How to minimalize the time to load Vectors? - c++

I´m currently trying to develop a game and im having some trouble with the Map.
The Map works the Following way: We have a class named Map, which will contain a vector of Tiles.
class GMap
private :
std::vector <BTiles> TileList;
So, there will be a function Load in GMap which will load all the tiles from a txt file.
All the tiles have their own function, like render for example. And their own variables, like ID and Type of Tile.
I can easily render the tiles, but my problem is that, since the maps are kind of big, and each tile is only 16x16 pixels, it takes a lot of them to fill the whole Surface. And since there are so many of them, it takes way too long to load it. Like, 30-40 seconds for a small part of them.
I still havent developed the code that actually reads the txt file, which will contain the information of how many tiles to load, which types are them and their position, so i have been using this code to test the Tile Rendering.
bool GMap::Load(char *File)
int XRand;
for(int i = 0;i < 1024;i++) //I need 1024 tiles to load a screen of 512x512 pixels.
BTiles NewTile; //Btile is the Tiles Class.
XRand = rand() % 5; //There are currently only 5 types of Tile. And i wanted to print them randomly, just for testing.
NewTile.OnLoad(XRand, i); //This will be setting type = Xrand, and ID = i. The Type will define which block to print on the screen. And the ID will define where to print it.
return true;
This is the Tiles OnLoad function:
bool BTiles::OnLoad(int BType, int BID)
if((BSurface = Surface::OnLoad("BTexture.png")) == false)
return false;
Type = BType;
return true;
I can then print all of the tiles the following way:
void GMap::Render(SDL_Surface *MainSurface)
for(int i = 0;i < TileList.size();i++)
TileList[i].OnRender(MainSurface); //I am calling a Render function inside the Tile Class. MainSurface is the primary surface im using to render images.
But My problem is in the Load Function. It takes way too much time to load those 1024 Tiles. And 1024 tiles are only a few of the amount i will actually have to load in a serious map. Besides, it wont even load them all. After the huge amount of time it takes to "load" the 1024 tiles, it only prints like, half of them. Like, the screen isnt complete with tiles, even though i "loaded" the correct amount to fill the whole screen. I then proceeded to increase the number from 1024 to 2048, in hope that it would finish the screen. But it didnt, in fact, it changed NOTHING. Its like, it loads certain amount, and then it just stops. Or at least it stops rendering.
If anyone wants to know how the rendering is made, i have a Global function which will do the work, and then, on the Tile Class, i have this function:
void BTiles::OnRender(SDL_Surface *MSurface)
int X = (ID * 16) % M_WIDTH; //Since i am only using the ID to know which position to put a Tile, i use this function to locate which Horizontal Position to put them. M_WIDTH is a global variable that defines the Width of the screen, it is currently 512
int Y = ((ID * 16) / M_HEIGHT) * 16; //The same but for the Vertical Position. M_HEIGHT is currently also 512
Surface::OnDraw(MSurface, BSurface, X, Y, (Type * 16) % M_WIDTH, (Type * 16) / M_HEIGHT, 16, 16); //This means Render(On The Primary Surface, using the Images on the BSurface, on the Position X, on the position Y, Where the Tile i want to render starts on the X line, Where the Tile i want to render starts on the Y line, it is 16 bits Width, it is 16 bits Height
I apologize i didnt explain properly the last function, but i dont think my problem is there.
Anyway if anyone need more info, in a part of the code, just ask.
Thank you!

