Compile proftpd and include a library copy inside the installation directory - c++

I do already ask a quiet similar question but in fact I now change my mind.
Id like like to compile proftpd and add a copy of the library it uses to the choosen installation directory.
Let's say I define a prefix in my compilation like:
Under this directory I would like to find and use those directories only :
./and others I will not put the whole list
So the idea is after I have all libraries and config file in my main directory I could tar it and send it on another server with the same OS and without installing all the dependencies of protfpd I could use it.
I know it does sound like a windows installer not using shared library but that's in fact exactly what I'm trying to accomplish.
So far I have manage to compile it on AIX using this command line:
./configure --with-modules=mod_tls:mod_sql:mod_sql_mysql:mod_sql_passwd:mod_sftp:mod_sftp_sql --without-getopt --enable-openssl --with-includes=/opt/freeware/include:/opt/freeware/include/mysql/mysql/:/home/poney2/src_proftpd/libmath_header/ --with-libraries=/opt/freeware/lib:/opt/freeware/lib/mysql/mysql/:/home/poney2/src_proftpd/libmath_lib --prefix=/home/poney/proftpd_bin --exec-prefix=/home/poney/proftpd_bin/proftpd
Before trying to ask me why I'm doing so, it's because I have to compile proftpd on IBM AIX with almost all modules and this is not available on the IBM rpm binary repositories.

The use of this LDFLAG
where /a/new/lib/path contains all your library does work with Xlc and Gcc compiler.


Build protoc for C++ with CMake

I'm currently working on a C++ project that reference gRPC as a git submodule and I'm using CMake to compile the dependencies and my sources. For that I basically have this in my CMakeLists.txt:
Then I run:
make grpc_cpp_plugin
make my_project
Even though I specify cpp_plugin here, when it's time to compile protoc I'm actually compiling for all the languages supported, eg (Java, Csharp, ...) :
After looking around for some info on how to build protoc only for C++, I found that someone opened an issue on the github protobuf directory (link). However, it doesn't seem to give a clear answer.
Is there a 'clean' way to only compile the c++ dependency here ?
After doing tons of grep in gRPC's CMake files I finally compiled only the c++ version of protoc, protobuf and gRPC. And I did it in 3 steps:
go to grpc/third_party/protobuf/cmake/libprotoc.cmake and remove the lines including csharp, java, ruby, ... (Be careful to keep cpp and the langage agnostic ones)
go to grpc/CMakeLists.txt and you should be able to find this:
so remove what's not needed.
and finally, grpc/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/ and remove all the references to the other langage.

Why does CMake Fail to Link Libbitcoin C++?

I have recently installed CMake in order to write code to make use of Libbitcoin in C++ but I am having a hard time, I was trying to build the example code on GitHub here. And it haters been going terribly. I can't manage to link the library right in CMake, here is my code. I read and people were saying that I should try Autoconf but I have no idea how to even start that as I know nothing about Autoconf. I have CMake 3.16, and installed Libbitcoin with brew but alias were made in /usr/local/include for the library, I am on Mac OS X 10.15. The CMake runs fine but when running "make", it responds with:
Scanning dependencies of target CreateAddr
main.cxx:1:10: fatal error: bitcoin/bitcoin.hpp: No such file or directory
1 | #include <bitcoin/bitcoin.hpp>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Here is my CMake text:
Please all help is appreciated I am beyond lost.
It is hard to be sure without knowing the specifics of your installation, but it appears that your include directory paths may be overlapping with what is specified for the header in main.cxx. The include_directories() call tells the compiler to include headers from this directory:
Then, in main.cxx, you're including the file with bitcoin/bitcoin.hpp. Combining these suggests the file is located here:
The error states the header could not be found, so perhaps you meant to locate it here:
In that case, just remove the relative directory path from the main.cxx file, like this:
#include <bitcoin.hpp>
Also, you want to link to your libbitcoin library correctly. Using link_directories() is not recommended. Instead, you can specify the full path to your libbitcoin library directly in the call to target_link_libraries(). The library may not be located in /usr/local/include/bitcoin. With these changes, the last few lines in your CMake would look something more like this:
add_executable(CreateAddr main.cxx)
target_link_libraries(CreateAddr PUBLIC /your/path/to/libs/

