHandle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read, NULL))
printf ("something wrong with the com port handle");
exit (-1);
if (read == sizeof(buffer))
// the robot response is bigger than it should
printf ("this robot is overly talkative. Flushing input\n");
// read the rest of the input so that the next answer will not be
// polluted by leftovers of the previous one.
do {
ReadFile (serialHandle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read, NULL);
} while (read != 0);
// report error
return "error: robot response exceeds maximal length";
// add a terminator to string in case Mr Robot forgot to provide one
buffer[read] = '\0';
printf ("Mr Robot said '%s'\n", buffer);
return buffer;
This simplistic function returns a static variable, which will be overwritten each time you call read_robot_response.
Of course the proper way of doing things would be to use blocking I/Os instead of waiting one second and praying for the robot to answer in time, but that would require a lot more effort.
If you feel adventurous, you can use overlapped I/O, as this lenghty MDN article thoroughly explores.
EDIT: after looking at your code
// this reads at most 103 bytes of the answer, and does not display them
if (!ReadFile(serialHandle,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&read,NULL))
printf("Reading data to port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
// this could display the length of the remaining of the answer,
// provided it is more than 103 bytes long
do {
ReadFile (serialHandle,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&read,NULL);
cout << read;
while (read!=0);
You are displaying nothing but the length of the response beyond the first 103 characters received.
This should do the trick:
#define BUFFER_LEN 1000
DWORD read;
char buffer [BUFFER_LEN];
do {
if (!ReadFile(
serialHandle, // handle
buffer, // where to put your characters
sizeof(buffer) // max nr of chars to read
-1, // leave space for terminator character
&read, // get the number of bytes actually read
NULL)) // Yet another blody stupid Microsoft parameter
// die if something went wrong
printf("Reading data to port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
// add a terminator after last character read,
// so as to have a null terminated C string to display
buffer[read] = '\0';
// display what you actually read
cout << buffer;
while (read!=0);
I advised you to wrap the actual calls to serial port accesses inside simpler functions for a reason.
As I said before, Microsoft interfaces are a disaster. They are verbose, cumbersome and only moderately consistent. Using them directly leads to awkward and obfuscated code.
Here, for instance, you seem to have gotten confused between read and buffer
read holds the number of bytes actually read from the serial port
buffer holds the actual data.
buffer is what you will want to display to see what the robot answered you
Also, you should have a documentation for your robot stating which kind of answers you are supposed to expect. It would help to know how they are formatted, for instance whether they are null-terminated strings or not. That could dispense to add the string terminator.


