OAuth-Based Authentication Scheme - c++

I have an application that is run on multiple user systems, and using OAuth, allows the users to log in via Facebook, Twitter, etc. The entire point of the user logging in is to get settings and actions that the same user made while logged in on other computers, as identified by logging in with the same OAuth provider + provider user id. The application itself is written in C++ using Qt.
My question is this: how can I save the settings that a user made, and allow them to retrieve it in a secure way? I have a centralized server that I can store information using MySql tables, but I'm not sure the best way to have the user application prompt the server, and receive the data stored for that user.
Any ideas or places you could point me towards?

There are several ways I could think of with this, all have trade offs:
Generally I would store the data in mysql using some kind of string or object encryption/serialization method. I do not use Qt much but http://qt-project.org/wiki/Simple_encryption has some examples of very simple encryption that could be used.
Then the question becomes: What do you use as the key? I would go either with the key provided by OAuth for that user (which could be an issue if users de-authorize the app but still want access to this data) or some other user provided key (which is counter to using OAuth in the first place).
Another option is to go with Qt Users session http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qtwebkit-guide-cache.html
This would maybe remove the need to encrypt since it should only be accessible within the users scope.
NOTE: Based on comments below it seems the issue is more about securing communication with the MySQL versus the data inside of MySQL. Waiting on user comments to revise my answer.


Flask authenticantion. How to inform the user logged in the client to the server

I am creating a flask app to be used internally in my company. I would like to restrict what a user can do it based on its login ID. I read a lot about using LDAP3 but I don't think I can do what want which send the login ID to the server. There I would have a table which will register which part of the system has the permition to edit. If it try to change somenthing not permited the app will retrieve a warning message.
I won't to do that to avoid having to create a separate login functionality just for this app. I read that I should use AD authentication but I am not very familiarized with that and I would also like to avoid having to ask our IT department to create user groups there for each part of my system.
I know that I can do that using ASP .NET (at least I did once).
Any guidance will be apreciated.
I think you are looking for Role-based Authorization.
In order to use this functionality you will need to implement roles on your model file per the Data-models documentation.
This will allow you to assign users a role when they are created, and you can use a decorator on your routes to 'require' the user to have the role you want them to have before they access the endpoint.

Is there a way to implement "profiles" into an Alexa Skill?

I'm building a nutrition skill and I want to include some calculators. I could have Alexa ask for the parameters each time something is calculated, but I'd prefer to have users set up a basic profile for themselves to store age, height, and weight values.
I found a small section of Amazon's documentation that talks about how the userId element could be used to store attributes across sessions. Will that work for what I'm talking about though? Or will I have to add OAuth?
There are two way to do this:
1) You can use sessions.
In this method, your data will be vanish when session is end (user stop talking with your skill)
more details https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/alexa-skills-kit-interface-reference#session-object
2) You should implement an oauth 2.0 server to store user data. It is not that easy but you can find some oauth server example in here https://oauth.net/code/
For connecting your skill to your oauth server, you can follow here
bonus: If you do not want to implement an oauth server, you can use Login with Amazon (or login with google) services. But you will still need a database server to store data
The userId that you get on your requests uniquely identifies an Amazon account, not a person. Despite the option to switch between different accounts on a single device (see: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201628040), the feature to identify people has been discussed (http://time.com/4683981/amazon-echo-voice-id-feature-2017/) but it's not available yet.
As already mentioned in the comments, you will need to persist the session information between sessions and you could use the userId to identify each account.
But in any case, you don't need account linking or using Oauth to simply identify a person.
Additionally, I'd recommend you to stay within the Amazon ecosystem and run your stuff in Lambda (with free tier and with development credits for developers publishing Alexa skills).
If you need help getting started, I have a single-file template for Alexa skills using Python and several examples:

Django Multiple concurrent logged-in accounts

In the context of a e-health related service, the end-users (health operators, doctors and physiotherapists) working in the same physical environment and sharing just one client PC to interact with my backend, asked me to provide them with a mechanism to quickly switch among different accounts (security is not a concern most of the time because they are used to work within a LAN but, occasionally, they might work from remote clients, so I must keep an authentication/authorization backend in place). They would log in just once and then, before using the web application, would select their logged-in account from a combobox (sort-of).
The UI model might be the same as in GMail where it's possible to keep multiple logged-in user accounts and switch between them through the account selector in the top right corner.
I'm no django-authentication expert, so I am not able to even tell whether this is possible in the context of a django based app.
Does anyone know of any ready-made app/middleware to get this done? Or maybe point me in the right direction if I have to extend or modify existing code?
Thanks a lot.
I haven't looked for any existing solution for this, so this is how I would go about it from scratch.
You'd need to add storage to the user session to hold multiple users. Currently it looks much like:
{'_auth_user_backend': 'membership.auth_backends.MyCustomAuthenticationBackend',
'_auth_user_hash': 'e2c8ecf1e7ecdbd<snip>',
'_auth_user_id': '3806'}
and I would add an array to the session:
logged_in_users = [{'_auth_user_backend': ... }, {}, {}] # one auth dict per user
Then when you "switch users", edit the session object to move that user's auth details (id, hash and backend) into the top-level ones in the session.
You'll also have to write a custom login function that stores the login into the logged_in_users array, and takes out the bit in the current login function that flushes your session if the key is the same as the session of a different logged in user. Similarly, you'll need to think what happens when you logout.

