error: was not declared in this scope with C++ - c++

I am trying to implement a simple protocol for sending emails. Till, now I implemented four commands and a server class that receives all the commands and check whether the commands are in the right order. However, when I am creating an instance of the server class, it shows an error: SMTPServer was not declared in this scope.I don't know what else to do. Any help is appreciated as I can't complete my program without solving this error.
SMTPServer header file:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "HELO.h"
using namespace std;
class SMTPServer
public: SMTPServer();
private: string newMessage;
private: string newRec;
private: string newSender;
private: string newData;
// overload constructor
// public: SMTPServer(string, string, string, string);
void SMTPServer:: send(HELO h1);
SMTPServer cpp
#include "SMTPServer.h"
newMessage = NULL;
newRec = NULL;
newSender = NULL;
newData = NULL;
void SMTPServer:: send(HELO h1)
Main class
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "SMTPServer.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
string mes;
string rec;
string sen;
string dat;
SMTPServer test;
//cout << endl << "HELO message: " << test.send() << endl;
return 0;
Thanks in advance.

Looks to me like you've reused the include guards from HELO.h in SMTPServer.h. That is, they should be changed to something like:
If you use the same include guards in both, only one of them can ever be included in another file. And in fact, SMTPServer.h itself includes HELO.h, so instantly makes its own content never get past the preprocessing stage.
If it's not clear yet, just read the top of SMTPServer.h:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "HELO.h"
using namespace std;
So we're checking if HELO_H_INCLUDED is defined. Since it just included HELO.h, and that file presumably defines HELO_H_INCLUDED, we'll always say "Yes, it is defined!". We'll never use the content of this #ifndef.

You can initialize string as below:
newMessage = "";
newRec = "";
newSender = "";
newData = "";
Change code below:
void SMTPServer:: send(HELO h1);
void send(HELO h1);
Remove Semicolon after:
newMessage = NULL;
newRec = NULL;
newSender = NULL;
newData = NULL;


How to Define CountProbation() function using Functions from other Files?

I have been racking my brain on how to properly define the function CountProbation() properly in the Course.css file. I know that a for and if loop should probably be included but I am having trouble including functions from other files, even though I am including a header tag at the beginning of the current Course.css file.
Below are the C++ files that are given in the lab:
NOTE: Only the Course.cpp file is the one that needs to be edited. All of the other files are READ ONLY and purely for your information as the reader.
Sorry if it seems like a lot of code, but I didn't just want to include the Course.cpp file because then you might not understand the program.
Here are the compiler Errors/Warnings:
Course.cpp: In member function ‘int Course::CountProbation()’:
Course.cpp:8:18: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘int’ and ‘std::vector<Student>::size_type’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare]
8 | for (int i=0; i < roster.size(); ++i) {
| ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Course.cpp:9:9: error: ‘GetGPA’ was not declared in this scope
9 | if (GetGPA() < 2.0) {
| ^~~~~~
#include <iostream>
#include "Course.h"
#include "Student.h"
using namespace std;
int Course::CountProbation() { //This is the function that I have tried to define as you can see by my
int probCount; //code
for (int i=1; i < roster.size(); ++i) {
if (GetGPA() < 2.0) {
probCount = probCount + 1;
return probCount;
void Course::AddStudent(Student s) {
Course.h (READ ONLY)
#ifndef COURSE_H
#define COURSE_H
#include <vector>
#include "Student.h"
class Course {
int CountProbation();
void AddStudent(Student s);
vector<Student> roster; //collection of Student objects
Main.cpp (READ ONLY)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Course.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
Course course;
int probCount;
// Example students for testing
course.AddStudent(Student("Henry", "Cabot", 3.2));
course.AddStudent(Student("Brenda", "Stern", 1.1));
course.AddStudent(Student("Lynda", "Robison", 2.4));
course.AddStudent(Student("Jane", "Flynn", 1.8));
probCount = course.CountProbation();
cout << "Probation count: " << probCount << endl;
return 0;
Student.h (READ ONLY)
#ifndef STUDENT_H
#define STUDENT_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Class representing a student
class Student {
Student(string first, string last, double gpa);
double GetGPA() ;
string GetLast();
string first; // first name
string last; // last name
double gpa; // grade point average
Student.cpp (READ ONLY)
#include "Student.h"
// Student class constructor
Student::Student(string first, string last, double gpa) {
this->first = first; // first name
this->last = last; // last name
this->gpa = gpa; // grade point average
double Student::GetGPA() {
return gpa;
string Student::GetLast() {
return last;
This loop (as it was coded in the original question, before it was edited):
for (int i=1; i < roster.size(); ++i) {
if (Student.GetGPA() < 2.0) {
probCount = probCount + 1;
is flawed for three reasons:
i should start from 0, rather than 1
i should be of type size_t, rather than int
Student is a type, not a variable
A nice way to solve all these problems is to use a ranged for loop, like this:
for (Student &student : roster)
if (student.GetGPA() < 2.0)
probCount = probCount + 1;
As mentioned in the comments, you also need to initialise probCount to zero before entering the loop:
int probCount = 0;
Finally, it's worth noting that the above loop would normally be coded as:
for (const Student &student : roster)
but that won't work here as GetGPA is not declared as a const method. Thanks to #user4581301 for pointing this out.

