Building dojo generate multiple files - build

I'm using the building tool of dojo to generate a single file dojo.js, but I don't know why I'm getting multiple files.
This is my example profile:
var profile = (function(){
return {
basePath: "../../../",
releaseDir: "./app",
releaseName: "lib",
action: "release",
layerOptimize: "closure",
optimize: "closure",
mini: true,
stripConsole: "warn",
selectorEngine: "lite",
defaultConfig: {
                "dojo-built": 1,
                "dojo-loader": 1,
                "dom": 1,
                "host-browser": 1,
                "config-selectorEngine": "lite"
            async: 1
        staticHasFeatures: {
'dojo-trace-api': 0,
'dojo-log-api': 0,
'dojo-publish-privates': 0,
'dojo-sync-loader': 0,
'dojo-test-sniff': 0
        layers: {
            "dojo/dojo": {
                include: ["dojo/domReady"],
                customBase: true,
                boot: true
This is my .bat:
./util/buildscripts/build profile=cgl-dojo
After execute it, this is the release folder:
| \---nls
| +---ar
| +---ca
| +---cs
| +---da
| +---de
| +---el
| +---en
| +---en-au
| +---en-ca
| +---en-gb
| +---es
| +---fi
| +---fr
| +---fr-ch
| +---he
| +---hu
| +---it
| +---ja
| +---ko
| +---nb
| +---nl
| +---pl
| +---pt
| +---pt-pt
| +---ro
| +---ru
| +---sk
| +---sl
| +---sv
| +---th
| +---tr
| +---zh
| +---zh-hant
| +---zh-hk
| \---zh-tw
| +---api
| \---util
| +---ar
| +---az
| +---bg
| +---ca
| +---cs
| +---da
| +---de
| +---el
| +---es
| +---fi
| +---fr
| +---he
| +---hr
| +---hu
| +---it
| +---ja
| +---kk
| +---ko
| +---nb
| +---nl
| +---pl
| +---pt
| +---pt-pt
| +---ro
| +---ru
| +---sk
| +---sl
| +---sv
| +---th
| +---tr
| +---uk
| +---zh
| \---zh-tw
| \---images
| +---api
| \---util
I need a release folder with only one file, please help me.

The entire tree of registered packages is always built because the build tool has no way of knowing whether or not you are conditionally requiring other modules within your application. There is no way to make the build system only output one file, and in fact a single file is a bad idea because each locale has its own set of localisation rules. If you want to reduce the number of files after a build, you can just delete all the ones you don’t want.


Django one column values to one column concat value using annotate Subquery returns more than 1 row

hellow my models see the blow
class IP(models.Model):
subnet = models.ForeignKey(Subnet,verbose_name="SUBNET",on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name="ip_set")
ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(verbose_name="IP",protocol="both",unpack_ipv4=True,unique=True)
asset = models.ManyToManyField(Asset,verbose_name="HOSTNAME",through="AssetIP",related_name="ip_set",blank=True,)
description = models.CharField(verbose_name="DESCRIPTION",max_length=50,default="",null=True,blank=True)
class AssetIP(models.Model):
("MGT-IP", "MGT-IP"),
ip_type = models.CharField(verbose_name="IP TYPE",max_length=30,choices=TYPE_CHOICES)
ip = models.ForeignKey(IP,verbose_name="IP",on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name="asset_ip_set")
asset = models.ForeignKey(Asset,verbose_name="HOSTNAME",on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name="asset_ip_set")
class Asset(models.Model):
barcode = models.CharField(verbose_name="Barcode",max_length=60,blank=True,null=True,unique=True)
hostname= models.CharField(verbose_name="Hostname",max_length=30)
so in this model data is blow
IP Model
| IP | Asset | Description |
|:---- |:------:| -----:|
| | A_HOST,B_HOST,C_HOST | - |
| | A_HOST,B_HOST | - |
| | A_HOST | - |
| | A_HOST | - |
AssetIP through Model
| IP | Asset | IP_TYPE |
|:---- |:------:| -----:|
So Asset Query Result in this
Result = Asset.objects.all()
in this result Field
Asset = {
barcode: "ddd",
hostname: "A_HOST",
I Want Field and Result
Asset = {
barcode: "ddd",
hostname: "A_HOST",
primary_ip : "",
other_ip : ",,"
I Try the this query in this queryset is not filtering "OHTER-IP"
assets = Asset.objects.annotate(other_ips=GroupConcat('asset_ip_set__ip__ip'))
result : ',,,'
and try to this queryset
filtered_ips = AssetIP.objects.filter(asset=OuterRef('pk'), ip_type="OTHER-IP").values_list('ip__ip', flat=True)
delimiter=', '
result : django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1242, 'Subquery returns more than 1 row')
Help me....

