Apply Document Height to a div using Jquery - height

Merry Xmas,
I have an issue in applying div height using jquery.
I need to have the (.leftstatbar) div to be of the height of the entire document. But thats not happening with this. There is a white space at the bottom, as the other document exceeds the height of this div.
Here is what I have tried
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready (function (){
var winWidth = $ (window).innerWidth();
var winHeight = $ (document).innerHeight();
// set initial div height / width
'width': '250px',
'height': winHeight
var winWidth1 = $ (window).innerWidth();
var winHeight1 = $ (document).innerHeight();
'width': '250px',
My issue is , With the above code I am unable to get the initial height. My document is lengthier than the div (.leftstatbar). Another problem is with the resizer. It resizes initially but then it wont.
Kindly support
Many Thanks

The methods innerHeight() and innerWidth() do not apply to the window or document objects. You should use height() and width() instead. See here:
The issue with your resizer is that you are doing a closure on the initial values from the calls to innerHeight() and innerWidth() and then setting the size of DIV to the same value over and over as the resizer is called. You should set the value of the height to the height of the document at the time the function is called (dynamically).
'width': '250px',
Use .css("height") instead of height() in this case to automatically include the units (px).


Fade In/Out On Scroll

I am trying to get this series of slideshows to fade in/out on scroll.
Trying to get it to do gradual fade but am not getting anywhere with this.
$(window).scroll(function() {
$(".image 1").css({
'opacity' : 0.5-(($(this).scrollTop())/20)
I tried this but to no avail!
My knowledge of Java is limited, so I'm not sure how to have each one fade in and out on scorll.
Any help would be beyond appreciated.
Thank you,
Welcome to the community.
I'm not sure which library you're using for your slideshow presentation, but jQuery has built in methods to fade HTML elements in or out. You can view them here:
Note that each method has an optional function to call once the animation is completed, which is called once per element match. One approach could be to call fadeOut() on click, and then call fadeIn() within the fadeOut method's complete function. For example:
var images = [
var i = 0;
$(function() {
$('img').attr('src', images[i]);
$('img').click(function() {
$(this).fadeOut('slow', function() {
i = i === images.length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
$('img').attr('src', images[i]);
Here's a fiddle:

Binding 'style' to a computed property

I have a component which is inserted into the DOM as a '' tag (e.g., default behaviour). The component's job is to wrap a 3rd party jQuery tool and I'm trying to ensure it is responsive to "resize" events so I would like to explicitly set width and height style attributes.
In the component, it is easy enough to being to the style attribute:
attributeBindings: ['style'],
style: function() {
return "width: auto";
In this case, this works but doesn't do anything useful because style just returns a static string (width: auto).
Instead what I want to do is -- based on any change to the computed property widthCalc -- set the width based on the new value. So here's the next logical step:
style: function() {
var width = $('body')[0].offsetWidth;
return 'width: ' + width + 'px';
This too works, dynamically setting the DIV to the width of the body's width (note: this isn't really what I want but it does prove that this simple binding works). Now what I really want is to get the value of width from a computed property on the component but I don't even have to go that far to run into trouble; notice that instead of a global jQuery selector I switch to a localised component-scoped selector:
style: function() {
var width = this.$().offsetWidth;
return 'width: ' + width + 'px';
Unfortunately this causes the page NOT to load and gives the following error:
Uncaught Error: Something you did caused a view to re-render after it rendered but before it was inserted into the DOM.
I imagine this is Ember run-loop juju but I'm not sure how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
Since it is not possible to call this.$() in the component before it has been added to the dom, provide an initial value until the component is ready.
For example,
Setting a default value to the property style and on didInsertElement event reopen the class and define style as a calculated property using this.$(),js,output
App.MyCompComponent = Em.Component.extend({
// var thisOffsetWidth = this.$().get(0).offsetWidth;
return "visibility:visible;color:red;background-color:lightgrey;width:"+this.get("prop1")+"px";
Alternatively handle the error raised by this.$() and provide a default value. Afterwards when the component will be added the property will be calculated as planned.,js,output
App.MyCompComponent = Em.Component.extend({
this.$();//this will throw an erro initialy
return "visibility:visible;color:red;background-color:lightgrey;width:"+this.get("prop1")+"px";
return "color:blue";
With the component I was trying to solve for I ended coming up with an solution that seems effective to me which I will share below. For an understanding of the why I was getting the error and how one might more directly address that error please see the comment from #melc above.
My Solution
What I'm solving for is resizing a jQuery component wrapped in an Ember component. In many cases, resizing is handled gracefully by CSS alone but some jQuery components -- including the very nice knob component from aterrien -- has JS which gets directly involved and therefore needs the containers width and height properties to be set explicitly by the Ember component so that it reacts appropriately.
When solving for this I realised my use-case had two problems:
Solving for a page resize event
Adjusting to the fact that my knob component was -- at times -- in the DOM but in a part of the DOM which was not visible (more explicitly it was in Bootstrap tab which wasn't visible).
The Resize Listener
The first part of the solution is to listen for a page-level resize of the page. I do this with the following:
resizeListener: function() {
var self = this;
self.$(window).on('resize',, self.resizeDidHappen));
Page Resize Handler
When a resize is done at the "page" level I now want my component to inspect what the resize impact has been on the component:
resizeDidHappen: function() {, function() {
// get dimensions
var newWidth = Number(this.$().parent().get(0).offsetWidth);
var newHeight = Number(this.$().parent().get(0).offsetHeight);
// set instance variables
this.set('width', newWidth);
this.set('height', newWidth);
// reconfigure knob
width: newWidth,
height: newWidth
}, 300);
This solves the page resize problem if it exists in isolation but to make the component it is probably a good idea to solve for the visibility use case as well (certainly in my case it was critical).
Visibility Handler
Why? Well, for two reasons that I can think of:
Many jQuery components refuse to load or perform badly if they aren't loaded
The ember component appears to not be able to establish a "resize" event when it is not visible in the DOM
The one problem is that there is no DOM-level event for visibility changes, so how do we react to a change in visibility without polling on an interval? Well in most cases there will be a UI element which is controlling the state of visibility. In my case it's Bootstrap's tab bar and in this case they have events that fire on the tabs when they become visible. Great. Here's a selector for Bootstrap's selector (assuming you're inside the content area of the newly visible tab):
visibilityEventEmitter: function(context) {
// since there is no specific DOM event for a change in visibility we must rely on
// whatever component is creating this change to notify us via a bespoke event
// this function is setup for a Bootstrap tab pane; for other event emmitters you will have to build your own
try {
var thisTabPane = context.$().closest('.tab-pane').attr('id');
var $emitter = context.$().closest('.tab-content').siblings('[role=tabpanel]').find('li a[aria-controls=' + thisTabPane + ']');
return $emitter;
} catch(e) {
console.log('Problem getting event emitter: %o', e);
return false;
visibilityEventName: '',
then we just need to add the following code:
_init: function() {
var isVisible = this.$().get(0).offsetWidth > 0;
if (isVisible) {
visibilityListener: function() {
// Listen for visibility event and signal a resize when it happens
// note: this listener is placed on a DOM element which is assumed
// to always be visibile so no need to wait on placing this listener
var self = this;'afterRender', function() {
var $selector = self.get('visibilityEventEmitter')(self);
$selector.on(self.get('visibilityEventName'),, self.visibilityDidHappen ));
visibilityDidHappen: function() {
// On the first visibility event, the component must be initialised
if(!this.get('isInitialised')) {
} else {
// force a resize assessment as window sizing may have changed
// since last time component was visible
Note that this also results in a tiny refactor of our resize listener, removing it's trigger from the didInsertElement event and instead being triggered by initiateKnob which will happen not when the Ember component loads but instead lazy load at the first point of visibility in the DOM.
initiateKnob: function() {
var self = this;
this.set('isInitialised', true);
var options = this.buildOptions();
this.resizeDidHappen(); // get dimensions initialised on load
console.log('setting resize listener for %s', self.elementId);
self.resizeListener(); // add a listener for future resize events
resizeListener: function() {
this.$(window).on('resize',, this.resizeDidHappen));
Does it work?
To a large degree but not completely. Here's what works:
the first 'tab' which is visible at load resizes on demand
all tabs resize when they are switched to (aka, when they gain visibility)
what doesn't work is:
tabs other than the first tab do not resize (aka, the onresize callback appears broken)
The error I get is:
vendor.js:13693 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function vendor.js:13716
Backburner.join vendor.js:34296
run.join vendor.js:34349
run.bind vendor.js:4759
jQuery.event.dispatch vendor.js:4427
Not sure what to make of this ... any help would be appreciated. Full code can be found here:

Replace jQuery slide with transition() from Transit

Found this and would love to replace .animate() with .transition() (
Replace jQuery slide with animate() CSS3
This does not seem to animate, but is instead finished when clicked:
el.transition({ "display": "block", "height": "show"}, 250);
Your sintax is not correct, you can use transit with values like:
opacity, rotate, padding, width, height, x etc.
And what is that 'height: show' there?
Here is an example of usage:
opacity: 0,
duration: 200,
rotate: '+=3deg',
height: theHeight,
You see, also the duration is declarated inside the {}. There's a bunch of examples on

JavaScript not firing in .ASCX page

I know I am new to the .net world, so there are limitations to what I know and understand. I am using Sitecore, and Sitecore generates the .aspx pages behind the scenes, so I have no access to the source, what I do have access to is the .ascx which is the sublayout ... so i tried to put some javascript onto the layout ... and I read that I am allowed to this with tags, but when I run the program now, it is not firing. Anything I am missing, please advise. Thank you for your assistance.
<!-- Custom Feedback Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function showModal() {
var url = document.URL;
var popUp = '';
var site = popUp + url;
var runpopUp = 50;
if (runpopUp >= Math.random() * 100) {
$(document).ready(function () {
'width': 500,
'height': '55%',
'autoScale': false,
'transitionIn': 'none',
'transitionOut': 'none',
'type': 'iframe',
'href': site,
'showCloseButton': false,
'title': 'We Request your Feedback'
<!-- End of Custom Feedback Code -->
I would suggest to start by removing (commenting out) the randomization logic - to make sure that your code is working deterministically first. Next, what is done in your code - the anonymous function is added as $(document).ready event handler inside showModal function. Unless you call showModal before $(document).ready fires, your handler will never be executed. Therefore, #Maras's suggestion should work, assuming, of course, that jquery javascript is loaded into the page.

How to set row height Sencha Touch List

How can I set the row height in a Sencha Touch List object?
I'm using HTML to format the row, rows get taller with multiple lines, but how do I set the row height?
To edit the List elements default height, you have two ways to do it:
Create your own Sencha Theme with SASS (The official Sencha way to do it).
Override the Sencha Touch Theme CSS.
In the first case you only need to edit the $global-row-height variable value like, for example.
$global-row-height: 100px;
If you want to override the CSS class directly with an additional CSS file, you can do it adding a new rule just like this:
.x-list .x-list-item {
min-height: 100px;
If you want to set the list Height of a single list you have to set your css class in this way:
.myList .x-list-item {
min-height: 100px;
and add the cls config param to your list definition like this
var list = new Ext.List({
cls: 'myList',
You can also use the list config property itemHeight,like this:
var list = new Ext.List({
itemHeight: 25, //to set row height to 25 pixels
However, I always suggest to learn SASS. It's really easy and it really worth learning.
Hope this helps.
Since Sencha Touch 2.1 you can use list config property itemHeight (more info here). Just for information, it's also possible in NestedList object by using listConfig property.
Use the below code to change the height of list item in Sencha Touch.
xtype: 'list',
id: 'myList',
//Below two properties to change the default height
//default = 47 chaged to 30 below
variableHeights: true,
itemHeight: 30 ,
itemTpl: '{title}',
data: [
{ title: 'Item 1' },
{ title: 'Item 2' },
{ title: 'Item 3' },
{ title: 'Item 4' }
Incase somebody is still looking for the answer in Sencha Touch 2.4.1, here it comes:
listeners: [
event: 'painted',
order: 'before',
fn : function() {
// Set the height based on the number of items in the list!
var itemCount = this.itemsCount,
itemHeight = this.getViewItems()[0].element.getHeight(), // Works!
heightOfList = itemCount * itemHeight;
I am adding a listener for the painted method inside of my listView. I'm not sure if it matters, if you add the listener at the position of before, or after, but before made more sense to me.
I am simply taking the count of items in the list and multiplying it with the actual height of a list item element. I assume that all list items have the same height in the final list (this will always be the case for my list).
I tried the same approach with
itemHeight = this.getInnerItems()[0].element.getHeight() // Does NOT work
but that wouldn't work, because the elements would have a height of 0px at this points.
The code above works!