C++ libsndfile and mac osx - c++

I've seen this question around quite a lot but I'm fairly new to C++ and I've tried following each answer. I am trying to use the libsndfile lib with XCode and mac osx mavericks. However the problem lies with
/* The following typedef is system specific and is defined when libsndfile is
** compiled. sf_count_t can be one of loff_t (Linux), off_t (*BSD), off64_t
** (Solaris), __int64_t (Win32) etc. On windows, we need to allow the same
** header file to be compiler by both GCC and the microsoft compiler.
#ifdef _MSCVER
typedef __int64_t sf_count_t ;
#define SF_COUNT_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffffi64
typedef __int64_t sf_count_t ;
where I get the error 'Unknown type name '__int64' I understand this is due to __int64 being for windows but how can I change this for a mac?

I'm not familiar with this library. Are you sure you include the right header file. It seems from the comment that this file is intended to be used with Windows. Anyway...
__int64_t should be defined in some other header. It is typedef for long long.
To workaround this you can add typedef long long __int64_t; before you include the header.

I've found something that works. For anyone who wishes to use the libsndfile library with a mac should look at this:
Download the files and dump all of the files within your src folder. Works perfectly. Credit to the author.


the property of the my project is configured right , but visual studio still can not open include header file

everyone , Sorry if this is such a naive question,but it really disrupts me .
I am using boost library in my project.
I think my project is configured right , in the properties of the project , in the additional include directories part :
I have provided :D:\work material\LIBRARY\BOOST2\x64\include\boost-1_71
I also provided the lib path in the linker part ..
my corresponding source code is :
# include <stdint.h>
# include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
typedef boost::int64_t int64_t;
typedef boost::uint64_t uint64_t;
typedef boost::int32_t int32_t;
typedef boost::uint32_t uint32_t;
typedef boost::int16_t int16_t;
typedef boost::uint16_t uint16_t;
typedef boost::int8_t int8_t;
typedef boost::uint8_t uint8_t;
the macro HAVE_STDINT_H is not defined .
and when compiled ,I get the error:
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'boost/cstdint.hpp': No such file or directory
I have compiled successfully before ,but this time it seems never will work .
sorry ,guys and gals. it is a naive question,indeed . It turns out that another project on which this project depend doesn't have the right configuration.
As I mentioned ,it successes before ,so follow pure logic ,I should try to pin down the problem in other directions .But it is a time constrained work ,I want to finish it as soon as possible ,So post it on stack overflow.

Using OpenBLAS LAPACKE in Visual Studio

i need some linear algebra in my project and want use OpenBLAS for this. I downloaded the precompiled version (64bit version) and unpacked it to my projectfolder. In Visual Studio, i added include-, bin-, and lib-folder to my Project and ran the this example without problems.
Next, i wanted to look at LAPACK, so i added lapacke.h to the includes, which is in the same directory as cblas.h and is included in the official download. But now i get hundreds of errors, for every function, as if a lib file was missing or something. E.g. for this line
85 lapack_complex_float lapack_make_complex_float( float re, float im );
i get
PATH\include\lapacke.h(85): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'lapack_make_complex_float'
I can't find any further information on how to set up OpenBLAS/LAPACK, they usually just say 'include the files', which i have. Otherwise the cblas example wouldn't run either. And the (relevant) examples i can find only use cblas.h, not lapacke.h
Can some tell me what i'm doing wrong?
The problem is that OpenBlas uses C99 _Complex by default. This is not supported by Visual C++. You can solve this by using standard library definitions before including lapacke.h:
#include <complex>
#define lapack_complex_float std::complex<float>
#define lapack_complex_double std::complex<double>
#include <lapacke.h>
Using std::complex is problematic unless OpenBLAS was built with LAPACK_COMPLEX_CPP otherwise the library uses a different complex type internally, usually C99 _Complex.
Modern versions of the Microsoft compiler (e.g. the one in VSTUDIO 2022) support a similar "_Complex" mechanism. Therefore I include the following header file prior to "lapacke.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <complex.h>
typedef _Dcomplex lapack_complex_float;
typedef _Fcomplex lapack_complex_double;
#define lapack_complex_float_real(z) (real(z))
#define lapack_complex_float_imag(z) (imag(z))
#endif // _MSC_VER
See the lapack.h header file that ships with OpenBLAS how #define LAPACK_COMPLEX_CUSTOM overrides complex variable type definitions

