Inheritance initialization in main function in C++ [duplicate] - c++

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Polymorphism in C++
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
From past few weeks I am learning and experimenting inheritance and Polymorphism in C++.
Few syntax always confusing me to understand, mainly object calling from main function.
for eg:
#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
class Base
Base(){ cout<<"Constructing Base";}
virtual ~Base(){ cout<<"Destroying Base";}
class Derive: public Base
Derive(){ cout<<"Constructing Derive";}
~Derive(){ cout<<"Destroying Derive";}
void main()
Base *basePtr = new Derive();
delete basePtr;
Here is my question:
What actually happens when Base *basePtr = new Derive(); this syntax is called? and what are the advantages?
As per my knowledge I understood it calls derive class object and stores it in a pointer to base class object. Am I correct? If I am, why are we storing it in base class?
To clear my doubts I went through memory layout of class objects and disassembling, but it confuses me more.
Could anyone tell me how to understand this kind of syntax?

Public inheritance means that every object of the derived class IS at the same time an object of the base class (it provides all the interfaces the base class has). So, when you write:
Base *basePtr = new Derive();
new object of class Derive is created, than the pointer to it is assigned to basePtr and through basePtr you can access all the functionality Base class provides.
And if you then call any of Base class virtual functions like:
the function from the actual object class will be invoked, as it happens with the destructor in the end of your main function.

When you are using pointer to a base class object instead of pointer to a derived one, you are saying that you need only BASIC properties of this derived class.

Hmmm... Pointers are confusing at the beginning.
When you call Base *basePtr = new Derive();, you are creating a Derive object instance and just keeping a "bookmark" of where this object is, but with a Base pointer.
When you do that, the only accessible properties (without a cast) will be from Base class.
Why this is used? To abstract things. Imagine that you are coding something related to mugs, cups, glasses and jugs. Basically all types of those objects are make to store some kind of liquid. So I'll call the base class of LiquidContainer:
class LiquidContainer
class Mug : public LiquidContainer
class Glass : public LiquidContainer
class Cup : public LiquidContainer
class Jug : public LiquidContainer
All the others are inherited from LiquidContainer, although the Jug, the Cup and the Mug could be created in a little more sophisticated inheritance tree.
Anyway, the intent of having a base class and using polymorphism is to avoid code replication and to abstract thins, allowing that all the LiquidContainer family be treated almost the same way.
Take by example a more complete class definition.
class LiquidContainer
LiquidContainer(unsigned int capacity, unsigned int color) :
unsigned int getCapacity() { return mCapacity; }
unsigned int getColor() { return mColor; }
virtual char* name() = 0;
unsigned int mCapacity;
unsigned int mColor;
class Mug : public LiquidContainer
Mug() :
LiquidContainer( 250, 0xFFFF0000 ) // 250 ml yellow mug!
virtual char* name() { return "Mug"; }
class Glass : public LiquidContainer
Glass() :
LiquidContainer( 200, 0x000000FF ) // 200 ml transparent glass!
virtual char* name() { return "Glass"; }
class Cup : public LiquidContainer
Cup() :
LiquidContainer( 50, 0xFFFFFF00 ) // 50 ml white cup!
virtual char* name() { return "Cup"; }
class Jug : public LiquidContainer
Jug() :
LiquidContainer( 1500, 0x0000FF00 ) // 1.5 l blue Jug!
virtual char* name() { return "Jug"; }
With those class definitions you could do the following test:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
std::vector< LiquidContainer* > things;
things.push_back( new Mug() );
things.push_back( new Cup() );
things.push_back( new Glass() );
things.push_back( new Jug() );
for ( auto container : things )
std::cout << "This is a '" << container->name() << "' with capacity of " << container->getCapacity() << "ml and color " << container->getColor() << std::endl;
return 0;
This little program outputs
This is a 'Mug' with capacity of 250ml and color 4294901760
This is a 'Cup' with capacity of 50ml and color 4294967040
This is a 'Glass' with capacity of 200ml and color 255
This is a 'Jug' with capacity of 1500ml and color 65280
I hope that this little exercise are enough to show you why the polymorphism is used.

