Failed Billing Payment AWS CVS missing - amazon-web-services

Company credit card expiry passed and new expiry details needed putting onto AWS payment methods. Since then billing has failed. I am assuming its because CVS number is not taken by AWS and the bank are rejecting it. (The card has been used for many other things since to make payment so its active).
Is there another way to get around this as the bank won't allow to bypass it. I can't believe there arent any posts from others with similar issues as the payment methods for AWS are rather limiting.
Its ran seamless for a few years now until this happened and I can't get an answer out of ticket system on AWS.
Many thanks.

Its randomly started working again. Very strange.


Problem setting up Google Maps API Billing Acount

I hope you are all very well. I'm developing a web platform for an assignment and I need to use the Maps JavaScript API. As you know, you are required to provide a credit card number to set up your billing account, unfortunately I'm from Venezuela and credit cards are not something that you can see every day, first I tried using a false credit card number, it didn't work, then I managed to find someone who had a credit card, but it seems like the credit limits in my country are not even high enough for Google to test that the credit card actually works. I've tried sending requests to the API but all of them have been rejected and I haven't been able to find any ways around this problem. It's very embarrassing to ask for this, but if someone could provide me with an API key that works, I'd very more than grateful, I can pay for using the API Key, my only problem is that I don't count with a credit card (I could pay with cryptocurrencies if that were an option), and even if I had a credit card, my country is not included in the list of countries that can be chosen when creating a new billing account. Thanks in advance, it's a very important assignment and I really need some help.
I believe that you can use a PayPal account. For Google Cloud you can prepay an account, maybe you can do the same with Google Maps.
A shared API key will probably get blocked quickly by Google, so do not try to go that route.
Another idea is to join a local Google Developer Group, someone might be able to help you. Also, sometimes developer/educational credits are available. This is worth your time and can help you with contacts as you develop your skills.
Google Developer Groups
Link to the Caracas GDG

Is it still possible to utilize a GPU on GCP on a individual account?

I have already activated billing but every time I tried to expand the quota it tells me:
'Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you additional quota at this time. If this is a new project please wait 48h until you resubmit the request or until your Billing account has additional history'
I used to be able to get a GPU, but I can't seem to get one right now.
The message is quite clear. The GPU quota increase will be gradually allowed as your Billing account will accumulate additional history
If you want to speed up the process, you might want to get in touch with the
Google Sales Team
As previously mentioned. There is really not much that you can do except for two things:
Reply back to that email so your case gets reopened and you get to talk with a real person and not a bot.
If the real person still tells you that it's not possible to grant you the quota, then consider requesting a lower quantity, if you're already requesting only 1 GPU, then yes, go to the Sales Team and explain your need, they may be able to vouch for you.

Google Cloud virtual instances disappear after trial?

I created two virtual machine instances. After the trial they disappear. I already search in the compute engine menu but i can't find anything. Do you know if i can recover them or what can i do?.
After your trial ends, the resources you created during the trial are stopped, but can be restored if you upgrade to a paid account within 30 days.
Within that 30-day period, you can also contact Google Billing Support to export any data you stored in Google GCP services (other than on Compute Engine). After 30 days, your data and resources are not available, even if you upgrade.
You can find more detail at this link.
Update: 2020-12-18
I just have had a chat with google billing support. They confirm that they remove data after 30 days as state here (They gave me this link )
After the VMs are removed , they will gone forever. You cannot do anything about it.
And they also said that they DO NOT give any email warning that the service is ending and the VMs will be removed.
Very surprised about this and this is like a problem for at least 2 years. And they do nothing about it. It is just one email and very very important one!
They also said "we will send a feedback to our engineering team regarding this incident" Hope that their engineering team will create this email next time.
However, if you have a paid account, it will be different. You will get a warning email ( just one , as I understand) and you will have 7 + 30 days before your vm will be deleted. This is from the chat:
If the account missed a payment, the billing account will go to "Delinquent Status" and after 7 days, the account will be suspended and the service will be interrupted. Which means, the VM's will stop to function.
Once the account is in a delinquent status, the moment it was entered delinquency, you'll receive a notice via email that you need to update the form of payment to remove the delinquency, if not, the account will be suspended.
Once it's suspended, the project will start to go to the period when the project needs to be link to an active account within 30 days, otherwise, the data and resources are gradually deleted from the project if not linked to a working billing account in a span of 30 days.
After the 30 day recovery period, all resources on the project are fully deleted and there are no more means of recovering them, that's what will happen and the stages will experience "if" the account missed a payment or when the card link in the account expires.
As I understand , it will be one email only.

How can I run a follow-up survey HIT with the same set of Workers in Amazon Mechanical Turk?

I'm working on a longitudinal research study where we need to re-survey the same set of Workers.
A complication: I'm doing this with a new MTurk Requester account, as access to the original one isn't readily available. Therefore the previous project & batch are not there. I'm making a new project.
I have the MTurk IDs for the past Workers though.
Will this be enough, or will I need to access the old MTurk Requester account? If it is enough, how can I do this?
So far, I attempted to import the Worker list, and set a qualification that only those workers could participant in this next HIT. But I'm not sure how I can notify those specific Workers that there is a follow-up intended for them.
Thanks for you help in advance.
You cannot contact workers who have not worked for you (on that requester account) previously.
What I would do if I were you would be to name the qualification something like "Follow-up HIT posted just for you please check it out". Turkers get an email when a qualification is granted, so this will notify them and they'll be curious enough to check it out.
If I didn't get enough Ps, I'd log into the old account and send a message to the workers through the API asking them to participate in the new HIT.

How do I change a donation amount down the road?

I'm building a website to allow people to donate to a local charity quickly and easily. The charity allows direct donations, but it's primary function is to do "per mile" style donations, but with pull ups. In that past, they have collected the pledges ("I'll pay $1 per pull up"), then manual contacted people for payment after the event. This isn't very slick and very time consuming.
What I'd like to be able to do is collect a pledge and payment information, then charge people automatically after the event. From what I've seen, I should put a hold/authorization on their account, then capture it with the appropriate amount after the event. But reauthorizing will only allow up to 115% of the original, and I can't very well just authorize a large amount and let it sit for two months before reauthorizing and capturing it.
I know this can be done, but I haven't messed with this side of things before, and the REST API from paypal doesn't have an obvious solution. Is there something I'm missing? Should I be going about this a different way?
You can use reference transactions. I would recommend sticking with the Classic API for now, though. REST isn't as mature yet and doesn't have all the same functionality quite yet.
So in the classic API you would use Express Checkout and/or Payments Pro. You can process an original authorization and then simply void it, or use the card verification process with Payments Pro.
You won't need to capture an original amount, so you won't need to worry about the 115% cap on the capture.
Instead, you'll use the DoReferenceTransaction API to process any amount you need to at any time from that user's account account.
With Express Checkout you have to be sure to include a billing agreement in the setup. This guide outlines that whole process.
With Payments Pro you just do the original card verification / auth and then pass that auth ID into the DoReferenceTransaction API.
In either case, if you're working with PHP this PayPal PHP SDK will make all of the API calls very quick and easy for you.