C++ (Arduino wrapper): variable or field declared void arduino - c++

C++ (Arduino wrapper) question: This is related to this thread on double pointer member access regarding a shoot em up game.
I have a base class (Sprite), and from this other classes are derived - Alien and Player. For collision detection I want to pass pointers to Alien and Player, then access coordinates as in:
void Collision( Alien *pAlien, Player *pPlayer )
// obtain alien and player's (x,y) and do collision check here
But after declaring the above function after the class I get this:
error: variable or field 'Collision' declared void
My question is: How can I resolve this? streamlined code and a screen shot are shown below.
// Bass class - has a form/shape, x and y position also has a method of moving
class Sprite
Sprite(unsigned char * const spacePtrIn, unsigned int xInit, unsigned int yInit);
// Derived class "Alien" - has a specific form/shape, and specific (x,y) position
class Alien : public Sprite
virtual void Move();
// Derived class "Player" - has a specific form/shape, and specific (x,y) position
class Player : public Sprite
Player(): Sprite(&spaceShip[0], xPlayer(), yPlayer()) {}
virtual void Move();
void Collision( Alien *pAlien, Player *pPlayer )
// obtain alien and player's (x,y) and do collision check here


Is there a way to call method with base class pointer that uses the data in derived class?

(sorry for my bad english)
I have a base class with vector of pointers on Drawable objects in it and method draw() that uses data from this vector.
class GameObject
std::vector<Drawable*> drawable;
void GameObject::draw() { for (const auto& object : drawable) window.draw(*object); }
In the derived classes I want to have an ability to add some Drawable objects
class Player : public GameObject
RectangleShape shape;
Player::Player(float x, float y, float z)
shape.setPosition [...]
and draw them using method of base class pointer
std::vector<GameObject*> gameObjects;
for (auto& gameObject : gameObjects) gameObject->draw();
The program crashes (I think because the base class don't know anything about vector data in derived class).
I understand that I could make this method pure virtual and define it in the derived classes, but it's not that convenient. Maybe there is another way more similar to this?
player = Player(500.f, 500.f); //Player player; in header file
void Level::display()
for (auto gameObject : gameObjects) gameObject->draw();
The problem is in the code added by your edit -- it looks like my crystal ball is working today.
You're creating a temporary Player and moving it into the player member variable. That ends up with a vector holding the address of the shape inside the temporary Player, which is immediately destroyed, leaving a dangling pointer.
Use a ctor-initializer-list to avoid the move:
: player(500.f, 500.f /* where did Z go? */)
And disable the assignment operators to prevent doing this by accident in other places:
class Player
// ...
Player& operator=(const Player&) = delete;
Player& operator=(Player&&) = delete;

Inheritance same variable name amongst siblings

I'm having trouble testing if variables with the same name are unique to seperate classes.
This is my example:
class Sprite
int maxHP;
virtual void setup()=0
class Hero : public Sprite
void setup(){maxHP = 100;}
class Monster : public Sprite
void setup(){maxHP = 60;}
Do both of my sprites have 0 hp? Do the variables override each other?
Do I have to use this-> keyword to make them all specific?
If you create a variable type of Sprite and do not specialize it (like Hero or Monster), yes it has 0 HP. But If you create a pointer which is type Sprite and which holds the adress of specific type; then its HP is speciliazed too. I mean:
Sprite *S; //the pointer
Hero Johny;
S = &Johny;
S->setup(); // Johny's HP is updated to 100

Embedded C++ Class interaction

I'm continuing with a game for an embedded microcontroller (Arduino), and I have a question on class interaction -- this question continues from my previous question here and I have based my code on the suggestion of sheddenizen (see response to the given link in 'here'):
I have three classes that inherit from a base class-
(i) class Sprite - (bass class) has a bitmap shape and (x,y) position on an LCD
(ii) class Missile : public Sprite - has a specific shape, (x,y) and also takes a obj
(iii) class Alien : public Sprite - has specific shape and (x,y)
(iv) class Player : public Sprite - ""
They all have different (virtual) method of moving and are shown on the LCD:
My streamlined code is below - specifically, I only want the missile to fire under certain conditions: when missile is created it takes an objects (x,y) value, how can I access a passed objects value within an inherited class?
// Bass class - has a form/shape, x and y position
// also has a method of moving, though its not defined what this is
class Sprite
Sprite(unsigned char * const spacePtrIn, unsigned int xInit, unsigned int yInit);
virtual void Move() = 0;
void Render() { display.drawBitmap(x,y, spacePtr, 5, 6, BLACK); }
unsigned int X() const { return x; }
unsigned int Y() const { return y; }
unsigned char *spacePtr;
unsigned int x, y;
// Sprite constructor
Sprite::Sprite(unsigned char * const spacePtrIn, unsigned int xInit, unsigned int yInit)
x = xInit;
y = yInit;
spacePtr = spacePtrIn;
// Derived class "Missile", also a sprite and has a specific form/shape, and specific (x,y) derived from input sprite
// also has a simple way of moving
class Missile : public Sprite
Missile(Sprite const &launchPoint): Sprite(&spaceMissile[0], launchPoint.X(), launchPoint.Y()) {}
virtual void Move();
void Missile::Move()
// Here - how to access launchPoint.X() and launchPoint.Y() to check for
// "fire conditions"
// create objects
Player HERO;
// moving objects
Since Missile is a subclass of Sprite you can access Sprite::x and Sprite::y as if they were members of Missile. That is by simply writing x (or this->x if you insist).
The launchpoint reference that you got in the constructor is gone by now, so your Missile::Move memfunction cannot access it any more.
If in the meantime the members x and y changed, but you want the original value, you can either save a reference to launchpoint (which might be dangerous, it is destroyed) or you have to keep a copy of the original coordinates.

