Python - Changing Class Variable Value in Function - python-2.7

I'm building a python class to encapsulate a drop-down list and its buttons in one convenient widget and I ran across a problem.
class DropDownMenu(DropDown):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(DropDownMenu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.The_Menu = DropDown()
self.The_Btns = []
self.Num_Btns = 0
def Set_Num_Btns(self):
self.Num_Btns = len(self.The_Btns)
def Create_Menu(self, Btn_Names):
# Populate List Size Property
if (self.Num_Btns == 0):
# Add Buttons to the Drop-Down
for i in range(0, self.Num_Btns):
self.The_Btns.append(Button(text = Btn_Names[i], size_hint_y = None, height = 20))
It compiles fine and when I try to create a drop-down menu, I get what I want:
self.File_Menu = DropDownMenu()
But, if I try to bind any of the buttons to anything, like so:
self.File_Menu.The_Btns[0].bind(on_release =
The compiler throws an exception saying the list was out-of-bounds. On further inspection, I realized that even though I'm calling the Create_Menu function, the value of The_Btns is not being changed from an empty list. So, my question is: how do I fix this problem?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

First of all, python doesn't "compile" in the sense that you refer to, and doesn't have a compiler. Also, have a look at PEP8.
To answer your question, You are iterating over a range, 0 to Num_Btns. However, in Set_Num_Btns, you set the variable to len(self.The_Btns), which is an empty list, i.e. you are iterating over range(0, 0). I suspect you mean to do soemthing like this:
for name in Btn_Names:
self.The_Btns.append(Button(text=name, ...))


Tkinter combobox loop again. Getting the results

I created a group of comboboxes from looping a list and
used dict key as item em combolist. Problems: I cannot get back results to a 'results' list. All comboboxes change at same time. I´ve studied other posts about the subject, but I cant understand the concept involved in the solution.
To sum: The code generate 3 combobox but they change togeter, and I cant append results.
Thanks for your help, in advance:
from tkinter import
from tkinter import ttk
win = Tk()
result =[] #--> the new list with results of comboboxes
opts = StringVar()
anyFruits =['any_grape', 'any_tomato', 'any_banana']
#--> list just to generate the loop
fruits = {'specialgrape':'specialgrape', 'specialtomato':'specialtomato','specialbanana':'specialbanana'}
#--> dictonary to generate drop down options menu (key of dict)
for index, fruit in enumerate(anyFruits):
mycombo = ttk.Combobox(win,
values= (list(fruits.keys())),textvariable=opts)
mycombo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', lambda event, index=index: fruit_callBack(index, event))
def fruit_callBack(index, event):
for opts in mycombo:
def print_():
bt = Button(win,command= print_)
The value all change together because all Combobox have same textvariable. Hence change in one, will force the others to keep the value same. Anyway, you are appending it wrong too, you do not need to pass in index, just pass the combobox itself and append the value inside it:
for index, fruit in enumerate(anyFruits):
mycombo = ttk.Combobox(win,values=list(fruits.keys()))
mycombo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>',lambda e,cmb=mycombo: fruit_callBack(e,cmb))
def fruit_callBack(event,cmb):

How to add an unlimited number of class instances with user input in python

I am trying to use
class reader
def __init__(self, name, booksread) = name
self.booksread = booksread
while True
option = input("Choose an option: ")
if option = 1:
#What to put here?
I want to create an unlimited number of instances of the reader class, But I could only figure out how to do it a limited number of times by using variables for the class. I also need to call the info later (without losing it). Is it possible to do this with a class? Or would I be better off with a list, or dictionary?
First: if option == 1: is always false in python 3, input only reads strings there.
Second: python lists can be expanded until you run out of RAM.
So the solution would be to create a list in the surrounding code and call append on that every time you have a new item:
mylist = []
while True:
It's perfectly possibly to populate a data structure (such as a list or dict) with instances of a class, given your code example you could put the instances into a list:
class reader
def __init__(self, name, booksread) = name
self.booksread = booksread
list = []
while True:
option = input("Choose an option: ")
if option == 1:
Note: I don't know how you are obtaining the values for 'name' or 'booksread', so their values in the list.append() line are just placeholders
To access the instances in that list, you can then iterate over it, or access elements by their indexes, e.g.
# access each element of the list and print the name
for reader in list:
#print the name of the first element of the list

Change label in tkinter inside a class? StringVar()?