Playing cutscenes in c++

I'm using SDL for opening a window and handeling events. And OpenGL to render my objects to the screen. SDL_mixer for sound, and SDL_ttf for text. Now I'm trying to figure out how to be able to put a video on display. Like an animated logo or something before the game starts. Just to experiment with it. At some point I will need to know it...
I've found and tried installing FFMPEG, I've included the "include" folder, and set the "lib" folder. At first I got an error telling me it was unable to load "inttypes.h". So I downloaded a package with that and put it in the include folder for FFMPEG.
Now I'm stuck with this error, which I can't seem to be able to solve.
fatal error C1004: unexpected end-of-file found
And another question, is there other libraries aviable that may be easier to use for displaying a simple video? I read something about SDL being able to do it, but nothing was to be found about it.
EDIT: Here is line 78 to 96:
extern attribute_deprecated const uint8_t av_reverse[256];
# include "config.h"
# include "intmath.h"
/* Pull in unguarded fallback defines at the end of this file. */
#include "common.h"
#ifndef av_log2
av_const int av_log2(unsigned v);
#ifndef av_log2_16bit
av_const int av_log2_16bit(unsigned v);
Wrap your #include <libav*.h>s inside a block like this:
extern "C"
#include <libavdevice/avdevice.h>
#include <libavdevice/version.h>
There's probably a way around using the UNDEFINE_STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS hack but the logic just isn't coming to me right now.
Worked for me on VS2012 using Zeranoe's 32-bit ffmpeg development binaries and msinttypes' inttypes.h.
Hmm, I found the DLL-files, and it gave me a linker error with the 64-bit library.
I changed back to 32-bit and the 32-bit dlls and it worked fine. I guess that libraries ask if you have 32/64-bit Visual Studio insteath of Windows.

Installing PNGwriter library in codeblocks

I'm trying to setup pngwriter library in codeblocks for c++. I've used this tutorial (http://www.neuron-hub.com/2011/06/setting-up-pngwriter-with-code.html) but something isn't working. I'm almost a beginner at c++, and those library installs are killing me.
When I build it like it says in tutorial, in codeblocks opens another tab called ft2build.h and says
#ifndef __FT2_BUILD_UNIX_H__
#define __FT2_BUILD_UNIX_H__
/* `<prefix>/include/freetype2' must be in your current inclusion path */
#include <freetype/config/ftheader.h>
#endif /* __FT2_BUILD_UNIX_H__ */
/* END */
so the question is does anybody know what the problem is here? Tutorial is simple and I repeated it at least 20 times and the result is the same.
You must include ..\include\freetype2\ into the path where Codeblocks searches for necessary headers.

Help! error C2040: 'HWINEVENTHOOK' : 'DWORD' differs in levels of indirection from 'HWINEVENTHOOK__ *'

I'm compiling my application on a new box (vista 64) and now it doesn't compile anymore. The compiler gives me the error in the title. The problem seems(?) to be that HWINEVENTHOOK is defined twice in
#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */
and then in winable.h it's
#if WINVER < 0x0500 // these structures and functions
// are in NT 5.00 and above winuser.h
However, I just looked up WINVER for vista and it is 0x0600 and windows XP is 0x0501 so why is DWORD being defined? I'm at a loss. Anyone help?
According to this MSDN forum thread:
winable.h was moved from the Windows
SDK in July 2005 because functionality
was duplicated in winuser.h. It was
determined at that time that efforts
would be better spent on updating
winuser.h to Windows Vista-level
functionality rather than updating the
functionality of both files.
What version of the Windows SDK are you using, and what Windows version is your code targetting? The target Windows version may be specified in a makefile, project file, or header file. Compiling your code on Vista doesn't necessarily mean that the target version is Vista.
Also, have you tried switching from winable.h to winuser.h?
You might need to explicitly set WINVER to the version corresponding to the minimum version of Windows you are targeting. I suspect its default value is not much above Win2K...
You could check its default value with a quick (untested) hack like this:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("WINVER=0x%04x\n", WINVER);
return 0;
Compiled as a console app and run at the command prompt it might provide a clue. Otherwise, you'll spend ages chasing through include files trying to identify where it set the default.
Edit: In general, it is safest to always specify WINVER for a project. Either do it in the project settings in Visual Studio (and for all builds, not just the current build!) or do it in a common header file included by every module in the project. Doing so explicitly will reduce the chance that different build environment might have a different assumption.