That's called Polymorphism. It means that the object is a Derive as well as Base and can be used as both. For eg. If Dog is the subclass of Animal. Object of dog can be treated as Animal too. All dogs are animal, but not all animals are dog.
So you can call a dog an animal, that's why you can give the address of subclass object(Derive) to superclass pointer(Base). But it'll remain an object of subclass and will function like one. This is just to fool compiler into understanding that it's an object of Base.
Now the benefit is you can have a method which can accept object(or pointer in precise sense) of Base class, but can be passed any of it's subclass. The con here is you can only call methods which are in the base class and may or may not overridden in derive class.


Is saving the type in the base class considered bad programming

I want to know the type of my class at compilation and i want to know if my idea is considered bad programming or if its actually viable. May correct me if there is a better way to realize this.
class Base {
int type = 0;
class Derivative : public Base{
type = 1;
SomeObject1 o;
SomeAnotherObject o1;
class Derivative2 : public Base{
type = 2;
RandomObject test;
AnotherObject v;
Some method that gets myBaseClass as Base:
if(myBaseClass.type == 1){
Derivative d = static_cast<Derivative>(myBaseClass);
if(myBaseClass.type == 2){
Derivative2 d = static_cast<Derivative2>(myBaseClass);
In my opinion it would be unusual to write virtual methods for all different Objects
Is saving the type in the base class considered bad programming
Definitely, yes!
Using a polymorphic virtual design you don't need to have that extra information stored into the base class. The compiler already does that for you:
class Base {
virtual ~Base() {} // <<<<<<<<<<<<<
}; // Note the ;!
class Derivative : public Base{
class Derivative2 : public Base{
You can always detect the real class type from a Base pointer or reference with a dynamic_cast then:
Base* pd1 = new Derivative();
Base* pd2 = new Derivative2();
if(dynamic_cast<Derivative>(pd1)) { // Yields true
if(dynamic_cast<Derivative>(pd2)) { // Yields false
Though if you need to know that, that's a serious indicator of a bad design.
You should rather introduce some interfaces in form of pure virtual function definitions:
class Base {
virtual ~Base() {}
virtual void DoSomething() = 0;
class Derivative : public Base{
void DoSomething() override {
// provide an implementation specific for Derivative
class Derivative2 : public Base{
void DoSomething() override {
// provide an implementation specific for Derivative2
That allows you to call DoSomething() without knowing the specific type that implements that function:
Base* pd1 = new Derivative();
Base* pd2 = new Derivative2();
pd1->DoSomething(); // calls Derivative specific implementation
pd2->DoSomething(); // calls Derivative2 specific implementation
To make safe and efficient use of the static_cast use the CRTP instead:
template<typename Derived>
class Base {
void DoSomething() {
class Derivative : public Base<Derivative> {
class Derivative2 : public Base<Derivative2> {
Here's the (ugly) approach I used a few years back when hacking-together a pdf writer. It appears to solve exactly the same problem that you have.
pdfArray::pdfArray(const pdfArray &src)
vecObjPtrIter iter;
pdfObj *ptr;
mArray = new vecObjPtr;
for (iter=src.mArray->begin(); iter!=src.mArray->end(); iter++)
ptr = *iter;
if (typeid(*ptr) == typeid(pdfString))
addItem( (pdfString*)ptr );
if (typeid(*ptr) == typeid(pdfInt))
addItem( (pdfInt*)ptr );
if (typeid(*ptr) == typeid(pdfFloat))
addItem( (pdfFloat*)ptr );
if (typeid(*ptr) == typeid(pdfArray))
addItem( (pdfArray*)ptr );
There are uses of this technique that are at least plausible. One that I've seen involved a class hierarchy whose instances needed to be configured by the user (driven from Python) and then used in performance-critical code (in C++). The base class provided a getType() method that returned an enumeration; the wrapper code in Python called this to discover which interface to offer the user. Cross-language code often forces the use of simple-minded techniques like this based on agreed-upon integer labels.
More generally, sometimes good design principles like MVC encourage this sort of arrangement. Even if the different layers are written in the same language, it's not necessarily a good idea for the underlying model objects to have methods like makeQtWidgets(), since it requires that layer to know not only about the GUI library but also about the layout and control flow of the user interface.
A practical point: to avoid the situation where a derived class fails to specify its type, the base class should require the value in its constructor:
struct Base {
enum Type { derived1, derived2 };
Base(Type t) : typ(t) { /* ... */ }
virtual ~Base()=0;
Type getType() const {return typ;}
// ...
Type typ;
struct Derived1 : Base {
Derived1() : Base(derived1) { /* ... */ }
// ...
You might as well put the enum of all possibilities in the base class, since there must already be a central registry of the value for each derived class even if it's just on paper. This is a downside beyond the several mentioned by others: this design requires that all the classes be centrally managed, with no possibility for independent extension.
Finally, despite that inflexibility the clients must always confront the ugly possibility of an object of an unexpected type:
void foo(const Base &b) {
switch(b.getType()) {
case Base::derived1: /* ... */ break;
case Base::derived2: /* ... */ break;
// what goes here?