Refactoring code for drawing game components

How can I refractor the following, to move my drawing functions from the h-file into a GraphicsManager class?
void drawTexturedQuad( Texture texture, Vector2 pos, Vector2 dim) {
// bind texture...
glBegin(...); // draw
//class file
#include "drawingFunctions.h"
class Player {
void drawPlayer(){ drawTexturedQuad( texture, pos, dim) }
class Enemy {
void drawEnemy(){ drawTexturedQuad( texture, pos, dim) }
class Item {
void drawItem(){ drawTexturedQuad( texture, pos, dim) }
// and so on for the other components
//gameloop file
// instantiate components objects
while (true) {
// input, logic
// and so on
(The code is obviously simplified, I am just asking about the drawing here)
Should I...
pass a pointer to the GraphicsManager to every call of drawPlayer, drawEnemy etc from within the gameloop
have Player, Enemy etc have a pointer to GraphicsManger as a data member
have Player, Enemy etc extend a drawableGameComponent class that has a pointer to GraphicsManager as a data member
something else?
That sounds like a perfect use case for inheritance:
class Drawable
void draw()
// gl stuff
Texture _texture;
Vector2 _pos;
Vector2 _dim;
class Player : Drawable
// should modify _texture _pos and _dim somewhere.
// same thing for the other objects.
I would pass a renderer to the model, and ask it to draw itself.
class Player
void draw(Renderer& renderer);
class Enemy
void draw(Renderer& renderer);
Note you don't have to name the function drawPlayer or drawEnemy, because you already know that it's a Player or an Enemy by the class type. This uniform calling convention is perfect for extracting into a common interface:
class Model
virtual void draw(Renderer& renderer) = 0;
virtual ~Model() {}
Then you can have each of your models inherit from Model, and each implement draw.
As I mentioned in a comment on #J.N.'s answer you can also have Renderer be an abstract class. For example I worked on a project which used OpenGL, GDI+, and also needed to create printouts of schematics.
class Renderer
virtual render(const Triangle& triangle, const Texture& texture) = 0;
virtual ~Renderer() {}
I would go for the first possibility: passing the pointer to the GraphicsManager in the call. Eventhough it seems a bit overkill, the knowledge of which GraphicsManager is used is maintained on higher level and can be modified easier later on.
Having said this, I would still inherit from a Drawable interface and put the items that need to be drawn in a container, so you can just iterate through it to display the items via a virtual drawItem() function.
Like so (C++03, not tested):
std::vector<Drawable*> Items;
for (std::vector<Drawable*>::iterator it = Items.begin(); it != Items.end(): ++it)

Access object in derived class from Vector

I have an Entity baseclass which the classes Player and Enemy Inherit.
class Entity
virtual void Update(sf::RenderWindow &window) {};
virtual void Draw(sf::RenderWindow &window) {};
Both player and enemy contain a sprite object that looks like this:
class Player : Entity
sf::Sprite sprite
void Update(sf::RenderWindow &window);
void Draw(sf::RenderWindow &window)
Player and Enemy are created inside a vector which is set up like this:
class EntityManager
void CollisionCheck();
std::vector<Entity*> entityVector;
I'm looking to use a collision detection function of this form:
bool Collision::CircleTest(const sf::Sprite& Object1, const sf::Sprite& Object2)
So I'm trying to do something like this:
void EntityManager::ColCheck()
if (Collision::CircleTest(entityVector[0]->sprite, entityVector[1]->sprite))
cout << "COLLISION\n";
This results in the following compile error:
‘class Entity’ has no member named ‘sprite’
I'm unsure how to create a dummy sprite in Entity so that I can access the player and enemy sprites using the above method. Is this possible?
I'm stumped and would greatly appreciate any help anyone can offer!
If everything in your code that derives from Entity has a sprite object, then you should declare that object in the base class.
Not declaring the object in the base class means that there could be a class inheriting from Entity that does not have a sprite object, which means that ColCheck has no valid basis for assuming that elements of entityVector point to something that has a variable called sprite. Make sense?
You probably shouldn't create a dummy unless having a sprite is something ALL entities have.
What you might want is to use a visitor pattern or possibly one of the many multiple-dispatch implementations. Which and what will end up having to be up to you.
If both Player and Enemy classes contain sprite, why not declare it inside Entity? This should solve your problem.
You could make a member function sprite() that is declared as a pure virtual function inside Entity:
class Entity {
virtual void Update(sf::RenderWindow &window) {};
virtual void Draw(sf::RenderWindow &window) {};
virtual sf::Sprite& sprite() = 0;
Then, the Player and Enemy implementations would return the sf::Sprite instance variables each has. However, the other posters bring up a valid point; it might make sense to have the sprite be in the base class if all derived classes are going to have one.