COM port handle for reading data in c++ vs2012

I have a code to open and read serial COM port in vs2012 c++ which is working fine when I run the code separately in an individual solution.The code is as follow:
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected()) // check com port availability
printf("We're connected"); // send the result
char incomingData[512] = ""; // don't forget to pre-allocate memory
int dataLength = 256;
int readResult = 0; //if there is no reading it is -1
readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
//std::string test(incomingData);
res1=strtol(incomingData,&pos1,10); //receive data in right patern
res2=atof(pos1); //convert the character to integer
res3=(double)res2; // convert integer to double (as my desired output is a double)
printf("%f\n",res2); // print the result
Sleep(50); // pause so that I can see the coming data
in which Serial,ReadData and other functions and headers are defined in a separate header and .cpp file.
My problem occurs when I want to plug the code in my other solution (SOFA Simulation) which I want to use to make a graphical interface. but I get the INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE error and the get last error gives me ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. this is my code in the solution I want to use:
namespace sofa
namespace component
namespace behaviormodel
customUnsignedData(initData(&customUnsignedData, (unsigned)1,"Custom Unsigned Data","Example of unsigned data with custom widget")),
regularUnsignedData(initData(&regularUnsignedData, (unsigned)1,"Unsigned Data","Example of unsigned data with standard widget"))
void MyBehaviorModel::init()
void MyBehaviorModel::reinit()
void MyBehaviorModel::updatePosition(SReal dt)
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected())
printf("We're connected");
char incomingData[512] = ""; // don't forget to pre-allocate memory
int dataLength = 256;
int readResult = 0;
readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
//std::string test(incomingData);
using core::behavior::MechanicalState;
mState1 = dynamic_cast<MechanicalState<sofa::defaulttype::Rigid3dTypes> *> (this->getContext()->getMechanicalState());
helper::WriteAccessor<sofa::core::objectmodel:: Data<sofa::defaulttype::Rigid3dTypes::VecCoord> > xp = *mState1- >write(core::VecCoordId::position());
int MyBehaviorModelClass = core::RegisterObject("Dummy component with a custom widget.").add< MyBehaviorModel >();
} // namespace behaviormodel
} // namespace component
} // namespace sofa
I really can not figure out what the problem is because as I said the problem is not from my serial reader code as I tested it and I know it works fine separately.can you find out where the problem lies?
thanks in advance!
This is my Serial constructor:
Serial::Serial(char *portName)
{//We're not yet connected
this->connected = false;
//Try to connect to the given port throuh CreateFile
this->hSerial = CreateFile((LPCWSTR)portName,
//Check if the connection was successfull
//If not success full display an Error
//Print Error if neccessary
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available.\n", portName);
//If connected we try to set the comm parameters
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
//Try to get the current
if (!GetCommState(this->hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
//If impossible, show an error
printf("failed to get current serial parameters!");
//Define serial connection parameters for the arduino board
//Setting the DTR to Control_Enable ensures that the Arduino is properly
//reset upon establishing a connection
dcbSerialParams.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
//Set the parameters and check for their proper application
if(!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
printf("ALERT: Could not set Serial Port parameters");
//If everything went fine we're connected
this->connected = true;
//Flush any remaining characters in the buffers
PurgeComm(this->hSerial, PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXCLEAR);
//We wait 2s as the arduino board will be reseting
The function CreateFile is actually a Macro that is mapped to either CreateFileA or CreateFileW depending on your project (unicode) configuration. As others have mentioned, you should not use a type cast to LPCWSTR to hide the fact that your code is not correct, you just need to use the right type of string.
If a function expects a widestring (LPCWSTR) and you pass it a chunk of memory that contains an ANSI string, it will never work. In this particular case, you can use the function CreateFileA directly so that you can pass your ANSI string to it.

UDP datagram is being split on space character

I am trying to get my head into SDLnet and I am encountering a problem where any UDP packets that I send from the client to the server are being broken up on the space character. I can't see any reason for this happening as I am not explicitly programming this behaviour in - I am literally just sending across a string.
The source code I am using is part of an online example on The Game Programming Wiki
printf("Fill the buffer\n>");
scanf("%s", (char *)p->data);
p->address.host = srvadd.host; /* Set the destination host */
p->address.port = srvadd.port; /* And destination port */
p->len = strlen((char *)p->data) + 1;
SDLNet_UDP_Send(sd, -1, p); /* This sets the p->channel */
/* Quit if packet contains "quit" */
if (!strcmp((char *)p->data, "quit"))
quit = 1;
/* Wait a packet. UDP_Recv returns != 0 if a packet is coming */
if (SDLNet_UDP_Recv(sd, p))
printf("UDP Packet incoming\n");
printf("\tChan: %d\n", p->channel);
printf("\tData: %s\n", (char *)p->data);
printf("\tLen: %d\n", p->len);
printf("\tMaxlen: %d\n", p->maxlen);
printf("\tStatus: %d\n", p->status);
printf("\tAddress: %x %x\n", p->address.host, p->address.port);
/* Quit if packet contains "quit" */
if (strcmp((char *)p->data, "quit") == 0)
quit = 1;
The output looks like this image.
The operating system I am running on is Windows 7 64-bit and I'm wondering if this could be something OS-related.
This is not the fault of UDP, it's go to do with the char* being split up when using scanf. ( I'm not a 100% sure about the details here. ) But as a general rule, in C, you shouldn't use scanf
Since you are using C++ ( at least according to the tags), you should do this the C++ way :
std::string msg = "";
std::cout << "Type a message and hit enter\n";
// Let user type a message
std::getline(std::cin, msg );
// UDPpacket uses Uint8, whereas msg.c_str() gives us a char*
// This simply copies the integer value of the chars into packet->data
memcpy(packet->data, msg.c_str(), msg.length() );
packet->len = msg.length();
Note :
The std::cin.ignore(); is there to make sure we stop and wait for the user to type in the message.