How can I receive a string from c++ dll using node and ffi-napi?

I am trying to do a simple proof of concept and call a very basic c++ dll from node by using ffi-napi.
It works fine when I am using methods that take/return int or char, but my attempts to return a string have failed.
c++ code, main.h:
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
extern "C" {
EXPORT string hello(string x);
EXPORT int count(int x);
c++ code, main.cpp:
#include "pch.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Main.h"
using namespace std;
string hello(string name)
return "Hello " + name + "! ";
int count(int x)
return x+1;
When I am running node code below,
import { Console } from "node:console";
var ffi = require('ffi-napi');
var ref = require('ref-napi');
export class DllTester {
LibName: string = 'D:\\temp\\DemoDll\\x64\\Debug\\DemoDll.dll';
Lib: any = null;
private setupOcrLib()
this.Lib = ffi.Library(this.LibName,
{'hello': [ 'string', ['string']],
'count': [, []]
count(x: number): number {
console.log("Calling count");
return this.Lib.count(x);
hello(name: string): string {
console.log("Calling hello: " + name);
return this.Lib.hello(name);
const tester = new DllTester();
console.log("Count: " + tester.count(3));
console.log("Hello: " + tester.hello("Markus"));
console.log("Count: " + tester.count(10));
I get the following console output:
Calling count
Count: 4
Calling hello: Markus
So the first call (sending int, receiving int) works fine, but the second call (sending string, receiving string) silently fails and
since the second call to count is not logged, I believe my unsuccessfull call disturbs the flow.
Have tried the following:
using char* instead of string in the dll. I then receive "something" but not readable text
using ref-napi to set types instead of strings but demos suggest that this is not required:
My understanding of c++ is limited and might have missed some part about types and pointers but this looks so simple that nothing should be able to go wrong...
Platform: windows 10, 64 bit, node v14.12.0, VS 2019 Community
"ffi-napi": "^4.0.3",
"ref-napi": "^3.0.2"
Thanks for your input :-)
Got it to work after looking into #PaulMcKenzies answer: instead of simply using strings, I create a buffer and use a pointer instead.
C++ code, main.h:
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
extern "C" {
EXPORT void helloPtr(char* x);
EXPORT int count(int x);
c++ code, main.cpp:
#include "pch.h"
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Main.h"
using namespace std;
void helloPtr(char* name)
std::string names(name);
std::string results = "Hello " + names + "!";
strcpy_s(name, 200, results.c_str());
int count(int x)
return x+1;
import { Console } from "node:console";
var ffi = require('ffi-napi');
var ref = require('ref-napi');
export class DllTester {
LibName: string = 'D:\\temp\\DemoDll\\x64\\Debug\\DemoDll.dll';
Lib: any = null;
constructor() {
private setupLib()
this.Lib = ffi.Library(this.LibName,
{'helloPtr': [ ref.types.void, ['char *']],
'count': [, []]
count(x: number): number {
return this.Lib.count(x);
helloPtr(name: string): string {
//setup buffer
var maxLength = 200;
var nameBuffer = Buffer.alloc(maxLength);
nameBuffer.write(name, 0, "utf-8");
//get result from buffer
var helloResult = nameBuffer.toString('utf-8');
var terminatingNullPos = helloResult.indexOf('\u0000');
if (terminatingNullPos >= 0) {
helloResult = helloResult.substr(0, terminatingNullPos);
return helloResult;
const tester = new DllTester();
This prints the desired message into the console: Hello Markus!
If anyone knows of a simpler way or doing this (sending strings instead?), that would be great.

