Hopefully someone here is familiar with creating customizations in Epicor 9. I've posted this to the Epicor forums as well, but unfortunately that forum seems pretty dead. Any help I can get would be much appreciated.
I've created a customization on the Order Entry form to display and store some extra information about our orders. One such field is the architect on the job. We store the architects in the customer table using a GroupCode of AR to distinguish them from regular customers. I have successfully added a button that launches a customer search dialog and filters the results to only display the architects (those with GroupCode AR). Here's where the problems come in. I have two questions:
1: On the customer search, there is a customer type field that defaults to a value of Customer. Other choices are < all>, Suspect, or Prospect. How can I make the search form default to < all>?
2: How do I take the architect (customer) I select through the search dialog and populate its CustID into the ShortChar01 field on my Order Entry customization? Here's the code I have:
private void SearchOnCustomerAdapterShowDialog()
// Wizard Generated Search Method
// You will need to call this method from another method in custom code
// For example, [Form]_Load or [Button]_Click
bool recSelected;
//string whereClause = string.Empty;
string whereClause = "GroupCode = 'AR'";
System.Data.DataSet dsCustomerAdapter = Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(this.oTrans, "CustomerAdapter", out recSelected, true, whereClause);
if (recSelected)
System.Data.DataRow adapterRow = dsCustomerAdapter.Tables[0].Rows[0];
// Map Search Fields to Application Fields
EpiDataView edvOrderHed = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["OrderHed"]));
System.Data.DataRow edvOrderHedRow = edvOrderHed.CurrentDataRow;
if ((edvOrderHedRow != null))
edvOrderHedRow["ShortChar01"] = adapterRow["CustID"];
When I select a record and click OK, I get an unhandled exception.
I think the problem you are/were having is that you aren't adding the CustNum to the Sales Order first. In my mind I would do it this way first, but there is might be ChangeCustomer BO method in oTrans that you could call to make sure everything defaults correct.
EpiDataView edvOrderHed = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["OrderHed"]));
if (edvOrderHed.HasRow)
edvOrderHed[edvOrderHed.Row]["CustNum"] = adapterRow["CustNum"];
edvOrderHed[edvOrderHed.Row]["ShortChar01"] = adapterRow["CustID"];
Hope that is helpful, even if late.
I'm pretty new to business central so excuse me if this is a rather stupid question. I have been trying to make a button that sends the user to a page where he can see products that are new or old.
A product has a field named "Status" which can have the values "New", "Old", "SoldOut" or "BeingDelivered".
So my question is how do I set the filter to only show products that are either "New" or "Old". I got this so far which only shows products that are "New" but I can't figure out how to show "New" OR "Old" ones.
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'TestAction';
RunObject = page Products;
RunPageLink = Status = const("New");
I have been trying to find a solution and tried a bunch of different approaches but couldn't figure much out. Any help is really appreciated.
Little Edit:
Here is an example of what I would ideally want which obviously doesnt work though.
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'TestAction';
RunObject = page Products;
RunPageLink = Status = const("New|Old");
Thanks for your time and effort!
Use filter instead of const
I'm using existing Task module under the Project module. I would like to
assign particular task to multiple workers. Meaning that group of people
will together complete the task.
I already have workers as users in my vtigercrm. So if i make a user selection
multiple for assigning single task it could be easier to handle this
This use-case already have in Calendar module but i'm unable to understand how they implement.
I have a thorough knowledge on how to create custom user list drop-down in any module and i created lot more for my custom modules. Now stuck with the same scenario having multiple at a time.
I tried like this in module.php, but it is not working.
$users = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Users');
$module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('MyModule');
$module->unsetRelatedList($users, 'Users', 'get_related_list');
$module->setRelatedList($users, 'Users', array('SELECT'), 'get_related_list');
Can anyone help me to get it done?
It is possible when you understood the Invite users field in Calender envent creation. Here the field must be multi-selection.
You need to deal with vtiger_salesmanactivityrel table for inserting the multiple users and for showing in detail view.
Here is the code to handle inviteusers.
//Handling for invitees
$selected_users_string = $_REQUEST['inviteesid'];
$invitees_array = explode(';',$selected_users_string);
function insertIntoInviteeTable($module,$invitees_array)
global $log,$adb;
$log->debug("Entering insertIntoInviteeTable(".$module.",".$invitees_array.") method ...");
if($this->mode == 'edit'){
$sql = "delete from vtiger_invitees where activityid=?";
$adb->pquery($sql, array($this->id));
foreach($invitees_array as $inviteeid)
if($inviteeid != '')
$query="insert into vtiger_invitees values(?,?)";
$adb->pquery($query, array($this->id, $inviteeid));
$log->debug("Exiting insertIntoInviteeTable method ...");
Hope it would give you a better idea.
When you try to close Swing application and you change same value in field, application ask you if you want to save changes.
My first question is why RAP application doesn't ask same question ?
Second and more important question is how to force validation of fields change and how to manipulate this.
for example :
I have table with rows and some fields below table. If I click on row some value is entered in fields. I can change this value and click button save.
I would like to force change validation on row click. So if changes ware applied and if I click on row, application should warn me that some changes are not saved.
But I should be able to manipulate what is change and what is not. For example if table on row click fill some data if fields this is not change, but if I entered value is same fields this is change.
I discovered method
But it does nothing. (if I change values or not)
I see that every field has mathod
public final void checkSaveNeeded() {
if (isInitialized()) {
try {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_SAVE_NEEDED, m_touched || execIsSaveNeeded());
catch (ProcessingException e) {
so I should manipulate changes throw m_touched ?
How is this handled in Scout ?
I am looking for function that check for dirty fields and pops up message dialog, same as when closing form, and way to set fields dirty or not.
I look here and here, but all it describes is how values is stored for popup messages and dot how to fire this messages (validation).
My first question is why RAP application doesn't ask same question ?
I am not sure to know which message box you mean but it should be the case.
There are several questions about unsaved changes and form lifecycle in the Eclipse Scout Forum. I think you can find them with Google.
I have also taken the time to start to document it in the Eclipse Wiki:
Scout Field > Contribution to unsaved changes
Form lifecycle
I think you should implement execIsSaveNeeded() in the corresponding field. The default implementation in AbstractTableField uses the state of the rows, but you can imagine the logic you want.
public class MyTableField extends AbstractTableField<MyTableField.Table> {
protected boolean execIsSaveNeeded() throws ProcessingException {
boolean result;
//some logic that computes if the table field contains modification (result = true) or not (result = false)
return result;
I hope this helps.
I am looking for function that check for dirty fields and pops up message dialog, same as when closing form.
Are you speaking from this message box that appears when the user clicks on Cancel in the form?
There is no specific function that you can call for that. But you can check the beginning of the AbstractForm.doCancel() function. It is exactly what you are looking for.
I have rewritten it like this:
// ensure all fields have the right save-needed-state
// find any fields that needs save
AbstractCollectingFieldVisitor<IFormField> collector = new AbstractCollectingFieldVisitor<IFormField>() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
if (field instanceof IValueField && field.isSaveNeeded()) {
return true;
MessageBox.showOkMessage("DEBUG", "You have " + collector.getCollectionCount() + " fields containing a change in your form", null);
I have changed the Visitor to collect all value fields with unchanged changes. But you can stick to the original visitField(..) implementation. You cannot use P_AbstractCollectingFieldVisitor because it is private, but you can have a similar field visitor somewhere else.
I am looking for a way to set fields dirty or not.
As I told you: execIsSaveNeeded() in each field for some custom logic. You can also call touch() / markSaved() on a field to indicate that it contains modifications or not. But unless you cannot do otherwise, I do not think that this is the correct approach for you.
I am creating items on the fly via Sitecore Web Service. So far I can create the items from this function:
And I also tried this link: http://blog.hansmelis.be/2012/05/29/sitecore-web-service-pitfalls/
But I am finding it hard to access the fields. So far here is my code:
public void CreateItemInSitecore(string getDayGuid, Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader reader)
if (getDayGuid != null)
var sitecoreService = new EverBankCMS.VisualSitecoreService();
var addItem = sitecoreService.AddFromTemplate(getDayGuid, templateIdRTT, "Testing", database, myCred);
var getChildren = sitecoreService.GetChildren(getDayGuid, database, myCred);
for (int i = 0; i < getChildren.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
if (getChildren.ChildNodes[i].InnerText.ToString() == "Testing")
var getItem = sitecoreService.GetItemFields(getChildren.ChildNodes[i].Attributes[0].Value, "en", "1", true, database, myCred);
string p = getChildren.ChildNodes[i].Attributes[0].Value;
So as you can see I am creating an Item and I want to access the Fields for that item.
I thought that GetItemFields will give me some value, but finding it hard to get it. Any clue?
My advice would be to not use the VSS (Visual Sitecore Service), but write your own service specifically for the thing you want it to do.
This way is usually more efficient because you can do exactly the thing you want, directly inside the service, instead of making a lot of calls to the VSS and handle your logic on the clientside.
For me, this has always been a better solution than using the VSS.
I am assuming you are looking to find out what the fields looks like and what the field IDs are.
You can call GetXml with the ID, it returns the item and all the versions and fields set in it, it won't show fields you haven't set.
my question is basically the same as #Bob Black's Cannot access sitecore item field via API but I agree with #techphoria414 that the accepted solution is not necessary and in my case does not work.
In my own words, I have a template Departure that I have been using for about a year now creating and updating items programmatically. I have added a new field Ship to the template. When I create a new item the field comes up as null when I try to access it using departure.Fields["Ship"]. If I step over the line causing the exception then after calling departure.Editing.EndEdit() I can then see the Ship field if I call departure.Fields.ToList(). If I add the template to a content item via the Sitecore GUI I can see the field and use it, and if I look at a content item which is based on the template I can see the new field too. So it is only when I access the template/item programmatically that it is null.
I have sitecore running on my local machine with a local sqlserver, and publish to my local machine.
Here is my code
String ship = "MSDisaster";
foreach (Language language in SiteLanguages)
departure = departure.Database.GetItem(departure.ID, language);
departure.Fields["StartDate"].Value = GetSitecoreDateString(xDep, "StartDate");
departure.Fields["EndDate"].Value = GetSitecoreDateString(xDep, "EndDate");
departure.Fields["Guaranteed"].Value = xDep.SelectSingleNode("./Guaranteed").InnerText;
departure.Fields["Status"].Value = xDep.SelectSingleNode("./Status").InnerText;
departure.Fields["Currency"].Value = ConvertLanguageToCurrency(language);
departure.Fields["Market"].Value = ConvertLanguageToMarket(language);
departure.Fields["TwinSharePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "twn", language);
departure.Fields["SinglePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "sgl", language);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ship))
departures.Fields["Ship"].Value = ship;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
So, how do I get the field be picked up?
Firstly do you see the field in the web database in the sitecore administration.
If you do the item has the fields, you then should check the template assigned on the item and double check that the field is actually called "ship" and check the case as ive seen this as an issue before.
Also check the security on the item and field just in case anyone changed anything.
Next try and get the data from the item but instead of using the field name, use the field ID.
Let me know how you go?
Sorry Chris, StackOverflow, and the others who looked at my questions. It was a stupid typo. It's even there in my question
departure.Fields["SinglePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "sgl", language);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ship))
departures.Fields["Ship"].Value = ship;
departure is the item I am working on, departures is the collection it belongs to... doh.
So what is the protocol here? Do I delete my question now because it isn't really going to help anyone code better?