I Discovered the Problem. Each tile had its own Surface, which would load the same image. That means that i was generating 1024 surfaces, and loading 1024 surfaces. What i did to solve the problem was to create a Surface in the Map Class, which would be used by all Tiles.
bool BTiles::OnLoad(int BType, int BID)
if((BSurface = Surface::OnLoad("BTexture.png")) == false)
return false;
Type = BType;
return true;
bool BTiles::OnLoad(int BType, int BID)
Type = BType;
return true;
In The Map Class i added the MSurface, which would load the Image that would contain all Tile Blocks.
And then to render i would do the following:
void GMap::Render(SDL_Surface *MainSurface)
for(int i = 0;i < TileList.size();i++)
TileList[i].OnRender(MainSurface, MSurface, 0, 0);
Msurface is the Surface that contained the Image.
And each tile would receive MSurface as an external surface, yet it would be used to hold all images.
Therefore instead of creating 1024 Surfaces, i only created 1. Now it takes 2 seconds to load a lot more than it would before. It also fixed my problem of the Not-Rendering all Tiles.


How to quickly scan and analyze large groups of pixels?

I am trying to build an autoclicker using C++ to beat a 2D videogame in which the following situation appears:
The main character is in the center of the screen, the background is completely black and enemies are coming from all directions. I want my program to be capable of clicking on enemies just as they appear on the screen.
What I came up at first is that the enemies have a minimum size of 15px, so I tried doing a search every 15 pixels and analyze if any pixel is different than the background's RGB, using GetPixel(). It looks something like this:
int R, G, B;
for(int i=0; i<SCREEN_SIZE_X; i+=15){ //These SCREEN_SIZE values are #defined with the ones of my screen
for(int j=0;j<SCREEN_SIZE_Y, j+=15){
//The following conditional excludes the center which is the player's position
color = GetPixel(GetDC(nullptr), i, j);
R = GetRValue(color);
G = GetGValue(color);
B = GetBValue(color);
if(R!=0 or G!=0 or B!=0) cout<<"Enemy Found"<<endl;
It turns out that, as expected, the GetPixel() function is extremely slow as it has to verify about 4000 pixels to cover just one screen scan. I was thinking about a way to solve this faster, and while looking at the keyboard I noticed the button "Pt Scr", and then realized that whatever that button is doing it is able to almost instantly save the information of millions of pixels.
I surely think there is a proper and different technic to approach this kind of problem.
What kind of theory or technic for pixel analyzing should I investigate and read about so that this can be considered respectable code, and to get it actually work, and much faster?
The GetPixel() routine is slow because it's fetching the data from the videocard (device) memory one by one. So to optimize your loop, you have to fetch the entire screen at once, and put it into an array of pixels. Then, you can iterate over that array of pixels much faster, because it'll be operating over the data in your RAM (host memory).
For a better optimization, I also recommend clearing the pixels of your player (in the center of the screen) after fetching the screen into your pixel array. This way, you can eliminate that if((i<PLAYER_MIN_EDGE_X or i>PLAYER_MAX_EDGE_X) and (j<PLAYER_MIN_EDGE_Y or j>PLAYER_MAX_EDGE_Y)) condition inside the loop.
CImage image;
//Save DC to image
int R, G, B;
BYTE *pRealData = (BYTE*)image.GetBits();
int pit = image.GetPitch();
int bitCount = image.GetBPP()/8;
int w=image.GetWidth();
int h=image.GetHeight();
for (int i=0;i<h;i++)
for (int j=0;j<w;j++)
B=*(pRealData + pit*i + j*bitCount);
G=*(pRealData + pit*i + j*bitCount +1);
R=*(pRealData + pit*i + j*bitCount +2);

