I want to remove cookies by its domain on firefox extension - cookies

I develop Firefox extension, but I can't remove cookie with specified domain. I want to remove cookie with specified domain on Firefox extension
remove cookies of domain https://www.facebook.com

And I want cookies... Wait what?!
More seriously, you likely got your downvotes by saying "I want..." and not demonstrating that you made any attempt or at least did any research to solve this on your own.
Use nsICookieManager2.getCookiesFromHost and/or nsICookieManager.enumerator to get a list of cookies. See also: Reading existing cookies
Filter the cookies by your criteria, making sure your code doesn't remove more cookies than it needs to.
Remove the cookies you collected with nsICookieManager.remove.
Bonus: Use the notifications to listen for any new cookies and get rid of them.


Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against <file> because the scheme does not match

I've just noticed my console is littered with this warning, appearing for every single linked resource. This includes all referenced CSS files, javascript files, SVG images, and even URLs from ajax calls (which respond in JSON). But not images.
The warning, for example in case of a style.css file, will say:
Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “http://localhost/style.css” because the scheme does not match.
But, the scheme doesn't match what? The document? Because that it does.
The URL of my site is http://localhost/.
The site and its resources are all on http (no https on localhost)
The domain name is definitely not different because everything is referenced relative to the domain name (meaning the filepaths start with a slash href="/style.css")
The Network inspector just reports a green 200 OK response, showing everything as normal.
It's only Mozilla Firefox that is complaining about this. Chromium seems to not be concerned by anything. I don't have any browser add-ons. The warnings seem to originate from the browser, and each warning links to view the corresponding file source in Debugger.
Why is this appearing?
that was exactly same happening with me. the issue was that, firefox keeps me showing even Cookies of different websites hosted on same URL : "localhost:Port number" stored inside browser memory.
In my case, i have two projects configured to run at http://localhost:62601, when i run first project, it saves that cookie in browser memory. when i run second project having same URL, Cookie is available inside that projects console also.
what you can do, is delete the all of the cookies from browser.
#Paramjot Singh's answer is correct and got me most of the way to where I needed to be. I also wasted a lot of time staring at those warnings.
But to clarify a little, you don't have to delete ALL of your cookies to resolve this. In Firefox, you can delete individual site cookies, which will keep your settings on other sites.
To do so, click the hamburger menu in the top right, then, Options->Privacy & Security or Settings->Privacy & Security
From here, scroll down about half-way and find Cookies and Site Data. Don't click Clear Data. Instead, click Manage Data. Then, search for the site you are having the notices on, highlight it, and Remove Selected
Simple, I know, but I made the mistake of clearing everything the first time - maybe this will prevent someone from doing same.
The warning is given because, according to MDN web docs:
Standards related to the Cookie SameSite attribute recently changed such that:
The cookie-sending behaviour if SameSite is not specified is SameSite=Lax. Previously the default was that cookies were sent for all requests.
Cookies with SameSite=None must now also specify the Secure attribute (they require a secure context/HTTPS).
Which indicates that a secure context/HTTPS is required in order to allow cross site cookies by setting SameSite=None Secure for the cookie.
According to Mozilla, you should explicitly communicate the intended SameSite policy for your cookie (rather than relying on browsers to apply SameSite=Lax automatically), otherwise you might get a warning like this:
Cookie “myCookie” has “SameSite” policy set to “Lax” because it is missing a “SameSite” attribute, and “SameSite=Lax” is the default value for this attribute.
The suggestion to simply delete localhost cookies is not actually solving the problem. The solution is to properly set the SameSite attribute of cookies being set by the server and use HTTPS if needed.
Firefox is not the only browser making these changes. Apparently the version of Chrome I am using (84.0.4147.125) has already implemented the changes as I got this message in the console:
The previously mentioned MDN article and this article by Mike Conca have great information about changes to SameSite cookie behavior.
Guess you are using WAMP or LAMP etc. The first thing you need to do is enable ssl on WAMP as you will find many references saying you need to adjust the cookie settings to SameSite=None; Secure That entails your local connection being secure. There are instructions on this link https://articlebin.michaelmilette.com/how-to-add-ssl-https-to-wampserver/ as well as some YouTube vids.
The important thing to note is that when creating the SSL certificate you should use sha256 encoding as sha1 is now deprecated and will throw another warning.
There is a good explanation of SameSite cookies on https://web.dev/samesite-cookies-explained/
I was struggling with the same issue and solved it by making sure the Apache 2.4 headers module was enabled and than added one line of code
Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.")$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure
I wasted lots of time staring at the same sets of warnings in the Inspector until it dawned on me that the cookies were persisting and needed purging.
Apparently Chrome was going to introduce the new rules by now but Covid-19 meant a lot of websites might have been broken while people worked from home. The major browsers are working together on the SameSite attribute this so it will be in force soon.

Cookie set serverside but not displaying in document.cookie

I'm trying to implement an answer from another question on this site:
Detect when browser receives file download
I've followed all of the steps and everything is working up to the point where I try to retrieve the cookie. When I use Firebug I can see the cookie that I created in the header response, along with a cookie that was created earlier in the app by javascript.
The info in firebug for the two cookies is:
So, you can see that the cookies are in the same domain (they have different paths). When looking at document.cookie, only earlierCookie is present.
Why can I see cookieFromServer in Firebug and not in document.cookie?
Also, please tell me if I need to post more info.
I figured this out on my own. The problem is the path. Setting path to / from the server allows the cookie to show up in document.cookie I have no idea why this is and can't find good resources explaining it.

