Importing Armadillo C++ library into Xcode - c++

I'm a mac user and am trying to install and import C++ Armadillo library. Here are the steps I've had so far:
1) I downloaded the Armadillo library from its website.
2) I went over the Readme.txt file in the download file explaining how to install it.
3) I used CMake to make the armadillo download files into binary files.
4) Then by using terminal and the code sudo make install, I installed the binary codes and they generated some "library-like" files: libarmadillo.4.0.2.dylib, libarmadillo.4.dylib, lib armadillo.dylib
5) I then copied all these files into /url/lib directory.
6) Now I have my Xcode program running and I'm trying to include the armadillo library via the include command. The problem is Xcode highlights this line and it says "armadillo file not found". Could anyone please help me solve this issue?
Thanks very much,

You need to set the following things in your build settings:
Header Search Paths: /path/to/armadillo/include (e.g. something like /url/lib/armadillo/include)
This is all you need for your source to compile. However, in order to get your program to link, you will also need the following:
Library Search Paths: /path/to/armadillo/libraries (e.g. something like /url/lib/armadillo/lib)
Other Linker Flags: -larmadillo (or: add the armadillo library to your Link build phase using the GUI)
If you're not exactly sure how to properly build and install armadillo (e.g. which prefix to use when configuring), I highly recommend using a package manager such as MacPorts to do it for you,
Install port from here
run the following command:
sudo port install armadillo
Your header path and library path will be: /opt/local/include and /opt/local/lib respectively


How to link fftw3 on a macOS using CMake?

I have the following fftw3 header files under /usr/local/include:
Further, I have the following fftw3 static libraries under /usr/local/lib:
However, when I try to compile my file using cmake and running make afterwards, I get the following errors:
What I find particularly odd is that when compiling the individual *.cpp files, I get no error despite the fact that these files use fftw_malloc and other functionality from fftw3.h.
I'm using gcc and g++ version 10.2.0. I configure my CMake file using cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-10 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-10.
I configured fftw3 through the download on the fftw3 website and running ./configure, make, sudo make install in that order. As mentioned before, the files seem to have been installed in the correct place. I also tried the same with homebrew and MacPorts and ended up with the same result.
I'm also using findFFTW. Without this, even the *.cpp files don't seem to compile properly. Further, even findFFTW claims to have found the FFTW3 library, giving the following output during the configuration of the make file:
-- Found FFTW: /usr/local/include
Finally, my target link libraries are set to the following in the CMake file:
target_link_libraries(cartogram CGAL::CGAL Boost::program_options fftw3)
Is there any way I can solve the error I get? (ld: library not found for -lfftw3)
Edit: On a side note, the exact same cmake file works perfectly find on Ubuntu, Linux!

How to install LAPACK for MSVS 2010 on windows?

I am using the ITPP library (IT++ library) for one of my projects. For using the eigen_sym() function of this library, it asks for installing the LAPACK. I tried the direct prebuilt libraries for Windows but still get the error. Finally on the following site:
I found a solution under "Build Instructions to create LAPACK and LAPACKE 3.5.0 dlls for Windows with MinGW" that might work. I did steps 1 to 5 but got stuck 6 onwards.
My destination of the cmake build is E:/LAPACK
I got an error while in the cmd prompt while entering:
cd E:/LAPACK 3.5.0 >Enter
C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe >Enter
i'm getting
mingw32-make.exe> No targets specified and no make file found. Stop.
Can someone explain the step 6 onwards in detail and tell me where i'm going wrong?
I finally want to get the .dll and .lib files.
I was able to build LAPACK 3.5 for windows using mingw and pretty much the build guide from the LAPACK page. Using the following steps
Download lapack.tgz from here
Extract to a folder. I used 7zip file manager to extract the tarball to x:/Other/test
Install mingw32. I used this: and I selected and installed mingw32-developer-toolkit + mingw32-base + mingw32-gfortran + mingw32-gcc-g++ + msys-base
Open a command prompt
Append mingw to your path
change directory to the location you extracted lapack: For me this was X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0 so the command I typed was the following (your path will be different):
X:>cd Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0
make a folder for your build. I used build
X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0>mkdir build
then change directory to the build folder
X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0>cd build
Now configure with CMake
X:\Other\Test\lapack-3.5.0\build>cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -D CMAKE_GNUtoMS=ON ..
Now use gnu make to build LAPACK
Note: This step will take several minutes.
After the above steps completed 100% with no errors, I have the following dlls in the build\bin folder: libblas.dll, liblapack.dll, libtmglib.dll
Also the following libraries, and exp files in the build\lib folder: libblas.exp, libblas.lib, liblapack.exp, liblapack.lib, libtmglib.exp and libtmglib.lib.