Why can't I instantiate a reference to a base class at the same time as a pointer to a derived class?

The simplest example of my question can be seen in the following code snippet:
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived> aDerived)
: derived(std::move(aDerived)),
base(*aDerived) {};
std::unique_ptr<Derived> derived;
Base& base;
Here, you can see that the Handle class is essentially a wrapper around Derived. More importantly, I wish to expose the base class of Derived, Base, by way of a reference. The reason for this is that, ultimately, I wish for Handle to look something like this:
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
std::unique_ptr<Derived1> myD1;
std::unique_ptr<Derived2> myD2;
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived1> aD1)
: myD1(std::move(aD1)),
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived2> aD2)
: myD2(std::move(aD2)),
Base1& base1;
Base2& base2;
The reason I wish for Handle to work like this is that I am using it as a 'Component' in an 'entity component system', and I'd like for this particular component to be instantiatable from two different concrete implementations of the same two base classes. I mention this because an 'entity component system' design pattern by definition departs from traditional object-oriented programming practices: in other words, I know there are other ways of accomplishing what I am trying to do, however I wish to make it work in some variation of what I have listed here.
Why does the simple Handle example shown in my first snippet fail? It compiles fine but seg-faults when trying to access a method in Base. If I change the order in which I instantiate the member variables of Handle, I get some errors at compile time which I think could provide some hints but I do not really understand what is going on.
Here is a full working example of Handle and the classes it depends on:
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
class Base{
Base(int ax) : x(ax){};
virtual ~Base() = 0;
virtual void setVal(float a) = 0;
virtual float getVal() = 0 ;
int x;
class Derived : public Base{
Derived(int ax, int az)
: Base(ax), z(az){};
int z;
class Concrete : public Derived{
Concrete(int ax, int aw, int av)
: Derived(ax, aw),
void setVal(float a) override{
myVal = a;
float getVal() override{
return myVal;
float myVal;
int v;
class IHandle{
virtual ~IHandle() = 0;
template <class T>
class IHandle_ : public IHandle{
virtual ~IHandle_() = 0;
template <class T>
class Handle : public IHandle_<Handle>{
Handle(std::unique_ptr<Derived> aDerived)
: derived(std::move(aDerived)),
base(*aDerived) {};
std::unique_ptr<Derived> derived;
Base& base;
int main(){
// These two pointers are owned by an EntityManager
std::unique_ptr<Derived> ptr(new Concrete(1, 2, 3));
// we can get a reference to an IHandle from the EntityManager
std::unique_ptr<IHandle> aHandle(new Handle(std::move(ptr)));
// We need, specifically, a `Handle` implementation of `IHandle`
Handle& handle = static_cast<Handle&>(*aHandle);
// seg fault on the following line
std::cout << "a = " << handle.base.getVal() << std::endl;
return 0;
The members in a C++ class are initialized in the order you declare them, so looking at the first snippet, the order of initialization of the members in the Handle class is:
That said, it means that in the constructor the line
will transfer the internal resources of aDerived to derived, reasonably resetting the state of aDerived. So as soon as your code reach the statement
base will reference an empty (depends on your move constructor implementation inside Base and Derived class) object that most likely will be deleted from memory after the call of the constructor itself.
So, I believe that any reference to base you got in your code are pointing to a not allocated memory, giving the SEG_FAULT error.
SEG_FAULT most of the time refers to code that is using (in your case writing, see setval() ) an area of memory not (yet or anymore) allocated for the running process.
Hope this may help,
Have a good night,