Reading Serial Data from Arduino, Corrupted Data

I am using an Arduino Due and Visual Studio 2010. I am programming in C/C++. Below you see my programs and after this my explanations of what is going wrong.
This is the really simple code thats on my Arduino. Its sending a lot of A's to the PC.
void setup()
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
void loop()
delay(1); // delay in between reads for stability
The further code for reading the Serial Port I found over here:
And this is my modified version of this code at the moment:
#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class Serial
//Serial comm handler
HANDLE hSerial;
//Connection status
bool connected;
//Get various information about the connection
COMSTAT status;
//Keep track of last error
DWORD errors;
//Initialize Serial communication with the given COM port
Serial(char *portName);
//Close the connection
//NOTA: for some reason you can't connect again before exiting
//the program and running it again
//Read data in a buffer, if nbChar is greater than the
//maximum number of bytes available, it will return only the
//bytes available. The function return -1 when nothing could
//be read, the number of bytes actually read.
int ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
//Writes data from a buffer through the Serial connection
//return true on success.
bool WriteData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar);
//Check if we are actually connected
bool IsConnected();
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "SerialClass.h"
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace System;
using namespace std;
// Serial::Serial looks, if Serial Connection from PC to the Device is proper and everything is working. Then it sets a few Parameters and waits
Serial::Serial(char *portName)
//We're not yet connected
this->connected = false;
//Try to connect to the given port throuh CreateFile
this->hSerial = CreateFileA(portName,
//Check if the connection was successfull
//if not...show error
//If not success full display an Error
//Print Error if neccessary
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available.\n", portName);
// else = connection is working, then -> continue
//If connected we try to set the comm parameters
DCB dcbSerialParams = {0};
//Try to get the current Parameters
if (!GetCommState(this->hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
//If impossible, show an error
printf("failed to get current serial parameters!");
//Define serial connection parameters for the arduino board
//Set the parameters and check for their proper application
if(!SetCommState(hSerial, &dcbSerialParams))
printf("ALERT: Could not set Serial Port parameters");
//If everything went fine we're connected
this->connected = true;
//We wait 2s as the arduino board will be reseting
//Has a look if SerialPort is still connected.
//If yes, it disconnects and closes the Serial Handler.
//Check if we are connected before trying to disconnect
//We're no longer connected
this->connected = false;
//Close the serial handler
// reads data out of Serial Port
int Serial::ReadData(char *buffer, unsigned int nbChar)
//Number of bytes we'll have read
DWORD bytesRead;
//Number of bytes we'll really ask to read
unsigned int toRead;
//Use the ClearCommError function to get status info on the Serial port
this->hSerial, // Handle to the communications device, CreateFile Function returns this value
&this->errors, // a pointer to a variable that receives a mask indicating the type of rror
&this->status);// a pointer to a COMSTAT structure in which the devices status information is returned. if this parameter is NULL, no status information is returned
//Check if there is something to read
if(this->status.cbInQue>0) // cbInQue: Number of Bytes received by the Serial provider, but not yet read by a ReadFile operation
//If there is we check if there is enough data to read the required number
//of characters, if not we'll read only the available characters to prevent
//locking of the application.
{toRead = nbChar;}
{toRead = this->status.cbInQue;}
//Try to read the require number of chars, and return the number of read bytes on success
this->hSerial, // Handle to a device
buffer, // a pointer to the buffer that receives the data read from a file or device
toRead, // NumberofBytesToRead: the maximum number of bytes to be read
&bytesRead, // NumberofBytesRead: a pointer to the variable that receives the number of bytes read when using a synchronours hFile parameter.
NULL) // Overlapped
&& bytesRead // Value of bytesRead after ReadFile function
!= 0)
{return bytesRead;
Sleep(1000);} // returns Value of BytesRead
//If nothing has been read, or that an error was detected return -1
return -1;
bool Serial::IsConnected() // simply returns connection status
//Simply return the connection status
return this->connected;
// application reads from the specified serial port and reports the collected data
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
printf("Welcome to the serial test app!\n\n");
Serial* SP = new Serial("\\\\.\\COM3"); // adjust as needed
if (SP->IsConnected())
printf("We're connected");
// defines how much Data will be catched
// don't forget to pre-allocate memory
char incomingData[1025] = "";
int dataLength = 1024; // maximum Length of one DataBit/Word
int readResult = 0;
// gives out the Number! of DataBits that could be collected/catched
readResult = SP->ReadData(incomingData,dataLength);
printf("Bytes read: (-1 means no data available) %i\n",readResult);
// transforms the char incomingData into a String and prints it
std::string test(incomingData);
printf("%s \n", incomingData);
printf("Bytes read: (-1 means no data available) %i\n",readResult);
So now here is my problem:
The programm works fine, as long as the Amount of Bits I am sending from the Arduino is less than DataLength. (here = 1024) I got those less bits just through setting the Delay from the Arduino programm quite high (~100ms).
Then I have a console window with an Output similar to this:
... goes on like this
But if the Arduino sends more than 1024 Bits (Delay ~ 1ms)/ the PC receices more Bits than the Value of DataLength, something in the Serial::ReadData Loop seems to get wrong.
My Console Output is than a little bit corrupted and some Bits look like this:
... goes on similar to this.
What is wrong with my program? I thought that it could be, that one parameter of the ReadFile() Function is not right, but I do not know what to change and I am not 100% sure about this.