Implementing a Suffix Trie using OOP/C++

I am trying to implement a suffix trie in C++ for a programming assignment. Now I think I have the right idea, but I keep getting a segmentation fault and I haven't been able to find what's causing it.
For this assignment, we are encouraged to use VIM/some other basic text editor, and compile programs from the console. Nevertheless, I've downloaded CLion to try and debug the code so I can find the error.
Now when running in CLion I get the message
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
Trying to run the debugger gives the message
Error during pretty printers setup:
Undefined info command: "pretty-printer". Try "help info".
Some features and performance optimizations will not be available.
I'm new to CLion and I'm not sure what to do about this (The only JetBrains IDE I use is Pycharm). Can you help me resolve this?
Now the program itself consists of three classes, Trie, Edge and Node, whose implementations can be seen below. The main idea behind the implementation of the Trie is in the constructor of Trie.cpp.
The code is detailed in full below. I appreciate any help.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Trie.hpp"
int main(){
string s = "Stef";
Trie trie(s);
return 0;
#ifndef TRIE_HPP
#define TRIE_HPP
#include <string>
#include "Node.hpp"
#include "Edge.hpp"
using namespace std;
class Trie{
string T;
vector<Node> nodes;
void addWord(Node*, string);
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "Trie.hpp"
using namespace std;
Trie::Trie(string T){
T += "#"; //terminating character
this->T = T;
vector<string> suffix; //array of suffixes
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < T.length(); i++)
suffix.push_back(T.substr(i, T.length()-i));
//Create the Root, and start from it
nodes.push_back(Node("")); //root has blank label
Node* currentNode = &nodes[0];
//While there are words in the array of suffixes
//If the character under consideration already has an edge, then this will be its index. Otherwise, it's -1.
int edgeIndex = currentNode->childLoc(suffix[0].at(0));
//If there is no such edge, add the rest of the word
if(edgeIndex == -1){
addWord(currentNode, suffix[0]); //add rest of word
suffix.erase(suffix.begin()); //erase the suffix from the suffix array
break; //break from the for loop
//if there is
currentNode = (currentNode->getEdge(edgeIndex))->getTo(); //current Node is the next Node
suffix[0] = suffix[0].substr(1, suffix[0].length()); //remove first character
//This function adds the rest of a word
void Trie::addWord(Node* parent, string word){
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){ //For each remaining letter
nodes.push_back(Node(parent->getLabel(); //Add a node with label of parent + label of edge
Edge e(, parent, &nodes.back()); //Create an edge joining the parent to the node we just added
parent->addEdge(e); //Join the two with this edge
#ifndef NODE_HPP
#define NODE_HPP
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Edge.hpp"
using namespace std;
class Node{
string label;
vector<Edge> outgoing_edges;
string getLabel();
int childLoc(char);
void addEdge(Edge);
Edge* getEdge(int);
#include "Node.hpp"
using namespace std;
Node::Node(string label){
this->label = label;
string Node::getLabel(){
return label;
//This function returns the edge matching the given label, returning -1 if there is no such edge.
int Node::childLoc(char label){
int loc = -1;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < outgoing_edges.size(); i++)
if(outgoing_edges[i].getLabel() == label)
loc = i;
return loc;
void Node::addEdge(Edge e){
Edge* Node::getEdge(int n){
return &outgoing_edges[n];
#ifndef EDGE_HPP
#define EDGE_HPP
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Node; //Forward definition
class Edge{
char label;
Node* from;
Node* to;
Edge(char, Node*, Node*);
char getLabel();
Node* getTo();
Node* getFrom();
#include "Edge.hpp"
using namespace std;
Edge::Edge(char label, Node* from, Node* to){
this->label = label;
this->from = from;
this->to = to;
char Edge::getLabel(){
return label;
Node* Edge::getFrom(){
return from;
Node* Edge::getTo(){
return to;
&nodes[0];, &nodes.back() - you're storing pointers into a vector for later use, and these become invalid when the vector's underlying storage is relocated as you add elements to it.
Read about pointers in general, and dynamic allocation in particular, in your favourite C++ book.
If you don't yet have a favourite C++ book, pick one from this list.