Parent class referencing child variable

I have several similar classes inheriting from the same Base-Class/Interface (Base class 1), and they share a couple similar functions, but then also have their own distinct functions. They all also have their own member variables of different classes, and each of those inherits from the same Base-Class/Interface (Base class 2). Is it possible to define a variable in Base class 1, of type Base class 2, then in the actual implementation of classes using Base class 1, have the variable of type Base class 2 be its proper type. Kinda hard to explain, so simplified example below.
//Base-Class 1
class Shape
public Shape() {}
ShapeExtra m_var;
//The common functions
public GetVar(){ return m_var; }
class Circle : Shape
public Circle() { m_var = new CircleExtra(); }
public void CircleFunc()
class Triangle : Shape
public Triangle() { m_var = new TriangleExtra(); }
public void TriangleFunc()
//Base_Class 2
class ShapeExtra
public ShapeExtra() {}
class CircleExtra : ExtraClass
public CircleExtra() {}
void CircleExtraFunc() {//Do stuff}
class TriangleExtra : ExtraClass
public TriangleExtra() {}
void TriangleExtra() {//Do stuff}
So, I need the m_var in the child classes to be kept it as its own unique version. Because right now (w/o the extra CircleExtra m_var;), the GetVar() works, but in CircleFunc, m_var is still type of ShapeExtra, and thus doesn't know that CircleExtraFunc exists. I could cast m_var each time I wanted to do that, but that is repetitive and not worth it in my real-world case. Is there a way to utilize the functions in unique classes based off of ShapeExtra, while keeping the GetVar() function in Shape?
Please ask questions if there is anything I left out.
Simply with inheritance and without using pointers it is not possible, as C++ is a statically-and-strictly-typed language.
You can inherit both the variable and the function, but you'll need to cast function return value.
You can also override the function to make it return the concrete type, but then you have to cast the variable inside the function.
You can also declare the same var with the concrete class in subclasses, but then you just hide the variable in the superclass and inherit nothing.
I'd rather go for a solution using templates. Make the type of the variable a template type and extend the template using a concrete type in subclasses. It'll work perfectly.
It's been a long time since I last programmed in C++ and I beg your pardon if there are errors in the following example. I'm sure you can easily make it work.
template <class S>
class Shape {
S m_var;
S var () {
return m_var;
class Circle: Shape <CircleExtra> {
// var method returns CircleExtra
Regarding some comment, to allow virtual invocation of the method, it is possible to use correlated return types. Something like the following example.
class Shape {
virtual ShapeExtra *var () = 0;
template <typename SE>
class ConcreteShape: Shape {
virtual SE *var() {
return &m_var;
// Constructor, etc.
SE m_var;
Or some variation. Now concrete shapes can benefit from extending the template, as long as SE * is correlated with ShapeExtra * (the type parameter extends ShapeExtra). And you can vall the method transparently through Shape interface.
Using pointers, this is totally possible.
Using your example, you could do something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class ShapeExtra
ShapeExtra() {}
void ShapeFunc() { std::cout << "Shape"; }
virtual ~ShapeExtra() = default; //Important!
class Shape
std::unique_ptr<ShapeExtra> m_var;
//require a pointer on construction
//make sure to document, that Shape class takes ownership and handles deletion
Shape(ShapeExtra* p):m_var(p){}
//The common functions
ShapeExtra& GetVar(){ return *m_var; }
void ShapeFunc() {m_var->ShapeFunc();}
class CircleExtra : public ShapeExtra
void CircleExtraFunc() {std::cout << "Circle";}
class Circle : public Shape
CircleExtra* m_var;
Circle() : Shape(new CircleExtra()) {
m_var = static_cast<CircleExtra*>(Shape::m_var.get());
void CircleFunc()
int main() {
Circle c;
//use the ShapeExtra Object
//call via forwarded function
//call the circleExtra Function
return 0;
Test it on ideone
Note the use of pointers and a virtual destructor:
By using a virtual destructor in the ShapeExtra base class, you make it possible to destruct an object of any derived class, using a ShapeExtra*. This is important, because
by using a std::unique_ptr<ShapeExtra> instead of a plain C-pointer, we make sure that the object is properly deleted on destruction of Shape.
It is probably a good idea to document this behaviour, i.e. that Shape takes the ownership of the ShapeExtra*. Which especially means, that we do not delete CirleExtra* in the Circle destructor
I decided here to require the ShapeExtra* on construction, but its also possible to just use std::unique_ptr::reset() later and check for nullptr on dereferencing Shape::m_var
Construction order is this: On calling the constructor of Circle, we first create a new CircleExtra which we pass to Shape before finally the constructor of Circle is executed.
Destruction order is Circle first (was created last), then Shape which also destructs the ShapeExtra for us, including (via virtual function) the CircleExtra
I would recommend the following approach:
class ShapeExtra
virtual ~ShapeExtra() { }
virtual void SomeCommonShapeFunc() { std::cout << "Shape"; }
class Shape
virtual ShapeExtra &GetVar() = 0; // Accessor function.
Note that the class Shape does not have any data members at all. After that for each derived class you need:
class CircleExtra : public ShapeExtra
void SomeCommonShapeFunc() { std::cout << "Circle"; }
class Circle : public Shape
CircleExtra m_var; // Data member with circle specific class.
virtual ShapeExtra &GetVar() { return m_var; }
Implementation of virtual method in Circle will return reference to the base class ShapeExtra. This will allow using this extra in the base class.
Note that pointers and templates are not used at all. This simplifies the overall design.

