NSight crash at frame profile - opengl

I'm using Visual Studio 2012.
Nsight Visual Studio:
Version 3.2.2
Build Number:
My Graphics Card Information:
GeForce GT 720M
Driver version: 33182
Directx 3D version: 11.1
OpenGL 4.4
Each time I try to pause and capture a frame, and then click in Frame Profile, my program crash. This apply for all OpenGL program in my computer. First, I though it could be due to the Operating System, so I installed the OS again, but it still crashes.
This is the stack at the time the program crashes.
Before crash
I saw a crash error by NSight here, but it seems different from me.

You're best off reporting bugs in Nsight to Nvidia. 3.2.2 is a very new version and chances are it's going to be something someone hasn't reported yet.
The likely culprits will be using a newer or slightly out-of-the-ordinary OpenGL extension that the tool doesn't support yet. If you want to get to the bottom of it, binary chop parts of your application out until it does capture properly and add them back in until it stops working.


Can't load Cg shaders when RenderDoc is attached in OpenGL

I'm trying to debug my OpenGL game using RenderDoc, but if I launch from RenderDoc, then no graphics are shown and Cg outputs errors on startup. How can I get RenderDoc to work with my game?
I get a couple of errors:
cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX) returns CG_PROFILE_ARBVP1 (a much lower profile than is returned when not launching from RenderDoc)
When trying to load a shader with this profile, or with a hardcoded newer one, it says The profile is not supported.
After that an additional error is output: fatal error C9999: InitHAL failed.
RenderDoc documentation mentions that dbghelp.dll shouldn't be used in combination with RenderDoc, so I removed our inclusion of dbghelp.lib and all references to the dll and the header from our code, so I think I'm not using dbghelp.dll anymore.
The GPU being used is a GeForce GTX 560 and on startup of the game GL_VERSION is reported as 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.35. I've also tried running on a different computer with a newer videocard (Nvidia 1050ti) and I've tried installing the newest drivers but this didn't make any difference. This is all on Windows 10 64bit.
We also have a DirectX9 option in our engine. When I use this and launch the game from RenderDoc it starts fine and shows the RenderDoc overlay over the game. However, since RenderDoc doesn't actually support DirectX9 I can't capture a frame that way (which is as expected).

Visual Studio Community 2013 Graphics Debugging

I wrote a desktop app in Visual Studio 2013 Community, the one that just came out and I am trying to use the graphics debugger. The problem I am having is that when I start up the debugger the program, the program never gets to the first frame, it only shows a white screen. Also, there is no output to the debugging interfaces. The program runs fine and the DirectX10 Graphics work fine when I do not use the graphics debugger. I have tried setting the compiler to mixed and that didn't seem to change anything. I also searched around for locale issues as I found that could be a possible issue but it didn't seem to make a difference either. Any ideas on what I need to change or setup or fix?
It worked correctly one time but I am having trouble getting it to work again. The message in the diagnostics hub is: Profiling of 'Graphics Frame Capture' started.
I'm not sure but looks like VS 2013 Community doesn't support graphics debugging, assuming this article is up to date: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh873207.aspx

Debugging GLSL - NVIDIA Nsight causing errors - glslDevil will not work either

I'm having a difficult time trying to debug my GLSL shaders.
I have installed the 64-bit version of NVIDIA's Nsight but this causes problems.
Without running Nsight I now get the following error when trying to exit my application.
Unhandled exception at 0x77dd15de (ntdll.dll) in My.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x6f637869.
I did not get errors of this type before installing Nsight. If I remove Nsight from my system then the errors no longer occur.
When I try and debug my .exe using Nsight in VS2010 (Nsight -> Start Graphics Debugging) then R6010 - abort() is called.
I'm running an 64-bit computer so I have to install the 64-bit version but I'm using 32-bit libraries for my OpenGL application.
As an alternative I have tried glslDevil.
The problem is with that is it gets stuck in an endless loop of wglGetExtensionsStringEXT() when I use Jump to next draw call (F7)
Can anyone help solve what might be the problem with either software solution, or possibly suggest an alternative? I would like to use either if possible but I have hit a brick wall with both.

VC 2010 Executable Not Running on Other Computers - No Errors

I'm running into a strange thing while making a game in VC++. I'm using the Cocos2d-x platform and VC++ 2010 in Windows 7 and it works perfectly fine on my machine. However, I have another computer that is Windows XP. I am currently using /MT so there is no problem with the runtime library, but the program doesn't run in Windows XP and it doesn't even produce an error. I have tried with 2010 C++ redist on the other computer, and it doesn't work with or without. There is nothing in the console and no error log. Nothing appears odd in DependencyWalker, only missing internet explorer frame stuff. What can cause a program on windows XP to execute and close immediately without leaving an error?
Anyone has any ideas? I am using the game framework's dynamic linked libraries, so could that be a problem? Also, even though I linked statically, my executable is only about 140 KB. Is something messing up?
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: There's also an interesting problem with CRT I ran into before. When I ran the program with permission level "asInvoker" on windows 7, I got a "CRT Not Initialized" error. Once I set it to "highestAllowed", it started working but I was wondering if it had anything to do with CRT?
Okay, I've found the problem. It turns out that my other computer has an integrated Intel Graphics card that doesn't support the graphics renderer (OpenGL ES 2.0) that the framework uses. That's why it ends up crashing without outputting any errors.
Thanks to anyone who helped.

debugging CUDA code

i am using Nsight along with VS 2008 to debug my cuda code.
I have 2 Geforce GTX 460 SE cards in my computer.
i read Nsight's user guide and updated Nvidia Control panel as stated in the guide.
but i still have a problem. in my code when i set cudaSetDevice(0); i get an error in nsight stating that i cannot debug since the device is attached to a monitor, which is true.
but when i set cudaSetDevice(1); and start cuda debugging, nsight gives no errors, but the program does not break at the breakpoint that i put in the code!.
does anybody know whats wrong?
Set the -G0 flag in the CUDA Build Rule to enable debug information in the compiled code. Your breakpoint should be hit after that.
(Reply contributed originally by Jawad Masood, so I have made the reply Community Wiki.)