Emberjs how can I make collection arrangedContent and searchResults work together? - ember.js

I have a controller that observes a search field like so:
Scrolls.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
searchResult: function() {
var that = this;
this.get('model').set('content', this.store.filter('scroll', function(item) {
var searchTerm = that.get('searchCard');
var regExp = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'i');
return regExp.test(item.get('name'));
Which works great, but once I add a method that overrides arrangedContent to limit the returned items, it stops re-rendering.
Scrolls.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
arrangedContent: Ember.computed('content', function() {
var count = 0;
return this.get('content').filter(function() {
return count <= 3;
searchResult: function() {
var that = this;
this.get('model').set('content', this.store.filter('scroll', function(item) {
var searchTerm = that.get('searchCard');
var regExp = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'i');
return regExp.test(item.get('name'));
How can I get make what I'm doing to behave nicely with each other?

I see a few things here that jump out to me. First one being, in the context of a controller, content and model are the same thing so in the observer, when you do:
You're setting a property of 'content' on the model when I think you actually intend to set the content directly on the controller, like this:
I also kind of wonder whether you really need to override the content and arrangedContent properties (not sure what the calling code looks like). I suspect that might cause some bugs later. Instead, I wonder if you could set it up like this:
Scrolls.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
firstThreeSearchResults: function() {
var count = 0;
return this.get('searchResults').filter(function() {
return count <= 3;
searchResults: function() {
var searchTerm = this.get('searchCard');
return this.store.filter('scroll', function(item) {
var regExp = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'i');
return regExp.test(item.get('name'));
Final possible problem is the use of the filter function called on the store. According to the docs, this function: "returns a live RecordArray that remains up to date as new records are loaded into the store or created locally." The problem being, though the filter might update as new results are added, it might not cause the computed property that looks for the first three results to update. That is, the binding on that computed property might not fire. One way to get around this would be to do something like this:
Scrolls.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.store.find();
Scrolls.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
firstThreeSearchResults: function() {
var count = 0;
return this.get('searchResults').filter(function() {
return count <= 3;
searchResults: function() {
var searchTerm = this.get('searchCard');
return this.get('content').filter(function(item) {
var regExp = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'i');
return regExp.test(item.get('name'));
}.property('searchCard', 'content.length')


Filtering model data with Ember Enumerable methods

Full code:
I'm attempting to filter some model data by calling .filter on the record array returned from the store, but it has no effect.
My controller:
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
fooDataOne: function() {
var fooData = this.get('fooData');
// If uncommented, I return both items
// return fooData;
return fooData.filter(function(item) {
console.log("Why am I not filtering?"); // Never called
if(item.get('id') == 1) { return true; }
Is it not possible to call .filter as I'm wanting to here? What should I do instead?
The store.find method always returns a Promise.
So you could filter the data in a then block:
setupController: function(controller, model) {
this.store.find('test-data').then(function(data) {
var fooData = data.filter(function(item) {
return item.get('id') == 1;
controller.set('fooDataOne', fooData);
I've found an alternative solution by using an observer and getting a FilteredRecordArray from the store directly:
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
fooDataFilter: function() {
var fooData = this.get('fooData');
var fooDataOne = this.store.filter('test-data', function(item) {
if (item.get('id') == 1) { return true; }
this.set('fooDataOne', fooDataOne);
Although the above works, it doesn't explain why the enumerable methods are not working on a a regular DS.RecordArray, which fooData should be.

How do I write a findMany that will get in chunks?