Portable way of linking libgfortran with CMAKE

One of my executables requires Typically I'd just add the -lgfortran switch to the compile line and it links automatically with g++. However, I'm trying to find the library with CMAKE using:
find_library(GFORTRAN_LIBRARY NAMES gfortran)
target_link_libraries(ncorr_test ${GFORTRAN_LIBRARY})
However, this fails to the find the library. It turns out the only way that has worked so far is if I include the entire library name like so:
target_link_libraries(ncorr_test ${GFORTRAN_LIBRARY})
Then, it will link properly:
/usr/bin/c++ ... /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ...
However, including the whole .so.3 is not very portable. Does anyone know of a better way to do this? Typically libraries I need to use are just installed in /usr/local/lib and searching for the library name without the "lib" and extension works (i.e. find_library(FFTW_LIBRARY NAMES fftw3) will find libfftw3.a in /usr/local/lib just fine).
find_library(GFORTRAN_LIBRARY NAMES does not work either. Only has worked so far.
Using locate libgfortran outputs:
For now I'll just require the user to copy libgfortran.a over to their usr\local\lib directory
Looks like you either miss dev package on your linux distribution, which should install .so link, or path where such link located is missing when cmake does lookup. Try to find link, usually it is located the same place where .so.3 is, if you cannot find it install missing dev package, if you can check why that path is not included in cmake.

how to generate glut .so file in Linux

I would like to generate glut .so file in Ubuntu. I've downloaded the files, extracted them and opened the readme. This is the instructions for Linux
Use "mkmkfiles.sgi" to put Makefiles using the SGI Makefile conventions
in place. Use "mkmkfiles.imake" to put Makefiles generated from
Imakefiles in place. Run one of these two commands in this directory,
then do a "make".
I don't really understand SGI Makefile. I know Makefile though. Could you please guide me for generating the dll. In the folder, these are the files
adainclude Imakefile mkmkfiles.imake README.fortran
CHANGES include mkmkfiles.sgi README.glut2 README.mesa
FAQ.glut lib README.glut3 README.mui linux NOTICE
glutdefs Makefile Portability.txt README.inventor README.xinput
glutmake.bat Makefile.sgi progs README.irix6 test
glutwin32.mak README README.irix64bit
I've tried running make but getting errors and there is no CMakeLists. Thank you.
When I run ./mkmkfiles.sgi or mkmkfiles.imake, I get this error
bash: ./mkmkfiles.sgi: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Technically you need first to instal tcsh. With that installed, running mkmkfiles.imake will work and generate the required Makefile so you can build on Linux. Here is an old post asking pretty much the same question:

Include a (header-only) library in an autotools project

I want to integrate a header-only C++ library in my Autotools project. Since the library uses Autoconf and Automake, I use AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS in and added the library dir to the SUBDIRS = line in
My question is: how do I prevent the header library from being installed by make install? I'm building a single binary, so my users don't need these headers.
I'd prefer not to tamper with the library, so I can fetch upgrade by just untarring the new version.
Here is an idea.
Move all the third-party libraries you do not want to see installed into a subdirectory called noinst/. So for instance if you want to ship your project with something like Boost, unpack it into the directory noinst/boost/. Use AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([noinst/boost]). Inside noinst/, do something like this:
SUBDIRS = boost
# Override Automake's installation targets with the command ":" that does nothing.
install:; #:
install-exec:; #:
install-data:; #:
uninstall:; #:
The effect is that whenever some of the recursive "make install*" or "make uninstall" commands are run from the top-level directory, the recursion will stop in noinst/ and not visit its subdirectories. Other recursive commands (like "make", "make clean" or "make dist") will still recurse into the subdirectories.
You could of course override install: and friends directly into the third-party package, and avoid the extra noinst/ directory. But if you are like me, you don't want to tamper with third-party packages to ease their update.
Also a nice property of the above setup is that if someone goes into noinst/boost/ and decide to run make install, it will work. It just does not occur by default when they install your package.
just came across a similar problem and found the solution in the automake manual:
noinst_HEADERS would be the right variable to use in a directory containing only headers and no associated library or program
Don't use SUBDIRS then. The following hack may work:
${MAKE} -C thatlib all
Of course it would be best if the library remained in its own directory outside of your project, and you just point to it via CFLAGS/LIBS flags.