Using regex function on date in Pyspark

I need to validate date(string format) in Pyspark Dataframe and I need to remove additonal characters,notations in date if they are present. How to validate like that ?
I came across this code
Below is my output
|cleaned_map| date|
| |01/06/w2020|
| |02/06/2!020|
| 02/06/2020| 02/06/2020|
| 03/06/2020| 03/06/2020|
| 04/06/2020| 04/06/2020|
| 05/06/2020| 05/06/2020|
| 02/06/2020| 02/06/2020|
My expected output
|cleaned_map| date|
| 01/06/2020|01/06/w2020|
| 02/06/2020|02/06/20!20|
| 03/06/2020| 03/06/2020|
| 04/06/2020| 04/06/2020|
| 05/06/2020| 05/06/2020|
| 06/06/2020| 06/06/2020|
| 07/06/2020| 07/06/2020|
Try this-
val df = Seq("01/06/w2020",
df.withColumn("cleaned_map", regexp_replace($"date", "[^0-9T]", ""))
.withColumn("date_type", to_date($"cleaned_map", "ddMMyyyy"))
* +--------------+-----------+----------+
* |date |cleaned_map|date_type |
* +--------------+-----------+----------+
* |01/06/w2020 |01062020 |2020-06-01|
* |02/06/2!020 |02062020 |2020-06-02|
* |02/06/2020 |02062020 |2020-06-02|
* |03/06/2020 |03062020 |2020-06-03|
* |04/06/2020 |04062020 |2020-06-04|
* |05/06/2020 |05062020 |2020-06-05|
* |02/06/2020 |02062020 |2020-06-02|
* |//01/0/4/202/0|01042020 |2020-04-01|
* +--------------+-----------+----------+
enrich this pattern "[^0-9/T]" if you want exclude any chars to be removed
Try regexp_replace to remove additional character notations.
# +-----------+
# | date|
# +-----------+
# |01/06/w2020|
# |02/06/2!020|
# | 02/06/2020|
# +-----------+
df.withColumn("cleaned_map", F.regexp_replace("date", r'[^\d\/]','')).show()
# +-----------+-----------+
# | date|cleaned_map|
# +-----------+-----------+
# |01/06/w2020| 01/06/2020|
# |02/06/2!020| 02/06/2020|
# | 02/06/2020| 02/06/2020|
# +-----------+-----------+