django & facebook: security & design for a facebook webapp that performs a third party login on behalf of the user

I'm writing a Facebook canvas webapp that performs a login (using urllib) to a third party website and performs actions on behalf of the user. This means I have 2 accounts; the account the user has with my webapp (via facebook) and the account the app uses to perform a login on their behalf (with user/password details provided by the user).
I obviously don't want plaintext passwords in the DB. But I also don't want the user to have to enter their password every time they perform an action. I want them to enter the password once when they sign up, and I want to encrypt the passwords, but what do I encrypt against?
Any key on the server would be available to anyone who had gained access (i.e. useless), so I was thinking of encrypting it against a value available via the Facebook API.
When the user logs in (and gives the app their access token), the app can request the value via the API and encrypt/decrypt their 3rd party password with this. Anyone with access to the server wouldn't be able to make this request without the user being logged in to the app. (This still means someone snooping on the server could get logged-in users 3rd party password, but anyone who got one-off access to the DB couldn't see passwords.) Is this wishful thinking?
You might as well encrypt it using a key on the server. If anyone gains access to your server they will have everything they need to retrieve the key even if you're getting it from Facebook.
I think the best you can do is to store the key in a location that isn't available to your webserver, but that is available to your script. At least make sure you don't store the key in the database.
Whatever you do beyond that would just be security through obscurity. The key here is to keep your server secure so that no one gains access to it.
I guess you could store the logins ONLY on the client, in some sort of local storage and do all the actions related to the third party, from the client in JS.
This of course would need some change in the architecture of your app if you tought to do all this from your server, but that would possible for sure, you can event make client JS send data to your server after it worked so you can log data from the interactions with the 3rd party.
Furthermore it has the advantage of distributing the load on the clients
I know you didn't tag the question with javascript and you seem to want a server pure solution, but It seems the best solution to me. the user keeps its data ..
Security through obscurity might be your best bet. Perhaps implement an algorithm to generate the key using something standard (like the current datetime). You can store the date in your db, and use that to generate the key using your own algorithm.

How to store user preferences in a web app?

i would like to know a good software engineering way to store user preferences in a web app.
to clarify further, my app has commands that the user can choose, so
i added a button that when some commands are selected, these commands are saved as favorites somewhere on the client's machine, that way if user X logs in at anytime he can check his favorite commands and load them automatically..
how to save these commands and where? and taking into consideration that several users using the same computer should not have access to each's favorites, so i want the favorite to be saved based on userID. where and how to save them? cookies? xml? and using php or javascript is better?
thx a lot for your help:)
The best way to do this is have them log in whenever accessing your site. Then you store all of the preferences on your server and deliver them down through your UI to their browser. This will mean that it doesn't matter what browser/device they happen to be using, their settings will follow them.
I'm not sure I like the idea of modifying someone's "favorites" in their browser. I'm not sure I'd stick with a site that wanted that level of control over my browser.
Now, if you are just talking about having a page on your site that had a list of "favorites", then that's okay. Just keep it server side.
Most typical would be to store them in a database of some sort on the server side, easily accessable by the UserID. Keep in mind 'preferences' are different from 'state'. State variables are usually stored via whatever cookie mechanism you are using.
What is your web app using to hold the data on the back-end? Most likely, that is where you will want to store user preferences. Since you will already be accessing that back-end (a database, perhaps?) to authenticate the user for login, retrieving that user's preferences is a simple step from there.
The real story here is that we need more details. Are you storing authentication information in a database, or something else? How are your user sessions stored (i.e., when a user logs in, how does your web app tell that his browser is logged in on subsequent requests)? Your question seems to state this, but to clarify, are these PHP pages containing some amount of Javascript?
Depends on your requirements. You will need to choose either to store user preferences in your database, provided your users authenticate, this is probably preferred solution. But if it meets your requirements you can save user preferences in a cookie.
Here is are javascript functions and jquery plugin with examples on how to work with cookies.