Ember 1.5.1
Ember-Data 1.0 beta 7
I've tried to modify the DS.ActiveModelAdapter's findMany so it'll get in chunks of 40... this is because I can't use the links feature and it seems to be generating 400 errors because it has too many ids in the URL its creating.
I tried using this adapter, but I keep getting error messages that look like this:
Error: Assertion Failed: Error: no model was found for 'super'
Here's my Adapter:
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
findMany: function(store, type, ids) {
self = this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var idsPerRequest = 40;
var totalIdsLength = ids.length;
var numberOfBins = Math.ceil( totalIdsLength / idsPerRequest ); // number per bin
var bins = [];
ids.forEach( function(someId, index) {
var thisBinIndex = index % numberOfBins;
var thisBin = Ember.A( bins[thisBinIndex] );
bins[thisBinIndex] = thisBin;
var requestPromises = bins.map(function(binOfIds) {
return self.ajax(self.buildURL(type.typeKey), 'GET', { data: { ids: binOfIds } });
Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises).then(function(resolvedBinRequests) {
var resolvedObjects = Em.A([]);
resolvedBinRequests.forEach(function(resolvedBin) {
}, function(error) {
Can anyone help me out with this? It'd be really appreciated. Am I just missing something obvious or have I perhaps done something silly?
Thanks in advance!
[edit] Okay so further to this I've figured out why it's not working, and that's because the response that's coming back is a promise for the JSON payload, but what I'm doing is joining multiples of these into an array and returning that... which obviously won't be right... but what I need to do is merge the arrays inside the objects returned into one, I think (in concept)... I'm not really sure how to do this in actuality, though... I've tried various things, but none of them seem to work well... :(
I'm not sure how much control you have over the back-end, but this seems like a perfect use case for using links instead of returning all of the ids.
App.Foo = DS.Model.extend({
bars: DS.hasMany('bar', {async:true})
App.Bar = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr()
Then when you query for foo your json returns a link instead of a list of ids
foo: {
links: {
bars: '/foo/1/bars' // or anything, you could put /bars?start=1&end=9000
Here's an example with 1000 relationship records hitting a simple endpoint:
Okay so I finally worked out how to make this work.
I'll share my answer here for future posterity ;-)
Of interest is that the required response had to be a promise and it had to contain a straight up JS object, so I "munged" all the responses into one JS object and manually built the pluralized camelized type key... I wasn't sure how else to do this. So... sorry it's so hacky, but this actually works and lets me fix my app for now until the "links" feature is working again.
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
findMany: function(store, type, ids) {
self = this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var idsPerRequest = 40;
var totalIdsLength = ids.length;
var numberOfBins = Math.ceil( totalIdsLength / idsPerRequest ); // number per bin
var bins = [];
ids.forEach( function(someId, index) {
var thisBinIndex = index % numberOfBins;
var thisBin = Ember.A( bins[thisBinIndex] );
bins[thisBinIndex] = thisBin;
// build an array of promises, then resolve using Ember.RSVP.all
var requestPromises = bins.map(function(binOfIds) {
return self.ajax(self.buildURL(type.typeKey), 'GET', { data: { ids: binOfIds } });
// build the required return object, which is a promise containing a plain JS object
// note this can't be an Ember object
Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises).then(function(resolvedBinRequests) {
var pluralizedDecamelizedTypeKey = type.typeKey.decamelize().pluralize();
var resolvedObjects = Em.A([]);
var returnObject = {};
returnObject[pluralizedDecamelizedTypeKey] = resolvedObjects;
resolvedBinRequests.forEach(function(resolvedBin) {
var theArray = resolvedBin[pluralizedDecamelizedTypeKey];
var responsePromise = Ember.RSVP.Promise.cast(returnObject);
}, function(error) {
After some feedback I updated this response to attempt to extract the response payloads in the serializer instead of attempting to mimic the store's logic in the adapter.
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
findMany: function(store, type, ids) {
// build an array of promises, then resolve using Ember.RSVP.all
var idsPerRequest = 40;
var totalIdsLength = ids.length;
var numberOfBins = Math.ceil( totalIdsLength / idsPerRequest ); // number per bin
var bins = [];
ids.forEach( function(someId, index) {
var thisBinIndex = index % numberOfBins;
var thisBin = Ember.A( bins[thisBinIndex] );
bins[thisBinIndex] = thisBin;
var requestPromises = bins.map(function(binOfIds) {
return self.ajax(self.buildURL(type.typeKey), 'GET', { data: { ids: binOfIds } });
return Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises);
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.ActiveModelSerializer.extend({
extractFindMany: function(store, type, responsePayloads) {
// responsePayloads is the resolved value from the Ember.RSVP.all(requestPromises) promise
var serializer = this;
var extractedResponses = responsePayloads.map(function(payload) {
return serializer.extractArray(store, type, payload);
// extractedResponses is an array of arrays. We need to flatten it into 1 array.
return [].concat.apply([], extractedResponses);