SDL tilemap rendering quite slow

Im using SDL to write a simulation that displays quite a big tilemap(around 240*240 tiles). Since im quite new to the SDL library I cant really tell if the pretty slow performance while rendering more than 50,000 tiles is actually normal. Every tile is visible at all times, being around 4*4px big. Currently its iterating every frame through a 2d array and rendering every single tile, which gives me about 40fps, too slow to actually put any game logic behind the system.
I tried to find some alternative systems, like only updating updated tiles but people always commented on how this is a bad practice and that the renderer is supposed to be cleaned every frame and so on.
Here a picture of the map
So I basically wanted to ask if there is any more performant system than rendering every single tile every frame.
Edit: So heres the simple rendering method im using
void World::DirtyBiomeDraw(Graphics *graphics) {
if(_biomeTexture == NULL) {
_biomeTexture = graphics->loadImage("assets/biome_sprites.png");
printf("Biome texture loaded.\n");
for(int i = 0; i < globals::WORLD_WIDTH; i++) {
for(int l = 0; l < globals::WORLD_HEIGHT; l++) {
SDL_Rect srect;
srect.h = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
srect.w = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
if(sites[l][i].biome > 0) {
srect.y = 0;
srect.x = (globals::SPRITE_SIZE * sites[l][i].biome) - globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
else {
srect.y = globals::SPRITE_SIZE;
srect.x = globals::SPRITE_SIZE * fabs(sites[l][i].biome);
SDL_Rect drect = {i * globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE, l * globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE, globals::SPRITE_SIZE * globals::SPRITE_SCALE};
graphics->blitOnRenderer(_biomeTexture, &srect, &drect);
So in this context every tile is called "site", this is because they're also storing information like moisture, temperature and so on.
Every site got a biome assigned during the generation process, every biome is basically an ID, every land biome has an ID higher than 0 and every water id is 0 or lower.
This allows me to put every biome sprite ordered by ID into the "biome_sprites.png" image. All the land sprites are basically in the first row, while all the water tiles are in the second row. This way I dont have to manually assign a sprite to a biome and the method can do it itself by multiplying the tile size(basically the width) with the biome.
Heres the biome ID table from my SDD/GDD and the actual spritesheet.
The blitOnRenderer method from the graphics class basically just runs a SDL_RenderCopy blitting the texture onto the renderer.
void Graphics::blitOnRenderer(SDL_Texture *texture, SDL_Rect
*sourceRectangle, SDL_Rect *destinationRectangle) {
SDL_RenderCopy(this->_renderer, texture, sourceRectangle, destinationRectangle);
In the game loop every frame a RenderClear and RenderPresent gets called.
I really hope I explained it understandably, ask anything you want, im the one asking you guys for help so the least I can do is be cooperative :D
Poke the SDL2 devs for a multi-item version of SDL_RenderCopy() (similar to the existing SDL_RenderDrawLines()/SDL_RenderDrawPoints()/SDL_RenderDrawRects() functions) and/or batched SDL_Renderer backends.
Right now you're trying slam at least 240*240 = 57000 draw-calls down the GPU's throat; you can usually only count on 1000-4000 draw-calls in any given 16 milliseconds.
Alternatively switch to OpenGL & do the batching yourself.