I'm trying to construct a game where you can play five-in-row and when someone wins I want the label to change from like "Game is going on" to "Player 1 won" and this is where I am stuck.
The way I have constructed it all is like this. I have one class for the graphics (a Frame) and I have one class for all the Buttons that you can click on to set it to "X" or "O". And then I have one last class that checks if the grid has five of some value in a row, and that one runs after each successful click.
The label is of course set in the Frame class and first I had it like this just to make sure that I could see something
def __init__(self, master = None, rows = 10, cols = 10):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
Some other selfs....
self.inforad = Label(master, text = "Game is going on")
and this prints out nicely, just like I want it. Now I have been trying for hours to make this change when someone wins and I just can't make it work! The last thing I tried is to use the StringVar() and I did it like this = StringVar()"Game is going on")
self.inforad = Label(master, text =
and for starter this doesn't work at all, it prints out PY_VAR0. My plan was to define a method to call this during the game, like this
def disp(self, string):
And this doesn't work at all. Can someone help me with this? I am really new to programming, did my first code for like 3 weeks ago.
(If self.inforad is placed within the Frame subclass instance, self, its master should be self, not the master of self.)
As for your specific question, change Label(master, text = to Label(self, textvariable =

Python - null object pattern with generators

It is apparently Pythonic to return values that can be treated as 'False' versions of the successful return type, such that if MyIterableObject: do_things() is a simple way to deal with the output whether or not it is actually there.
With generators, bool(MyGenerator) is always True even if it would have a len of 0 or something equally empty. So while I could write something like the following:
result = list(get_generator(*my_variables))
if result:
It seems like it defeats the benefit of having a generator in the first place.
Perhaps I'm just missing a language feature or something, but what is the pythonic language construct for explicitly indicating that work is not to be done with empty generators?
To be clear, I'd like to be able to give the user some insight as to how much work the script actually did (if any) - contextual snippet as follows:
# Python 2.7
templates = files_from_folder(path_to_folder)
result = list(get_same_sections(templates)) # returns generator
if not result:
msg("No data to sync.")
for data in result:
for i, tpl in zip(data, templates):
tpl['sections'][i]['uuid'] = data[-1]
msg("{} sections found to sync up.".format(len(result)))
It works, but I think that ultimately it's a waste to change the generator into a list just to see if there's any work to do, so I assume there's a better way, yes?
EDIT: I get the sense that generators just aren't supposed to be used in this way, but I will add an example to show my reasoning.
There's a semi-popular 'helper function' in Python that you see now and again when you need to traverse a structure like a nested dict or what-have-you. Usually called getnode or getn, whenever I see it, it reads something like this:
def get_node(seq, path):
for p in path:
if p in seq:
seq = seq[p]
return ()
return seq
So in this way, you can make it easier to deal with the results of a complicated path to data in a nested structure without always checking for None or try/except when you're not actually dealing with 'something exceptional'.
mydata = get_node(my_container, ('path', 2, 'some', 'data'))
if mydata: # could also be "for x in mydata", etc
It's looking less like this kind of syntax would (or could) exist with generators, without writing a class that handles generators in this way as has been suggested.
A generator does not have a length until you've exhausted its iterations.
the only way to get whether it's got anything or not, is to exhaust it
items = list(myGenerator)
if items:
# do something
Unless you wrote a class with attribute nonzero that internally looks at your iterations list
class MyGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, items):
self.items = items
def __iter__(self):
for i in self.items:
yield i
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.items)
>>> bool(MyGenerator([]))
>>> bool(MyGenerator([1]))

Iterating over a large unicode list taking a long time?