Find If-Conditions using Clang

I'm trying to find the if-conditions in a C-code using Clang.
What I've learned till now is to find the declarations using HandleTopLevelDecl().
What I'm trying to do now is to find a function that is similar to HandleTopLevelDecl() but handles the If-Conditions.
My question is, am I on the right path? is there a function that can do this?
And if not, what do you advice me to do?
With the help of this awesome course:
Specially this tutorial:
I have solved the problem.
I needed to create a RecursiveASTVisitor and handle the If-Statements while visiting the Statements.
class MyASTVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<MyASTVisitor>
bool VisitStmt(Stmt *s) {
// Search for If-Statements
cerr << "Found IF" << endl;
return true;
bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *f) {
// Print function name
cerr << f->getNameAsString().c_str() << endl;
return true;
And here are the complete code:
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Parse/ParseAST.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Frontend/Rewriters.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace clang;
using namespace std;
// CompilerInstance
CompilerInstance TheCompInst;
class MyASTVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<MyASTVisitor>
bool VisitStmt(Stmt *s) {
// Search for If-Statements
SourceManager &srcmgr = TheCompInst.getSourceManager();
SourceLocation startLocation = s->getLocStart();
unsigned int start_lineNum = srcmgr.getExpansionLineNumber(startLocation);
cerr << "Found IF # Line: " << start_lineNum << endl;
return true;
bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *f) {
// Print function name
cerr << f->getNameAsString().c_str() << endl;
return true;
class MyASTConsumer : public ASTConsumer
: Visitor() //initialize MyASTVisitor
virtual bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DR) {
for (DeclGroupRef::iterator b = DR.begin(), e = DR.end(); b != e; ++b) {
// Travel each function declaration using MyASTVisitor
return true;
MyASTVisitor Visitor;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 2) {
llvm::errs() << "Usage: kcov-branch-identify <filename>\n";
return 1;
// Diagnostics manage problems and issues in compile
TheCompInst.createDiagnostics(NULL, false);
// Set target platform options
// Initialize target info with the default triple for our platform.
TargetOptions *TO = new TargetOptions();
TO->Triple = llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple();
TargetInfo *TI = TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(TheCompInst.getDiagnostics(), TO);
// FileManager supports for file system lookup, file system caching, and directory search management.
FileManager &FileMgr = TheCompInst.getFileManager();
// SourceManager handles loading and caching of source files into memory.
SourceManager &SourceMgr = TheCompInst.getSourceManager();
// Prreprocessor runs within a single source file
// ASTContext holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) .
// A Rewriter helps us manage the code rewriting task.
Rewriter TheRewriter;
TheRewriter.setSourceMgr(SourceMgr, TheCompInst.getLangOpts());
// Set the main file handled by the source manager to the input file.
const FileEntry *FileIn = FileMgr.getFile(argv[1]);
// Inform Diagnostics that processing of a source file is beginning.
// Create an AST consumer instance which is going to get called by ParseAST.
MyASTConsumer TheConsumer;
// Parse the file to AST, registering our consumer as the AST consumer.
ParseAST(TheCompInst.getPreprocessor(), &TheConsumer, TheCompInst.getASTContext());
return 0;
There are specific functions in clang for all kinds of Stmts and Decls. For this particular case, it is going to be VisitIfStmt. Check IfStmt being included in RecusiveASTVisitor.h.
RecursiveASTVisitor.h -
bool WalkUpFrom##CLASS(CLASS *S) { \
TRY_TO(WalkUpFrom##PARENT(S)); \
TRY_TO(Visit##CLASS(S)); \
return true; \
} \
bool Visit##CLASS(CLASS *S) { return true; }
#include "clang/AST/"
clang/AST/ -
#ifndef IFSTMT
# define IFSTMT(Type, Base) STMT(Type, Base)
IFSTMT(IfStmt, Stmt)
#undef IFSTMT
These, together create the function VisitIfStmt(IfStmt*) in the class.