Plot an audio waveform in C++/Qt

I have an university assignement which consists in displaying the waveform of an audio file using C++/Qt. We should be able to modify the scale that we use to display it (expressed in audio samples per screen pixel).
So far, I am able to:
open the audio file
read the samples
plot the samples at a given scale
To plot the samples at a given scale, I have tried two strategies. Let assume that N is the value of the scale:
for i going from 0 to the width of my window, plot the i * Nth audio sample at the screen pixel i. This is very fast and constant in time because we always access the same amount of audio data points.
However, it does not represent the waveform correctly, as we use the value of only 1 point to represent N points.
for i going from 0 to N * width, plot the ith audio sample at the screen position i / (N * width) and let Qt figure out how to represent that correctly on physical screen pixels.
That plots very beautiful waveforms but it takes hell a lot of time to access data. For instance, if I want to display 500 samples per pixel and the width of my window is 100px, I have to access 50 000 points, which are then plotted by Qt as 100 physical points (pixels).
So, how can I get a correct plot of my audio data, which can be calculated fast? Should I calculate the average of N samples for each physical pixel? Should I do some curve fitting?
In other words, what kind of operation is involved when Qt/Matplotlib/Matlab/etc plot thousands of data point to a very limited amount of physical pixels?
Just because I do know how to do it and I already asked something similar on stackoverflow I'll reference this. I'll provide code later.
Drawing Waveforms is a real problem. I tried to figure this out for more than a half of a year!
To sum this up:
According to the Audacity Documentation:
The waveform view uses two shades of blue, one darker and one lighter.
The dark blue part of the waveform displays the tallest peak in the area that pixel represents. At default zoom level Audacity will
display many samples within that pixel width, so this pixel represents
the value of the loudest sample in the group.
The light blue part of the waveform displays the average RMS (Root Mean Square) value for the same group of samples. This is a rough
guide to how loud this area might sound, but there is no way to
extract or use this RMS part of the waveform separately.
So you simply try to get the important information out of a chunk of data. If you do this over and over you'll have multiple stages which can be used for drawing.
I'll provide some code here, please bear with me it's in development:
template<typename T>
class CacheHandler {
std::vector<T> data;
vector2d<T> min, max, rms;
CacheHandler(std::vector<T>& data) throw(std::exception);
void addData(std::vector<T>& samples);
irreversible removes data.
Fails if end index is greater than data length
void removeData(int endIndex);
void removeData(int startIndex, int endIndex);
using this:
template<typename T>
inline WaveformPane::CacheHandler<T>::CacheHandler(std::vector<T>& data, int sampleSizeInBits) throw(std::exception)
this->data = data;
this->sampleSizeInBits = sampleSizeInBits;
int N = log(data.size()) / log(2);
rms.resize(N); min.resize(N); max.resize(N);
rms[0] = calcRMSSegments(data, 2);
min[0] = getMinPitchSegments(data, 2);
max[0] = getMaxPitchSegments(data, 2);
for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
rms[i] = calcRMSSegments(rms[i - 1], 2);
min[i] = getMinPitchSegments(min[i - 1], 2);
max[i] = getMaxPitchSegments(max[i - 1], 2);
What I'd suggest is something like this:
Given totalNumSamples audio samples in your audio file, and widgetWidth pixels of width in your display widget, you can calculate which samples are to be represented by each pixel:
// Given an x value (in pixels), returns the appropriate corresponding
// offset into the audio-samples array that represents the
// first sample that should be included in that pixel.
int GetFirstSampleIndexForPixel(int x, int widgetWidth, int totalNumSamples)
return (totalNumSamples*x)/widgetWidth;
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * e)
QPainter p(this);
for (int x=0; x<widgetWidth; x++)
const int firstSampleIndexForPixel = GetFirstSampleIndexForPixel(x, widgetWidth, totalNumSamples);
const int lastSampleIndexForPixel = GetFirstSampleIndexForPixel(x+1, widgetWidth, totalNumSamples)-1;
const int largestSampleValueForPixel = GetMaximumSampleValueInRange(firstSampleIndexForPixel, lastSampleIndexForPixel);
const int smallestSampleValueForPixel = GetMinimumSampleValueInRange(firstSampleIndexForPixel, lastSampleIndexForPixel);
// draw a vertical line spanning all sample values that are contained in this pixel
p.drawLine(x, GetYValueForSampleValue(largestSampleValueForPixel), x, GetYValueForSampleValue(smallestSampleValueForPixel));
Note that I didn't include source code for GetMinimumSampleValueInRange(), GetMaximumSampleValueInRange(), or GetYValueForSampleValue(), since hopefully what they do is obvious from their names, but if not, let me know and I can explain them.
Once you have the above working reasonably well (i.e. drawing a waveform that shows the entire file into your widget), you can start working on adding in zoom-and-pan functionality. Horizontal zoom can be implemented by modifying the behavior of GetFirstSampleIndexForPixel(), e.g.:
int GetFirstSampleIndexForPixel(int x, int widgetWidth, int sampleIndexAtLeftEdgeOfWidget, int sampleIndexAfterRightEdgeOfWidget)
int numSamplesToDisplay = sampleIndexAfterRightEdgeOfWidget-sampleIndexAtLeftEdgeOfWidget;
return sampleIndexAtLeftEdgeOfWidget+((numSamplesToDisplay*x)/widgetWidth);
With that, you can zoom/pan simply by passing in different values for sampleIndexAtLeftEdgeOfWidget and sampleIndexAfterRightEdgeOfWidget that together indicate the subrange of the file you want to display.