Getting a list of cookies set using WatiN

Is there a way to get a list of all the cookies set by a website using WatiN?
The IE Browser class in WatiN provides a GetCookie method that allows you to retrieve a specific cookie, but I would like to iterate over all the cookies that have been set.
There are two methods that should allow you to get the cookies:
CookieCollection cookies = _browser.GetCookiesForUrl(new Uri(url));
CookieContainer cookies = _browser.GetCookieContainerForUrl(new Uri(url));
But both of these are empty. Also calling the GetCookie method for a specific cookie returns null.
Any suggestions of how to get this to work?
Recently I had to deal with this situation. At first I thought the cookies I was looking for were HttpOnly, but I took a look using WireShark and there was no HttpOnly flag.
Not sure why GetCookieContainerForUrl fails in this case, but a client side script call revealed the cookies were still there:
You might want to try that statement before resorting to packet sniffing every time.
Well, I suppose those methods should work as expected, but maybe you are trying to get HttpOnly cookies? Many sites/web frameworks sets this flag for important cookies, especially when it comes to "session id" cookies. You can't read them in WatiN and it's really hard to read them at all. I was looking for solution once and only one I got was article: Retrieve HttpOnly Session Cookie in WebBrowser
If you want to know if the site you are trying to get cookies is setting HttpOnly flag on the cookie, use Fiddler2 and look in response headers.

Cookie write fails to work on hosted site

I have created a basic but extensive javascript-html page that depends on cookies to keep user information. It runs perfectly on my computer (MAC - Firefox) but when loaded into my hosted web site (the page is in my domain) the cookies are not being written when the page is opened.
I was hoping that by keeping all the programming in javascript I could get some basic interactivity. Is this assumption wrong? Must the cookies be written using PHP?
My cookie writes are very vanilla.
document.cookie = cookieArray[ja]+expires+"; path=/"; // writes cookie data into browser.
well cookies are now being written since I added "path=/; domain=.my.org". But now there is one other problem.
It seems that safari and Firefox write the cookies in reverse order to each other. I create the cookies by altering an array then simply stepping thru the array to write the cookies. I was hoping that I could simply read the cookies one by one and keep the order. Ah well.
Did you added the ";" between cookieArray[ja] and expires?
document.cookie = 'cookie-name=cookie-value; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT;';
Also the cookieArray[ja] have to contain the cookie-name.
Do you really need the path? This parameter is also optional.
Cookies are, by default, available to all other files in the same directory the cookie was created in.

question about cookie

I'm stuck in a cookie related question. I want to write a program that can automate download the attachments of this forum. So I should maintain the cookies this site send to me. When I send a GET request in my program to the login page, I got the cookie such as Set-Cookie: sso_sid=0589a967; domain=.it168.com in my program. Now if I use a cookie viewer such as cookie monster and send the same GET request, my program get the same result, but the cookie viewer shows that the site also send me two cookies which are:
testcookie http://get2know.it/myimages/2009-12-27_072438.jpg and token http://get2know.it/myimages/2009-12-27_072442.jpg
My question is: Where did the two cookie came from? Why they did not show in my program?
Your best bet to figure out screen-scraping problems like this one is to use Fiddler. Using Fiddler, you can compare exactly what is going over the wire in your app vs. when accessing the site from a browser. I suspect you'll see some difference between headers sent by your app vs. headers sent by the browser-- this will likley account for the difference you're seeing.
Next, you can do one of two things:
change your app to send exactly the headers that the browser does (and, if you do this, you should get exactly the response that a real browser gets).
using Fiddler's "request builder" feature, start removing headers one by one and re-issuing the request. At some point, you'll remove a header which makes the response not match the response you're looking for. That means that header is required. Continue for all other headers until you have a list of headers that are required by the site to yield the response you want.
Personally, I like option #2 since it requires a minimum amount of header-setting code, although it's harder initially to figure out which headers the site requires.
On your actual question of why you're seeing 2 cookies, only the diagnosis above will tell you for sure, but I suspect it may have to do with the mechanism that some sites use to detect clients who don't accept cookies. On the first request in a session, many sites will "probe" a client to see if the client accepts cookies. Typically they'll do this:
if the request doesn't have a cookie on it, the site will redirect the client to a special "cookie setting" URL.
The redirect response, in addition to having a Location: header which does the redirect, will also return a Set-Cookie header to set the cookie. The redirect will typically contain the original URL as a query string parameter.
The server-side handler for the "cookie setter" page will then look at the incoming cookie. If it's blank, this means that the user's browser is set to not accept cookies, and the site will typically redirect the user to a "sorry, you must use cookies to use this site" page.
If, however, there is a cookie header send to the "cookie setter" URL, then the client does in fact accept cookies, and the handler will simply redirect the client back to the original URL.
The original URL, once you move on to the next page, may add an additional cookie (e.g. for a login token).
Anyway, that's one way you could end up with two cookies. Only diagnosis with Fiddler (or a similar tool) will tell you for sure, though.