What are the benfits of inheritance over template based data structures? [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'll get to the point and explain below.
What, if any, are the benefits of...
template<class T>
class myStack : public myList<T>...// my stack
template<class T, Container = deque<T> >
class stack...// C++ stack
Recently I was writing some code and was faced with an inheritance issue where I was exposing aspects of the base class that I would rather not. The specific example isn't important so I'll relate it to few semesters ago when I took a data structures class where we implemented our own list, stack, queue and others.
In this class we were to design a stack which was to inherit from a list. The problem with this was I was exposing public methods of the base that could potentially damage the stack's integrity. It may be that I'm a bit of a purist but having the insert() and remove() lying around in the stack was bothersome for me. I didn't have time to investigate it then but this time I thought I would consult the C++ standard to see how the stack was defined there. Low and behold I found the code above; it was an obvious solution that I overlooked.
Here's my view...
The C++ implementation is "better" because it allows the user the freedom to choose the underlying structure if desired and maintains a more pure stack in that it is clear only stack functionality available to the user and can be more guarded from unintended corruption. Are there more substantial, non-subjective reasoning behind the design choice, or inherit flaws in it?
The obvious benefit of mine is code re-use which is par for the course, I don't see that as an additional benefit the way I personally see the benefit of the freedom with the C++ implementation. I do see the over exposure (my words) of the base class as a con though. Are there more substantial, non-subjective reasoning behind the design choice, or inherit flaws in it?
Again, I'm not concerned with languages, I'm more concerned with weighing the pros/cons for my own designs.

C++ collections and Java collections are very different. Java collections have an obvious type hierarchy, whereas most C++ collection types do not extend any other class, and templates are extensively used to support multiple collection types.
Although I don't know for sure, I imagine that the Java library developers made Stack a subclass of Vector because a stack is a collection of elements in a well defined order, so acts like a list, and by subclassing Vector they could get most of the implementation of the stack for free. This also has the benefit that you can use stacks in places where you need a list or a vector, for example you could pass a stack to a function that takes a list and iterates over it. Of course, c++ stacks are not iterable, so there is (intentianal or not) a very different semantics between the two stacks.
Finally, for your own code, if you are considering whether B should inherit or contain A, first ask yourself if B is an A, or more specifically, if you would ever want to treat a B as an A by passing it to a function that expects an A, or returning it from a function that needs to return an A. If so you should use inheritance, otherwise you should probably use composition.

The Stack class, as well as Vector, are legacy containers. They are left-overs of JDK1.0, they are based on an older design of the utils library, and are inefficient because of synchronization.
The preferred implementation of Stack in Java is given by implementations of the Deque interface (mainly ArrayDeque and LinkedList). You get the difference: in C++ one says that an stack has a given implementation. In Java one declares a class implementing the desired interface:
class ArrayDeque<E> extends AbstractCollection<E>
implements Collection<E>, Deque<E>, Queue<E> //etc
When using such classes, always take the less specialized interface possible, for instance:
Deque<String> stack = new LinkedList<String>();