QGraphicsScene.itemAt() only returns zero and whole scene is slow

I am trying to create a dot matrix in a QGraphicsScene. I have a button, which fills a 2d-array with random numbers and than i will paint a pixel on every position where the array has a 0.
Now, when I wants to generate the matrix again i want to check every pixel and array-field whether they are empty or not. If the pixel is empty and the array not, i want to set a pixel. If there is a pixel but the array is empty i want to remove the pixel. Now the problem is, the function itemAt() always returns 0 even if i can clearly see existen pixels.
What is my problem?
//creating the scene in the constructor
QPainter MyPainter(this);
scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
//generating matrix
void MaReSX_ClickDummy::generate(void)
QGraphicsItem *item;
int x, y;
for(x=0; x< 400; x++)
for(y=0; y<400; y++)
dataArray[x][y] = rand()%1001;
for(x=0; x < 400; x++)
for(y=0; y<400; y++)
item = scene->itemAt(x, y, QTransform());//supposed to check whether there is already a pixel on that place but always returns zero
if(dataArray[x][y] == 0 && item == 0)
scene->addEllipse(x, y, 1, 1);
//does not work
else if(dataArray[x][y] != 0 && item != 0)
Also the generating of the matrix is very slow. Since the matrix is supposed to show realtime data later, it should run as fast as possible. (and the scene will be bigger than 400*400 pixels like now). Any ideas how to improve the code?
And can somebody explain what the third parameter of itemAt() is supposed to do?
Thank you!
400x400 'dot matrix' is up to 16000 dots, or up to 2500 characters, which quite big.
The QGraphicsScene is designed to handle a small number of large shapes, and was probably not designed to handle this many shapes. Using it in this way to create thousands of identical tiny 'pixel' objects is incredibly inefficent.
Could you create a 400x400 bitmap(QBitmap?) instead, and set the individual pixels that you want?
You are supposed to be using a QGraphicsPixmapItem instead of an array of dots!

C++/SDL: Fading out a surface already having per-pixel alpha information

Suppose we have a 32-bit PNG file of some ghostly/incorporeal character, which is drawn in a semi-transparent fashion. It is not equally transparent in every place, so we need the per-pixel alpha information when loading it to a surface.
For fading in/out, setting the alpha value of an entire surface is a good way; but not in this case, as the surface already has the per-pixel information and SDL doesn't combine the two.
What would be an efficient workaround (instead of asking the artist to provide some awesome fade in/out animation for the character)?
I think the easiest way for you to achieve the result you want is to start by loading the source surface containing your character sprites, then, for every instance of your ghost create a working copy of the surface. What you'll want to do is every time the alpha value of an instance change, SDL_BlitSurface (doc) your source into your working copy and then apply your transparency (which you should probably keep as a float between 0 and 1) and then apply your transparency on every pixel's alpha channel.
In the case of a 32 bit surface, assuming that you initially loaded source and allocated working SDL_Surfaces you can probably do something along the lines of:
SDL_BlitSurface(source, NULL, working, NULL);
if(SDL_LockSurface(working) < 0)
return -1;
Uint8 * pixels = (Uint8 *)working->pixels;
pitch_padding = (working->pitch - (4 * working->w));
pixels += 3; // Big Endian will have an offset of 0, otherwise it's 3 (R, G and B)
for(unsigned int row = 0; row < working->h; ++row)
for(unsigned int col = 0; col < working->w; ++col)
*pixels = (Uint8)(*pixels * character_transparency); // Could be optimized but probably not worth it
pixels += 4;
pixels += pitch_padding;
This code was inspired from SDL_gfx (here), but if you're doing only that, I wouldn't bother linking against a library just for that.