Struct defined in header and included in two source codes is only defined in one

I have a struct defined in a header file with three other files that #include that header file. One is another header(queue.h) file that defines a very basic hash table and the other two are source codes where one is defining the functions from the hash table header(queue.cpp) and the other contains main(p2.cpp).
The problem that I'm having is that the struct seems to work fine in p2.cpp but in queue.h the compiler is telling me that the struct is undefined.
Here is p2.h containing the struct definition.
#ifndef __P2_H__
#define __P2_H__
#define xCoor 0
#define yCoor 1
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "queue.h"
#include "dlist.h" //linked list which I know works and is not the problem
using namespace std;
struct spot {
float key[2];
string name, category;
#endif /* __P2_H__ */
I have queue.h included in this header so that I only have to include p2.h in p2.cpp.
Here is p2.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "p2.h"
using namespace std;
int main () {
cout << fixed;
cout << setprecision (4);
Queue hashTable;
spot *spot1 = new spot;
spot1->key[xCoor] = 42.2893;
spot1->key[yCoor] = -83.7391;
spot1->name = "NorthsideGrill";
spot1->category = "restaurant";
Dlist<spot> test = hashTable.find(42.2893, -83.7391);
while (!test.isEmpty()) {
spot *temp = test.removeFront();
cout << temp->key[xCoor] << " " << temp->key[yCoor] << " " << temp->name << " " << temp->category << endl;
delete temp;
return 0;
Places and item in the hash table and takes it back out.
Here is queue.h
#ifndef __QUEUE_H__
#define __QUEUE_H__
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "dlist.h"
#include "p2.h"
using namespace std;
class Queue {
// OVERVIEW: contains a dynamic array of spaces.
// Operational methods
bool isEmpty();
// EFFECTS: returns true if list is empy, false otherwise
void insert(spot *o);
// MODIFIES this
// EFFECTS inserts o into the array
Dlist<spot> find(float X, float Y);
// Maintenance methods
Queue(); // ctor
~Queue(); // dtor
// A private type
int numInserted;
int maxElts;
Dlist <spot>** queue;
// Utility methods
//Increases the size of the queue.
void makeLarger();
int hashFunc(float X, float Y, int modNum);
#endif /* __QUEUE_H__ */
Here is queue.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "queue.h"
using namespace std;
bool Queue::isEmpty() {
return !numInserted;
void Queue::insert(spot *o) {
if (numInserted >= maxElts) {
int index = hashFunc(o->key[xCoor], o->key[yCoor], maxElts);
queue[index] -> insertFront(o);
Queue::Queue() {
numInserted = 0;
maxElts = 1000;
queue = new Dlist<spot>*[maxElts];
for (int i = 0; i < maxElts; i++) {
queue[i] = new Dlist<spot>;
Queue::~Queue() {
for (int i = 0; i < maxElts; i++) {
delete queue[i];
delete[] queue;
void Queue::makeLarger() {
Dlist <spot>** temp = queue;
queue = new Dlist <spot>*[maxElts*2];
for (int i = 0; i < maxElts*2; i++) {
queue[i] = new Dlist<spot>;
for (int i = 0; i < maxElts; i++) {
while (!temp[i] -> isEmpty()) {
spot *spotTemp = temp[i] -> removeFront();
int index = hashFunc(spotTemp->key[xCoor], spotTemp->key[yCoor], maxElts*2);
queue[index] -> insertFront(spotTemp);
for (int i = 0; i < maxElts; i++) {
delete temp[i];
delete[] temp;
maxElts *= 2;
int Queue::hashFunc(float X, float Y, int modNum) {
return ((int)(10000*X) + (int)(10000*Y))%modNum;
Dlist<spot> Queue::find(float X, float Y) {
Dlist<spot> result;
Dlist<spot> *temp = new Dlist<spot>;
int index = hashFunc(X, Y, maxElts);
while (!queue[index] -> isEmpty()) {
spot *curSpot = queue[index] -> removeFront();
if ((curSpot->key[xCoor] == X) && (curSpot->key[yCoor] == Y)) {
result.insertFront(new spot(*curSpot));
temp -> insertFront(curSpot);
delete queue[index];
queue[index] = temp;
return result;
I believe that the problem is in my queue.h file because it's where I get all of the errors like "spot has not been declared". Every time spot appears in queue.h I have at least one error. I searched around for anything like this but all I could find was people trying to share one instance of a struct across multiple source files, or the obvious question of putting a struct in a header and including that header across multiple source files(which is what I'm doing but my problem seems to be a rather unique one).
You are including queue.h within the header that actually defines spot, so by the point the file is actually included spot has not been defined yet.
For your scope guards, note that identifiers starting with a double underscore are reserved by the implementation, don't use them.
And this is a poor choice even in plain C:
#define xCoor 0
#define yCoor 1
use this instead:
enum {
xCoor = 0
, yCoor = 1
Ok first never ever using "using" clauses in header files (it destroys the purposes of namespaces)
2nd provide a complete example that fails to compile
In addition to what others have said, you also have a circular reference error, which can also lead to similar undefined symbol errors. You have queue.h include p2.h, which includes queue.h.