Are interfaces a good practice in C++? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Coming from a Java/python world with little or no C++ experience, I am used to work with interfaces to separate the contract that a class has from its implementation, for the sake of the Liskov substitution principle and dependency injection.
I am not going to go over all the benefits of interfaces in Java, or why they were introduced (lack of multiple inheritance) and not needed in C++ (see here for example).
I also found out how to have the equivalent of a Java interface in C++
My question is more about whether or not this is a good practice in a C++ environment.
As I understand it, there cannot be the equivalent of an interface without pure virtual methods. This means that bringing interfaces in C++ will introduce some overhead in the code (because virtual methods introduce an overhead).
Therefore, are interfaces based on pure virtual method a good thing? Is there maybe some other way to achieve the Liskov Substitution principle and dependency injection that I don't know of? using templates maybe?
For example, google test has it easy to mock virtual methods, but proposes a way of mocking non virtual methods.
I am trying to figure out if my coding habits are still relevant in my new C++ environment, or if I should adapt and change my paradigms.
[EDIT based on answers and comments]
I got part of the answer I was looking for (i.e. "yes/no with arguments"), and i guess I should clarify a bit more what I am still trying to figure out
Are there alternatives to using an interface-like design to do dependency injection?
Reversing the question: should one decide to go for an interface-based design, except when speed is absolutely crucial, when would one NOT want to do an interface based on pure virtual methods?
I guess I'm trying to figure out if I'm too narrow minded thinking in terms of interfaces (hence my edit looking for alternatives).
I work in a C++ 11 environment
I would say interfaces are still a fine practice in C++. The overhead that virtual methods introduce is minimal, and as you will hear time and time again, premature optimization is a big mistake. Abstract base classes are a well-known, well-understood concept in C++ and favoring readable, common concepts over convoluted template metaprogramming can help you immensely in the long run.
That being said, I would try to avoid multiple inheritance. There are certain tricky issues that come with it, which is why Java explicitly forbids it for regular inheritance. A simple google search can give you more explanation.
If you have multiple unrelated classes and you'd like to call a method of the same name (let's say foo()) on each of them, then instead of an interface you can make a templatized function to do this.
class A {
void foo() {
// do something
class B {
void foo() {
// do something
template <typename T>
void callFoo(const T& object) {
int main() {
A a;
B b;
return 0;
Even though there is no explicit "contract" in callFoo() stating that the type must support .foo(), any object that you pass to it must support it or there will be a compile error. This is a commonly used way to duck-type objects at compile time and an alternative to interfaces for certain scenarios.
At the end of the day, as you learn more C++, you will use your own judgement to decide how you will accomplish the polymorphic behavior you want. There is no single right answer how to do it, just as there is no wrong answer either. Both abstract base classes and template duck typing are good tools that serve slightly different purposes.

What is the difference between abstraction and interface? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I found the following definitions from the internet and both sound similar to me :
Abstraction : Abstraction is another good feature of OOPS. Abstraction means to show only the necessary details to the client of the object. Do you know the inner details of the Monitor of your PC? What happen when you switch ON Monitor? Does this matter to you what is happening inside the Monitor? No Right, Important thing for you is weather Monitor is ON or NOT. When you change the gear of your vehicle are you really concern about the inner details of your vehicle engine? No but what matter to you is that Gear must get changed that’s it!! This is abstraction; show only the details which matter to the user.
Let’s say you have a method "CalculateSalary" in your Employee class, which takes EmployeeId as parameter and returns the salary of the employee for the current month as an integer value. Now if someone wants to use that method. He does not need to care about how Employee object calculates the salary? An only thing he needs to be concern is name of the method, its input parameters and format of resulting member, Right?
So abstraction says expose only the details which are concern with the user (client) of your object. So the client who is using your class need not to be aware of the inner details like how you class do the operations? He needs to know just few details. This certainly helps in reusability of the code.
Interface : An interface is a description of the actions that an object can do... for example when you flip a light switch, the light goes on, you don't care how, just that it does. In Object Oriented Programming, an Interface is a description of all functions that an object must have in order to be an "X". Again, as an example, anything that "ACTS LIKE" a light, should have a turn_on() method and a turn_off() method. The purpose of interfaces is to allow the computer to enforce these properties and to know that an object of TYPE T (whatever the interface is ) must have functions called X,Y,Z, etc.
Interfaces in Object Oriented Programming Languages
An interface is a programming structure/syntax that allows the computer to enforce certain properties on an object (class). For example, say we have a car class and a scooter class and a truck class. Each of these three classes should have a start_engine() action. How the "engine is started" for each vehicle is left to each particular class, but the fact that they must have a start_engine action is the domain of the interface.
Doesn't both the explanations say the same thing? So are they same or different?
An interface tells you what you can do with something. Abstract(ion) might additionally tell you how you do some of these. Thus an interface is always a kind of abstraction, but an abstraction can carry more information than an interface.
In C++-world, unlike e.g. Java, there's no explicit declaration of an interface; instead, your class automatically provides all the interfaces that the base classes provide. Some of us tend to call classes with only pure virtual methods (and, possibly, a non-pure virtual destructor) and interface. Note that, strictly speaking, it's not the only way do specify an interface and new/upcoming C++ features (like Concepts) will likely change this scene. Similarly we usually say that a class is abstract when it has at least one pure virtual method, albeit there might be different definitions when you use template/traits based composition and fulfilling and interface instead of virtuals and inheritance for the same.
Abstraction is to move away from the details, to 'zoom out', if you will. You tend to abstract away from the implementation by creating structures to lay out your code. As an example, rather than thinking in terms of individual cells in a body, you could abstract away to thinking about the person as a whole, or go even further and think about groups of people.
An interface is just that; how you interface with your code. This is normally in the form of public functions in your classes, though not necessarily. Ideally, the interface should describe what something can do, without being affected by how it does it. For example, you might have a function to get a person to walk, but not one to move their individual muscles.
In the context of , say, a C++ function:
The interface describes how a feature is used which is what a function prototype does.
A client calling the function need not worry how the function is implemented (ie how it go about doing things). In short you have a layer of abstraction.

Understanding the exposition of Alexandrescu about the weaknesses of multiple inheritance [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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UPDATE: I have asked a narrower question here.
On pages 6-7 of Modern C++ Design, Andrei Alexandrescu gives a very fundamental discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of two C++ language features -- multiple inheritance and templates -- with respect to building flexible designs. He concludes:
Now compare the list of drawbacks of multiple inheritance with the list of drawbacks of templates. Interestingly, multiple inheritance and templates foster complementary tradeoffs. Multiple inheritance has scarce mechanics; templates have rich mechanics. Multiple inheritance loses type information, which abounds in templates. Specialization of templates does not scale, but multiple inheritance scales quite nicely. You can provide only one default for a template member function, but you can write an unbounded number of base classes.
I can sense that what Andrei says here is very important, but I cannot really understand what is being said without any examples to illustrate the points. This question is asking to provide simple examples to illustrate these points (please continue reading).
To make the question more specific, I would like to ask to please focus on the weaknesses of multiple inheritance. This is what Andrei has to say about them (the text in square brackets is mine as per my understanding of the context):
In such a setting [i.e. multiple inheritance], [to build a flexible SmartPtr,] the user would build a multithreaded, reference-counted smart pointer class by inheriting some BaseSmartPtr class and two classes: MultiThreaded and RefCounted. Any experienced class designer knows
that such a naïve design does not work.
Analyzing the reasons why multiple inheritance fails to allow the creation of flexible
designs provides interesting ideas for reaching a sound solution. The problems with assembling
separate features by using multiple inheritance are as follows:
Mechanics. There is no boilerplate code to assemble the inherited components in a controlled
manner. The only tool that combines BaseSmartPtr, MultiThreaded, and RefCounted
is a language mechanism called multiple inheritance. The language applies
simple superposition in combining the base classes and establishes a set of simple rules
for accessing their members. This is unacceptable except for the simplest cases. Most
of the time, you need to orchestrate the workings of the inherited classes carefully to
obtain the desired behavior.
Type information. The base classes do not have enough type information to carry on
their tasks. For example, imagine you try to implement deep copy for your smart
pointer class by deriving from a DeepCopy base class. But what interface would DeepCopy
have? It must create objects of a type it doesn’t knowyet.
State manipulation. Various behavioral aspects implemented with base classes must manipulate
the same state. This means that they must use virtual inheritance to inherit a
base class that holds the state. This complicates the design and makes it more rigid because
the premise was that user classes inherit library classes, not vice versa.
I would very much appreciate a simple example for each of the three items above. Each example would show both one limitation of multiple inheritance (e.g. poor mechanics) and how templates do not possess this limitation (Andrei wrote that "multiple inheritance and templates foster complementary tradeoffs").

In order to be a C++ programmer, should I always std::vector instead of making my own linked list? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Right now I'm making a class called Stopwatch for a Windows phone app. I need a dynamic data to add laps like a stopwatch does. That is, if a user presses the lap button while the stopwatch is running, it adds a data structure
struct lap
unsigned double start;
unsigned double stop;
(defined as a private variable in my Stopwatch class) to the end of some sort of dynamic data structure that is saving all the laps.
Now, Bjarne Stroustrup himself says that we should always use std::vector over linked lists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQs6IC-vgmo. So the Lord of C++ tells me that I should have
std::vector<Stopwatch::lap> Laps;
as a private variable in my class. However, at the same time, I don't need anywhere near all the functionalities of an std::vector, since the only things I'll be using it for is iterating through the elements and using push_back(). Should I create another generic linked list class that is limited to the functionalities I need?
If you need a linked-list, you can use std::list. But linked lists are rarely the correct tool. Way overstressed in programming books and courses, in my opinion. The default choice for a dynamically resizable sequence container in C++ is std::vector. So use it. If you don't need the extra functionality, don't use it (the unneeded functionality). It costs you nothing. Don't waste your time implementing another redundant and buggy sequence container.
Not needing all the available functionality provided by a standard class is a poor reason to write your own. If everyone followed that logic, we'd have tonnes of non-standard classes which just provide subsets of the functionality of the standard classes.
Moreover, it is not trivial to write classes representing abstract data structures, and your own implementations are more likely to have bugs than the standard one, and will likely not be as optimised.
Finally, it is not a significant drain of resources to use classes which provide more functionality than you use. This functionality is primarily just method implementations, and they don't take up a lot of space in the grand scheme of things.
The std algorithms and containers use an efficient code base that is reusable and extensible. You should consider that other programmers should be able to understand your code simply and reuse or extend it. It is much more better to use std containers for regular usage. That's because most programmers are familiar with std and also most of the algorithms in std are very optimized and i doubt you can write something faster that std::sort.
Unless when performance demands are critical, or the container requirements are very specific, there may be no choice but to implement a container from scratch.

c++ design issue about inheritance, dynamic cast or virtual functions? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a baseclass with some private members that have the same type for every subclass. Every subclass has his own members (some more than others). I store pointers in a list of baseclass* type to every subclass member.
So I could use virtual functions to call public members of my subclass. But In some subclasses I won't have functions to replace.(But I don't think that's a problem unless I try to call it to a certain subclasses)
The other method is to dynamic cast the the pointer from a baseclass to the right subclass and call his members.
How would you do it? Why would I do one method instead of the other?
Need to use dynamic_cast usually suggests a flaw in design (or need to conform to some external constraints). So you should design so that you don't need it.
You use a base interface when you're handling different types of objects in some uniform way. This means the base interface should be complete enough to provide all operations you will want to perform in such case. If some operations don't make sense for some subclasses, there are two possible scenarios:
The operation is a no-op for the subclass, but it still forms a part of how the class is to be used. In such case, just implement the subclass function as empty.
The operation makes no sense whatsoever for the subclass. In that case, it should probably not be part of the base interface, and more importantly, it shouldn't be needed there. If you need a subclass-specific functionality, you probably don't need it when handling a generic collection. That's what your design should ensure.
It seems you want to use virtual functions assuming you have heterogeneous sequences of you objects: using dynamic_cast<>() tends to be quite slow and if you don't know the type of your objects you'll need to cast a lot.
Note that for using objects data members actually shall not matter! You look at the object through its publuc functions. Data members are normally all private (there are very few exceptions and these are only borderline data, e.g., a registry for event handlers may be a public data member).