I'm working with the program Autodesk Maya.
I've made a naming convention script that will name each item in a certain convention accordingly. However I have it list every time in the scene, then check if the chosen name matches any current name in the scene, and then I have it rename it and recheck once more through the scene if there is a duplicate.
However, when i run the code, it can take as long as 30 seconds to a minute or more to run through it all. At first I had no idea what was making my code run slow, as it worked fine in a relatively low scene amount. But then when i put print statements in the check scene code, i saw that it was taking a long time to check through all the items in the scene, and check for duplicates.
The ls() command provides a unicode list of all the items in the scene. These items can be relatively large, up to a thousand or more if the scene has even a moderate amount of items, a normal scene would be several times larger than the testing scene i have at the moment (which has about 794 items in this list).
Is this supposed to take this long? Is the method i'm using to compare things inefficient? I'm not sure what to do here, the code is taking an excessive amount of time, i'm also wondering if it could be anything else in the code, but this seems like it might be it.
Here is some code below.
class Name(object):
"""A naming convention class that runs passed arguments through user
dictionary, and returns formatted string of users input naming convention.
def __init__(self, user_conv):
self.user_conv = user_conv
# an example of a user convention is '${prefix}_${name}_${side}_${objtype}'
def abbrev_lib(word):
# a dictionary of abbreviated words is here, takes in a string
# and returns an abbreviated string, if not found return given string
def check_scene(name):
"""Checks entire scene for same name. If duplicate exists,
Keyword Arguments:
name -- (string) name of object to be checked
scene = ls()
match = [x for x in scene if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable)
and (name in x)]
if not match:
return name
return ''
def convert(self, prefix, name, side, objtype):
"""Converts given information about object into user specified convention.
Keyword Arguments:
prefix -- what is prefixed before the name
name -- name of the object or node
side -- what side the object is on, example 'left' or 'right'
obj_type -- the type of the object, example 'joint' or 'multiplyDivide'
prefix = self.abbrev_lib(prefix)
name = self.abbrev_lib(name)
side = ''.join([self.abbrev_lib(x) for x in side])
objtype = self.abbrev_lib(objtype)
i = 02
checked = ''
subs = {'prefix': prefix, 'name': name, 'side':
side, 'objtype': objtype}
while self.checked == '':
newname = Template (self.user_conv.lower())
newname = newname.safe_substitute(**subs)
newname = newname.strip('_')
newname = newname.replace('__', '_')
checked = self.check_scene(newname)
if checked == '' and i < 100:
subs['objtype'] = '%s%s' %(objtype, i)
return checked
are you running this many times? You are potentially trolling a list of several hundred or a few thousand items for each iteration inside while self.checked =='', which would be a likely culprit. FWIW prints are also very slow in Maya, especially if you're printing a long list - so doing that many times will definitely be slow no matter what.
I'd try a couple of things to speed this up:
limit your searches to one type at a time - why troll through hundreds of random nodes if you only care about MultiplyDivide right now?
Use a set or a dictionary to search, rather than a list - sets and dictionaries use hashsets and are faster for lookups
If you're worried about maintining a naming convetion, definitely design it to be resistant to Maya's default behavior which is to append numeric suffixes to keep names unique. Any naming convention which doesn't support this will be a pain in the butt for all time, because you can't prevent Maya from doing this in the ordinary course of business. On the other hand if you use that for differntiating instances you don't need to do any uniquification at all - just use rename() on the object and capture the result. The weakness there is that Maya won't rename for global uniqueness, only local - so if you want to make unique node name for things that are not siblings you have to do it yourself.
Here's some cheapie code for finding unique node names:
def get_unique_scene_names (*nodeTypes):
if not nodeTypes:
nodeTypes = ('transform',)
results = {}
for longname in = nodeTypes, l=True):
shortname = longname.rpartition("|")[-1]
if not shortname in results:
results[shortname] = set()
return results
def add_unique_name(item, node_dict):
shortname = item.rpartition("|")[-1]
if shortname in node_dict:
node_dict[shortname] = set([item])
def remove_unique_name(item, node_dict):
shortname = item.rpartition("|")[-1]
existing = node_dict.get(shortname, [])
if item in existing:
def apply_convention(node, new_name, node_dict):
if not new_name in node_dict:
renamed_item =, new_name), l=True)[0]
remove_unique_name(node, node_dict)
add_unique_name ( renamed_item, node_dict)
return renamed_item
for n in range(99999):
possible_name = new_name + str(n + 1)
if not possible_name in node_dict:
renamed_item =, possible_name), l=True)[0]
add_unique_name(renamed_item, node_dict)
return renamed_item
raise RuntimeError, "Too many duplicate names"
To use it on a particular node type, you just supply the right would-be name when calling apply_convention(). This would rename all the joints in the scene (naively!) to 'jnt_X' while keeping the suffixes unique. You'd do something smarter than that, like your original code did - this just makes sure that leaves are unique:
joint_names= get_unique_scene_names('joint')
existing = type='joint', l = True)
existing .sort()
existing .reverse()
# do this to make sure it works from leaves backwards!
for item in existing :
apply_convention(item, 'jnt_', joint_names)
# check the uniqueness constraint by looking for how many items share a short name in the dict:
for d in joint_names:
print d, len (joint_names[d])
But, like i said, plan for those damn numeric suffixes, maya makes them all the time without asking for permission so you can't fight em :(
Instead of running ls for each and every name, you should run it once and store that result into a set (an unordered list - slightly faster). Then check against that when you run check_scene
def check_scene(self, name):
"""Checks entire scene for same name. If duplicate exists,
Keyword Arguments:
name -- (string) name of object to be checked
if not hasattr(self, 'scene'):
self.scene = set(ls())
if name not in self.scene:
return name
return ''