Object Slicing : Access dervied class methods from base class object

Edit :
The problem is in the GoFish.h file, in the constructor to
be specific, where it is trying to instantiate the players object.
The compiler throws the following error message : no member named 'noOfBooks' in 'Player'
GoFish() {players = new GoFishPlayer[2];} // Instantiate two players
Object Slicing seems to be one of the most ambiguous concepts in OOP for beginners. I have been working on this card game in C++, where I have a base class called, Player and a derived class called GoFishPlayer. When trying to access the methods of a GoFishPlayer object referenced back to a Player Object, the program tends to slice off the specific methods and attributes for the derived class, thus making it a clone of the base object. Is there any way to overcome this problem?
Abstract class Game : which forms the foundation for both the games -
GoFish and CrazyEights
class Game {
Deck* deck;
Player* players;
int player_id;
deck = Deck::get_DeckInstance(); // Get Singleton instance
player_id = choosePlayer();
players = NULL;
Derived Class GoFish - The Problem is here in the constructor when I am trying to instantiate a Player object derived from the Game Class
class GoFish : public Game{
static GoFish* goFish;
GoFish() {players = new GoFishPlayer[2];} // Instantiate two players
static GoFish* get_GoFishInstance() {
if(goFish == NULL)
goFish = new GoFish();
return goFish;
class Player{
std::string playerName;
Hand hand;
bool win;
playerName = "Computer"; // Sets default AI name to Computer
hand = Hand(); // Instatiate the hand object
win = false;
class GoFishPlayer : public Player {
std::vector <int> books;
int no_of_books;
GoFishPlayer() {
no_of_books = 0;
int noOfBooks(){return no_of_books;}
void booksScored() {no_of_books++;}
bool checkHand() {}
The wording of your question seems ambiguous to me but as best as I understand you're trying to access methods of GoFishPlayer through a reference to a Player object? This isn't a problem caused by object slicing, it's just how polymorphism works.
You need to cast the reference of the Player object so that it becomes a reference to a GoFishPlayer object.
class Parent
void foo() { std::cout << "I'm a parent" << std::endl; }
class Derived : public Parent
void bar() { std::cout << "I'm a derived" << std::endl; }
int main()
Derived d;
// reference to a derived class stored as a prent reference
// you can't access derived methods through this
Parent& p_ref = d;
// this won't work
Derived& d_ref = static_cast<Derived&>(p_ref);
// this works;
This only works if you definitely know that p_ref is actually of type Derived, or that it is of a type that inherits from Derived. If you can't be sure you need to do a runtime check using dynamic_cast and then catch any std::bad_cast exceptions that are thrown.