Delay ember view render till $getJSON isLoaded

The problem with this code is that the render code is entered twice, and the buffer is not where I expect it. Even when I get the buffer, the stuff I push in is not rendered to the screen.
App.FilterView = Ember.View.extend({
init: function() {
var filter = this.get('filter');
this.set('content', App.ViewFilter.find(filter));
render: function(buffer) {
var content = this.get('content');
if(!this.get('content.isLoaded')) { return; }
var keys = Object.keys(content.data);
keys.forEach(function(item) {
this.renderItem(buffer,content.data[item], item);
}, this);
renderItem: function(buffer, item, key) {
buffer.push('<label for="' + key + '"> ' + item + '</label>');
And the App.ViewFilter.find()
App.ViewFilter = Ember.Object.extend();
find: function(o) {
var result = Ember.Object.create({
isLoaded: false,
data: ''
$.getJSON("http://localhost:3000/filter/" + o, function(response) {
result.set('data', response);
result.set('isLoaded', true);
return result;
I am getting the data I expect and once isLoaded triggers, everything runs, I am just not getting the HTML in my browser.
As it turns out the answer was close to what I had with using jquery then() on the $getJSON call. If you are new to promises, the documentation is not entirely straight forward. Here is what you need to know. You have to create an object outside the promise - that you will return immediately at the end and inside the promise you will have a function that updates that object once the data is returned. Like this:
App.Filter = Ember.Object.extend();
find: function(o) {
var result = Ember.Object.create({
isLoaded: false,
data: Ember.Object.create()
$.getJSON("http://localhost:3000/filter/" + o).then(function(response) {
var controls = Em.A();
var keys = Ember.keys(response);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
id: key,
label: response[key].label,
op: response[key].op,
content: response[key].content
result.set('data', controls);
result.set('isLoaded', true);
return result;
Whatever the function inside then(), is the callback routine that will be called once the data is returned. It needs to reference the object you created outside the $getJSON call and returned immediately. Then this works inside the view:
didInsertElement: function() {
if (this.get('content.isLoaded')) {
var model = this.get('content.data');
createFormView: function(data) {
var self = this;
var filterController = App.FilterController.create({ model: data});
var filterView = Ember.View.create({
elementId: 'row-filter',
controller: filterController,
templateName: 'filter-form'
You can see a full app (and bit more complete/complicated) example here

Sort computed property on an ArrayController

I have the following jsbin: http://jsbin.com/okoxim/4/edit
filteredContent is a computed property which is filtering my Controller's content. I want to know how to sort the computed property and any ways I can improve the code I have.
App.StudentsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
sortProperties: ['name'],
nameFilter: null,
filteredContent: function(){
if(!this.get('nameFilter')) return this.get('content');
var nameRegEx = new RegExp(this.get('nameFilter'), 'i');
return this.filter(function(item) {
return item.get('name').search(nameRegEx) !== -1;
}.property('nameFilter', '#each.name')
Easiest way is to wrap the result in an ArrayProxy which sorts on the same sortProperties values. Something like,
filteredContent: function(){
var result;
if (!this.get('nameFilter')) {
result = this.get('content');
} else {
var nameRegEx = new RegExp(this.get('nameFilter'), 'i');
result = this.filter(function(item) {
return item.get('name').search(nameRegEx) !== -1;
var sortedResult = Em.ArrayProxy.createWithMixins(
{ content:result, sortProperties: this.sortProperties }
return sortedResult;
}.property('nameFilter', '#each.name')
Here's the updated jsbin.
Another way is to make filteredContent an explicit ArrayProxy and filter/sort on that.

Observe non-ember globals

I want a computed property to observe a non-ember global: a specific key in localStorage. Is this possible? The following does not seem to cut it:
//some functionality
Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do directly?
In general, you can observe regular JavaScript objects just fine. You just need to use Ember.get and Ember.set to modify them:
var pojo = {};
var MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
bigEyeballs: function() {
var O_O = this.get('pojo.O_O');
if (O_O) { return O_O.toUpperCase(); }
var obj = MyObject.create({ pojo: pojo });
Ember.set(pojo, 'O_O', "wat");
You can see this working in this JSBin.
Local Storage is a bit of a different matter, as it's not really a normal JavaScript object. You can create a small Ember wrapper around local storage, and use that for observation:
var LocalStorage = Ember.Object.extend({
unknownProperty: function(key) {
return localStorage[key];
setUnknownProperty: function(key, value) {
localStorage[key] = value;
return value;
var storage = new LocalStorage();
var MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
bigEyeballs: function() {
var O_O = this.get('pojo.O_O');
if (O_O) { return O_O.toUpperCase(); }
var obj = MyObject.create({ pojo: storage });
Ember.set(storage, 'O_O', "wat");
You can see this live on JSBin.
In both cases, the important thing is that you will have to use Ember-aware setting and getting in order to observe these properties.