MailSlot write sending same thing three times C/C++

I have a problem with MailSlots in windows (C/C++).
I am trying to make two simple programs right now, but the communication is not good at the last step.
This is my int main from the server.cpp
int main()
HANDLE ss, sc, sc2r;
ss = CreateMailslot("\\\\.\\mailslot\\ss", 0, MAILSLOT_WAIT_FOREVER, NULL);
printf("Invalid ss value");
return -1;
for (;;)
DWORD msgSize;
BOOL err;
/* Get the size of the next record */
err = GetMailslotInfo(ss, 0, &msgSize, 0, 0);
char x[100];
char nrr[10];
DWORD numRead;
/* Read the record */
err = ReadFile(ss, x, msgSize, &numRead, 0);
int wrds=count(x)+1;
err = WriteFile(sc, nrr, sizeof(nrr), &nr, 0);
err=WriteFile(sc, x, sizeof(x), &nr, 0);
Here is the client source:
int main()
HANDLE ss, sc, sc2;
BOOL err;
DWORD numWritten;
sc = CreateMailslot("\\\\.\\mailslot\\sc", 0, MAILSLOT_WAIT_FOREVER, NULL);
printf("CreateFile failed. ");
// Close any mailslot we opened
if (ss != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(ss);
return -1;
char x[100];
char z[100];
printf("Write the damn sentence:");
err = WriteFile(ss, x, sizeof(x), &numWritten, 0);
if (!err) printf("WriteFile failed. ");
return 0;
It seems like the server is sending the same thing three times. I tested the client in debugger and he gets it right, but can't figure it out why the server is sending three times the same thing.
Do you have any suggestions ?
Mailslots are an undependable transport -- messages are free to be dropped. To try to ensure that the message gets through, the sender automatically sends the message once using each distinct protocol available (that connects that sender to the intended receiver).
Your networking stack is apparently set up so there are three protocols connecting your sender to your receiver. Since they're (probably) communicating locally, over relatively dependable hardware with no routers that handle congestion by dropping packets, or anything like that, you'll probably get three copies of every packet.
Bottom line: if you want to use mailslots, you pretty much have to do assign a serial number to each packet, so you'll be able to track when you've already received something, so you'll be able to recognize and ignore duplicates on the receiving side.
Alternatively, just don't use mailslots. If (for whatever reason) you want something specific to Windows, a named pipe is generally easier. Unless you're actually bothered by your code being portable and interoperable, sockets are probably simpler still.
You are confusing sizeof with strlen. Calling sizeof(nrr) will always return 10. The server program will do a single write of 10 bytes, even if the buffer only contains 2 valid bytes.
Replace sizeof with 1+strlen to fix the problem.
For example, in server.cpp if wrds is 1, then nrr will be { 0x31, 0x00 } in memory. What looks like a repeated write is really a single write of uninitialzed memory. strlen will give you the count of valid characters, +1 for the terminating null.
It might be a good idea to initialize nrr, with *nrr = 0 first. You can test that itoa succeeeded with if(*nrr) and handle the failure as you see fit.
Oh, and one more thing : you are leaking handles. It might not matter much in the client, but server leaks a handle to a mailslot at every iteration. You should reuse the mailslot handle or close it at every iteration.

