Make cannot find target with wildcard pattern - c++

CXXSRC = $(shell find source -iname "*.cpp")
CXXSRCFN = $(notdir $(CXXSRC))
CXXOBJ = $(CXXSRCFN:%.s=output/obj/%.cpp.o)
OUTPUT = output/kernel.elf
.PHONY: builduserspace clean all
all: $(OUTPUT)
#$(QEMU) -vga std -serial file:"output/serialout.log" -m 20 -hda output/disk.img -rtc base=localtime
# Linking object files...
#$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o output/temp.elf output/obj/Start.s.o $(shell find output/obj -name "*.o" ! -name "Start.s.o") -Lgcc
# Performing objcopy...
#$(OBJCOPY) -O elf32-i386 output/temp.elf output/kernel.elf
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
#echo $(notdir $<)
#$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $(notdir $#) $<
That's the makefile. Here's the situation, imagine this directory structure:
|-- obj
|-- file1.cpp
|-- file2.cpp
|-- subdirectory
|-- file3.cpp
Say I run make in the root folder (where output and source are). The target output is output/kernel.elf.
Essentially, I want all the files in the folder 'source' to be compiled into object files and placed into the folder output/obj.
I managed to get the variables about right; CXXSRC is simply the list of all source files to be compiled; CXXOBJ is the list of outputs.
However, make: * No rule to make target output/obj/file.cpp.o', needed byoutput/kernel.elf'. Stop.
After some trial and error, I managed to narrow down the issue: If I modify the target to this:
output/obj/%.cpp.o: source/subdirectory/%.cpp
It works fine (ie. it errors on the other files in my tree, because not all files are in subdirectory)
Obviously this would defeat the purpose of the % wildcard operator, so how do I fix this problem?
First SO post, take it easy on me (:

The short answer is, you can't. In a pattern rule the pattern (%) must be identical (string-wise) between the target and the prerequisite. It can't mean "something sort of, but not exactly, the same".
I think it's a bit unpleasant to compile source files from multiple different directories and put the output into a single directory. Every single time I've seen that done it's become a big problem (because people sometimes use the same source file name and then you have a mess).
If you really want to do it there's no choice but to declare multiple rules with the different source directories. There are ways to do this in the makefile without writing them all by hand, but they're somewhat more advanced.


How to compile this file succesfully?

I am trying to compile bt from NPB. I am getting the attached errorCompilation Error . I have also attached the make file I am using.
What am I doing wrong in this case?
include ../config/make.def
OBJS = bt.o \
${COMMON}/c_print_results.o ${COMMON}/c_timers.o ${COMMON}/c_wtime.o
include ../sys/make.common
# npbparams.h is included by header.h
# The following rule should do the trick but many make programs (not gmake)
# will do the wrong thing and rebuild the world every time (because the
# mod time on header.h is not changed. One solution would be to
# touch header.h but this might cause confusion if someone has
# accidentally deleted it. Instead, make the dependency on npbparams.h
# explicit in all the lines below (even though dependence is indirect).
# header.h: npbparams.h
${PROGRAM}: config ${OBJS}
bt.o: bt.c header.h npbparams.h
- rm -f *.o *~ mputil*
- rm -f npbparams.h core
Seems missing ../sys/setparams
Which should be an executable file, and takes bt A as input arguments.
It might be a depended tool should be built at first. I've tried a search on github, and could find some projects containing, ../sys/setparams.c, maybe, these are what you need.
Hope it helps you.

Recursive search in VPATH?

My C++ project has source files organized in nested subdirectories of ./src. I have a pattern rule in my makefile which compiles all of the .cpp source files into objects:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp makefile
$(CXX) -c $< -o $#
Since I am using this pattern rather than writing a compilation rule for each source file, I need to tell make to look recursively through ./src for these prerequisites. Right now I have:
VPATH := $./src/:./src/folder1:./src/folder2:./src/folder3
This works, but it feels pretty inelegant and also causes bugs when I inevitably forget to add in a new folder.
Hoping someone has a better solution!
You can automate the building of the VPATH variable like yours by searching for subdirectories and replacing spaces with colons:
space :=
space +=
VPATH := $(subst $(space),:,$(shell find src -type d))
This assumes that you have no spaces in your directories or filenames.
With this approach, it is not clear to me what you would do if two source files in two different subdirectories have the same name -- but that seems to be more related to your overall setup than to your question about the VPATH specifically.
For the $(space) variable trick, see the nifty Escaping comma and space in GNU Make blog post.
gmake itself does not have any functions for recursive directory traversal, so you have to resort to $(shell ...):
VPATH := $(shell find src -type d -print | tr '\012' ':' | sed 's/:$$//')
Tweak the shell script to get the right semantics. You want to use the := operator, in order to evaluate this one time.