Using MySQL in XCODE for C++ project

Currently, I have a project in C++ where i have to get a mysql database and ask for tablevalues. I understand that now I have to import the mysql library.
So I do so by going to this site:
MySQL Mac OSX 10.7 (64bit)
Now that I have successfully downloaded the files and imported the include folder and libraries that the folder contains, I get this error in the mysql.driver.h file I imported with the rest of the mysql files in the folder I just recently downloaded ...
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> // 'boost/scoped_ptr.hpp' file not found
So this is telling me that this templated header file was not found...
Do I need to download the boost library now? I did and imported BOOST into my project but it just gave me more errors...
Anyone ran into this same issue before or can help? :) I'd greatly appreciate it!
I also read up on a forum in the mySQL webpage and saw that I would need to add linker flags and header/library search paths? I did this but nothing helped :(
Header Search Paths - /usr/local/mysql/include
Library Search Paths - /usr/local/mysql/lib
Other Linker Flags -lz -lm -lmysqlclient
I am a newbie and had a hard time on getting the C++ connector for mysql to work under Xcode. These are the steps necessary for it to work:
Download the MySQL C connector dmg package and install it. This package installs in /usr/local/mysql-connector.... Rename that folder to mysql. (in order to view the /usr folder in finder click on the GO menu and then on GO TO FOLDER once there type in /usr.)
Download the MySQL C++ connector binary. Uncompress it by double clicking the file. Once the file uncompresses, create a folder named mysqlCPP in /usr/local/ (you will now have a folder named mysql and mysqlCPP). Now copy the folders /include and /lib from the uncompressed C++ connector folder to the mysqlCPP folder you just created.
Download the BOOST library from Uncompress the downloaded file and copy the boost directory to /usr/local/. (now you should have /mysql /mysqlCPP /boost directories here. There may be additional system folders DONT DELETE THEM.
Now on XCODE open your project and in Build Settings do the following:
Look for OTHER LINKER FLAGS, double click and add the following: -lz -lm -lmysqlcppconn-static (this builds a static reference and a bigger executable, if you wish to link dynamically you need type -lz -lm -lmysqlcppconn but you MUST COPY THE dynamic library into the EXECUTION directory of the file. Add to all options under OTHER LINKER FLAGS.
Look for HEADER SEARCH PATHS, double click and add the following /usr/local/mysqlCPP/include, /usr/local/mysql/include and /usr/local/ all should be added non-recursive. Don't forget to type in for all inputs Debug, Release, Any Architecture, etc.
Look for LIBRARY SEARCH PATHS, double click and add the following: /usr/local/mysql/lib and /usr/local/mysqlCPP/lib. Don't forget to type in for all inputs Debug, Release, Any Architecture, etc. Now you have both installed Connector-C and Connector-C++.
Look for C++ Standard Library and choose the libstdc++ (GNU C++ standard library)
Now you should be set and ready to compile C++ programs. If you wish to use the C connector instead then you should change the OTHER LINKER FLAGS to: -lm -lz -lmysqlclient. Just try with any of the samples on and both connectors should work.
The documentation clearly states boost is required for building the MySQL connector from source
As of MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.0, the Boost C++ libraries 1.34.0 or
newer must be installed. Boost is required only to build the
Once you have boost installed, just point to its installation location
Once Boost is installed, tell the build system where the Boost files
are by defining the BOOST_ROOT:STRING option. This can be done when
you invoke CMake. For example:
shell> cmake . -DBOOST_ROOT:STRING=/usr/local/boost_1_40_0

Can't work with gloox library in ubuntu 12.04 64-bit

Some time ago I installed gloox library with the command sudo apt-get install libgloox-dev.
But it is not working in netbeans, for example. I noticed that there are only .h files (with only function declarations) in /usr/include/gloox directory. Need your help...
You need to configure your project dependencies in order to use a library.
Are you able to access Gloox files using <> ? If yes the environment variable is set correctly (should be done automatically in Ubuntu)
The library (.so file) will be in /usr/local/lib. You need to link the project against it in your makefile. On netbeans I think it's on project properties->c++ compiler. Personally, I use Cmake to generate my makefiles
Try to download library from and follow installation instructions.

Build Boost on Mac with Xcode

I've recently got acquainted with Boost library and I'd like to use it in my Xcode project. But sadly there is no HowTo or FAQ on how to do it :(
What's the sequence of actions to build and use Boost libraries in Xcode?
The easiest way I've found to do it is to install MacPorts, then you can install/build Boost via a single command:
sudo port install boost
Plus you get similar access to other open source software. The only downside I've found is that, like any other package management system, they are not always up to date with the latest version.
If you prefer Homebrew as your package manager, the command is:
brew install boost
I don't know how to use Boost from XCode (I'm not a Mac programmer), but building boost is usually done through their own build tool, bjam.
They have a guide to building boost here, and you can download the latest version of bjam here
Once it is built, you reference it from Xcode the same way you would any other library. The boost/include should be added to your include path, and the libraries in boost/lib can be referenced for the boost libs that require it.
To build boost on a mac, follow the unix variants getting started page ( You won't use Xcode directly to perform the build, but once complete you can add the boost include paths and dylib's to your Xcode project.
I found that to build Boost 1.41.1 on MacOS, you need to do the following:
Download boost 1.46.1 from here:
Unpack the file
Open terminal, cd to the install directory, and do the following:
chmod u+x
cd tools/build/v2/engine/src
chmod u+x
Then go back to the install directory, and:
If that runs successfully, it will tell you to run:
That's it.. for whatever reason, I needed to set those permissions manually before it would work.
su - root
enter root password and then run below as root
/opt/local/bin/port install boost
If you have never logged in as root or forgotten your password, here are the steps to reset root password
For most of the boost libraries, there's nothing to build, it's all in header files.
The remainder of the instructions are here.
Currently I'm very happy with using Pete Goodliffe's script which builds a framework from the Boost source package for both iOS and Mac. Drag and drop it into a project and it works!
There are multiple versions of the script out there. Here's one:
Elaboration of Ferrucio's answer:
Install Boost using MacPorts (sudo port install boost) or Homebrew (brew install boost).
Find the path to the Boost header files (it should be in /opt/homebrew/include if you're using Homebrew).
Add the path to System Header Search Paths in the Build Settings of your Xcode target.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you add the path to User Header Search Paths instead of System Header Search Paths, as other users suggested, then your code will fail to build, since the Boost files use angled-includes (#include <boost/filename.hpp>) to include each other. Angled-includes are only for including system library headers, and thus they only work if Boost is in the System Header Search Paths.
You can read about the difference between angled-includes and quoted-includes here.