C++(Serial Communicatio using the <windows.h>) - How can i find out before hand, how many characters will be read by the ReadFile() method

ReadFile( hSerial , buffer , 25, &dwBytesRead , 0);
Hey ppl
My question is how do i find out how many characters my ReadFile statement will return before calling the ReadFile?. The device i am communicating with, returns different data based on what was sent. Concerning the above ReadFile, in that instance i knew that the returned data would be 25 characters long, but what if i dont know the answer, how can i substitute 25 with a variable that will be enough for any amount of data received.
In my code you will see i have 2 Readfile statements, in both cases i knew the amount of data i would receive, to i sent a fixed number, what happens when i dont know that amount?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
BOOL SetCommDefaults(HANDLE hSerial);
void StripCRLFandPrint(char *command);
char buffer[1000];
HANDLE hSerial;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
char trash;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
hSerial = CreateFile("COM1", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0 , 0 , OPEN_EXISTING , 0 , 0);
if (hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError();
SetCommDefaults(hSerial);//Initializing the Device Control Block
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts={0};
char szRxChar[3];//varialble holds characters that will be sent
szRxChar[0] = '?';
DWORD y =0, z =0;
char buf[327];// will hold the data received
memset(buf,0,327);//initializing the buf[]
WriteFile( hSerial , &szRxChar , 1, &dwBytesWritten ,0);
ReadFile( hSerial , buf , sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead , 0);
printf("Retrieving data...\n\n");
//Displaying the buffer
printf( "%s",buf);
printf("\nData Read: %i\n",dwBytesRead);
printf("Enter an option:");
scanf("%c%c",&szRxChar,&trash);//Reading the next command to be sent
while(szRxChar[0] != '1')//Press one to exit
WriteFile( hSerial , &szRxChar, 1, &dwBytesWritten ,0);
ReadFile( hSerial , buffer , 25, &dwBytesRead , 0);
printf("\nData Read: %i\n",dwBytesRead);
printf("Enter an Option:");
CloseHandle(hSerial);// Closing the handle
return 0;
You can't know what you are asking for, because no software can make predictions regarding the behaviour of a remote end. For this reason, the reading should take place in a different thread. In the reading thread you can instruct ReadFile to read one byte at a time. You can choose to read more bytes at the same time, but then you are running the risk of having received a full message from the other part and still do not get a notification, because ReadFile is blocked waiting for more data.
It may be challenging to create the threading code yourself. I recommend that you search for a library that already handles this for you.
You won't ever know exactly what was sent, but instead of putting 25, use sizeof(buffer) instead.
Keep in mind that ReadFile() isn't perfect. I have experienced issues on slower hardware whereas ReadFile() does not always read in the complete message sent over the COM port. Therefore, it may be beneficial to read in byte-by-byte, albeit slower, to ensure you get the entire message:
int c;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if (!(pcState[readerPort] & PORT_OPEN)) {
RecvIndex = 0;
ReadFile(hComm[readerPort], buff, 1, &dwBytesRead, NULL); // array of handles used here
c = buff[0];
if (dwBytesRead == 0) { // possible end of transmission
if (RecvTimer++ > 3) {
RecvTimer = 0;
if (RecvIndex) { // have receive some data prior
keyBuf[RecvIndex] = 0;
RecvIndex = 0;
memset(keyBuf, 0, sizeof(keyBuf));
} else {
RecvTimer = 0; //Restart timer
if (RecvIndex == 0) { // first character
memset(keyBuf, 0, sizeof(keyBuf));
keyBuf[0] = (unsigned char)c;
RecvIndex = 1;
} else { // get remaining characters
if (RecvIndex < sizeof(keyBuf))
keyBuf[RecvIndex++] = (unsigned char)c;
in the example above, keyBuf is a private class variable and the above code is part of a function that is called in a while loop.