Object file target not matching implicit rule with pattern

I'm using GNU makefiles to build a C project. I want to keep all build artifacts on an isolated build tree in order to minimize clutter. The project looks like this:
Where $prefix represents the directory of the project and $tree represents an arbitrary folder structure.
I wanted to match source files in the source/ directory to their object and dependency file counterparts in the build/ tree. So, I wrote the following rules:
# Remove the built-in rules
%.o : %.c
$(objects_directory)/%.o : $(source_directory)/%.c $(dependencies_directory)/%.d
$(compiler_command_line) $(compiler_option_output) $# $<
$(build_directory)/$(target) : $(objects)
$(compiler_command_line) $(compiler_option_output) $# $^
Make correctly figures out the compilation target and the object files needed to build it. However, make stops at this point with the error:
No rule to make target 'build/objects/project/program.o', needed by 'build/program.dll'.
So why is this happening, and how do I fix it?
I investigated the problem by running make --print-data-base, the output of which included:
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
Which suggests that the prerequisite is not matching the implicit rule as intended. However, I verified that it does match when I tried to work my way backwards by writing:
object := build/objects/project/program.o
These lines result in source/project/program.c and project/program, which means the stem is being correctly computed.
I have studied the GNU make documentation and I don't remember reading anything that suggests that this kind of pattern matching can't happen in implicit rule definitions.
Here are the variable definitions:
include_directory := include
source_directory := source
build_directory := build
objects_directory := $(build_directory)/objects
dependencies_directory := $(build_directory)/dependencies
sources := $(wildcard $(source_directory)/**/*.c)
objects := $(sources:$(source_directory)/%.c=$(objects_directory)/%.o)
# Take the name of the project's directory
target := $(notdir $(CURDIR)).dll
compiler_dependency_file = $(patsubst $(source_directory)/%.c,$(dependencies_directory)/%.d,$<)
compiler_options = -I $(include_directory) -MMD -MF $(compiler_dependency_file)
CC = gcc
compiler_command_line = $(CC) $(compiler_options) $(CFLAGS)
compiler_option_output = -o
It turns out it wasn't the pattern matching. The root of the problem was in the dependency prerequisite of the implicit rule.
The dependency file isn't supposed to be a prerequisite in the first place; it should be one of the targets that gets generated along with the object file.
As I read once more ยง 4.14 Generating Prerequisites Automatically of the manual, the answer jumped out at me:
The purpose of the sed command is to translate (for example):
main.o : main.c defs.h
main.o main.d : main.c defs.h
While my build system makes no use of sed, the fact that main.d was on the left-hand side of the example rule felt strange. In my code, it was on the right-hand side.
When I put my rule in the left-hand side, it worked and the problem was solved. The erroneous recipe was essentially treating one of its byproducts as a prerequisite.

Makefile - replace in wildcard

In my project all .cpp files are stored in
I want to compile all .cpp file separetly to Bin/ directory, replacing / with _, so that:
Classes/First.cpp -> Bin/Classes_First.o
Classes/Foo/Bar.cpp -> Bin/Classes_Foo_Bar.o
Now I wanted to create rules for compiling:
Bin/%.o: $(subst _,/,%.cpp)
$(COMPILER)g++ $(COMPILE_FLAGS) -c -o $# $^
I tried:
make Bin/Classes_Test.o
But compilation failed.
So I created debugging pattern:
#echo CPP: $#
Now it printed:
CPP: Classes_Test.cpp
So I changed my pattern to:
Bin/%.o: $(subst _,/,Test1_Test2.cpp)
and I saw:
CPP: Test1/Test2.cpp
I'm a little bit confused why subst does not work if I use wildcard as source...
This is an evaluation order issue.
When make parse the makefile it evaluates the $(subst) call but the argument to $(subst) at that point is the literal string %.cpp which has nothing to substitute in it and so does not do anything.
At target evaluation/execution time the % in the target pattern and prereq pattern are filled out but the $(subst) has long-since gone away.
To do this you will need to manually (in one way or another) map the output files to the input files. You can do that and keep the %.o pattern rule target for the actual recipe to run though (so you just need to generate a bunch of Bin/Test1_Test2.o: Test1/Test2.cpp lines).
Alternatively, I believe you can might be able to use secondary expansion to do this:
Bin/%.o: $$(subst _,/,%.cpp)

Which build system will do this the most 'naturally'?

Instead of the flat structure my code currently has, I want to organize it into modules contained in sub-folders (and perhaps sub-sub folders if the modules get big enough).
Each module will have one or more translation units which will each produce a .o file.
The final target would be to mash up all these object files into a static library (for now).
I am using plain 'make' and it is already complicated enough.
Is there a system in which the specified model comes naturally or with much less effort compared to writing makefiles by hand ?
(If you are going to recommend cmake, I need some hints as I have already tried and could not come up with a good solution.)
Some paraphrased bits from my current project's makefile that may help you out with good old fashioned GNU make:
SOURCEDIR := dir1 dir2/subdir1 dir3 dir4 dir5/subdir1 dir6/subdir1
SOURCES := $(foreach srcdir,$(SOURCEDIR),$(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.c))
OBJECTS := $(patsubst %.c,build/%.o,$(SOURCES))
OBJDIRS := $(addprefix build/,$(SOURCEDIR))
MAKEDEPS := $(patsubst %.c,build/%.d,$(SOURCES))
all: example
-mkdir -p $#
build: $(OBJDIRS)
build/%.o : %.c | build
cc -MMD -c -o $# $<
example: $(OBJECTS)
cc -o $# $(OBJECTS)
-include $(MAKEDEPS)
In essence, it builds all of the source files found in the designated directories into object files located in subdirectories of the build directory in a hierarchy that parallels their source directory layout (important if multiple source files have the same name) and then links the results into an executable example.
As a bonus, dynamic dependency generation and inclusion via the MAKEDEPS variable and clang's -MMD flag.
It really depends upon your purposes: Build packages are generally intended for the audience rather than the performer. Often, they take into consideration the disparate environments into which people deploy. I played around with 'tup,' which seemed more a way of generating an executable as quickly as possible after an edit. 'Premake' seems to shoot at multiple platforms, but I found specifying compiler options no more enlightened than with Cmake.
It looks as though you've found a good Makefile tutor, so I'll leave my observations at that.