How to create class objects dynamically?

Let's say I have a class box, and a user can create boxes. How to do it? I understand I create objects by className objectName(args); but how to do it dynamically, depending on the user input?
The correct answer depends on the number of different classes of which you want to create the instances.
If the number is huge (the application should be able to create an instance of any class in your application), you should use the reflection functionality of .Net. But, to be honest, I'm not a big fan of using reflection in business logic, so I would advise not to do this.
I think that in reality you have a limited number on classes for which you want to create instances. And all the other answers make this assumption. What you actually need is a factory pattern. In the next code I also assume that the classes of which you want to create instances, all derive from the same base class, let's say Animal, like this:
class Animal {...};
class Dog : public Animal {...}
class Cat : public Animal {...}
Then create an abstract factory which is an interface that creates an animal:
class IFactory
Animal *create() = 0;
Then create subclasses for each of the different kinds of animals. E.g. for the Dog class this will become this:
class DogFactory : public IFactory
Dog *create() {return new Dog();}
And the same for the cat.
The DogFactory::create method overrules the IFactory::create method, even if their return type is different. This is what is called co-variant return types. This is allowed as long as the return type of the subclass's method is a subclass of the return type of the base class.
What you can now do is put instances of all these factories in a map, like this:
typedef std::map<char *,IFactory *> AnimalFactories
AnimalFactories animalFactories;
animalFactories["Dog"] = new DogFactory();
animalFactories["Cat"] = new CatFactory();
After the user input, you have to find the correct factory, and ask it to create the instance of the animal:
AnimalFactories::const_iterator it=animalFactories.find(userinput);
if (it!=animalFactories.end())
IFactory *factory = *it;
Animal *animal = factory->create();
This is the typical abstract factory approach.
There are other approaches as well. When teaching myself C++ I wrote a small CodeProject article about it. You can find it here:
Good luck.
The following factory method creates Box instances dynamically based on user input:
class BoxFactory
static Box *newBox(const std::string &description)
if (description == "pretty big box")
return new PrettyBigBox;
if (description == "small box")
return new SmallBox;
return 0;
Of course, PrettyBigBox and SmallBox both derive from Box. Have a look at the creational patterns in the C++ design patterns wikibook, as one of them probably applies to your problem.
In C++, it is possible to allocate objects using automatic (stack) and dynamic (heap) storage.
Type variable_name; // variable_name has "automatic" storage.
// it is a local variable and is created on the stack.
Type* pointer_name = NULL; // pointer_name is a "pointer". The pointer, itself,
// is a local variable just like variable_name
// and is also created on the stack. Currently it
// points to NULL.
pointer_name = new DerivedType; // (where DerivedType inherits from Type). Now
// pointer_name points to an object with
// "dynamic" storage that exists on the heap.
delete pointer_name; // The object pointed-to is deallocated.
pointer_name = NULL; // Resetting to NULL prevents dangling-pointer errors.
You can use pointers and heap-allocation to dynamically construct objects as in:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Base {
virtual ~Base(){}
virtual void printMe() const = 0;
class Alpha : public Base {
Alpha() {}
virtual ~Alpha() {}
virtual void printMe() const { std::cout << "Alpha" << std::endl; }
class Bravo : public Base {
Bravo() {}
virtual ~Bravo() {}
virtual void printMe() const { std::cout << "Bravo" << std::endl; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::auto_ptr<Base> pointer; // it is generally better to use boost::unique_ptr,
// but I'll use this in case you aren't familiar
// with Boost so you can get up and running.
std::string which;
std::cout << "Alpha or bravo?" << std::endl;
std::cin >> which;
if (which == "alpha") {
pointer.reset(new Alpha);
} else if (which == "bravo") {
pointer.reset(new Bravo);
} else {
std::cerr << "Must specify \"alpha\" or \"bravo\"" << std::endl;
return 0;
Related: the "Factory" object-oriented design pattern