How is deque implemented in c++ stl

I just wanted to know how deque is implemented and how are the basic operations like push_front and random access operator are provided in that implementation.
I just wanted to know how deque is implemented
It's always a good to have an excuse for doing ASCII art:
| std::deque<int> |
| |
| subarrays: |
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| | int(*)[8] | int(*)[8] | int(*)[8] |int(*)[8]|int(*)[8] | |
| | | | | | | |
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
| - - |
| +------------------------------+ |
| | ?, ?, 42, 43, 50, ?, ?, ?, ? | |
| +------------------------------+ |
| |
| additional state: |
| |
| - pointer to begin of the subarrays |
| - current capacity and size |
| - pointer to current begin and end |
how are the basic operations like push_front and random access operator are provided in that implementation?
First, std::deque::push_front, from libcxx:
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
deque<_Tp, _Allocator>::push_front(const value_type& __v)
allocator_type& __a = __base::__alloc();
if (__front_spare() == 0)
__alloc_traits::construct(__a, _VSTD::addressof(*--__base::begin()), __v);
This obviously checks whether the memory already allocated at the front can hold an additional element. If not, it allocates. Then, the main work is shifted to the iterator: _VSTD::addressof(*--__base::begin()) goes one location before the current front element of the container, and this address is passed to the allocator to construct a new element in place by copying v (the default allocator will definitely do a placement-new).
Now random access. Again from libcxx, std::deque::operator[] (the non-const version) is
template <class _Tp, class _Allocator>
typename deque<_Tp, _Allocator>::reference
deque<_Tp, _Allocator>::operator[](size_type __i) _NOEXCEPT
size_type __p = __base::__start_ + __i;
return *(*(__base::__map_.begin() + __p / __base::__block_size) + __p % __base::__block_size);
This pretty much computes an index relative to some start index, and then determines the subarray and the index relative to the start of the subarray. __base::__block_size should be the size of one subarray here.

Keep only newest records using DQL

I have a symfony app with doctrine. There is a table like:
| user | log_date | foo |
| john | 2018-03-20 22:59:18 | 58 |
| kyle | 2018-04-11 13:45:02 | 22 |
| paul | 2018-11-08 22:19:16 | 41 |
| kyle | 2018-08-14 09:39:26 | 19 |
| fred | 2018-03-28 06:08:31 | 24 |
| john | 2018-01-21 11:52:17 | 81 |
| ... | ... | ... |
A cron should execute a symfony command to delete all records but keep the latest 10 of every user. Can this be done using DQL or do I have to use an SQL (sub-)query?
I think something like this in entity repository can get all the entries for the user except the last 10
public function getAllExceptLatest($user)
return $this
->andWhere('t.logDate <= :logDate')
->orderBy('t.logDate', 'DESC')
->setParameter(':logDate', $this->getLatestDate($user))
public function getLatestDate($user)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('e')
->andWhere('e.user = :user')
->setParameter(':user', $user)
And in controller you can use
public function keepLatest(){
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$userRepo = $em->getRepository(User::class);
$users = $userRepo->findAll();
foreach ($users as $u) {
$records = $userRepo->getAllExceptLatest($u);
foreach ($records as $r)
I didn't test this, but in mine apps similar methods works fine

Mockito verifying method invocation without using equals method

While using Spock i can do something like this:
12.times {mailSender.send("blabla", "subject", "content")}
12 * javaMailSender.send(_)
When i tried to do same in Mockito:
I got an error that SimpleMailMessage has null values, so i had to initialize it in test:
SimpleMailMessage simpleMailMessage = new SimpleMailMessage()
simpleMailMessage.subject = "subject"
simpleMailMessage.text = "content"
Now it works but it's a large workload and i really don't care about equality. What if SimpleMailMessage will have much more arguments or another objects with another arguments, meh. Is there any way to check that send method was just called X times?
EDIT: added implementation of send method.
private fun sendEmail(recipient: String, subject: String, content: String)
val mailMessage = SimpleMailMessage()
mailMessage.subject = subject
mailMessage.text = content
There are 2 senders, mailSender is my custom object and javaMailSender is from another libary
| | | | |
| | | | null
| | | Wanted but not invoked:
| | | javaMailSender.send(
| | | <any org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage>
| | | );
| | | -> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
| | |
| | | However, there were exactly 2 interactions with this mock:
| | | javaMailSender.send(
| | | SimpleMailMessage: from=null; replyTo=null; to=blabla; cc=; bcc=; sentDate=null; subject=subject; text=content
| | | );
| | | -> at MailSenderServiceImpl.sendEmail(MailSenderServiceImpl.kt:42)
| | |
| | | javaMailSender.send(
| | | SimpleMailMessage: from=null; replyTo=null; to=blabla; cc=; bcc=; sentDate=null; subject=subject; text=content
| | | );
If you don't care for the parameter of send, leave any() empty: